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7th CSEDU 2015: Lisbon, Portugal
- Markus Helfert, Maria Teresa Restivo, Susan Zvacek, James Onohuome Uhomoibhi:
CSEDU 2015 - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Volume 2, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-25 May, 2015. SciTePress 2015, ISBN 978-989-758-108-3
Learning/Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
Full Papers
- Biswadip Ghosh:
Project based Learning to Support Enterprise Business Analytics Education - The Role of Cross Functional Groups to Enhance Cognitive Outcomes. 5-13 - Fotis Lazarinis, Vassilios S. Verykios, Chris T. Panagiotakopoulos:
An Adaptive Web Tool for Self-assessment using Lightweight User Profiles. 14-23 - Kay Berkling:
Connecting Peer Reviews with Students' Motivation - Onboarding, Motivation and Blended Learning. CSEDU (2) 2015: 24-33 - Nada Soudy, Silvia Pessoa, M. Bernardine Dias, Swapnil Joshi, Haya Thowfeek, Ermine A. Teves:
Brain Race - An Educational Mobile Game for an Adult English Literacy Program. CSEDU (2) 2015: 34-45 - Ville Isomöttönen, Tommi Kärkkäinen:
Open Resources as the Educational Basis for a Bachelor-level Project-Based Course. CSEDU (2) 2015: 46-56 - Amalia Duch, Joaquim Gabarró, Jordi Petit, Maria J. Blesa, Maria J. Serna:
A Cost-benefit Analysis of Continuous Assessment. CSEDU (2) 2015: 57-66 - William T. Tarimo, Fatima Abu Deeb, Timothy J. Hickey:
Computers in the CS1 Classroom. CSEDU (2) 2015: 67-74 - Erni Marlina Saari, Peter Blanchfield, Gail Hopkins:
Learning Computational Thinking Through the Use of Flash Action Scripts - Preparing Trainee Elementary School Teachers for Teaching Computer Programming. CSEDU (2) 2015: 75-84 - Diana Oliveira, Graça Esgalhado, Daniel Oliveira, Nuno M. Garcia:
Psychometric Study of a Questionnaire for Academic Study Processes of Portuguese College Students. CSEDU (2) 2015: 85-92 - Adewale Adesina, Roger G. Stone, Firat Batmaz, Ian Jones:
A Semi-Automatic Computer-Aided Assessment Approach for Marking and Providing Feedback Comments. 93-100 - Javier Melero, Naïma El-Kechaï, Jean-Marc Labat:
What's next? Different Strategies Considering Teachers' Decisions for Adapting Learning Paths in Serious Games. 101-108 - Steve White, Manuel Leon
, Su White:
MOOCs inside Universities - An Analysis of MOOC Discourse as Represented in HE Magazines. 109-115 - Susanne Friedemann, Lisa Baumbach, Klaus P. Jantke
Textbook Gamification - Transforming Exercises into Playful Quests by using Webble Technology. 116-126 - Georgia L. Bracey, Mary L. Stephen:
Understanding Factors Influencing Teachers' Use of Technologies in Teaching STEM. 127-138 - Zeyneb Tadjine, Lahcen Oubahssi, Claudine Toffolon, Sébastien Iksal:
Learning Scenarios' Operationalization - A Process based on Ontology and Patterns. 139-147 - Ahmed Mohamed Fahmy Yousef, Usman Wahid, Mohamed Amine Chatti, Ulrik Schroeder
, Marold Wosnitza:
The Effect of Peer Assessment Rubrics on Learners' Satisfaction and Performance Within a Blended MOOC Environment. 148-159 - Thanos Hatziapostolou
, Jorgo Gellci, Iraklis Paraskakis
Engage with InGauge - Measuring Participation and Engagement within an Academic Facebook Group. 160-169
Short Papers
- Yongqing Guo, Ning Fang:
Interactive Computer Simulation and Animation (CSA) to Improve Student Learning of Projectile Motion in an Undergraduate Engineering Dynamics Course. 173-180 - Ning Fang:
A Qualitative Analysis of Student-constructed Concept Maps in a Foundational Undergraduate Engineering Course. 181-186 - Sofia B. Dias, Sofia J. Hadjileontiadou, José A. Diniz, Leontios J. Hadjileontiadis:
Towards a Hybrid World - The Fuzzy Quality of Collaboration/Interaction (FuzzyQoC/I) Hybrid Model in the Semantic Web 3.0. 187-195 - Marcelo Alves de Barros, Antão Moura, Laurent Borgman, Uwe Terton:
Blended Learning in Multi-disciplinary Classrooms - Experiments in a Lecture about Numerical Analysis. CSEDU (2) 2015: 196-204 - Ole Jacob Bergfjord, Tarjei Alvær Heggernes:
Evaluating a "Flipped Classroom" Experiment. CSEDU (2) 2015: 205-208 - Peter van Rosmalen, Dirk Börner, Jan Schneider, Olga Petukhova, Joy van Helvert:
Feedback Design in Multimodal Dialogue Systems. CSEDU (2) 2015: 209-217 - Bradford P. Sobakowitz, Jacob Kogan:
Student Ratings, Class Size, Written Comments, Rank and Gender Bias. CSEDU (2) 2015: 218-223 - Thamiles Rodrigues de Melo, Lenardo Chaves e Silva, Angelo Perkusich, Jaidilson Jó da Silva, José Sérgio da Rocha Neto:
Software Environments as Learning Tools for Modeling Engineering Systems - A Case Study on Decentralized Multi-loop Control System. CSEDU (2) 2015: 224-231 - Mehrdad Alizadeh, Barbara Di Eugenio, Rachel Harsley, Nick E. Green, Davide Fossati, Omar AlZoubi:
A Study of Analogy in Computer Science Tutorial Dialogues. CSEDU (2) 2015: 232-237 - Leandro Maciel Rodrigues, Thamiles Rodrigues de Melo, Jaidilson Jó da Silva, Angelo Perkusich, José Sérgio da Rocha Neto:
Analysis and Modeling of a Platform with Cantilever Beam using SMA Actuator - Experimental Tests based on Computer Supported Education. CSEDU (2) 2015: 238-243 - Tenshi Hara, Felix Kapp, Iris Braun, Alexander Schill:
Comparing Tool-supported Lecture Readings and Exercise Tutorials in Classic University Settings. 244-252 - I-Han Hsiao:
Modeling Programming Learning in Online Discussion Forums. 253-259 - José Manuel Azevedo
e-Assessment in Mathematics Courses with Multiple-choice Questions Tests. 260-266 - Mario Vanhoucke, Mathieu Wauters:
Blended Learning in Project Management - Experiences on Business Games and Case Studies. 267-276 - John Iveson
Challenges of Task-based Language Teaching in Online and Blended Learning Contexts. 277-282 - Waranya Poonnawat, Peter Lehmann:
A Framework for using Business Intelligence for Learning Decision Making with Business Simulation Games. 283-288 - Fahima Djelil, Benjamin Albouy-Kissi, Adelaide Albouy-Kissi, Eric Sanchez
, Jean-Marc Lavest:
Towards a 3D Virtual Game for Learning Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals and C++ Language - Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Results. 289-294 - Ryuichi Yoshida, Takayuki Adachi, Keita Muratsu, Hiroshi Mizoguchi
, Fusako Kusunoki, Miki Namatame, Masanori Sugimoto, Etsuji Yamaguchi, Shigenori Inagaki, Yoshiaki Takeda:
Life-size Board Game "Human SUGOROKU" To Teach Children about Vegetation Succession - Application of Human Sensing Technology to Embodied Education. 295-300 - Takahiro Nakadai, Tomoki Taguchi, Ryohei Egusa, Miki Namatame, Masanori Sugimoto, Fusako Kusunoki, Etsuji Yamaguchi, Shigenori Inagaki, Yoshiaki Takeda, Hiroshi Mizoguchi
KIKIMIMI - Voice Separation System for Automating Post Evaluation of Learning Support System. 301-306 - Sami M. Leppänen, Nestori Syynimaa:
From Learning 1.0 to Learning 2.0 - Key Concepts and Enablers. 307-312 - Terry Lucas, Ruslan Abdul Rahim:
Designing Instructional Animation for Psychomotor Learning - A Conceptual Framework. 313-318 - Leila Silva, Leonor Barroca
Towards a Blended Learning Approach to Teach a Theoretical Computer Science Module. 319-324 - Borislav Lazarov:
Project-oriented Education as a Platform for Transfer of Math KSA. 325-330 - Sharon Locke
, Susan Thomas, Stephen Marlette, Georgia Bracey, Gary Mayer, Jerry B. Weinberg, Janet Holt, Bradford White:
Blended Learning Training for Mentors of STEM Team Competitions. 331-337 - Izolda Fotiyeva, Ebony Terrell Shockley:
Using Traditional LMS for Mathematics Instruction - Lessons Learned from Instructor-made Videos. 338-342 - Antonio Paolozzi, Claudio Paris, Giampiero Sindoni, A. Tartaglia:
The LARES Mission: An Opportunity to Teach General Relativity - Frame Dragging and Lense-Thirring Effect. 343-348
Social Context and Learning Environments
Full Papers
- Lorraine Fisher, Jake Rowan Byrne, Brendan Tangney:
Exploring Teacher Reactions Towards a 21St Century Teaching and Learning Approach to Continuing Professional Development Programme in Computer Science. CSEDU (2) 2015: 353-362 - Mohamed Amine Chatti, Hendrik Thüs, Christoph Greven
, Ulrik Schroeder
Layered Knowledge Networking in Professional Learning Environments. 363-371 - Thomas Richter
, Heimo H. Adelsberger:
The Whole Is More than the Sum of Its Parts - On Culture in Education and Educational Culture. 372-382
Short Papers
- Yulia Piller, Jami Roberts-Woychesin:
Raising Parental Awareness about Game-based Learning. CSEDU (2) 2015: 385-389 - Godfrey Mayende, Andreas Prinz, Ghislain Maurice Norbert Isabwe, Paul Birevu Muyinda:
Supporting Learning Groups in Online Learning Environment. CSEDU (2) 2015: 390-396 - Juho Heikkinen, Ville Isomöttönen:
Students' Opinions on Financial Compensation from Project Work. CSEDU (2) 2015: 397-406 - Harald R. Kisch, Cláudia Lage Rebello da Motta:
Model of a Neuron Network in Human Brains for Learning Assistance in E-Learning Environments. CSEDU (2) 2015: 407-415 - Mohammad Tareq Jaber, Panagiotis Papapetrou, Ana González-Marcos, Peter T. Wood
Analysing Online Education-based Asynchronous Communication Tools to Detect Students' Roles. 416-424 - Mohammed Tadlaoui, Karim Sehaba, Sébastien George
Recommendation of Learning Resources based on Social Relations. 425-432 - Javier Isado:
A Template for a Media Commons Typology. 433-437 - Aleksandra Lazareva:
Conceptualizing Collaboration in the Context of Computer-supported Collaborative Learning. 438-443 - Alexandre Furtado Fernandes, Jorge Cardoso, Maria José Marcelino:
A Systematic Mapping Applied to MOOC's Study. 444-449 - Minna Silvennoinen
, Maritta Pirhonen:
Activity Theory as a Lens to Identify Challenges in Surgical Skills Training at Hospital Work Environment. 455-462
Domain Applications and Case Studies
Full Paper
- Antonio Paolozzi, Ignazio Ciufolini
, Claudio Paris, Giampiero Sindoni:
LARES-lab: A Thermo-vacuum Facility for Research and E-learning - Tests of LARES Satellite Components and Small Payloads for E-Learning. 467-474
Short Papers
- Élton Carneiro Marinho, Mônica Ferreira da Silva, Donaldo de Souza Dias, Eber Assis Schmitz, Antonio Juarez Alencar:
Motivational Factors and the Intention of Use of a Virtual Learning Environment - A Preliminary Study about an e-Learning Application Developed by the Brazilian Ministry of Education. CSEDU (2) 2015: 477-482 - Yoshitaka Kojima, Yoshitaka Arahori, Katsuhiko Gondow:
Investigating the Difficulty of Commercial-level Compiler Warning Messages for Novice Programmers. CSEDU (2) 2015: 483-490 - Mihai Dupac:
Supporting Distance and Flexible Education - Challenges in the Design and Development of Online Learning Resources. 491-496
Ubiquitous Learning
Full Papers
- George G. Ng'ethe, Edwin H. Blake, Meryl Glaser:
SignSupport: A Mobile Aid for Deaf People Learning Computer Literacy Skills. CSEDU (2) 2015: 501-511 - Masumi Hori, Seishi Ono, Kazutsuna Yamaji, Shinzo Kobayashi, Toshihiro Kita, Tsuneo Yamada:
A New Learning Platform using E-textbooks for Socially Networked Online Learners. CSEDU (2) 2015: 512-519
Short Papers
- Raul Benites Paradeda, Ailton Francisco de Luna e Silva, Jones Granatyr, Alberto Signoretti:
BrailleApp - Educational Mobile Application to Assist in the Learning of Braille Language. CSEDU (2) 2015: 523-529 - Sofiane Amara, Joaquim Macedo, Fatima Bendella, Alexandre J. T. Santos:
Dynamic Group Formation in Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environment. CSEDU (2) 2015: 530-539 - Lorena Pérez-Hernández:
Mobile Learning for the Teaching of Theoretical Concepts to Undergraduate Students. 540-545 - Rawia Bdiwi, Hichem Bargaoui:
Ubiquitous Classroom Enhanced by a Cloud-based Server. 546-552 - Akira Ikuo, Yusuke Yoshinaga, Haruo Ogawa:
Development of Electronic Textbook for Chemical Experiment - Taking Esterification as an Example. 553-557 - Natalya Snytnikova:
Integrating E-Learning into the Course of English for Science Students - Creating a New Learning Environment in the Activity of Preparing for a Conference on Speciality. 558-565

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