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21st ICDE 2005: Tokyo, Japan
- Karl Aberer, Michael J. Franklin, Shojiro Nishio:
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2005, 5-8 April 2005, Tokyo, Japan. IEEE Computer Society 2005, ISBN 0-7695-2285-8
This year ICDE received a record-breaking 521 submissions to the research track. The program committee has selected 67 of these as full papers for the 2005 conference. Following the tradition of recent ICDE conferences, a further 33 submissions have been invited for poster presentation.
- Message from the General Chairs.
- Welcome from the Program Chairs.
- Conference Officers.
- Program Committee.
- Demo Program Committee.
- External Reviewers.
- Michael Stonebraker, Ugur Çetintemel:
"One Size Fits All": An Idea Whose Time Has Come and Gone (Abstract). 2-11 - Patricia G. Selinger:
Top Five Data Challenges for the Next Decade. 12 - Yoji Taniguchi, Nobutoshi Sagawa:
IC Tag Based Traceability: System and Solutions. 13-17
Data Stream Mining
- Graham Cormode
, Flip Korn, S. Muthukrishnan, Divesh Srivastava:
Effective Computation of Biased Quantiles over Data Streams. 20-31 - Aduri Pavan, Srikanta Tirthapura
Range Efficient Computation of F0 over Massive Data Streams. 32-43 - Ahmet Bulut, Ambuj K. Singh:
A Unified Framework for Monitoring Data Streams in Real Time. 44-55
Schema Matching
- Jayant Madhavan, Philip A. Bernstein, AnHai Doan, Alon Y. Halevy:
Corpus-based Schema Matching. 57-68 - Alexander Bilke, Felix Naumann
Schema Matching using Duplicates. 69-80 - Yannis Velegrakis
, Renée J. Miller, John Mylopoulos:
Representing and Querying Data Transformations. 81-92
Caching and View Maintenance
- Tanu Malik, Randal C. Burns
, Amitabh Chaudhary:
Bypass Caching: Making Scientific Databases Good Network Citizens. 94-105 - Hao He, Junyi Xie, Jun Yang, Hai Yu:
Asymmetric Batch Incremental View Maintenance. 106-117 - Shivnath Babu, Kamesh Munagala
, Jennifer Widom, Rajeev Motwani:
Adaptive Caching for Continuous Queries. 118-129
Sensor Networks
- Yannis Kotidis:
Snapshot Queries: Towards Data-Centric Sensor Networks. 131-142 - Amol Deshpande, Carlos Guestrin, Wei Hong, Samuel Madden:
Exploiting Correlated Attributes in Acquisitional Query Processing. 143-154 - Frederick Reiss, Joseph M. Hellerstein:
Data Triage: An Adaptive Architecture for Load Shedding in TelegraphCQ. 155-156 - Ramakrishna Gummadi, Xin Li, Ramesh Govindan, Cyrus Shahabi, Wei Hong:
Energy-efficient Data Organization and Query Processing in Sensor Networks. 157-158 - Yasushi Sakurai, Spiros Papadimitriou, Christos Faloutsos
AutoLag: Automatic Discovery of Lag Correlations in Stream Data. 159-160
Querying Ordered Data
- Amélie Marian, Sihem Amer-Yahia, Nick Koudas, Divesh Srivastava:
Adaptive Processing of Top-K Queries in XML. 162-173 - Wolf-Tilo Balke
, Wolfgang Nejdl
, Wolf Siberski, Uwe Thaden:
Progressive Distributed Top k Retrieval in Peer-to-Peer Networks. 174-185 - Man Lung Yiu
, Dimitris Papadias, Nikos Mamoulis, Yufei Tao
Reverse Nearest Neighbors in Large Graphs. 186-187 - Seung-won Hwang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang:
Optimizing Access Cost for Top-k Queries over Web Sources: A Unified Cost-based Approach. 188-189 - Chee Yong Chan, Pin-Kwang Eng, Kian-Lee Tan
Efficient Processing of Skyline Queries with Partially-Ordered Domains. 190-191
Privacy-Preserving Data Management
- Shipra Agrawal, Jayant R. Haritsa:
A Framework for High-Accuracy Privacy-Preserving Mining. 193-204 - Benjamin C. M. Fung
, Ke Wang, Philip S. Yu:
Top-Down Specialization for Information and Privacy Preservation. 205-216 - Roberto J. Bayardo Jr., Rakesh Agrawal:
Data Privacy through Optimal k-Anonymization. 217-228
P2P and Data Dissemination
- Cristiana Amza, Alan L. Cox, Willy Zwaenepoel:
A Comparative Evaluation of Transparent Scaling Techniques for Dynamic Content Servers. 230-241 - Olga Papaemmanouil, Ugur Çetintemel:
SemCast: Semantic Multicast for Content-based Data Dissemination. 242-253 - Egemen Tanin, Aaron Harwood
, Hanan Samet:
A Distributed Quadtree Index for Peer-to-Peer Settings. 254-255 - Prasanna Ganesan, Qixiang Sun, Hector Garcia-Molina:
Adlib: A Self-Tuning Index for Dynamic P2P Systems. 256-257 - Liangzhong Yin, Guohong Cao:
DUP: Dynamic-tree Based Update Propagation in Peer-to-Peer. 258-259
XML Query Processing (I)
- Peter Buneman, Byron Choi, Wenfei Fan
, Robert Hutchison, Robert Mann, Stratis Viglas:
Vectorizing and Querying Large XML Repositories. 261-272 - Maya Ramanath, Lingzhi Zhang, Juliana Freire
, Jayant R. Haritsa:
IMAX: The Big Picture of Dynamic XML Statistics. 273-284 - Adam Silberstein, Hao He, Ke Yi, Jun Yang:
BOXes: Efficient Maintenance of Order-Based Labeling for Dynamic XML Data. 285-296
DBMS Architecture and Performance
- Lin Guo, Jayavel Shanmugasundaram, Kevin S. Beyer, Eugene J. Shekita:
Efficient Inverted Lists and Query Algorithms for Structured Value Ranking in Update-Intensive Relational Databases. 298-309 - Ali Pinar, Tao Tao, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu:
Compressing Bitmap Indices by Data Reorganization. 310-321 - Yongluan Zhou
, Beng Chin Ooi, Kian-Lee Tan
Dynamic Load Management for Distributed Continuous Query Systems. 322-323 - Sotiris Brakatsoulas, Dieter Pfoser, Nectaria Tryfona:
Practical Data Management Techniques for Vehicle Tracking Data. 324-325 - Apurva Kumar:
Filter Based Directory Replication and Caching: Algorithms and Performance. 326-327
- Kevin Y. Yip
, David W. Cheung, Michael K. Ng
On Discovery of Extremely Low-Dimensional Clusters using Semi-Supervised Projected Clustering. 329-340 - Aristides Gionis, Heikki Mannila, Panayiotis Tsaparas
Clustering Aggregation. 341-352 - Jian Pei
, Daxin Jiang
, Aidong Zhang:
Mining Cross-Graph Quasi-Cliques in Gene Expression and Protein Interaction Data. 353-354 - Mohammed Javeed Zaki
, Markus Peters:
CLICKS: Mining Subspace Clusters in Categorical Data via K-partite Maximal Cliques. 355-356 - Xifeng Yan, Xianghong Jasmine Zhou, Jiawei Han:
Mining Closed Relational Graphs with Connectivity Constraints. 357-358
XML Indexing and Dissemination
- Ralf Schenkel
, Anja Theobald, Gerhard Weikum:
Efficient Creation and Incremental Maintenance of the HOPI Index for Complex XML Document Collections. 360-371 - Haixun Wang, Xiaofeng Meng:
On the Sequencing of Tree Structures for XML Indexing. 372-383 - Li Chen, Amarnath Gupta, M. Erdem Kurul:
Efficient Algorithms for Pattern Matching on Directed Acyclic Graphs. 384-385 - Kazuhito Kobayashi, Wenxin Liang, Dai Kobayashi, Akitsugu Watanabe, Haruo Yokota
VLEI code: An Efficient Labeling Method for Handling XML Documents in an RDB. 386-387 - Ning Zhang, Shishir Agrawal, M. Tamer Özsu
BlossomTree: Evaluating XPaths in FLWOR Expressions. 388-389
- Reynold Cheng, Yuni Xia, Sunil Prabhakar
, Rahul Shah:
Change Tolerant Indexing for Constantly Evolving Data. 391-402 - Haibo Hu
, Jianliang Xu
, Wing Sing Wong, Baihua Zheng
, Dik Lun Lee
, Wang-Chien Lee:
Proactive Caching for Spatial Queries in Mobile Environments. 403-414 - Kwong Yuen Lai, Zahir Tari
, Peter Bertók
Improving Data Accessibility For Mobile Clients Through Cooperative Hoarding. 415-416 - Wang-Chien Lee, Baihua Zheng
DSI: A Fully Distributed Spatial Index for Wireless Data Broadcast. 417-418 - Rajkumar Sen, Krithi Ramamritham:
Efficient Data Management on Lightweight Computing Device. 419-420
- Shuqing Wu, Bettina Kemme:
Postgres-R(SI): Combining Replica Control with Concurrency Control based on Snapshot Isolation. 422-433 - Liuba Shrira, Hao Xu:
SNAP: Efficient Snapshots for Back-in-Time Execution. 434-445 - David T. McWherter, Bianca Schroeder, Anastassia Ailamaki, Mor Harchol-Balter
Improving Preemptive Prioritization via Statistical Characterization of OLTP Locking. 446-457
Data Integration
- Maurice van Keulen
, Ander de Keijzer, Wouter Alink:
A Probabilistic XML Approach to Data Integration. 459-470 - Stavros Polyviou, George Samaras, Paraskevas Evripidou:
A Relationally Complete Visual Query Language for Heterogeneous Data Sources and Pervasive Querying. 471-482 - Feng Shao, Antal F. Novak, Jayavel Shanmugasundaram:
Triggers over XML views of relational data. 483-484 - Joachim Hammer, Michael Stonebraker, Oguzhan Topsakal:
THALIA: Test Harness for the Assessment of Legacy Information Integration Approaches. 485-486 - Robert McCann
, Alexander Kramnik, Warren Shen, Vanitha Varadarajan, Olu Sobulo, AnHai Doan:
Integrating Data from Disparate Sources: A Mass Collaboration Approach. 487-488
Query Processing
- Thomas Neumann
, Sven Helmer
, Guido Moerkotte:
On the Optimal Ordering of Maps and Selections under Factorization. 490-501 - Xuemin Lin, Yidong Yuan, Wei Wang, Hongjun Lu:
Stabbing the Sky: Efficient Skyline Computation over Sliding Windows. 502-513 - Hwanjo Yu, Seung-won Hwang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang:
Enabling Ad-hoc Ranking for Data Retrieval. 514-515 - Markus Schneider:
Evaluation of Spatio-Temporal Predicates on Moving Objects. 516-517 - Yong Shi, Aidong Zhang:
Towards Exploring Interactive Relationship between Clusters and Outliers in Multi-Dimensional Data Analysis. 518-519
Privacy and Security
- Elisa Bertino, Beng Chin Ooi, Yanjiang Yang, Robert H. Deng
Privacy and Ownership Preserving of Outsourced Medical Data. 521-532 - Bradley A. Malin, Edoardo M. Airoldi, Samuel Edoho-Eket, Yiheng Li:
Configurable Security Protocols for Multi-party Data Analysis with Malicious Participants. 533-544 - Jaideep Vaidya, Chris Clifton:
Privacy-Preserving Top-K Queries. 545-546 - Barbara Carminati
, Elena Ferrari
, Elisa Bertino:
Assuring Security Properties in Third-party Architectures. 547-548 - Jin-Ha Kim, Gyu Sang Choi, Chita R. Das:
Improving Performance of Cluster-based Secure Application Servers with User-level Communication. 549-550
Data Warehousing
- Songting Chen, Elke A. Rundensteiner:
GPIVOT: Efficient Incremental Maintenance of Complex ROLAP Views. 552-563 - Alkis Simitsis, Panos Vassiliadis
, Timos K. Sellis
Optimizing ETL Processes in Data Warehouses. 564-575 - Ying Chen, Frank K. H. A. Dehne, Todd Eavis, Andrew Rau-Chaplin
PnP: Parallel And External Memory Iceberg Cubes. 576-577 - Bin Liu, Elke A. Rundensteiner:
Cost-Driven General Join View Maintenance over Distributed Data Sources. 578-579 - Xiaolei Li, Jiawei Han, Xiaoxin Yin, Dong Xin:
Mining Evolving Customer-Product Relationships in Multi-Dimensional Space. 580-581
Text Processing
- Saikat Mukherjee, I. V. Ramakrishnan, Amarjeet Singh:
Bootstrapping Semantic Annotations for Content-Rich HTML Documents. 583-593 - Gabriel Pui Cheong Fung, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Hongjun Lu, Philip S. Yu:
Text Classification without Labeled Negative Documents. 594-605 - Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis
, Alexandros Ntoulas, Junghoo Cho, Luis Gravano:
Modeling and Managing Content Changes in Text Databases. 606-617
Nearest Neighbors
- Michael E. Houle, Jun Sakuma:
Fast Approximate Similarity Search in Extremely High-Dimensional Data Sets. 619-630 - Xiaohui Yu
, Ken Q. Pu, Nick Koudas:
Monitoring K-Nearest Neighbor Queries Over Moving Objects. 631-642 - Xiaopeng Xiong, Mohamed F. Mokbel, Walid G. Aref:
SEA-CNN: Scalable Processing of Continuous K-Nearest Neighbor Queries in Spatio-temporal Databases. 643-654
Data and Dynamics
- Mu Su, Chi-Hung Chi:
Architecture and Performance of Application Networking in Pervasive Content Delivery. 656-667 - Vasileios Megalooikonomou, Qiang Wang, Guo Li, Christos Faloutsos
A Multiresolution Symbolic Representation of Time Series. 668-679 - Yufei Tao
, Dimitris Papadias, Jian Zhai, Qing Li
Venn Sampling: A Novel Prediction Technique for Moving Objects. 680-691
XML Query Processing (II)
- Rajasekar Krishnamurthy, Raghav Kaushik, Jeffrey F. Naughton:
XML Views as Integrity Constraints and their Use in Query Translation. 693-704 - Matthias Brantner, Sven Helmer
, Carl-Christian Kanne, Guido Moerkotte:
Full-fledged Algebraic XPath Processing in Natix. 705-716 - Edward Hung, Yu Deng, V. S. Subrahmanian:
RDF Aggregate Queries and Views. 717-728
Indexing and Data Aggregation
- Yannis Sismanis, Nick Roussopoulos:
Maintaining Implicated Statistics in Constrained Environments. 730-741 - Yangjun Chen:
On the Signature Trees and Balanced Signature Trees. 742-753 - Elena Baralis, Tania Cerquitelli
, Silvia Chiusano
Index Support for Frequent Itemset Mining in a Relational DBMS. 754-765
Distributed Streams
- Amit Manjhi, Vladislav Shkapenyuk, Kedar Dhamdhere, Christopher Olston:
Finding (Recently) Frequent Items in Distributed Data Streams. 767-778 - Jeong-Hyon Hwang, Magdalena Balazinska, Alex Rasin, Ugur Çetintemel, Michael Stonebraker, Stanley B. Zdonik:
High-Availability Algorithms for Distributed Stream Processing. 779-790 - Ying Xing, Stanley B. Zdonik, Jeong-Hyon Hwang:
Dynamic Load Distribution in the Borealis Stream Processor. 791-802
Storage Systems
- Lawrence You, Kristal T. Pollack, Darrell D. E. Long:
Deep Store: an Archival Storage System Architecture. 804-815 - Koustuv Dasgupta, Sugata Ghosal, Rohit Jain, Upendra Sharma, Akshat Verma:
QoSMig: Adaptive Rate-Controlled Migration of Bulk Data in Storage Systems. 816-827 - Akitsugu Watanabe, Haruo Yokota
Adaptive Lapped Declustering: A Highly Available Data-Placement Method Balancing Access Load and Space Utilization. 828-839
Enhancing Usability
- Georgia Koutrika, Yannis E. Ioannidis:
Personalized Queries under a Generalized Preference Model. 841-852 - Gang Luo, Jeffrey F. Naughton, Curt J. Ellmann, Michael Watzke:
Increasing the Accuracy and Coverage of SQL Progress Indicators. 853-864 - Surajit Chaudhuri, Venkatesh Ganti, Rajeev Motwani:
Robust Identification of Fuzzy Duplicates. 865-876
XML Filtering
- Bingsheng He
, Qiong Luo
, Byron Choi:
Cache-Conscious Automata for XML Filtering. 878-889 - Xueqing Gong, Ying Yan, Weining Qian, Aoying Zhou:
Bloom Filter-based XML Packets Filtering for Millions of Path Queries. 890-901 - Peter M. Fischer, Donald Kossmann:
Batched Processing for Information Filters. 902-913
Industrial Paper Session 1: Query Processing and Optimization
- Bruce E. Martin:
Uncovering Database Access Optimizations in the Middle Tier with TORPEDO. 916-926 - Wen-Syan Li, Vishal S. Batra, Vijayshankar Raman, Wei Han, K. Selçuk Candan, Inderpal Narang:
Load and Network Aware Query Routing for Information Integration. 927-938 - Timothy Malkemus, Sriram Padmanabhan, Bishwaranjan Bhattacharjee, Leslie Cranston:
Predicate Derivation and Monotonicity Detection in DB2 UDB. 939-947
Industrial Paper Session 2: DB Research in Japanese Industry
- Masaaki Tanizaki, Kishiko Maruyama, Shigeru Shimada:
Acceleration Technique of Snake-Shaped Regions Retrieval Method for Telematics Navigation Service System. 949-957 - Tetsuya Ikeda, Hiroko Mano, Hideo Itoh, Hiroshi Takegawa, Takuya Hiraoka, Shiroh Horibe, Yasushi Ogawa:
TRMeister: A DBMS with High-Performance Full-Text Search Functions. 958-967 - Hiroyuki Uchiyama, Makoto Onizuka
, Takashi Honishi:
Distributed XML Stream Filtering System with High Scalability. 968-977 - Hisashi Kashima, Tadashi Tsumura, Tsuyoshi Idé
, Takahide Nogayama, Ryo Hirade, Hiroaki Etoh, Takeshi Fukuda:
Network-Based Problem Detection for Distributed Systems. 978-989
Industrial Paper Session 3: New System Functions for DBMS
- Muralidhar Krishnaprasad, Zhen Hua Liu, Anand Manikutty, James W. Warner, Vikas Arora:
Towards an Industrial Strength SQL/XML Infrastructure. 991-1000 - José A. Blakeley, Conor Cunningham, Nigel Ellis, Balaji Rathakrishnan, Ming-Chuan Wu:
Distributed/Heterogeneous Query Processing in Microsoft SQL Server. 1001-1012 - Rakesh Agrawal, Paul Bird, Tyrone Grandison
, Jerry Kiernan, Scott Logan, Walid Rjaibi:
Extending Relational Database Systems to Automatically Enforce Privacy Policies. 1013-1022
Industrial Paper Session 4: DBMS Implementation
- Tzi-cker Chiueh, Dhruv Pilania:
Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Repairable Database Management System. 1024-1035 - Qingchun Jiang, Raman Adaikkalavan, Sharma Chakravarthy:
NFMi: An Inter-domain Network Fault Management System. 1036-1047 - Lin Qiao, Balakrishna R. Iyer, Divyakant Agrawal, Amr El Abbadi:
SVL: Storage Virtualization Engine Leveraging DBMS Technology. 1048-1059
Industrial Paper Session 5: New Applications for Databases
- Wei Jiang, Jaideep Vaidya, Zahir Balaporia, Chris Clifton, Brett Banich:
Knowledge Discovery from Transportation Network Data. 1061-1072 - Jeonghee Yi, Wayne Niblack:
Sentiment Mining in WebFountain. 1073-1083