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25th ICSE 2003: Portland, Oregon, USA
- Lori A. Clarke, Laurie Dillon, Walter F. Tichy:
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Software Engineering, May 3-10, 2003, Portland, Oregon, USA. IEEE Computer Society 2003, ISBN 0-7695-1877-X
Technical Papers
Component Technologies
- David H. Lorenz, John M. Vlissides:
Pluggable Reflection: Decoupling Meta-Interface and Implementation. 3-13 - Katsuro Inoue, Reishi Yokomori, Hikaru Fujiwara, Tetsuo Yamamoto, Makoto Matsushita, Shinji Kusumoto:
Component Rank: Relative Significance Rank for Software Component Search. 14-24 - Johann Oberleitner, Thomas Gschwind, Mehdi Jazayeri:
The Vienna Component Framework Enabling Composition Across Component Models. 25-37
Testing I
- Myra B. Cohen, Peter B. Gibbons, Warwick B. Mugridge, Charles J. Colbourn:
Constructing Test Suites for Interaction Testing. 38-48 - Sebastian G. Elbaum, Srikanth Karre, Gregg Rothermel:
Improving Web Application Testing with User Session Data. 49-59 - Michael Harder, Jeff Mellen, Michael D. Ernst:
Improving Test Suites via Operational Abstraction. 60-73
Empirical Studies I
- Susan Elliott Sim, Steve M. Easterbrook, Richard C. Holt:
Using Benchmarking to Advance Research: A Challenge to Software Engineering. 74-83 - Torgeir Dingsøyr
, Emil Røyrvik:
An Empirical Study of an Informal Knowledge Repository in a Medium-Sized Software Consulting Company. 84-92 - Margaret M. Burnett, Curtis R. Cook, Omkar Pendse, Gregg Rothermel, Jay Summet, Christine Wallace:
End-User Software Engineering with Assertions in the Spreadsheet Paradigm. 93-105
Design Recovery and Documentation
- Evelyn J. Barry, Chris F. Kemerer, Sandra Slaughter:
On the Uniformity of Software Evolution Patterns. 106-113 - Keith Chan, Zhi Cong Leo Liang, Amir Michail:
Design Recovery of Interactive Graphical Applications. 114-124 - Andrian Marcus
, Jonathan I. Maletic:
Recovering Documentation-to-Source-Code Traceability Links using Latent Semantic Indexing. 125-137
Formal Methods I
- Jürgen Dingel:
Computer-Assisted Assume/Guarantee Reasoning with VeriSoft. 138-148 - Amnon H. Eden, Rick Kazman:
Architecture, Design, Implementation. 149-159 - John Hatcliff, Xianghua Deng, Matthew B. Dwyer
, Georg Jung, Venkatesh Prasad Ranganath:
Cadena: An Integrated Development, Analysis, and Verification Environment for Component-based Systems. 160-173
Software Design
- Eric Wohlstadter, Stoney Jackson, Premkumar T. Devanbu:
DADO: Enhancing Middleware to Support Crosscutting Features in Distributed, Heterogeneous Systems. 174-186 - Don S. Batory, Jacob Neal Sarvela, Axel Rauschmayer:
Scaling Step-Wise Refinement. 187-197 - David Coppit, Kevin J. Sullivan:
Sound Methods and Effective Tools for Engineering Modeling and Analysis. 198-209
Testing II
- Atanas Rountev, Ana L. Milanova, Barbara G. Ryder:
Fragment Class Analysis for Testing of Polymorphism in Java Software. 210-220 - Antonia Bertolino, Andrea Polini
A Framework for Component Deployment Testing. 221-231 - Hyoung Seok Hong, Sung Deok Cha, Insup Lee, Oleg Sokolsky, Hasan Ural:
Data Flow Testing as Model Checking. 232-243
Software Process
- Pekka Abrahamsson, Juhani Warsta, Mikko T. Siponen, Jussi Ronkainen:
New Directions on Agile Methods: A Comparative Analysis. 244-254 - Roope Kylmäkoski:
Efficient Authoring of Software Documentation Using RaPiD7. 255-261 - Giuseppe Valetto, Gail E. Kaiser:
Using Process Technology to Control and Coordinate Software Adaptation. 262-273
Empirical Studies II
- Audris Mockus
, David M. Weiss, Ping Zhang:
Understanding and Predicting Effort in Software Projects. 274-284 - Melanie Ruhe, D. Ross Jeffery, Isabella Wieczorek:
Cost Estimation for Web Applications. 285-294 - Daniel L. Moody, Guttorm Sindre, Terje Brasethvik, Arne Sølvberg:
Evaluating the Quality of Information Models: Empirical Testing of a Conceptual Model Quality Framework. 295-307
Program Analysis
- James Law, Gregg Rothermel:
Whole Program Path-Based Dynamic Impact Analysis. 308-318 - Xiangyu Zhang, Rajiv Gupta, Youtao Zhang:
Precise Dynamic Slicing Algorithms. 319-329 - David W. Binkley, Mark Harman:
An Empirical Study of Predicate Dependence Levels and Trends. 330-340
Software Architecture I
- Michelle Casagni, Margaret Lyell:
Comparison of Two Component Frameworks: The FIPA-Compliant Multi-Agent System and The Web-Centric J2EE Platform. 341-351 - Elisa L. A. Baniassad, Gail C. Murphy, Christa Schwanninger:
Design Pattern Rationale Graphs: Linking Design to Source. 352-362 - William G. Griswold
, Robert T. Boyer, Steven W. Brown, Tan Minh Truong:
A Component Architecture for an Extensible, Highly Integrated Context-Aware Computing Infrastructure. 363-373
Formal Methods II
- Bridget Spitznagel, David Garlan:
A Compositional Formalization of Connector Wrappers. 374-384 - Sagar Chaki, Edmund M. Clarke, Alex Groce, Somesh Jha, Helmut Veith:
Modular Verification of Software Components in C. 385-395 - Arnab Ray, Rance Cleaveland:
Architectural Interaction Diagrams: AIDs for System Modeling. 396-407
Software Understanding
- Davor Cubranic, Gail C. Murphy:
Hipikat: Recommending Pertinent Software Development Artifacts. 408-418 - Yunwen Ye, Kouichi Kishida:
Toward an Understanding of the Motivation of Open Source Software Developers. 419-429 - André Marburger, Bernhard Westfechtel:
Tools for Understanding the Behavior of Telecommunication Systems. 430-443
Consistency Management and Quality Assurance
- Anita Sarma
, Zahra Noroozi, André van der Hoek:
Palantír: Raising Awareness among Configuration Management Workspaces . 444-454 - Christian Nentwich, Wolfgang Emmerich, Anthony Finkelstein:
Consistency Management with Repair Actions. 455-464 - Andy Podgurski, David Leon, Patrick Francis, Wes Masri, Melinda Minch
, Jiayang Sun
, Bin Wang
Automated Support for Classifying Software Failure Reports. 465-477
Experience Reports
Case Studies
- Robert Smeikal, Karl M. Göschka:
Fault-tolerance in a Distributed Management System: a Case Study. 478-483 - Mukund Raghavachari, Darrell Reimer, Robert D. Johnson:
The Deployer's Problem: Configuring Application Servers for Performance and Reliability. 484-489 - Jon Whittle, Jyoti Saboo, Richard Kwan:
From Scenarios to Code: An Air Traffic Control Case Study. 490-497
Automotive Software Engineering
- Klaus Grimm:
Software Technology in an Automotive Company - Major Challenges. 498-505
Process Analysis and Improvement
- Thomas Gantner, Tobias Barth:
Experiences on Defining and Evaluating an Adapted Review Process. 506-511 - Nadine Heumesser, Frank Houdek:
Towards Systematic Recycling of Systems Requirements. 512-519 - Christof Ebert, Michel Smouts:
Tricks and Traps of Initiating a Product Line Concept in Existing Product. 520-527
Process and Tools
- Stefan Berner:
About the Development of a Point of Sale System: an Experience Report. 528-533 - Kurt Schneider
, Jan-Peter von Hunnius:
Effective Experience Repositories for Software Engineering. 534-539 - Greg Borchers:
The Software Engineering Impacts of Cultural Factors on Multi-cultural Software Development Teams. 540-547
Software Architecture II
- George Fairbanks:
Why Can't They Create Architecture Models Like "Developer X"? An Experience Report. 548-552 - Lutz Prechelt
, Daniel J. Hutzel:
The Co-Evolution of a Hype and a Software Architecture: Experience of Component-Producing Large-Scale EJB Early Adopters. 553-556 - Mike Moore, Rick Kazman, Mark Klein, Jai Asundi:
Quantifying the Value of Architecture Design Decisions: Lessons from the Field. 557-563
Testing and Fault Correction
- E. Michael Maximilien, Laurie A. Williams:
Assessing Test-Driven Development at IBM. 564-569 - Dolores M. Zage, Wayne M. Zage:
An Analysis of the Fault Correction Process in a Large-Scale SDL Production Model. 570-577 - Robyn R. Lutz, Ines Carmen Mikulski:
Requirements Discovery during the Testing of Safety-Critical Software. 578-585
Papers on Software Engineering Education and Training
Extreme Programming
- Görel Hedin, Lars Bendix, Boris Magnusson:
Introducing Software Engineering by means of Extreme Programming. 586-593 - Jean-Guy Schneider, Lorraine Johnston:
eXtreme Programming at Universities - An Educational Perspective. 594-601
Undergraduate Education
- Charlie McDowell, Linda L. Werner, Heather E. Bullock, Julian Fernald:
The Impact of Pair Programming on Student Performance, Perception and Persistence. 602-607 - Guttorm Sindre, Steinar Line, Ottar V. Valvâg:
Positive Experiences with an Open Project Assignment in an Introductory Programming Course. 608-613 - Alex Baker, Emily Oh Navarro, André van der Hoek:
Problems and Programmers: An Educational Software Engineering Card Game. 614-621
Course Delivery and Evaluation
- Jane Huffman Hayes, Timothy Lethbridge, Daniel Port:
Evaluating Individual Contribution Toward Group Software Engineering Projects. 622-627 - Andrew Simpson
, Andrew P. Martin
, Jeremy Gibbons, Jim Davies, Steve McKeever:
On The Supervision and Assessment Of Part-Time Postgraduate Software Engineering Projects. 628-633 - Donald J. Bagert, Susan A. Mengel:
Using a Web-Based Project Process Throughout the Software Engineering Curriculum. 634-640
Process and Methodology
- Philip M. Johnson, Hongbing Kou, Joy Agustin, Christopher Chan, Carleton A. Moore, Jitender Miglani, Shenyan Zhen, William E. J. Doane:
Beyond the Personal Software Process: Metrics collection and analysis for the differently disciplined. 641-646 - Donald F. Ross:
Teaching Contract Programming Concepts to Future Software Engineers. 647 - Ahmed Seffah, Alina Andreevskaia:
Empowering Software Engineers in Human-Centered Design. 653-659
Invited Keynote Papers
- Bertrand Meyer
The Grand Challenge of Trusted Components. 660-667 - Joanne McGrath Cohoon:
Must There Be So Few? Including Women in CS. 668-675
Invited Paper from the Awardees of the Most Influential Paper from ICSE'15
- Bashar Nuseibeh, Jeff Kramer, Anthony Finkelstein:
ViewPoints: meaningful relationships are difficult! 676-683
Invited Papers on the Frontiers of Software Practice
- Clemens A. Szyperski
Component Technology - What, Where, and How?. 684-693 - Douglas C. Schmidt, Frank Buschmann:
Patterns, Frameworks, and Middleware: Their Synergistic Relationships. 694-704 - Richard A. Kemmerer:
Cybersecurity. 705-717
Panel Overviews
- Hossein Saiedian
Panel: eXtreme Programming: Helpful or Harmful? 718 - Manfred Broy:
Automotive Software Engineering. 719-720 - Robert J. Walker, Lionel C. Briand, David Notkin, Carolyn B. Seaman, Walter F. Tichy:
Panel: Empirical Validation-What, Why, When, and How. 721-722 - Premkumar T. Devanbu, Robert Balzer, Don S. Batory, Gregor Kiczales, John Launchbury, David Lorge Parnas, Peri L. Tarr:
Modularity in the New Millenium: A Panel Summary. 723-725
- Mary Shaw:
Writing Good Software Engineering Research Paper. 726-737
One and Two-day Tutorial
- David N. Card:
Practical Software Measurement. 738-739 - Paul C. Clements, David Garlan, Reed Little, Robert L. Nord, Judith A. Stafford:
Documenting Software Architectures: Views and Beyond. 740-741 - John C. Knight:
Computing Systems Dependability. 742-743 - Axel van Lamsweerde:
Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering: From System Objectives to UML Models to Precise Software Specifications. 744-745 - Larry L. Constantine, Lucy A. D. Lockwood:
Usage-Centered Software Engineering: An Agile Approach to Integrating Users, User Interfaces, and Usability into Software Engineering Practice. 746-747 - Richard A. Kemmerer, Giovanni Vigna:
Internet Security and Intrusion Detection. 748-749 - Douglas C. Schmidt:
Pattern-Oriented Distributed System Architectures. 750 - John Klein, Barry Price, David M. Weiss:
Industrial-Strength Software Product-Line Engineering. 751-752 - Don S. Batory:
A Tutorial on Feature Oriented Programming and Product-Lines. 753-754 - Bran Selic:
Tutorial H2: An Overview of UML 2.0. 755-756 - Jan Bosch, Natalia Juristo Juzgado:
Designing Software Architectures for Usability. 757-758 - Torben Weis, Andreas Ulbrich, Kurt Geihs
Quality of Service Engineering with UML, .NET, and CORBA. 759-761
Workshop Overviews
- Dick Hamlet, Mary Lou Soffa:
Report on the ICSE 2003 Doctoral Symposium. 762-766 - Leon J. Osterweil:
New Software Engineering Faculty Symposium (NSEFS 03). 767-768 - Stuart R. Faulk, Lawrence G. Votta:
SE Pioneers Symposium. 769-770 - Carlos José Pereira de Lucena, José Alberto R. P. Sardinha
, Alessandro F. Garcia, Alexander B. Romanovsky
, Jaelson Castro, Paulo S. C. Alencar, Donald D. Cowan:
Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems - SELMAS'2003. 771-772 - Jyrki Kontio, Shawn A. Butler:
Fifth International Workshop on Economics-driven Software Engineering Research (EDSER-5) "The Search for Value in Engineering Decisions". 773-774 - Ivica Crnkovic
, Heinz W. Schmidt, Judith A. Stafford, Kurt C. Wallnau:
6th ICSE Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering: Automated Reasoning and Prediction. 775-776 - Rick Kazman, Leonard J. Bass, Jan Bosch:
Bridging the Gaps Between Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction. 777-778 - Peter Knauber, Jan Bosch:
ICSE Workshop on Software Variability Management. 779-780 - Rogério de Lemos, Cristina Gacek, Alexander B. Romanovsky:
ICSE 2003 Workshop on Software Architectures for Dependable Systems. 781-782 - Alexander Egyed, Martin Glinz, Ingolf Krüger, Tarja Systä, Sebastián Uchitel, Albert Zündorf:
Second Workshop on Scenarios and State Machines: Models, Algorithms, and Tools. 783-784 - Joseph Feller, Brian Fitzgerald, Scott A. Hissam, Karim R. Lakhani:
The 3rd Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering. 785-786 - Martin S. Feather, Allen P. Nikora, Constance L. Heitmeyer, Nancy R. Mead:
ICSE 2003 Workshop on Software Engineering for High Assurance Systems: Synergies between Process, Product, and Profiling (SEHAS 2003). 787-788 - Robert Balzer, Jens H. Jahnke, Marin Litoiu, Hausi A. Müller, Dennis B. Smith, Margaret-Anne D. Storey, Scott R. Tilley, Ken Wong:
3rd International Workshop on Adoption-centric Software Engineering ACSE 2003. 789-790 - Alessandro Orso, Adam A. Porter:
ICSE Workshop on Remote Analysis and Measurement of Software Systems (RAMSS). 791-792 - Daniela E. Damian, Filippo Lanubile, Heather L. Oppenheimer:
Addressing the Challenges of Software Industry Globalization: The Workshop on Global Software Development. 793-794 - Jonathan E. Cook, Michael D. Ernst:
ICSE Workshop on Dynamic Analysis (WODA 2003). 795-796 - Daniel M. Berry, Rick Kazman, Roel J. Wieringa:
Second International Workshop on From SofTware Requirements to Architectures (STRAW?03). 797-799
Research Demonstration Summaries
- Bruce Schafer, Mauro Pezzè
Research Demonstrations and Posters. 800-801 - David Chays, Yuetang Deng:
Demonstration of AGENDA Tool Set for Testing Relational Database Applications. 802-803 - Steve M. Easterbrook, Marsha Chechik, Benet Devereux, Arie Gurfinkel, Albert Y. C. Lai, Victor Petrovykh, Anya Tafliovich, Christopher D. Thompson-Walsh:
\chiChek: A Model Checker for Multi-Valued Reasoning. 804-805 - Martin Fredriksson, Rune Gustavsson:
Trustworthy and sustainable operations in marine environments. 806-807 - Tianjian Wang, Ahmed E. Hassan, Ajith Guedem, Walid Abdelmoez, Katerina Goseva-Popstojanova
, Hany H. Ammar:
Architectural Level Risk Assessment Tool Based on UML Specifications. 808-809 - Stan Jarzabek, Paul Bassett, Hongyu Zhang
, Weishan Zhang
XVCL: XML-based Variant Configuration Language. 810-811 - Jonathan I. Maletic, Andrian Marcus
, Louis Feng:
Source Viewer 3D (sv3D) - A Framework for Software Visualization. 812-813 - Keith Chan, Annie Chen, Zhi Cong Leo Liang, Amir Michail, Minh Hoai Nguyen, Nicholas Seow:
DRT: A Tool for Design Recovery of Interactive Graphical Applications. 814-815 - Frank Padberg:
A Software Process Scheduling Simulator. 816-817 - Steven P. Reiss, Christina M. Kennedy, Tom Wooldridge, Shriram Krishnamurthi
CLIME: An Environment for Constrained Evolution Demonstration Description. 818-819 - Steven P. Reiss:
JIVE: Visualizing Java in Action Demonstration Description. 820-821 - Martin P. Robillard, Gail C. Murphy:
FEAT. A Tool for Locating, Describing, and Analyzing Concerns in Source Code. 822-823