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Communications of the ACM (CACM), Volume 51, 2008
Volume 51, Number 1, January 2008 (EE)
- Diane Crawford:
Editorial pointers. 5
- Diane Crawford:
Forum. 7-9
- Phillip G. Armour:
Digging CACM. 13-15
- Meg McGinity Shannon:
Happy anniversary, CACM. 17-19
- Peter A. Freeman:
Back to experimentation. 21-22
- Stuart I. Feldman:
Fifty years and still growing. 23
- Diane Crawford:
Introduction. 24-26 - Calvin C. Gotlieb:
A time to retrospect and prospect. 26-29 - M. Stuart Lynn:
The battle of the covers. 30-32 - Robert L. Ashenhurst:
The battle behind the scenes. 33-34 - Peter J. Denning:
Déjà vu all over again. 35-39 - Jacques Cohen:
From academia to the editorship. 41-43 - Moshe Y. Vardi:
CACM: past, present, and future. 44-48
- Andrew Rosenbloom:
Introduction. 50-51 - Jon Louis Bentley:
In the realm of insight and creativity. 52-54 - Whitfield Diffie:
Information security: 50 years behind, 50 years ahead. 55-57 - Jeannette M. Wing:
Five deep questions in computing. 58-60 - Eugene H. Spafford:
Inspiration and trust. 61-62 - Rodney A. Brooks:
The next 50 years. 63-64 - Pamela Samuelson:
Hacking intellectual property law. 65-67 - Stephen B. Jenkins:
Ode to code. 67 - Gul Agha:
Computing in pervasive cyberspace. 68-70 - Gregory J. Conti:
Could googling take down a president? 71-73 - Jon Crowcroft:
Toward a network architecture that does everything. 74-77 - Peter G. Neumann:
Reflections on computer-related risks. 78-80 - Jason Leigh, Maxine D. Brown:
Cyber-commons: merging real and virtual worlds. 82-85
- Gordon Bell:
Bell's law for the birth and death of computer classes. 86-94 - Greta L. Polites, Richard T. Watson:
The centrality and prestige of CACM. 95-100
- Diane Crawford:
Introduction. 104 - David A. Patterson:
Technical perspective: the data center is the computer. 105 - Jeffrey Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat:
MapReduce: simplified data processing on large clusters. 107-113 - Bernard Chazelle:
Technical perspective: finding a good neighbor, near and fast. 115 - Alexandr Andoni, Piotr Indyk:
Near-optimal hashing algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor in high dimensions. 117-122
- Leonard S. Zegans:
The psychology of risks. 152
Volume 51, Number 2, February 2008 (EE)
- Diane Crawford:
Editorial pointers. 5-6
- News track. 7-8
- Diane Crawford:
Forum. 9-11
- Diane Crawford:
SIGs announce candidates for election. 14
- Michael A. Cusumano:
Managing software development in globally distributed teams. 15-17
- Andy Oram:
Peer to patent needs your expertise. 19-20
- Pamela Samuelson, Jerome Reichman, Graeme Dinwoodie:
How to achieve (some) balance in anti-circumvention laws. 21-25
- Stuart I. Feldman:
ACM annual report for FY07. 27-34
- Jeffrey Y. Kim, Jonathan P. Allen, Elan Lee:
Alternate reality gaming. 36-42 - Eric Chuan-Fong Shih, Kenneth L. Kraemer, Jason L. Dedrick:
IT diffusion in developing countries. 43-48 - Mark T. Keane, Maeve O'Brien, Barry Smyth:
Are people biased in their use of search engines? 49-52 - Nolan J. Taylor, Eleanor T. Loiacono, Richard T. Watson:
Alternative scenarios to the "banner" years. 53-58 - Peter V. Marks, Peter Polak, Scott McCoy, Dennis F. Galletta:
Sharing knowledge. 60-65 - Alfred Loo:
The myths and truths of wireless security. 66-71 - Munir Mandviwalla, Abhijit Jain, Julie Fesenmaier, Jeff Smith, Paul Weinberg, Greg Meyers:
Municipal broadband wireless networks. 72-80 - Vicki R. McKinney, Darryl D. Wilson, Nita Brooks, Anne O'Leary-Kelly, Bill C. Hardgrave:
Women and men in the IT profession. 81-84 - Bing Liu, Alexander Tuzhilin:
Managing large collections of data mining models. 85-89
- Min-Yen Kan, Yee Fan Tan:
Record matching in digital library metadata. 91-94
- Pascal Meunier:
Software transparency and purity. 104
Volume 51, Number 3, March 2008 (EE)
- Diane Crawford:
Editorial pointers. 5-6
- News track. 7-8
- Phillip G. Armour:
The inaccurate conception. 13-16
- Robert L. Glass:
Managing for innovation. 17-18
- Chenglie Hu:
Just say 'A Class Defines a Data Type'. 19-21
- ACM fellows. 22-23
- Dana Cuff, Mark H. Hansen, Jerry Kang:
Urban sensing: out of the woods. 24-33 - Jason O. B. Soh, Bernard C. Y. Tan:
Mobile gaming. 35-39 - Liping Zhao:
Patterns, symmetry, and symmetry breaking. 40-46 - Robert E. Pinsker, Shaomin Li:
Costs and benefits of XBRL adoption: early evidence. 47-50 - Bernd Carsten Stahl, Carole Brooke:
The contribution of critical IS research. 51-55 - David Wright, Michael Friedewald, Wim Schreurs, Michiel Verlinden, Serge Gutwirth, Yves Punie, Ioannis Maghiros, Elena Vildjiounaite, Petteri Alahuhta:
The illusion of security. 56-63 - Iris A. Junglas, Richard T. Watson:
Location-based services. 65-69 - Robert LaRose, Nora J. Rifon, Richard J. Enbody:
Promoting personal responsibility for internet safety. 71-76 - Frank R. Safayeni, P. Robert Duimering, Kimberley Zheng, Natalia Derbentseva, Christopher Poile, Bing Ran:
Requirements engineering in new product development. 77-82 - Kwangsu Cho, Tingting (Rachel) Chung, William R. King, Christian D. Schunn:
Peer-based computer-supported knowledge refinement: an empirical investigation. 83-88
- Dinesh K. Gauri, Amit Bhatnagar, H. Raghav Rao:
Role of word of mouth in online store loyalty. 89-91
- Xiaoming Lu, George Ledin Jr.:
Wireless sensor networks and the risks of vigilance. 104
Volume 51, Number 4, April 2008 (EE)
- Diane Crawford:
Editorial pointers. 5-6
- Diane Crawford:
Forum. 10
- News track. 11-12
- Hal Berghel:
Faith-based security. 13-17
- Peter J. Denning, Peter Yaholkovsky:
Getting to "we". 19-24
- Call for nominations for advanced member grades in the ACM. 25-26
- ACM honors distinguished and senior members. 27-30
- Daniel Kunkle, Gene Cooperman:
Solving Rubik's Cube: disk is the new RAM. 31-33
- Ryan West:
The psychology of security. 34-40 - Richard T. Watson, Marie-Claude Boudreau, Paul T. York, Martina E. Greiner, Donald E. Wynn Jr.:
The business of open source. 41-46 - Ziqi Liao, Michael Tow Cheung:
Measuring consumer satisfaction in internet banking: a core framework. 47-51 - Luc Moreau, Paul Groth, Simon Miles, Javier Vázquez-Salceda, John Ibbotson, Sheng Jiang, Steve Munroe, Omer F. Rana, Andreas Schreiber, Victor Tan, László Z. Varga:
The provenance of electronic data. 52-58 - Hsiu-Ping Yueh, Shihkuan Hsu:
Designing a learning management system to support instruction. 59-63 - Lawrence D. Bodin, Lawrence A. Gordon, Martin P. Loeb:
Information security and risk management. 64-68 - Dawn G. Gregg, Judy E. Scott:
A typology of complaints about eBay sellers. 69-74 - Ilan Oshri, Julia Kotlarsky, Leslie P. Willcocks:
Missing links: building critical social ties for global collaborative teamwork. 76-81 - Ivy Chan, Chee-Kwong Chao:
Knowledge management in small and medium-sized enterprises. 83-88 - Mohamed Khalifa, Kathy Ning Shen:
Demographic changes in IS research productivity and impact. 89-94 - Pamela Whitten, Deirdre Mylod, Goran Gavran, Howard Sypher:
"Most Wired Hospitals" rate patient satisfaction. 96-102
- Chuck Litecky, Bipin Prabhakar, Kirk P. Arnett:
The size of the IT job market. 107-109
- Lauren Weinstein:
A current affair. 112
Volume 51, Number 5, May 2008 (EE)
- Diane Crawford:
Editorial pointers. 5-6
- News track. 7-8
- Diane Crawford:
Forum. 9-11
- ACM A.M. Turing Award nominations solicited. 14
- Jacques Cohen:
The crucial role of CS in systems and synthetic biology. 15-18
- Meg McGinity Shannon:
This menu has changed. 19-21 - 2008 ACM Elections. 22-31
- Wingyan Chung:
Web searching in a multilingual world. 32-40 - Irit Hadar, Uri Leron:
How intuitive is object-oriented design? 41-46 - Dov Dori:
Words from pictures for dual-channel processing. 47-52 - Silvana Trimi, Hong Sheng:
Emerging trends in M-government. 53-58 - Kannan Mohan, Peng Xu, Balasubramaniam Ramesh:
Improving the change-management process. 59-64 - Rui Chen, Raj Sharman, H. Raghav Rao, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya:
Coordination in emergency response management. 66-73 - Alessandro Garcia, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena:
Taming heterogeneous agent architectures. 75-81 - Oded Nov, Bharat Rao:
Technology-facilitated 'Give According to Your Abilities, Receive According to Your Needs'. 83-87 - Bezalel Gavish, Christopher Tucci:
Reducing internet auction fraud. 89-97
- Edgar A. Whitley, Ian Hosein:
Departmental influences on policy design. 98-100
- Steven M. Bellovin:
The physical world and the real world. 104
Volume 51, Number 6, June 2008 (EE)
- Diane Crawford:
Editorial pointers. 5-6
- News track. 7-8
- Diane Crawford:
Forum. 9-11
- Hal Berghel:
BRAP forensics. 15-20
- Robert L. Glass:
Software design and the monkey's brain. 21-22
- Arik Ragowsky, Paul S. Licker, David Gefen:
Give me information, not technology. 23-25
- Roel Vertegaal, Ivan Poupyrev:
Introduction. 26-30 - Hiroshi Ishii:
The tangible user interface and its evolution. 32-36 - Jun Rekimoto:
Organic interaction technologies: from stone to skin. 38-44 - Elise Co, Nikita Pashenkov:
Emerging display technologies for organic user interfaces. 45-47 - David Holman, Roel Vertegaal:
Organic user interfaces: designing computers in any way, shape, or form. 48-55 - Eli Blevis:
Sustainability implications of organic user interface technologies: an inky problem. 56-57 - Amanda J. Parkes, Ivan Poupyrev, Hiroshi Ishii:
Designing kinetic interactions for organic user interfaces. 58-65 - Carsten Schwesig:
What makes an interface feel organic? 67-69 - Kas Oosterhuis, Nimish Biloria:
Interactions with proactive architectural spaces: the muscle projects. 70-78 - Sachiko Kodama:
Dynamic ferrofluid sculpture: organic shape-changing art forms. 79-81
- Jim Horning, Peter G. Neumann:
Risks of neglecting infrastructure. 112 - Daniel J. Weitzner, Harold Abelson, Tim Berners-Lee, Joan Feigenbaum, James A. Hendler, Gerald J. Sussman:
Information accountability. 82-87 - Charalambos L. Iacovou, Robbie T. Nakatsu:
A risk profile of offshore-outsourced development projects. 89-94 - Chon Abraham, Richard T. Watson, Marie-Claude Boudreau:
Ubiquitous access: on the front lines of patient care and safety. 95-99 - Wayne Wei Huang, Jonathon Greene, John Day:
Outsourcing and the decrease of IS program enrollment. 101-104
Volume 51, Number 7, July 2008 (EE)
- Moshe Y. Vardi:
"Where do you come from? and where are you going?". 5
- Scott E. Delman:
The art and business of revitalizing a 50-year-old science and technology magazine. 7
- David Roman:
Your attention, please. 8
- Brian Hayes:
Cloud computing. 9-11 - Michael Ross, Mark Oskin:
Quantum computing. 12-13 - Leah Hoffmann:
In search of dependable design. 14-16