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Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 21
Volume 21, Number 1, January 2009
- Pedro C. Diniz:
Guest Editorial. 1-3
- Michael F. P. O'Boyle, Henk J. Sips:
Obituary: Peter Knijnenburg (1961-2007). 5
- Peng Wu, Maged M. Michael, Christoph von Praun, Takuya Nakaike, Rajesh Bordawekar, Harold W. Cain, Calin Cascaval
, Siddhartha Chatterjee, Stefanie Chiras, Rui Hou, Mark F. Mergen, Xiaowei Shen, Michael F. Spear
, Huayong Wang, Kun Wang:
Compiler and runtime techniques for software transactional memory optimization. 7-23 - Jia Guo, Ganesh Bikshandi, Basilio B. Fraguela
, David A. Padua:
Writing productive stencil codes with overlapped tiling. 25-39 - Jeffery von Ronne
, Andreas Gampe, David Niedzielski, Kleanthis Psarris:
Safe bounds check annotations. 41-57 - Minhaj Ahmad Khan, Henri-Pierre Charles
, Denis Barthou
Improving performance of optimized kernels through fast instantiations of templates. 59-70 - Lamia Djoudi, Jean-Thomas Acquaviva, Denis Barthou
Compositional approach applied to loop specialization. 71-84 - Ana Lucia Varbanescu, Henk J. Sips, Kenneth A. Ross, Qiang Liu, Apostol Natsev, John R. Smith, Lurng-Kuo Liu:
Evaluating application mapping scenarios on the Cell/B.E. 85-100 - Chia-Han Lu, Yung-Chia Lin, Yi-Ping You
, Jenq Kuen Lee:
LC-GRFA: global register file assignment with local consciousness for VLIW DSP processors with non-uniform register files. 101-114
Volume 21, Number 2, February 2009
- Percival Xavier, Wentong Cai
, Bu-Sung Lee
A dynamic admission control scheme to manage contention on shared computing resources. 133-158 - Lu Liu
, Nick Antonopoulos, Stephen Mackin, Jie Xu, Duncan Russell:
Efficient resource discovery in self-organized unstructured peer-to-peer networks. 159-183 - Zhi Yang, Yafei Dai, Xiaoming Li:
The Neutralizer: a self-configurable failure detector for minimizing distributed storage maintenance cost. 185-204 - Yunni Xia, Qingsheng Zhu, Yu Huang, Zizhen Wang:
A novel reduction approach to analyzing QoS of workflow processes. 205-223 - Chao-Tung Yang
, Tsu-Fen Han, Heng-Chuan Kan:
G-BLAST: a Grid-based solution for mpiBLAST on computational Grids. 225-255
Volume 21, Number 3, 10 March 2009
- Walfredo Cirne, Bruno Schulze
Special Issue: The Best of CCGrid'2007: A Snapshot of an 'Adolescent' Area. 257-263
- Geoffrey C. Fox, Marlon E. Pierce
Grids challenged by a Web 2.0 and multicore sandwich. 265-280 - Michael Klemm, Matthias Bezold, Stefan Gabriel, Ronald Veldema, Michael Philippsen
Reparallelization techniques for migrating OpenMP codes in computational grids. 281-299 - Abhinav Vishnu, Matthew J. Koop, Adam Moody, Amith R. Mamidala, Sundeep Narravula, Dhabaleswar K. Panda:
Topology agnostic hot-spot avoidance with InfiniBand. 301-319 - Simon Caton
, Omer F. Rana
, Bruce G. Batchelor:
Distributed image processing over an adaptive Campus Grid. 321-336 - Lilian Noronha Nassif, José Marcos S. Nogueira
, Flávio Vinícius de Andrade:
Resource selection in grid: a taxonomy and a new system based on decision theory, case-based reasoning, and fine-grain policies. 337-355 - Ali Elghirani, Riky Subrata, Albert Y. Zomaya
Intelligent scheduling and replication: a synergistic approach. 357-376 - Shahaan Ayyub, David Abramson
, Colin Enticott, Slavisa Garic, Jefferson Tan:
Fault-tolerant execution of large parameter sweep applications across multiple VOs with storage constraints. 377-392 - Kaoutar El Maghraoui
, Travis J. Desell, Boleslaw K. Szymanski
, Carlos A. Varela:
Malleable iterative MPI applications. 393-413
Volume 21, Number 4, 25 March 2009
- Ian J. Grimstead, Nick J. Avis, David W. Walker
RAVE: the resource-aware visualization environment. 415-448 - Ying-Nan Zhang, Hong-fei Teng:
Detecting particle swarm optimization. 449-473 - Shuichi Ichikawa, Sho Takahashi, Yuu Kawai:
Optimizing process allocation of parallel programs for heterogeneous clusters. 475-507 - Jill B. Gemmill
, John-Paul Robinson, Tom Scavo, Purushotham V. Bangalore:
Cross-domain authorization for federated virtual organizations using the myVocs collaboration environment. 509-532 - Antonios Litke
, Dimitrios Halkos, Konstantinos Tserpes
, Dimosthenis Kyriazis
, Theodora A. Varvarigou:
Fault tolerant and prioritized scheduling in OGSA-based mobile Grids. 533-556
Volume 21, Number 5, 10 April 2009
- Yanchun Zhang, Guandong Xu:
On web communities mining and recommendation. 561-582 - Marlon E. Pierce
, Geoffrey C. Fox, Jong Youl Choi, Zhenhua Guo, Xiaoming Gao, Yu Ma:
Using Web 2.0 for scientific applications and scientific communities. 583-603 - Tharam S. Dillon, Chen Wu, Elizabeth Chang
An abstract layered model for Web-inclusive distributed computing leading to enhancing GRIDSpace with Web 2.0. 605-634 - Marian Babik, Ladislav Hluchý
Optimizing description logic reasoning for the large-scale semantic repositories. 635-650 - Rachanee Ungrangsi, Chutiporn Anutariya
, Vilas Wuwongse:
SQORE: an ontology retrieval framework for the next generation Web. 651-671 - Huan Li, Xin Li, Dawei Hu, Tianyong Hao
, Liu Wenyin, Xiaoping Chen:
Adaptation rule learning for case-based reasoning. 673-689 - Qing Li
, Na Li, Liping Wang, Xiaoping Sun:
A new semantic model with applications in a multimedia database system. 691-704 - Xiaoping Sun, Hai Zhuge, Qing Li
A framework for the massive knowledge Web. 705-723
Volume 21, Number 6, 25 April 2009
- Hong Li, Allison Kolpas, Linda R. Petzold, Jeff Moehlis:
Parallel simulation for a fish schooling model on a general-purpose graphics processing unit. 725-737 - Dimosthenis Kyriazis
, Konstantinos Tserpes
, Andreas Menychtas
, Ioannis Sarantidis, Theodora A. Varvarigou:
Service selection and workflow mapping for Grids: an approach exploiting quality-of-service information. 739-766 - Christopher W. Armstrong, Rupert W. Ford, Graham D. Riley:
Coupling integrated Earth System Model components with BFG2. 767-791 - Rolf Riesen, Ron Brightwell, Patrick G. Bridges
, Trammell Hudson, Arthur B. Maccabe
, Patrick M. Widener
, Kurt B. Ferreira:
Designing and implementing lightweight kernels for capability computing. 793-817 - Jinmin Yang, Kin Fun Li, Wen-Wei Li, Dafang Zhang:
Trading off logging overhead and coordinating overhead to achieve efficient rollback recovery. 819-853
Volume 21, Number 7, May 2009
- Luc Bougé
, Christian Lengauer:
Special Issue: Euro-Par 2007. 855-857
- M. M. Waliullah, Per Stenström:
Schemes for avoiding starvation in transactional memory systems. 859-873 - Pierluigi Crescenzi
, Carlo Nocentini, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci
On the connectivity of Bluetooth-based ad hoc networks. 875-887 - Hugo Miranda
, Simone Leggio, Luís E. T. Rodrigues, Kimmo E. E. Raatikainen:
An algorithm for dissemination and retrieval of information in wireless ad hoc networks. 889-904 - Fanny Pascual, Krzysztof Rzadca, Denis Trystram:
Cooperation in multi-organization scheduling. 905-921
Volume 21, Number 8, 10 June 2009
- C. A. Lee:
Editorial: A Special Issue from the Open Grid Forum. 923-925
- Christopher Dabrowski:
Reliability in grid computing systems. 927-959 - Morris Riedel
, Erwin Laure, Thomas Soddemann, Laurence Field, John-Paul Navarro
, James Casey, Maarten Litmaath, Jean-Philippe Baud, Birger Koblitz, Charlie Catlett, Dane Skow, Cindy Zheng, Philip M. Papadopoulos, Mason J. Katz, Neha Sharma, Oxana Smirnova
, Balázs Kónya, Peter W. Arzberger, Frank Würthwein, Abhishek Singh Rana, Terrence Martin, M. Wan, Von Welch, Tony Rimovsky, Steven J. Newhouse, Andrea Vanni, Yoshio Tanaka, Yusuke Tanimura, Tsutomu Ikegami, David Abramson
, Colin Enticott, Graham Jenkins, Ruth Pordes, Steven Timm, Gidon Moont, Mona Aggarwal, D. Colling, Olivier van der Aa, Alex Sim
, Vijaya Natarajan, Arie Shoshani, Junmin Gu, S. Chen, Gerson Galang, Riccardo Zappi, Luca Magnoni, Vincenzo Ciaschini, Michele Pace, Valerio Venturi, Moreno Marzolla, Paolo Andreetto, Robert Cowles, Shaowen Wang, Yuji Saeki, Hitoshi Sato
, Satoshi Matsuoka, Putchong Uthayopas, Somsak Sriprayoonsakul, Oscar Koeroo, Matthew Viljoen, Laura Pearlman, Stephen Pickles, David Wallom
, Glenn Moloney, Jerome Lauret, Jim Marsteller, Paul Sheldon, Surya Pathak, Shaun De Witt, Jirí Mencák, Jens Jensen, Matt Hodges, Derek Ross, Sugree Phatanapherom, Gilbert Netzer, Anders Rhod Gregersen, Mike Jones
, S. Chen, Péter Kacsuk, Achim Streit, Daniel Mallmann
, Felix Wolf, Thomas Lippert, Thierry Delaitre, Eduardo Huedo
, Neil Geddes:
Interoperation of world-wide production e-Science infrastructures. 961-990 - Duane Merrill, Andrew S. Grimshaw:
Profiles for conveying the secure communication requirements of Web services. 991-1011 - Andrew S. Grimshaw, Mark M. Morgan, Karolina Sarnowska:
WS-Naming: location migration, replication, and failure transparency support for Web Services. 1013-1028 - Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez, Isao Kojima, Said Mirza Pahlevi, Óscar Corcho
, Asunción Gómez-Pérez
Accessing RDF(S) data resources in service-based Grid infrastructures. 1029-1051 - Chris Smith, Thilo Kielmann
, Steven J. Newhouse, Marty Humphrey:
The HPC basic profile and SAGA: standardizing compute grid access in the open grid forum. 1053-1068 - Aaron Brown, D. Martin Swany
, Jason Zurawski
A general encoding framework for representing network measurement and topology data. 1069-1086 - Shantenu Jha
, André Merzky, Geoffrey C. Fox:
Using clouds to provide grids with higher levels of abstraction and explicit support for usage modes. 1087-1108
Volume 21, Number 9, 25 June 2009
- Mohammad Kalantari, Mohammad Kazem Akbari:
Grid performance prediction using state-space model. 1109-1130 - David J. Haglin, Kenneth R. Mayes, Anna M. Manning, John Feo, John R. Gurd, Mark J. Elliot
, John A. Keane:
Factors affecting the performance of parallel mining of minimal unique itemsets on diverse architectures. 1131-1158 - Ian Gorton, Daniel G. Chavarría-Miranda, Jarek Nieplocha:
Design and implementation of a high-performance CCA event service. 1159-1179 - Mikael Asplund
, Simin Nadjm-Tehrani, Klemen Zagar:
Middleware extensions that trade consistency for availability. 1181-1203 - Zhijie Li, Chun-Tian Cheng:
An evolutionary game algorithm for grid resource allocation under bounded rationality. 1205-1223 - Robert Granat, Bo Kågström, Daniel Kressner
Parallel eigenvalue reordering in real Schur forms. 1225-1250
Volume 21, Number 10, July 2009
- Yang Xiang
, Wanlei Zhou
Special Issue: Multi-core Supported Network and System Security. 1251-1253
- Robin Sommer, Vern Paxson, Nicholas Weaver:
An architecture for exploiting multi-core processors to parallelize network intrusion prevention. 1255-1279 - Benfano Soewito
, Ning Weng:
Concurrent workload mapping for multicore security systems. 1281-1306 - Md. Rafiqul Islam, Wanlei Zhou
, Yang Xiang
, Abdun Naser Mahmood
Spam filtering for network traffic security on a multi-core environment. 1307-1320 - Rafael Deitos, Florian Kerschbaum:
Parallelizing secure linear programming. 1321-1350 - Chong-zhi Gao, Baodian Wei, Dongqing Xie, Chunming Tang:
How to construct efficient on-line/off-line threshold signature schemes through the simulation approach. 1351-1372 - An-Ni Shen, Song Guo
, Hung Yu Chien, Minyi Guo:
A scalable key pre-distribution mechanism for large-scale wireless sensor networks. 1373-1387 - Isaac Agudo
, M. Carmen Fernández Gago, Javier López
Concurrent access control for multi-user and multi-processor systems based on trust relationships. 1389-1403 - Zhaobin Liu, Wenyu Qu, Haitao Li, Min Ruan, Wanlei Zhou
I/O scheduling and performance analysis on multi-core platforms. 1405-1417
Volume 21, Number 11, 10 August 2009
- Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik
, Mirela Sechi Moretti Annoni Notare:
Guest Editorial: Distributed Simulation, Virtual Environments and Real-time Applications. 1419-1421
- Azzedine Boukerche, Abdulaziz Al Hamidi, Ming Zhang:
Design of a virtual environment aided by a model-based formal approach using DEVS. 1422-1436 - Norman Murray, Dave Roberts, Anthony Steed
, Paul M. Sharkey, Paul Dickerson
, John Rae, Robin Wolff:
Eye gaze in virtual environments: evaluating the need and initial work on implementation. 1437-1449 - M. Shamim Hossain, Atif Alamri, Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik
A biologically inspired framework for multimedia service management in a ubiquitous environment. 1450-1466 - Michael Lees
, Brian S. Logan, Georgios Theodoropoulos
Analysing probabilistically constrained optimism. 1467-1482 - Malolan Chetlur, Philip A. Wilsey:
Causality information and proactive cancellation mechanisms. 1483-1503 - Navonil Mustafee
, Simon J. E. Taylor
Speeding up simulation applications using WinGrid. 1504-1523
Volume 21, Number 12, 25 August 2009
- John Ngubiri, Mario van Vliet:
A metric of fairness for parallel job schedulers. 1525-1546 - Walter Binder
, Adina D. Mosincat, Samuel Spycher, Ion Constantinescu, Boi Faltings:
Multiversion concurrency control for the generalized search tree. 1547-1571 - Jason Baker, Antonio Cunei, Tomas Kalibera, Filip Pizlo, Jan Vitek:
Accurate garbage collection in uncooperative environments revisited. 1572-1606 - Xiangdong An
, Nick Cercone:
Distributed parallel compilation of MSBNs. 1607-1631 - Andrew Maloney, Andrzej Goscinski:
A survey and review of the current state of rollback-recovery for cluster systems. 1632-1666
Volume 21, Number 13, 10 September 2009
- Bruno Schulze
, Omer F. Rana
, José Neuman de Souza
Special Issue: Advanced Strategies in Grid Environments - Models and Techniques for Scheduling and Programming. 1667-1671
- William M. Jones:
Network-aware selective job checkpoint and migration to enhance co-allocation in multi-cluster systems. 1672-1691 - Agustín C. Caminero, Omer F. Rana, María Blanca Caminero, Carmen Carrión:
Performance evaluation of an autonomic network-aware metascheduler for Grids. 1692-1708 - Romulo B. Rosinha, Cláudio F. R. Geyer, Patrícia Kayser Vargas
WSPE: a peer-to-peer grid programming environment. 1709-1724 - Alexandre Ceasar Tavares Vidal, Francisco José da Silva e Silva
, Sergio Takeo Kofuji
, Fabio Kon
Applying semantics to grid middleware. 1725-1741 - A. K. M. Khaled Ahsan Talukder, Michael Kirley, Rajkumar Buyya:
Multiobjective differential evolution for scheduling workflow applications on global Grids. 1742-1756
Volume 21, Number 14, 25 September 2009
- Luc Bougé
, Christian Lengauer:
Special Issue: Euro-Par 2008. 1757-1759
- Marina Biberstein, Yuval Harel, Andre Heilper:
Clock synchronization in Cell/B.E. traces. 1760-1774 - Michael Kuhn, Julian M. Kunkel, Thomas Ludwig:
Dynamic file system semantics to enable metadata optimizations in PVFS. 1775-1788 - Jean Christophe Beyler, Michael Klemm, Philippe Clauss
, Michael Philippsen
A meta-predictor framework for prefetching in object-based DSMs. 1789-1803 - José Carlos Sancho
, Darren J. Kerbyson:
Optimizing multiple conjugate gradient solvers for large-scale systems. 1804-1818
Volume 21, Number 15, October 2009
- Panagiotis E. Hadjidoukas
, Vassilios V. Dimakopoulos, M. Delakis, C. Garcia:
A high-performance face detection system using OpenMP. 1819-1837 - Juan Carlos Pichel
, Dora Blanco Heras
, José Carlos Cabaleiro
, Francisco F. Rivera
Increasing data reuse of sparse algebra codes on simultaneous multithreading architectures. 1838-1856 - Guosun Zeng, Wei Wang:
An evidence-based iterative content trust algorithm for the credibility of online news. 1857-1881 - Aamir Shafi
, Bryan Carpenter, Mark Baker, Aftab Hussain:
A comparative study of Java and C performance in two large-scale parallel applications. 1882-1906 - Lior Amar, Amnon Barak, Zvi Drezner, Michael Okun
Randomized gossip algorithms for maintaining a distributed bulletin board with guaranteed age properties. 1907-1927 - Phan Huy Tu, Enrico Pontelli
, Tran Cao Son, Son Thanh To:
Applications of parallel processing technologies in heuristic search planning: methodologies and experiments. 1928-1960
Volume 21, Number 16, November 2009
- Jinjun Chen, Massimo Cafaro
Special Issue: 3rd International Workshop on Workflow Management and Applications in Grid Environments (WaGe2008). 1961-1964
- Kevin Lee
, Norman W. Paton
, Rizos Sakellariou
, Ewa Deelman, Alvaro A. A. Fernandes, Gaurang Mehta:
Adaptive workflow processing and execution in Pegasus. 1965-1981 - Mingzhong Wang
, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao
, Jinjun Chen:
Trust-based robust scheduling and runtime adaptation of scientific workflow. 1982-1998 - Peter M. Kelly, Paul D. Coddington
, Andrew L. Wendelborn:
Lambda calculus as a workflow model. 1999-2017 - Xiangfeng Luo, Zheng Xu, Qing Li
, Qingliang Hu, Jie Yu, Xinhuai Tang:
Generation of similarity knowledge flow for intelligent browsing based on semantic link networks. 2018-2032 - Kaijun Ren, Jinjun Chen:
Optimizing execution path of scientific workflow by gradual removal of QoS constraint violations in Reverse Order. 2033-2051 - Antoon Goderis, Paul Fisher, Andrew Gibson, Franck Tanoh, Katy Wolstencroft
, David De Roure
, Carole A. Goble
Benchmarking workflow discovery: a case study from bioinformatics. 2052-2069 - Jing He
, Yanchun Zhang, Guangyan Huang, Chaoyi Pang:
A novel time computation model based on algorithm complexity for data intensive scientific workflow design and scheduling. 2070-2083 - Jianxun Liu, Chunjie Zhou, Jian Cao:
An integrated time management model for distributed workflow management systems in Grid environments. 2084-2098 - Kaijun Ren, Jinjun Chen, Nong Xiao, Junqiang Song:
Building Quick Service Query list (QSQL) to support automated service discovery for scientific workflow. 2099-2117 - Suraj Pandey, William Voorsluys, Mustafizur Rahman, Rajkumar Buyya, James E. Dobson
, Kenneth Chiu:
A grid workflow environment for brain imaging analysis on distributed systems. 2118-2139
Volume 21, Number 17, 10 December 2009
- Shujia Zhou, Yelena Yesha, Milton Halem:
Special Issue: Exploring the Frontiers of Computing Science and Technology: Adapting Emerging Multi- and Many-core Processors. 2141-2142
- Timothy C. Germann
, Kai Kadau, Sriram Swaminarayan:
369 Tflop/s molecular dynamics simulations on the petaflop hybrid supercomputer 'Roadrunner'. 2143-2159 - Paul R. Woodward, Jagan Jayaraj, Pei-Hung Lin
, William Dai:
First experience of compressible gas dynamics simulation on the Los Alamos roadrunner machine. 2160-2175 - Shujia Zhou, Daniel C. Duffy, Tom Clune, Max Suarez, Samuel Williams
, Milton Halem:
The impact of IBM Cell technology on the programming paradigm in the context of computer systems for climate and weather models. 2176-2186 - Sheldon Brown, Kristen Kho, Kwangyoon Lee, Erik Hill:
Accelerating the scalable city. 2187-2198 - Qin Wang, Joseph F. JáJá:
Interactive direct volume rendering on desktop multicore processors. 2199-2212 - Tyler A. Simon, James W. McGalliard:
Observation and analysis of the multicore performance impact on scientific applications. 2213-2231
Volume 21, Number 18, 25 December 2009
- Lachlan Aldred, Wil M. P. van der Aalst
, Marlon Dumas
, Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede
Dimensions of coupling in middleware. 2233-2269 - Kurt Vanmechelen, Wim Depoorter, Jan Broeckhove:
Market-based grid resource co-allocation and reservation for applications with hard deadlines. 2270-2297