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International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, Volume 10
Volume 10, Number 1, 2015
- Lukas Wilhelm Ansteeg:
Incidental Lexicon Acquisition through Playful Interaction. 4-10 - Mingjie Tan, Peiji Shao:
Prediction of Student Dropout in E-Learning Program Through the Use of Machine Learning Method. 11-17 - Lasse Hakulinen, Tapio Auvinen, Ari Korhonen
The Effect of Achievement Badges on Students' Behavior: An Empirical Study in a University-Level Computer Science Course. 18-29 - Zuhrieh Shana
, Enas Said Abulibdeh
Engaging Students through Blogs: Using Blogs to Boost a Course Experience. 30-38 - Yang Chen, Terry Burton, Mihaela Vorvoreanu, David Whittinghill
Cogent: A Case Study of Meaningful Gamification in Education with Virtual Currency. 39-45 - Yousef Mhmoud Arouri
How Jordanian University Students Perceive the Opportunities and Challenges of Using Facebook as a Supplementary Learning Resource? 46-54 - Yidong Chen, Zhehuang Huang, Xiaodong Shi
Intelligent Cloud Learning Model for Online Overseas Chinese Education. 55-59 - Paulus Insap Santosa
Student Engagement with Online Tutorial: A Perspective on Flow Theory. 60-67
- Thanyatorn Amornkitpinyo, Pallop Piriyasurawong:
Causal Relationship Model of the Information and Communication Technology Skill Affect the Technology Acceptance Process in the 21ST Century for Undergraduate Students. 68-71 - Marina Valeryevna Kuimova, Denis Alexandrovich Polyushko:
Dramatization at Extracurricular Activities as a Means to Enhance Foreign Language Teaching. 72-73 - Fenglong Cao:
Empirical Study on the Application of CALL in Writing Classroom. 74-78
- Cheah Wai Shiang, Edwin Mit, Marlene Lu:
An Exploration Study of RimbaIlmu: A Qualitative Evaluation of Shared Single Display Groupware in Sarawak, Malaysia. 79-86
Volume 10, Number 2, 2015
- Carmen de Pablos Heredero
, Sajid Haider, Antón García Martínez:
Relational Coordination as an Indicator of Teamwork Quality: Potential Application to the Success of e-Learning at Universities. 4-8 - Bharat Inder Fozdar:
Open and Distance Learning (ODL): A Strategy of Development through its Potential Role in Improving Science &Technology Knowledge. 9-16 - Alice Bajardi, Giulia Serena Della Porta, Dolores Álvarez-Rodríguez, Cristina Francucci:
Id@rt Experience: A Transnational Blended-learning Project Founded on Visual Culture. 17-23 - Mona Alhinty:
Young Language Learners' Collaborative Learning and Social Interaction as a Motivational Aspect of the iPad. 24-29 - Wan Mohd Amir Fazamin Wan Hamzah, Noraida Haji Ali
, Md. Yazid Bin Mohd. Saman, Mohd Hafiz Yusoff, Azliza Yacob:
Influence of Gamification on Students' Motivation in using E-Learning Applications Based on the Motivational Design Model. 30-34 - Anne Algers
, Ayona Silva-Fletcher:
Teachers' Perceived Value, Motivations for and Adoption of Open Educational Resources in Animal and Food Sciences. 35-45 - Nyoman Sukajaya, I. Ketut E. Purnama, Mauridhi Hery Purnomo:
Intelligent Classification of Learner's Cognitive Domain using Bayes Net, Naïve Bayes, and J48 Utilizing Bloom's Taxonomy-based Serious Game. 46-52 - Yanfei Liu:
Experiences and Countermeasures in a Web-Based English Teaching Project. 53-57 - Hui Cai, Kanhua Yu:
Design and Application of SCORM-Based Distance Education Management System. 58-62
- Mohd Nihra Haruzuan Mohamad Said
, Lokman Mohd Tahir, Mohd Fadzli Ali, Megat Aman Zahiri Megat Zakaria:
ICT Literacy and Readiness in Using Computers among Headteachers in their Tertiary Learning Experiences and School Management Tasks. 63-69
Volume 10, Number 3, 2015
- Salaheddin Odeh, Shatha Abu Shanab, Mahasen Anabtawi:
Augmented Reality Internet Labs versus its Traditional and Virtual Equivalence. 4-9 - Tantri Sari Safitry
, Teddy Mantoro
, Media Anugerah Ayu
, Ilza Mayumi, Ratna Dewanti, Sya Azmeela:
Teachers' Perspectives and Practices in Applying Technology to Enhance Learning in the Classroom. 10-14 - Paul Picher, Martin Ebner
Development of an Information System to Enhance Students Reading Literacy. 15-21 - Maria Samarakou
, Emmanouil D. Fylladitakis
, Wolf-Gerrit Früh, Antonios Hatziapostolou, John J. Gelegenis
An Advanced eLearning Environment Developed for Engineering Learners. 22-33 - Anna Danielewicz-Betz, Tatsuki Kawaguchi:
Gaining Hands-on Experience via Collaborative Learning: Interactive Computer Science Courses. 34-40 - Xia Lixin:
An Error Analysis of the Word Class: A Case Study of Chinese College Students. 41-45 - Guo Lixian:
Developing an Art Design Courseware Based on Visual Communication Technology and Computer Aided Instruction Technology. 46-51 - Congwei Li:
E-commerce Curriculum Design Based on Distance Learning System. 52-57
- Tatiana Yurievna Aikina, Olga Vitalievna Sumtsova, Dmitriy Igorevich Pavlov:
Implementing Electronic Courses Based on Moodle for Foreign Language Teaching at Russian Technical Universities. 58-61 - Jozsef Katona
, Tibor Ujbanyi, Attila Kovari
Investigation of the Correspondence between Problems Solving Based on Cognitive Psychology Tests and Programming Course Results. 62-65 - Tatiana Yurievna Aikina, Olga Mikhailovna Zubkova:
Integrating Online Services into English Language Teaching and Learning: The Case of Voki. 66-68
- Chunfang Zhou
, Aparna Purushothaman:
The Need to Foster Creativity and Digital Inclusion among Women Users in Developing Context - Addressing Second Order Digital Divide in Online Skills. 69-74
Volume 10, Number 4, 2015
- Bayan Abu Shawar
Evaluating Web Accessibility of Educational Websites. 4-10 - Alejandro Barredo, Pablo Garaizar
Flow Paths: A Standalone Tangible Board System to Create Educational Games. 11-14 - Marianthi Batsila, Charilaos Tsihouridis, Denis Vavougios, George S. Ioannidis:
Factors that Influence the Application of Web 2.0 Based Techniques for Instructional Purposes - A Case Study. 15-21 - Mingjie Tan, Peiji Shao:
An ECM-ISC based Study on Learners' Continuance Intention toward E-learning. 22-27 - Xuedong Zhang, Shuqin Kang, Miaole Hou
, Xianglei Liu:
Design and Implementation of A New-type Cloud Computing Examination System. 28-33 - Rui Yang, Wenjie Fan, Jingrong Sun:
Application in the Training of Automatic Weather Station Based on Web3D Technology. 34-39 - Mohammad Khalil
, Hubert Brunner, Martin Ebner:
Evaluation Grid for xMOOCs. 40-45 - Sasko Ristov
, Marjan Gusev
, Goce Armenski:
Massive Development of E-Testing Questions. 46-53 - Meiwei Sun:
Application of Multimodal Learning in Online English Teaching. 54-58 - Peng Lu, Xiao Cong, Dongdai Zhou:
E-learning-Oriented Software Architecture Design and Case Study. 59-65 - Yujia Ren, Menglong Li, Yixiong Wu:
Design and Application of Distance Education Platform for New Professional Peasant. 66-71 - Sani Alhaji Garba
, Byabazaire Yusuf, Abdul Hamid Busthami
Toward the Use of Technology and 21st Century Teaching-learning Approaches: The Trend of Development in Malaysian Schools within the Context of Asia Pacific. 72-79
Volume 10, Number 5, 2015
- Georgia Kokkalia, Athanasios Drigas:
Working Memory and ADHD in Preschool Education. The Role of ICT'S as a Diagnostic and Intervention Tool: An Overview. 4-9 - Athanasios Drigas, Chara Papoutsi:
ICTs for Assessment and Intervention on Cultivation of Empathy. 10-15 - Samira Sadat Sajadi:
A Tentative Model of the Link between Constructivist Learning Approach and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. 16-21 - Tatiana Sidorenko
, Vladimir Yampolsky:
The System Analysis in Language Teaching and Learning for Technical Students in Russia. 22-28 - Samir Abou El-Seoud
, Hosam F. El-Sofany, Omar H. Karam
Semantic Web Architecture and its Impact on E-learning Systems Development. 29-34 - Xiaoyan Zhong:
Development and Application of Offline Learning System in College Teaching. 35-39 - Yajuan Liu:
Design and Application of a Virtual Classroom System in Major Courses in Industrial Arts. 40-44 - Champa Hewagamage, K. Priyantha Hewagamage:
A Framework for Enhancing ICT Competency of Universities in Sri Lanka. 45-51 - Chien-Yuan Su
, Jia-Wei Chang, Ti Kai Chiu, Tung-Cheng Hsieh:
A Cluster-based Personalized Item Recommended Approach on the Educational Assessment System. 52-58 - Yuqing Guo, Muhua Zhang, Curtis J. Bonk, Yan Li
Chinese Faculty Members' Open Educational Resources (OER) Usage Status and the Barriers to OER Development and Usage. 59-65
- Mengmeng Cheng, ChienYuan Su, Jianping Zhang, Yuhui Yang:
Analyzing Temporal Patterns of Groups and Individuals in an Online Learning Forum. 66-71 - Kalla Madhu Sudhana:
Contextual Diversity and Rule-based Adaptive E-learning System Scheme. 72-76
Volume 10, Number 6, 2015
- Yan Li
, Muhua Zhang, Curtis J. Bonk, Niki Guo:
Integrating MOOC and Flipped Classroom Practice in a Traditional Undergraduate Course: Students' Experience and Perceptions. 4-10 - Gillian Puttick, Brian Drayton
, Joan Karp:
Digital Curriculum in the Classroom: Authority, Control, and Teacher Role. 11-20 - Latisha Asmaak Shafie
, Aizan Yaacob, Paramjit Kaur Karpal Singh:
The Roles of English Language and Imagined Communities of a Facebook Group. 21-26 - Yan-Qun He:
Application of Panoramic Image Technology in Distance Teaching System. 27-31 - Rdouan Faizi
, Raddouane Chiheb, Abdellatif El Afia
Students' Perceptions Towards Using Web 2.0 Technologies in Education. 32-36 - Lilian Liu:
Development and Application of Audio-triggered Courseware in Remote Music Teaching. 37-41 - Andreja Istenic Starcic
, Ziga Turk
, Matej Zajc
Transforming Pedagogical Approaches Using Tangible User Interface Enabled Computer Assisted Learning. 42-52 - Xiyuan Wu, Min Liu, Qinghua Zheng, Yunqiang Zhang, Haifei Li:
Modeling User Psychological Experience and Case Study in Online E-learning. 53-61
- Dmitry Ivanovich Popov
, Olga Yurievna Lazareva:
A Knowledge Testing Production Model Based on a Cognitive Map for SWI-Prolog Applications. 62-65 - Gufran Ahmad:
Augmented Transfer of Knowledge in eLearning Materials based on Associative Relevance. 66-69
- Rodolfo Fernandes Esteves, Silvio Henrique Fiscarelli, José Luís Bizelli
Interactive Whiteboards in Brazilian's Primary School: New Barriers. 70-75
Volume 10, Number 7, 2015
Guest Editorial
- Santi Caballé
, Nicola Capuano
Fourth International Workshop on Adaptive Learning via Interactive, Collaborative and Emotional Approaches (ALICE 2014). 4
- Vincenza Benigno
, Nicola Capuano
, Giuseppina Rita Mangione
A Web-Based Knowledge Hub for Special and Inclusive Education. 5-13 - Nicola Capuano
, Andrea Longhi, Saverio Salerno, Daniele Toti
Ontology-driven Generation of Training Paths in the Legal Domain. 14-22 - Joaquim Moré
, Jordi Conesa
, David Bañeres
, Montserrat Junyent:
A Semi-Automated System for Recognizing Prior Knowledge. 23-30 - Laura Porta Simó, Roser Beneito-Montagut, Javier Melenchón Maldonado, Antoni Marín Amatller:
Effects of Applying the Site Map Principle in an Online Learning Environment in Higher Education. 31-38 - Nicola Capuano
, Angelo Gaeta
, Matteo Gaeta
, Giuseppina Rita Mangione
, Anna Pierri:
A Cultural Re-mediation Model for Storytelling in Pre-school Education. 39-46 - Luca Andrea Ludovico
, Pio Alfredo Di Tore
, Giuseppina Rita Mangione
, Stefano Di Tore, Felice Corona
Measuring the Reading Abilities of Dyslexic Children through a Visual Game. 47-54
Volume 10, Number 8, 2015
- Ruiting Zhang, Zhijian Zhou:
A Fuzzy Least Squares Support Tensor Machines in Machine Learning. 4-10 - Liping Wu:
The application of Coarse-Grained Parallel Genetic Algorithm with Hadoop in University Intelligent Course-Timetabling System. 11-15 - Chao Ge, Cun Li:
Application of the Cosine Gray Model Based on System Cloud in the Forecast of Higher Education Scale. 16-20 - Heng Sun:
A New Multiple Criteria Decision Making Method and its Application in Cloud Computing for Education. 21-24 - Qing Hong, Wen Lu, Pengfei Feng, Haijun Wei, Zhichao Cheng:
Occupational Ability Oriented Graduate Education in Software Engineering. 25-29 - Chao Ge, Jiaqi Xie:
Application of Grey Forecasting Model Based on Improved Residual Correction in the Cost Estimation of University Education. 30-33 - Hong Ye:
Assessment of E-learning System in Higher Education Based on Hesitant Fuzzy Information with Incomplete Attribute Weights. 34-37 - Jianying Li, Zhe Zhou, Liying Wang:
A Multi-task Combinatorial Optimization Model Based on Genetic Algorithm and its Application in College Education Curriculum Planning. 38-41 - Jing Song, Junhui Zheng:
The Application of Grey-TOPSIS Method on Teaching Quality Evaluation of the Higher Education. 42-45 - Wenlu Li, Yinghui Wang:
Research on the Performance Evaluation Model of Higher Education Teachers Based on the Improved Grey Clustering Analysis Method. 46-50 - Jianfen Liu, Shengpu Li:
Research on the Ranking of University Education based on Grey-TOPSIS-DEA Method. 51-54 - Guolei Zhang, Jia Li, Li Hao:
Cloud Computing and Its Application in Big Data Processing of Distance Higher Education. 55-58 - Baoquan Wu:
Research on the Evaluation Index System and the Grey Clustering Analysis Model of Teaching Quality of Physical Education in Higher Education. 59-62 - Xin Xia, Guolei Zhang:
College Counselors' Performance Measure System and Fuzzy Measure Analysis Model. 63-68

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