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Mathias Weske
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- affiliation: Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany
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2020 – today
- 2024
- [j70]Jonas Cremerius, Hendrik Patzlaff, Mathias Weske:
Change pattern relationships in event logs. Data Knowl. Eng. 154: 102368 (2024) - [c260]Hassan Atwi, Tom Lichtenstein, Cesare Pautasso, Mathias Weske:
Transparent Transaction Ordering in Blockchain-Based Collaborative Processes. BPM (Blockchain and RPA Forum) 2024: 25-39 - [c259]Maximilian Völker
, Mathias Weske
Measuring Complexity of Bot Models in Robotic Process Automation. BPM (Blockchain and RPA Forum) 2024: 154-168 - [c258]Maximilian König, Tom Lichtenstein, Anjo Seidel, Mathias Weske:
Data Objects with Variables in BPMN. BPM (Demos / Resources Forum) 2024: 157-161 - [c257]Anjo Seidel, Maximilian König, Mathias Weske:
Towards Object-centric BPMN Process Models. BPM (Demos / Resources Forum) 2024: 176-182 - [c256]Tom Hohenadl
, Maximilian Völker
, Christian Stummeyer
, Mathias Weske
Democratizing Robotic Process Mining: A Conceptual Framework for User Actions, Tasks, and RPA Bots. BPM (Blockchain and RPA Forum) 2024: 185-199 - [c255]Maximilian König
, Maximilian Völker
, Mathias Weske
From Design to Evaluation: Students Experiencing the BPM Lifecycle Hands-on. BPM (Blockchain and RPA Forum) 2024: 333-343 - [c254]Anjo Seidel, Stephan Haarmann, Mathias Weske:
Model-Based Recommendations for Next-Best Actions in Knowledge-Intensive Processes. CAiSE 2024: 195-211 - [c253]Niels Martin, Mathias Weske, Luise Pufahl:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Process Mining in Healthcare. HICSS 2024: 3686 - [c252]Tom Lichtenstein
, Amit K. Chopra
, Munindar P. Singh
, Mathias Weske
From Visual Choreographies to Flexible Information Protocols. ICSOC (1) 2024: 354-369 - [e19]Adela del-Río-Ortega, Marco Montali, Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, Hajo A. Reijers, Jan vom Brocke, Mathias Weske, Benoît Depaire, Marta Indulska, Han van der Aa, Weronika T. Adrian, Laura Genga, Sander J. J. Leemans, Katarzyna Gdowska, María Teresa Gómez-López, Jana-Rebecca Rehse, Simone Agostinelli:
Proceedings of the Best Dissertation Award, Doctoral Consortium, and Demonstration & Resources Forum at BPM 2024 co-located with 22nd International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2024), Krakow, Poland, September 1st to 6th, 2024. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3758, CEUR-WS.org 2024 [contents] - [e18]Judith Michael, Mathias Weske:
Modellierung 2024, Potsdam, Germany, March 12-15, 2024. LNI P-348, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. 2024, ISBN 978-3-88579-742-5 [contents] - 2023
- [j69]Iris Beerepoot
, Claudio Di Ciccio
, Hajo A. Reijers
, Stefanie Rinderle-Ma
, Wasana Bandara, Andrea Burattin, Diego Calvanese
, Tianwa Chen
, Izack Cohen
, Benoît Depaire
, Gemma Di Federico
, Marlon Dumas
, Christopher G. J. van Dun
, Tobias Fehrer
, Dominik Andreas Fischer
, Avigdor Gal
, Marta Indulska, Vatche Isahagian
, Christopher Klinkmüller, Wolfgang Kratsch, Henrik Leopold, Amy Van Looy
, Hugo A. López
, Sanja Lukumbuzya, Jan Mendling
, Lara Meyers, Linda Moder, Marco Montali, Vinod Muthusamy, Manfred Reichert, Yara Rizk
, Michael Rosemann, Maximilian Röglinger, Shazia Sadiq
, Ronny Seiger
, Tijs Slaats
, Mantas Simkus
, Ida Asadi Someh
, Barbara Weber, Ingo Weber
, Mathias Weske, Francesca Zerbato
The biggest business process management problems to solve before we die. Comput. Ind. 146: 103837 (2023) - [j68]Anjo Seidel
, Stephan Haarmann, Mathias Weske:
Model-based decision support for knowledge-intensive processes. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 61(1): 143-165 (2023) - [c251]Tom Lichtenstein, Hassan Atwi, Mathias Weske, Cesare Pautasso:
Loose Collaborations on the Blockchain: Survey and Challenges. BPM (Blockchain and RPA Forum) 2023: 21-35 - [c250]Tom Lichtenstein
, Mathias Weske
Execution Semantics for Process Choreographies with Data. BPM (Forum) 2023: 90-106 - [c249]Jonas Cremerius, Hendrik Patzlaff, Mathias Weske:
Relationships Between Change Patterns in Dynamic Event Attributes. Business Process Management Workshops 2023: 149-160 - [c248]Kerstin Andree, Dorina Bano, Mathias Weske:
Beyond Temporal Dependency: An Ontology-Based Approach to Modeling Causal Structures in Business Processes. BPMDS/EMMSAD@CAiSE 2023: 152-166 - [c247]Jonas Cremerius, Mathias Weske:
Context-Aware Change Pattern Detection in Event Attributes of Recurring Activities. CAiSE Forum 2023: 1-8 - [c246]Maximilian König, Mathias Weske:
Multi-instance data behavior in BPMN. ER (Companion) 2023 - [c245]Anjo Seidel, Pierre Burghardt, Maximilian König, Mathias Weske:
Extending case models to capture organizational aspects and time. ER (Companion) 2023 - [c244]Anjo Seidel, Charlotte Balcke, Mathias Weske:
Data-centric goal modeling for knowledge-intensive processes. ER (Companion) 2023 - [c243]Maximilian Völker
, Mathias Weske
Ontology-Based Abstraction of Bot Models in Robotic Process Automation. ER 2023: 239-256 - [c242]Mathias Weske, Luise Pufahl, Jorge Munoz-Gama:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Process Mining in Healthcare. HICSS 2023: 3234 - [c241]Jonas Cremerius, Mathias Weske:
Orion: Discovering and Exploring Change Patterns in Dynamic Event Attributes. ICPM Doctoral Consortium / Demo 2023 - [c240]Maximilian Völker
, Mathias Weske
On the Nature of Data in RPA Bots. ICSOC (2) 2023: 29-37 - [c239]Dorina Bano, Judith Michael, Bernhard Rumpe, Simon Varga, Mathias Weske:
Synthesizing of Process-Aware Digital Twin Cockpits from Event Logs. Software Engineering 2023: 33-34 - [e17]Dirk Fahland, Andrés Jiménez-Ramírez, Akhil Kumar, Jan Mendling, Brian T. Pentland, Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, Tijs Slaats, Johan Versendaal, Barbara Weber, Mathias Weske, Karolin Winter:
Proceedings of the Best Dissertation Award, Doctoral Consortium, and Demonstration & Resources Forum at BPM 2023 co-located with 21st International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2023), Utrecht, The Netherlands, September 11th to 15th, 2023. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3469, CEUR-WS.org 2023 [contents] - 2022
- [j67]Sven Ihde
, Luise Pufahl, Maximilian Völker
, Asvin Goel
, Mathias Weske:
A framework for modeling and executing task-Specific resource allocations in business processes. Computing 104(11): 2405-2429 (2022) - [j66]Marco Montali, Ingo Weber
, Mathias Weske, Manfred Reichert:
Special issue: BPM 2018 selected papers in foundations and engineering. Inf. Syst. 103: 101477 (2022) - [j65]Jorge Munoz-Gama
, Niels Martin
, Carlos Fernández-Llatas, Owen A. Johnson, Marcos Sepúlveda
, Emmanuel Helm, Victor Galvez-Yanjari, Eric Rojas, Antonio Martinez-Millana, Davide Aloini
, Ilaria Angela Amantea, Robert Andrews, Michael Arias, Iris Beerepoot, Elisabetta Benevento, Andrea Burattin, Daniel Capurro, Josep Carmona, Marco Comuzzi, Benjamin Dalmas, Rene de la Fuente
, Chiara Di Francescomarino, Claudio Di Ciccio
, Roberto Gatta, Chiara Ghidini, Fernanda Gonzalez-Lopez
, Gema Ibáñez-Sánchez, Hilda B. Klasky, Angelina Prima Kurniati
, Xixi Lu, Felix Mannhardt
, Ronny Mans, Mar Marcos
, Renata Medeiros de Carvalho, Marco Pegoraro
, Simon K. Poon, Luise Pufahl, Hajo A. Reijers
, Simon Remy, Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, Lucia Sacchi, Fernando Seoane
, Minseok Song
, Alessandro Stefanini
, Emilio Sulis, Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede, Pieter J. Toussaint, Vicente Traver, Zoe Valero-Ramon, Inge van de Weerd, Wil M. P. van der Aalst
, Rob J. B. Vanwersch, Mathias Weske, Moe Thandar Wynn, Francesca Zerbato
Process mining for healthcare: Characteristics and challenges. J. Biomed. Informatics 127: 103994 (2022) - [j64]Kerstin Andree, Sven Ihde, Mathias Weske, Luise Pufahl:
An exception handling framework for case management. Softw. Syst. Model. 21(3): 939-962 (2022) - [j63]Dorina Bano, Judith Michael
, Bernhard Rumpe
, Simon Varga, Mathias Weske:
Process-aware digital twin cockpit synthesis from event logs. J. Comput. Lang. 70: 101121 (2022) - [c238]Stephan Haarmann, Tom Lichtenstein
, Mathias Weske:
Fragment-Based Service Choreographies. SCC 2022: 164-173 - [c237]Kerstin Andree, Leon Bein, Maximilian König, Caterina Mandel, Marc Rosenau, Carla Terboven, Dorina Bano, Stephan Haarmann, Mathias Weske:
fcm-js: A Tool for Design-Time Support of Fragment-Based Case Management. BPM (PhD/Demos) 2022: 87-91 - [c236]Christian Flechsig
, Maximilian Völker
, Christian Egger, Mathias Weske
Towards an Integrated Platform for Business Process Management Systems and Robotic Process Automation. BPM (Blockchain and RPA Forum) 2022: 138-153 - [c235]Jonas Cremerius, Mathias Weske:
Change Detection in Dynamic Event Attributes. BPM (Forum) 2022: 157-172 - [c234]Kerstin Andree, Leon Bein
, Maximilian König, Caterina Mandel, Marc Rosenau, Carla Terboven, Dorina Bano, Stephan Haarmann, Mathias Weske:
Design-Time Support for Fragment-Based Case Management. Business Process Management Workshops 2022: 231-242 - [c233]Timotheus Kampik
, Mathias Weske
Event Log Generation: An Industry Perspective. BPMDS/EMMSAD@CAiSE 2022: 123-136 - [c232]Tom Lichtenstein, Mathias Weske:
Data Consistency as a Criterion for Process Choreography Design. ER Forum/PhD Symposium 2022 - [c231]Maximilian Völker
, Mathias Weske
Ontology-Supported Modeling of Bots in Robotic Process Automation. ER 2022: 239-254 - [c230]Luise Pufahl, Jorge Munoz-Gama, Mathias Weske:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Process Mining in Healthcare. HICSS 2022: 1 - [c229]Jonas Cremerius, Luise Pufahl, Finn Klessascheck
, Mathias Weske:
Event Log Generation in MIMIC-IV Research Paper. ICPM Workshops 2022: 302-314 - [c228]Jonas Cremerius, Mathias Weske:
Supporting Domain Data Selection in Data-Enhanced Process Models. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2022 - [e16]Christian Janiesch, Chiara Di Francescomarino, Thomas Grisold, Akhil Kumar, Jan Mendling, Brian T. Pentland, Hajo A. Reijers, Mathias Weske, Robert Winter:
Proceedings of the Best Dissertation Award, Doctoral Consortium, and Demonstration & Resources Track at BPM 2022 co-located with 20th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2022), Münster, Germany, September 11th to 16th, 2022. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3216, CEUR-WS.org 2022 [contents] - [i11]Jonas Cremerius, Mathias Weske:
Supporting Domain Data Selection in Data-Enhanced Process Models. CoRR abs/2201.07001 (2022) - [i10]Timotheus Kampik, Mathias Weske:
Event Log Generation: An Industry Perspective. CoRR abs/2202.02539 (2022) - 2021
- [j62]Carlo Combi, Barbara Oliboni
, Mathias Weske, Francesca Zerbato
Seamless conceptual modeling of processes with transactional and analytical data. Data Knowl. Eng. 134: 101895 (2021) - [j61]Jan Ladleif, Mathias Weske:
Which Event Happened First? Deferred Choice on Blockchain Using Oracles. Frontiers Blockchain 4: 758169 (2021) - [j60]Stephan Haarmann
, Adrian Holfter, Luise Pufahl, Mathias Weske:
Formal Framework for Checking Compliance of Data-Driven Case Management. J. Data Semant. 10(1-2): 143-163 (2021) - [c227]Dorina Bano, Tom Lichtenstein
, Finn Klessascheck
, Mathias Weske:
Database-Less Extraction of Event Logs from Redo Logs. BIS 2021: 73-82 - [c226]Finn Klessascheck
, Tom Lichtenstein
, Martin Meier, Simon Remy, Jan-Philipp Sachs, Luise Pufahl, Riccardo Miotto, Erwin P. Böttinger, Mathias Weske:
Domain-Specific Event Abstraction. BIS 2021: 117-126 - [c225]Maximilian Völker
, Simon Siegert, Mathias Weske:
Adding Decision Management to Robotic Process Automation. BPM (Blockchain and RPA Forum) 2021: 23-37 - [c224]Tom Lichtenstein
, Dorina Bano, Mathias Weske:
Attribute-Driven Case Notion Discovery for Unlabeled Event Logs. Business Process Management Workshops 2021: 111-122 - [c223]Sven Ihde, Maximilian Völker, Luise Pufahl, Mathias Weske:
A Resource Manager for Advanced Resource Management and Allocation in Processes. BPM (PhD/Demos) 2021: 121-125 - [c222]Lukas Hüller, Kay Erik Jenß, Sandro Speh, Daniel Woelki, Maximilian Völker, Mathias Weske:
Ark Automate - an Open-Source Platform for Robotic Process Automation. BPM (PhD/Demos) 2021: 126-130 - [c221]Dorina Bano, Adriatik Nikaj, Mathias Weske:
Discovering Business Process Architectures from Event Logs. BPM (Forum) 2021: 162-177 - [c220]Stephan Haarmann, Anjo Seidel, Mathias Weske:
Modeling Objectives of Knowledge Workers. Business Process Management Workshops 2021: 337-348 - [c219]Stephan Haarmann, Marco Montali, Mathias Weske:
Refining Case Models Using Cardinality Constraints. CAiSE 2021: 296-310 - [c218]Dorina Bano, Francesca Zerbato
, Barbara Weber, Mathias Weske:
Enhancing Discovered Process Models with Data Object Lifecycles. EDOC 2021: 124-133 - [c217]Maximilian Völker
, Mathias Weske:
Conceptualizing Bots in Robotic Process Automation. ER 2021: 3-13 - [c216]Jonas Cremerius, Maximilian König, Christian Warmuth
, Mathias Weske:
Patient Discharge Classification Based on the Hospital Treatment Process. ICPM Workshops 2021: 314-326 - [e15]Wil M. P. van der Aalst, Remco M. Dijkman, Akhil Kumar, Francesco Leotta, Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Jan Mendling, Brian T. Pentland, Arik Senderovich, Marcos Sepúlveda, Estefanía Serral Asensio, Mathias Weske:
Proceedings of the Best Dissertation Award, Doctoral Consortium, and Demonstration & Resources Track at BPM 2021 co-located with 19th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2021), Rome, Italy, September 6th - to - 10th, 2021. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2973, CEUR-WS.org 2021 [contents] - [i9]Jan Ladleif, Mathias Weske:
Which Event Happened First? Deferred Choice on Blockchain Using Oracles. CoRR abs/2104.10520 (2021) - [i8]Jonas Cremerius, Mathias Weske:
Data-Enhanced Process Models in Process Mining. CoRR abs/2107.00565 (2021) - [i7]Luise Pufahl, Sven Ihde, Fabian Stiehle, Mathias Weske, Ingo Weber:
Automatic Resource Allocation in Business Processes: A Systematic Literature Survey. CoRR abs/2107.07264 (2021) - 2020
- [j59]Marcin Hewelt, Luise Pufahl
, Sankalita Mandal
, Felix Wolff, Mathias Weske
Toward a methodology for case modeling. Softw. Syst. Model. 19(6): 1367-1393 (2020) - [j58]Kiarash Diba, Kimon Batoulis, Matthias Weidlich
, Mathias Weske:
Extraction, correlation, and abstraction of event data for process mining. WIREs Data Mining Knowl. Discov. 10(3) (2020) - [c215]Jan Ladleif, Christian Friedow, Mathias Weske:
An Architecture for Multi-chain Business Process Choreographies. BIS 2020: 184-196 - [c214]Stephan Haarmann, Mathias Weske:
Correlating Data Objects in Fragment-Based Case Management. BIS 2020: 197-209 - [c213]Luise Pufahl, Sven Ihde, Michael Glöckner, Bogdan Franczyk, Björn Paulus, Mathias Weske:
Countering Congestion: A White-Label Platform for the Last Mile Parcel Delivery. BIS 2020: 210-223 - [c212]Tom Lichtenstein
, Simon Siegert, Adriatik Nikaj, Mathias Weske:
Data-Driven Process Choreography Execution on the Blockchain: A Focus on Blockchain Data Reusability. BIS 2020: 224-235 - [c211]Stephan Haarmann
, Mathias Weske
Cross-Case Data Objects in Business Processes: Semantics and Analysis. BPM (Forum) 2020: 3-17 - [c210]Jan Ladleif, Ingo Weber, Mathias Weske:
External Data Monitoring Using Oracles in Blockchain-Based Process Execution. BPM (Blockchain and RPA Forum) 2020: 67-81 - [c209]Maximilian König, Leon Bein
, Adriatik Nikaj, Mathias Weske:
Integrating Robotic Process Automation into Business Process Management. BPM (Blockchain and RPA Forum) 2020: 132-146 - [c208]Stephan Haarmann
, Mathias Weske
Data Object Cardinalities in Flexible Business Processes. Business Process Management Workshops 2020: 380-391 - [c207]Simon Remy
, Luise Pufahl, Jan-Philipp Sachs, Erwin P. Böttinger, Mathias Weske:
Event Log Generation in a Health System: A Case Study. BPM 2020: 505-522 - [c206]Jan Ladleif, Mathias Weske:
Time in Blockchain-Based Process Execution. EDOC 2020: 217-226 - [c205]Dorina Bano, Mathias Weske:
Discovering Data Models from Event Logs. ER 2020: 62-76 - [c204]Michael Glöckner
, Luise Pufahl
, Bogdan Franczyk
, Mathias Weske
, André Ludwig
Conceptualization of a Smart Service Platform for Last Mile Logistics. ICServ 2020: 175-184 - [e14]Wil M. P. van der Aalst, Jan vom Brocke, Marco Comuzzi, Claudio Di Ciccio, Félix García, Akhil Kumar, Jan Mendling, Brian T. Pentland, Luise Pufahl, Manfred Reichert, Mathias Weske:
Proceedings of the Best Dissertation Award, Doctoral Consortium, and Demonstration & Resources Track at BPM 2020 co-located with the 18th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2020), Sevilla, Spain, September 13-18, 2020. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2673, CEUR-WS.org 2020 [contents] - [d1]Mathias Weske
, Gero Decker, Marlon Dumas
, Marcello La Rosa
, Jan Mendling
, Hajo A. Reijers
Model Collection of the Business Process Management Academic Initiative. Zenodo, 2020 - [i6]Jan Ladleif, Mathias Weske:
Time in Blockchain-Based Process Execution. CoRR abs/2008.06210 (2020) - [i5]Stephan Haarmann, Marco Montali, Mathias Weske:
Technical Report: Refining Case Models Using Cardinality Constraints. CoRR abs/2012.02245 (2020)
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [b6]Mathias Weske:
Business Process Management - Concepts, Languages, Architectures, Third Edition. Springer 2019, ISBN 978-3-662-59431-5, pp. 1-417 - [j57]Luise Pufahl
, Mathias Weske
Batch activity: enhancing business process modeling and enactment with batch processing. Computing 101(12): 1909-1933 (2019) - [j56]Ekaterina Bazhenova, Francesca Zerbato
, Barbara Oliboni, Mathias Weske
From BPMN process models to DMN decision models. Inf. Syst. 83: 69-88 (2019) - [j55]Alaaeddine Yousfi
, Mathias Weske:
Discovering commute patterns via process mining. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 60(2): 691-713 (2019) - [j54]Adriatik Nikaj, Mathias Weske, Jan Mendling:
Semi-automatic derivation of RESTful choreographies from business process choreographies. Softw. Syst. Model. 18(2): 1195-1208 (2019) - [j53]Alaaeddine Yousfi
, Kimon Batoulis, Mathias Weske:
Achieving Business Process Improvement via Ubiquitous Decision-Aware Business Processes. ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 19(1): 14:1-14:19 (2019) - [c203]Sven Ihde, Luise Pufahl, Min-Bin Lin, Asvin Goel
, Mathias Weske:
Optimized Resource Allocations in Business Process Models. BPM Forum 2019: 55-71 - [c202]Jan Ladleif, Mathias Weske, Ingo Weber:
Modeling and Enforcing Blockchain-Based Choreographies. BPM 2019: 69-85 - [c201]Stephan Haarmann, Kimon Batoulis, Adriatik Nikaj, Mathias Weske:
Executing Collaborative Decisions Confidentially on Blockchains. BPM (Blockchain and CEE Forum) 2019: 119-135 - [c200]Adrian Holfter, Stephan Haarmann, Luise Pufahl, Mathias Weske:
Checking Compliance in Data-Driven Case Management. Business Process Management Workshops 2019: 400-411 - [c199]Jan Ladleif, Mathias Weske:
A Legal Interpretation of Choreography Models. Business Process Management Workshops 2019: 651-663 - [c198]Luise Pufahl, Mathias Weske:
The Business Process Technology Research Group. 40 Years EMISA 2019: 157-164 - [c197]Jan Ladleif, Anton von Weltzien, Mathias Weske:
chor-js: A Modeling Framework for BPMN 2.0 Choreography Diagrams. ER Forum/Posters/Demos 2019: 113-117 - [c196]Jan Ladleif, Mathias Weske:
A Unifying Model of Legal Smart Contracts. ER 2019: 323-337 - [c195]Sven Ihde, Luise Pufahl, Asvin Goel, Mathias Weske:
Towards Dynamic Resource Management in Business Processes. ZEUS 2019: 17-23 - 2018
- [j52]Thomas Baier, Claudio Di Ciccio
, Jan Mendling
, Mathias Weske:
Matching events and activities by integrating behavioral aspects and label analysis. Softw. Syst. Model. 17(2): 573-598 (2018) - [j51]Alaaeddine Yousfi
, Marcin Hewelt, Christine Bauer
, Mathias Weske:
Toward uBPMN-Based Patterns for Modeling Ubiquitous Business Processes. IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics 14(8): 3358-3367 (2018) - [j50]Jan Mendling
, Ingo Weber
, Wil M. P. van der Aalst
, Jan vom Brocke, Cristina Cabanillas
, Florian Daniel
, Søren Debois, Claudio Di Ciccio
, Marlon Dumas
, Schahram Dustdar
, Avigdor Gal, Luciano García-Bañuelos
, Guido Governatori
, Richard Hull, Marcello La Rosa, Henrik Leopold, Frank Leymann, Jan Recker
, Manfred Reichert, Hajo A. Reijers
, Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, Andreas Solti, Michael Rosemann
, Stefan Schulte
, Munindar P. Singh
, Tijs Slaats, Mark Staples, Barbara Weber
, Matthias Weidlich
, Mathias Weske, Xiwei Xu
, Liming Zhu
Blockchains for Business Process Management - Challenges and Opportunities. ACM Trans. Manag. Inf. Syst. 9(1): 4:1-4:16 (2018) - [c194]Adriatik Nikaj, Marcin Hewelt, Mathias Weske:
Towards Implementing REST-Enabled Business Process Choreographies. BIS 2018: 223-235 - [c193]Kimon Batoulis, Mathias Weske:
Disambiguation of DMN Decision Tables. BIS 2018: 236-249 - [c192]Mathias Weske, Marco Montali, Ingo Weber, Jan vom Brocke:
BPM: Foundations, Engineering, Management. BPM 2018: 3-11 - [c191]Kimon Batoulis, Mathias Weske:
A Tool for the Uniqueification of DMN Decision Tables. BPM (Dissertation/Demos/Industry) 2018: 116-119 - [c190]Sankalita Mandal, Marcin Hewelt, Maarten Oestreich, Mathias Weske:
A Classification Framework for IoT Scenarios. Business Process Management Workshops 2018: 458-469 - [c189]Stephan Haarmann, Kimon Batoulis, Mathias Weske:
Compliance Checking for Decision-Aware Process Models. Business Process Management Workshops 2018: 494-506 - [c188]Marcin Hewelt, Felix Wolff, Sankalita Mandal, Luise Pufahl, Mathias Weske:
Towards a Methodology for Case Model Elicitation. BPMDS/EMMSAD@CAiSE 2018: 181-195 - [c187]Stephan Haarmann, Kimon Batoulis, Adriatik Nikaj, Mathias Weske:
DMN Decision Execution on the Ethereum Blockchain. CAiSE 2018: 327-341 - [c186]Sankalita Mandal, Mathias Weske:
A Flexible Event Handling Model for Business Process Enactment. EDOC 2018: 68-74 - [c185]Carlo Combi, Barbara Oliboni, Mathias Weske, Francesca Zerbato
Conceptual Modeling of Processes and Data: Connecting Different Perspectives. ER 2018: 236-250 - [c184]Chiara Muzi, Luise Pufahl, Lorenzo Rossi
, Mathias Weske, Francesco Tiezzi:
Formalising BPMN Service Interaction Patterns. PoEM 2018: 3-20 - [c183]Carlo Combi, Barbara Oliboni, Mathias Weske, Francesca Zerbato
Conceptual modeling of inter-dependencies between processes and data. SAC 2018: 110-119 - [e13]Mathias Weske, Marco Montali, Ingo Weber
, Jan vom Brocke:
Business Process Management Forum - BPM Forum 2018, Sydney, NSW, Australia, September 9-14, 2018, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 329, Springer 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-98650-0 [contents] - [e12]Mathias Weske, Marco Montali, Ingo Weber
, Jan vom Brocke:
Business Process Management - 16th International Conference, BPM 2018, Sydney, NSW, Australia, September 9-14, 2018, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11080, Springer 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-98647-0 [contents] - [r3]Mathias Weske:
Distributed Concurrency Control. Encyclopedia of Database Systems (2nd ed.) 2018 - 2017
- [j49]Luise Pufahl, Mathias Weske:
Batch Processing across multiple Business Process based on Object Life Cycle. EMISA Forum 37(1): 36-37 (2017) - [c182]