International Symposium on the Applications of Constraint Databases (CDB)

International Workshop on Constraint Database Systems and Their Applications – International Workshop on Constraint Database Systems – ESPRIT WG CONTESSA Workshop

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      CDB 2004: Paris, France

      held in conjunction with SIGMOD/PODS 2004)

      Symposium homepage

      4. CDB 1998: Seattle, Washington, USA

      held in conjunction with SIGMOD/PODS 1998

      no formal or informal proceedings of CDB 1998 have been published, but the slides of most talks are available from the CDB 1998 Home Page

      Workshop Program

      2. CDB 1996: Cambridge, MA, USA / 3. CDB 1997: Delphi, Greece

      1. CDB 1995: Friedrichshafen, Germany