International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      30th CP 2024: Girona, Spain

      29th CP 2023: Toronto, ON, Canada

      28th CP 2022: Haifa, Israel

      27th CP 2021: Montpellier, France (Virtual Conference)

      26th CP 2020: Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

      25th CP 2019: Stamford, CT, USA

      24th CP 2018: Lille, France

      23rd CP 2017: Melbourne, VIC, Australia

      22nd CP 2016: Toulouse, France

      21st CP 2015: Cork, Ireland

      20th CP 2014: Lyon, France

      19th CP 2013: Uppsala, Sweden

      18th CP 2012: Québec City, QC, Canada

      17th CP 2011: Perugia, Italy

      16th CP 2010: St. Andrews, Scotland, UK

      15th CP 2009: Lisbon, Portugal

      14th CP 2008: Sydney, NSW, Australia

      13th CP 2007: Providence, RI, USA

      12th CP 2006: Nantes, France

      11th CP 2005: Sitges (Barcelona), Spain

      special issue: Constraints 11(2-3)

      10th CP 2004: Toronto, Canada

      9th CP 2003: Kinsale, Ireland

      8th CP 2002: Ithaca, NY, USA

      CP 2002 Home Page

      7th CP 2001: Paphos, Cyprus

      6th CP 2000: Singapore

      5th CP 1999: Alexandria, Virginia, USA

      Workshop on Large Scale Combinatorial Optimisation and Constraints: Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Volume 4

      4th CP 1998: Pisa, Italy

      CP 1998 Home Page

      Workshop on Large Scale Combinatorial Optimisation and Constraints: Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Volume 1

      3rd CP 1997: Linz, Austria

      CP 1997 Home Page

      Selected papers will appear in a special issue of the CONSTRAINTS journal devoted to the conference.

      Workshops on October 27-28, preceding the Conference

      CP97 Workshops on November 1, the last day of the Conference

      2nd CP 1996: Cambridge, Massachusetts

      1st CP 1995: Cassis, France

      Selected papers are published in TCS 173(1), 1997

      The CP conference has been preceded by two workshops on the principles and practice of constraint programming organized at Orcas Island in May 1994 and at Newport in April 1993, and also by a Workshop on Constraint Logic Programming organized at Alton Jones in the Spring of 1988. Also the Workshops on Constraint Logic Programming at Marseille in 1991, 1992 and 1993, and the International Conference on Constraints in Computational Logics at Munich in September 1994, are significant antecedents.