International Workshop on Science Gateways

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      11th IWSG 2019: Ljubljana, Slovenia

      10th IWSG 2018: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

      9th IWSG 2017: Poznan, Poland

      8th IWSG 2016: Rome, Italy

      6th IWSG 2014: Dublin, Ireland

      5th IWSG 2013: Zurich, Switzerland

      4th IWSG-Life 2012: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      3rd IWSG-Life 2011: London, UK

      2nd IWSG 2010: Catania, Italy

      1st IWPLS 2009: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

      a service of  Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics