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10th AMCIS 2004: New York, NY, USA
- 10th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2004, New York, NY, USA, August 6-8, 2004. Association for Information Systems 2004
- Robin Wurl, Michael Bartolacci:
Identifying e-CRM Entities and Their Keys for Successful Implementation in the U.S. Healthcare Field. 1 - Pratyush Bharati, Abhijit Chaudhury:
Influence of Choiceboards on E-Commerce Customers: An Empirical Study of Factors Impacting User Satisfaction. 2 - Mahesh S. Raisinghani, Tapas Sahoo:
The Emergent Semantic Web: Managing Data Efficiently. 3 - Luvai Motivalla, Ashwin Mehta:
CRM: Off-shore Outsourcing of Customer Facing Functions - How Effective Is This Strategy? 4 - Dave Gaines, Ramakrishnan Pakath:
Alternate Adaptive Agent Architectures and Behavioral Consequences. 5 - Radhika Santhanam, Sharath Sasidharan:
Improving IT Acceptance through Training. 6 - Raymond A. Hackney, Ashok Ranchhod, Marilyn Hackney:
Marketing Strategies through Customer Attention: beyond technology-enabled customer relationship management. 7 - Ye Diana Wang, Guisseppi A. Forgionne:
A Decision-theoretic Multi-dimensional Model for Meeting Users' Information Filtering Needs. 8 - Eli Rohn, Elena Karahanna-Evaristo:
On Hidden Disorder in XML Tags. 9 - Karen P. Patten:
Personal Area Networks: Changing the Way We Work. 10 - Jung P. Shim, Kirk P. Arnett, Mark B. Schmidt:
Videostreaming, HorizonLive, and Tablet PCs for Teaching Information Systems Courses: Revisited. 11 - Mark I. Hwang:
Integrating Enterprise Systems in Mergers and Acquisitions. 12 - Jia-Lang Seng:
Toward a Generic Transformation between B2Bi Standards of UML and XML. 13 - Glenn Stewart, Jude Smith, Tim Dunn:
Creating Engaging Learning Environments for IT Students. 14 - Rashi Sehgal, Glenn Stewart:
Exploring the Relationship between User Empowerment and Enterprise System Success Measures. 15 - Kimberly A. Furumo, John Michael Pearson:
A Case Study of ERP Implementation in Two Public Universities: Why Was One a Success and the Other a Failure? 16 - Maha Shakir, Dennis Viehland:
Business Drivers in Contemporary Enterprise System Implementations. 17 - Judy E. Scott:
Tekcal's ERP Implementation Challenge: Climate, Fit and Effectiveness. 18 - Darshana Sedera, Guy G. Gable, Taizan Chan:
Knowledge Management as an antecedent of Enterprise System Success. 19 - Joseph Bradley, C. Christopher Lee:
ERP Training and User Satisfaction. 20 - Leopoldo E. Colmenares:
Critical Success Factors of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation in Venezuela. 21 - Yihua Sheng:
Information Technology and Organizational Capability - What Chandler Would Think Today? 22 - Shari S. C. Shang, Tim Su:
Managing User Resistance in Enterprise Systems Implementation. 23 - Utako Tanigawa:
Decision Processes in Enterprise Architecture: Descriptive Study. 24 - Kregg Aytes:
Adding Value to the Core Business Curriculum: Innovative Use of IS Courses. 25 - Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Adam M. A. Fadlalla, Elie Geisler, Jonathan L. Schaffer:
A Framework For Assessing E-Health Preparedness. 26 - Sonja Wiley-Patton, Aisha Malloy:
Understanding Healthcare Professionals' Adoption and Use of IT. 27 - Upkar Varshney:
Using Wireless Networks for Enhanced Monitoring of Patients. 28 - Yolande Chan, Anna Dekker, David Ramsden:
Diffusing Healthcare Innovations: A Case Study of the Care Delivery Network. 29 - Jarmo Taehkaepaeae:
ICT and Resource Based Approach in Creating Core Competencies in Public Health. 30 - Reshma Gandecha, Christopher J. Atkinson, Anastasia Papazafeiropoulou, Athanasia Pouloudi:
Analyzing the UK NHS Care Records Service (NCRS): a Stakeholder/Actor Network Theory Perspective. 31 - Richard Klein:
An Examination of Adoption of Electronic Supply Chain Initiatives by U.S. Medical Practices. 32 - Neset Hikmet, Mary Burns:
Health Care Executives: The Association between External Factors, Use, and Their Perceptions of Health Information Technology. 33 - Dag von Lubitz, Benjamin Carrasco, Francesco Gabbrielli, Howard Levine, Tim McClelland, Frédéric Patricelli, Caleb Poirier, Simon Richir:
Distributed, Multiplatform High Fidelity Human Patient Simulation Environment in an Ultra-Long Distance Setting. 34 - Sutee Sujitparapitaya, Brian D. Janz, James C. Wetherbe:
Organizational Impact of Enterprise User Interface Approach in Healthcare. 35 - Andreas Schweiger, Helmut Krcmar:
Multi-Agent Systems for Active, Dynamic Activity Areas. 36 - Liqiong Deng, Marshall Scott Poole, Cynthia Scheideman-Miller, Houghton G. Brown:
Learning through Telemedicine Networks: The Case Study of a Wound Care Network. 37 - Huigang Liang, Yajiong Xue, Kittipong Laosethakul, Nikhil Mehta:
Trust in Online Prescription Filling. 38 - William Tollefsen, Dan Myung, Steve Moulton, Mark Gaynor:
iRevive, A Pre-Hospital Mobile Database. 39 - Khalil Khoumbati, Marinos Themistocleous, Zahir Irani:
The Adoption of Enterprise Application Integration in Healthcare Organisations: Methodological Perspective. 40 - Elliot Sloane, William P. Wagner:
Clinical Engineering Use of Event-Driven Process Chain (EPC) to Develop Enterprise Models of Collaborative Information and Workflow for Re-Engineering the Operating Room. 41 - Cynthia LeRouge, Monica J. Garfield, Alan R. Hevner, Rosann Collins:
Managing Technology Service Encounters: Provider Perspectives of Telemedicine Encounter Quality. 42 - Bengisu Tulu, Haiqing Li, Samir Chatterjee, Brian N. Hilton, Deborah Beranek Lafky, Thomas A. Horan:
Design and Implementation of a Digital Signature Solution for a Healthcare Enterprise. 43 - Deborah Beranek Lafky:
Heterogeneous Data in Federated Networks: A Framework for Solution Development. 44 - Ivor Perry:
Knowledge as Process, not Data: the role of Process Based Systems in developing organisational knowledge and behaviour. 45 - Ronald Spanjers, Anne-Françoise Rutkowski, R. Martens:
Teleleren: Implementation and Acceptation of E-learning in a Hospital Environment. 46 - Mike W. Chiasson, Elizabeth J. Davidson, Bonnie Kaplan, Rita Kukafka, Gilad J. Kuperman:
Strangers in A Strange Land: Can IS Meet the Challenges and Opportunities of Research in Healthcare? 47 - Jan Aidemark:
Implementing Intranet for Social and Cognitive Knowledge Processes. 48 - Ada Scupola:
Adoption of E-Commerce in Small and Medium Size Enterprises in Australia. 49 - Nigel Lockett, David Brown:
The Strategic Impact of Vertical Application Service Providers: An SME Perspective. 50 - Mark B. Schmidt, Allen C. Johnston, Kirk P. Arnett:
Wireless Network Security in Hospitality SMEs. 51 - Julian J. Ray, Amy W. Ray:
Integrating 3rd Party Web Services: Golf Masters' Strategy for Competing against a Retail Giant. 52 - Elizabeth E. Grandon, John Michael Pearson:
Factors that Differentiate between Adopters and Non-adopters of E-Commerce: An Empirical Study of Small and Medium Sized Businesses. 53 - Annette L. Steenkamp, Zongjun Li, Elmar du Plessis:
Strategic Planning for Small IT Business. 54 - Ronald Norman, Gabriel A. Giordano, Brian Keane:
Factors Determining Digital Imaging Technology Adoption in Small Business. 55 - John Gallaugher:
A Model for Examining Standards Competition in Two-Sided Markets Subject to Network Externalities: The Case of the Console Video Game Industry. 56 - Neil Morton:
Understanding Attitudes toward Online Music Piracy. 57 - Claudia Loebbecke:
Adoption and Diffusion of Digital Cable as Complementary Infrastructure for Content and Information Services. 58 - Min-Cheol Whang, Hae-Rin Lee, Yoon Jung Park:
The Emergence of Digital Image Value Property Rights Created by Interactivity between Users and Items in Online Game. 59 - Yujong Hwang:
The Influence of Individual-level Cultural Orientation on ERP System Adoption. 60 - Eric S. Kyper, Rodrigo J. Lievano, Paul Mangiameli, SeungJae Shin:
Software piracy: A time-series Analysis. 61 - Inseong Lee, Boreum Choi, Jinwoo Kim, Se-Joon Hong, Kar Yan Tam:
Cross-cultural Comparison for Cultural Aspects of Mobile Internet: Focusing on Korea and Hong Kong. 62 - Jon Heales:
National Culture, Infrastructure, and Costs: Factors that Lead to the Use of Wireless Technologies. 63 - Porngarm Saengratwatchara, John Michael Pearson:
The Impact Of Culture On Training Methods And Computer Self-Efficacy. 64 - Souren Paul, Priya Seetharaman:
Cultural Diversity, Conflict and Team Facilitation in Global Virtual Teams - a research model. 65 - Mohamed El Louadi, Andrea Everard:
Information Technology and the Arab World: A Question of Culture. 66 - Andrew P. Ciganek, Suprasith Jarupathirun, Hangjung Zo:
The Role of National Culture and Gender on Information Elements in E-commerce: A Pilot Study on Trust. 67 - Anita Komlodi, Michael Carlin:
Identifying Cultural Variables in Information-Seeking. 68 - Ralf Eder-Lange, Guillermo Rodríguez-Abitia:
The Effect of National Culture on the Definition of Process Ownership as a Requirement for Effective Business Process Reengineering. 69 - Melih Kirlidog:
An Investigation of the Emigration Plans of the Turkish Computer Engineering Students. 70 - Jose Diaz, Ileana Perez:
A DSS Based on Simulation to Make Decisions for the Cuban Cruise Industry. 71 - Manuel Rincon, Alejandro Orero:
Knowledge Management in Developing Countries: understanding an interpretivist approach. 72 - Abiodun O. Bada, Fidelis M. Ikem, Emmanuel O. Omojokun, Ephraim Eyob, Adeyemi A. Adekoya, Ago Quaye:
Globalization and the Nigerian banking industry: dynamics of context/process interaction. 73 - Yajiong Xue, Huigang Liang, Changxiao Jin, Yongjun Liu:
Investigating Factors Influencing Telemedicine Usage in Developing Countries. 74 - Pauline Chin:
An Examination of Factors that Affect the Management of Information Technology in Organizations. 75 - Eder Abensur, Paulo Nascimento, Israel Brunstein:
Virtual Experimentation, R&D Performance and Learning: The Impact of Information Technology on Brazilian Industry. 76 - Gladys Rincon, Maria Perez:
Discrete-event Simulation Software Decision Support in the Venezuelan Oil Industry. 77 - Guillermo Rodríguez-Abitia, Susana B. Vidrio-Baron, Claudia Montiel-Sanchez:
Assessing the State of e-Readiness for Small and Medium Companies in Mexico: A Proposed Taxonomy and Adoption Model. 78 - Ricardo Salim Koussa, Carlos Ferrán-Urdaneta:
Pragmatic Fragility of Information Technology in Latin America: Case studies. 79 - Raul A. Trejo-Ramírez, Guillermo Rodríguez-Abitia, Elizabeth Munive-Herrera:
A Strategy of Business Collaboration for Adopting Information Technologies in Small and Medium Sized Companies in Latin America. 81 - Lie Yang, Jinghua Huang:
An Exploratory Study on the Assessment Model of E-Government in China. 82 - Huizhang Shen, Jidi Zhao, Huaping Wang, Shangliang Liu:
Using OTC Model to Drive the Development of Shanghai's Economy. 83 - Carol Xiaojuan Ou, Choon-Ling Sia:
An Overview of CRM Adoption and Implementation Strategy in China. 84 - Dorothy G. Dologite, Robert J. Mockler, Qinghua Bai, Peter F. Viszhanyo:
A Manager's Critical Role as IS Change Agent: A Case of Packaged Software Implementation in China. 85 - Weiling Ke, Kwok-Kee Wei:
Understanding E-Government Development: A Case Study of Singapore E-Government. 86 - Sean Xin Xu, Kevin Zhu, Kenneth L. Kraemer:
Factors Affecting E-Business Diffusion in Organizations: Differences between Developed and Developing Countries. 87 - Guifeng Shi, Wei Wang, Lingnan Ouyang:
Policies of Software Protection: The Practice in China. 88 - Narcyz Roztocki, Heinz Roland Weistroffer:
Using Activity-Based Costing for Evaluating Information Technology Related Investments in Emerging Economies: A Framework. 89 - James Ding:
The Role of ES Implementation in IJV Development: Exploring the Relationship. 90 - Kallol Kumar Bagchi, Karl B. Putnam, Zaiyong Tang:
Global IT Expenditure Growth: An Empirical Investigation Across Nations. 91 - Narcyz Roztocki, James B. Pick, Carlos J. Navarrete:
IT Investments in Developing Countries: Mini-Track Introduction. 92 - Kevin E. Dow, Jeffrey A. Wong:
The Downside Risk Implications of Investments in Information Technology. 93 - Darshana Sedera, Guy G. Gable, Taizan Chan:
A Factor and Structural Equation analysis of the Enterprise Systems Success Measurement Model. 94 - Namchul Shin:
The Relationship between Information Technology and Diversification: Its Implications for Firm Performance. 95 - Hussein Al-Yaseen, Tillal Eldabi, Ray J. Paul:
A Quantitative Assessment of Operational Use Evaluation of Information Technology: Benefits and Barriers. 96 - Wei Wang, Vincent Cho:
Are Antecedents in the Adoption Stage Affecting IS Effectiveness in the Implementation Stage. 97 - William L. Lomerson, Paul Tuten:
In Search of Alternatives: Exploring IT Evaluation from a Service-based Perspective. 98 - Otávio P. Sanchez, Alberto Albertin:
Proposition of an Economic Theory Based Model (MAITEF) to Guide to Effective Firm-Level Information Systems Investments Decisions. 99 - Souad Mohamed, Zahir Irani:
Validating Indirect Human Costs MEFM Taxonomy: Case Studies from the Banking Sector. 100 - Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson, Myung Ko:
Applying Data Mining Techniques to Understand the Impact of Information Technology on Organizational Productivity. 101 - Michael D. Williams, Janet Williams:
A Framework Facilitating Ex-Ante Evaluation of Information Systems. 102 - Changxiao Jin, Linda Leon, Robbie T. Nakatsu, Zbigniew H. Przasnyski, Kala Chand Seal:
The Alignment Of Organizational Incentives with Organizational Goals Across IT Adoption Stages. 103 - Daniel Svavarsson:
Evaluation of Strategic IT Platform Investments. 104 - Zahir Irani, Marinos Themistocleous, Tony Elliman, Peter E. D. Love:
Information Systems Evaluation: Mini-track Introduction. 105 - Parag C. Pendharkar, Girish H. Subramanian:
An Empirical Study of Learning Curve Theory's application to the Software Development Effort-Experience Relationship in Software Engineering and Project Management. 106 - Patricia Sahm, Michel Avital:
The Moderating Affect of Trust in the Relationship of Project Managers and Project Sponsors. 107 - Hazel Taylor:
Risk Factors in Vendor-Driven IT Projects. 108 - Per Backlund:
Introducing New IT Project Management Practices - a Case Study. 109 - Jeff Crawford:
Practicing What We Preach: Understanding Why Project Management Methodologies Are Often Ignored. 110 - Nancy L. Martin, Kimberly A. Furumo, John Michael Pearson:
Project Management in IS: Fit Matters. 111 - Jon Heales, Corina Raduescu:
The Role of Management Incentives in Successful Information Systems Development and Implementation. 112 - Stacie Petter, Vijay K. Vaishnavi:
Towards a Model to Support Knowledge Transfer among Software Project Managers. 113 - José Esteves, Nuria Rodríguez, Joan Antoni Pastor-Collado, Ramon Roy:
Extending The SEI Risk Management Approach With Organizational Factors: An Action-Research Project. 114 - Douglas Havelka, T. M. Rajkumar, Patrick Serve:
Early Indicators of Troubled IS Development Projects. 115 - Mark Keil, Ghiyoung Im, Magnus Mähring:
The Effects of Scapegoating on Willingness to Report Bad News on Troubled Software Projects. 116 - Dominic M. Thomas, Robert P. Bostrom:
Conceptual Model of Virtual Team Leader Actions for Better Technology Appropriation. 117 - Xiaorui Luo:
Delivering Business Value of Information Technology: the Moderating Role of Alignment. 118 - Ulku Yaylacicegi, Nirup M. Menon:
Lagged Impact of Information Technology on Organizational Productivity. 119 - Raquel Benbunan-Fich, William Hampton-Sosa:
Investments in Web Technologies and Firm Value Effects. 120 - Alberto Albertin, Rosa de Moura:
The Benefits of Information Technology in Business Performance. 121 - Stephan Kudyba, Sergei Ananyan, Kenneth Lawrence:
The Utilization of Data Mining Analytics to Enhance the Return on Investment of Online Document Repositories. 122 - Rajiv Kohli, Susan A. Sherer:
Coordination Begins at Home: Measuring Coordination Complementarities in Supply Chain Environments. 123 - Ling Ge, Prabhudev Konana:
Global Sourcing of IT-enabled Business Processes: The Rationale of Unbundling and locating. 124 - Matthias Marschall, Dan Ackerson:
Building Sustainable Information Systems for Project-Oriented Cross Organizational Collaboration. 125 - Mark B. Schmidt, David Vance:
IT Does Matter (At Least When It Is Properly Managed). 126 - Linda Morefield, Roy Tapp, C. Blades, George Kelley:
A Method for the Quantitative Assessment of the Impact and Sustainability of the KCTCS ERP Initiative. 127 - Shivraj Kanungo:
Sustainable benefits of IT investments: From concept to implementation. 128 - Anja Mursu, Mikko Korpela, Hettie Abimbola Soriyan:
A Generic Framework For Analyzing the Sustainability of Information Systems. 129 - Jasna Kuljis, Ifechukwu Nnatuanya, Ray J. Paul:
Information Systems: Assets Or Consumables - Growing A Path To Sustainability. 130 - Kris Rosacker, David L. Olson:
State Government E-Procurement: A Simulation Evaluation. 131 - Ian Cottam, Peter Kawalek, Duncan R. Shaw:
A Local Government CRM Maturity Model: a component in the transformational change of UK councils. 132 - Martin Cahill, Luciano Batista, Peter Kawalek:
The Recovery of Government Reputation: Exploring Two Dimensions of Strategy. 133 - Vishanth Weerakkody, Jyoti Choudrie, Wendy L. Currie:
Realising E-Government in the UK: Local and National Challenges. 134 - Jyoti Choudrie, Anastasia Papazafeiropoulou, Ben Light:
E-Government Policies for Broadband Adoption: The Case of the UK Government. 135 - Insu Park, JinKyu Lee, H. Raghav Rao:
Digital Democracy: The Influence of the Internet on Voting Intention. 136 - Jane Fedorowicz, Ulric J. Gelinas, Janis L. Gogan, Christine B. Williams:
E-Government, E-Procurement, and E-Payments: Data Sharing Issues Associated with an Appreciating Database. 137 - Mark Kerwood, Gary Hackbarth, James Kurtenbach:
Discovering IT Spending Levels by State. 138