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28th AMCIS 2022: Minneapolis, MN, USA
- Gordan Davis, Sue Brown, Mani R. Subramani, Gove N. Allen, K. D. Joshi, Kevin P. Scheibe:
28th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2022, Minneapolis, MN, USA, August 10-14, 2022. Association for Information Systems 2022
Conference Theme Track - Innovative Research Informing Practice
- Christian Haertel, Abdulrahman Nahhas, Christian Daase, Matthias Volk, Klaus Turowski:
A Holistic View of Adaptive Supply Chain in Retailing Industry. - Stephen Davison, Dana Avgil, Yan Li, Sonia Yang:
A Semi-automatic Indexing Pipeline for Medical Document Retrieval in Resource-constrained Settings. - Vallabh Sambamurthy, Susan A. Brown, Mani R. Subramani:
AMCIS 2022 Reflecting on Gordon Davis and the Future of the IS Discipline. - Carol Lee, YoungHo Yoon, Pratyush Bharati:
Coastal Resilience Decision Making with Machine Learning. - Xiao Li, Julia Kotlarsky, Michael David Myers:
Crowdsourcing in Response to Disaster: A Literature Review. - Stéphane Gagnon:
Digital Project Leadership and Talent Management in the As-Practice Perspective. - Qin Weng, Wendy Wang, Amber Grace Young:
How Is IT Identity Claimed and Manifested? - Sebastian Hobert, Andreas Edler, Christine Jokisch, Julian Busse:
Improve Your Modeling Skills with the Help of Your Peers - Developing and Introducing a Digital Case Study and Peer Feedback App in an Information Systems Class. - Wenting Jiang, Ashish Gupta, Gabrielle Taylor, Xiao Qin:
Misinformation: A Survey of State-of-Art and Future Research Opportunities. - Katja Bley, Martin Holthe Rønningen, Paolo Spagnoletti, Ilias O. Pappas:
The Potential of Big Data Analytics for Decision Support in Sports - The Case of Soccer. - Matthew Caron, Christian Bartelheimer, Oliver Müller:
Towards a Reliable & Transparent Approach to Data-Driven Brand Valuation. - Madhuri Prabhala, Indranil Bose:
User-Generated Content and Online Product Search - The Case of the Indian Automobile Industry. - Susan A. Brown, Mani R. Subramani, KD Joshi, Gove N. Allen, Kevin P. Scheibe:
AMCIS 2022 Awards Luncheon.
Core - Cognitive Research in IS
- Marvin Braun, Maike Greve, Till Ole Diesterhöft, Lutz M. Kolbe:
Can (A)I do this for you? - Exploring the Impact of Psychological Distance and AI-Attitude on Task Delegation. - Mahikala Niranga, Darshana Sedera:
Revisiting the Constructs of SQB Theory: A Review and Research Agenda. - Louisa F. Rieger, Tina Wang:
Swaying Individuals' Privacy Concerns Through Amplifying vs. Diminishing Counter Arguments: An Awareness-Motivation-Capability Perspective. - Ashish Kakar, Adarsh Kumar Kakar:
What are the critical value attributes sought by software users?
DataEcoSys - Data EcoSystem in Information Systems
- Sven Kurrle, Jens F. Lachenmaier, Heiner Lasi:
Crafting an IoT-Ecosystem - A Three-Phased Approach. - Kathrin Pfähler, Henning Baars, Simon Hiller, Dominik Morar, Dimitri Petrik:
Data Analytics Services for Additive Manufacturing Ecosystems. - Marcel Altendeitering, Stephan Dübler, Tobias Moritz Guggenberger:
Data Quality in Data Ecosystems: Towards a Design Theory. - Hannah Stein
, Calvin Rix, Anna Effertz, Sven Bergau, Wolfgang Maass:
Data Sharing in the German Food Industry - Empirical Insights. - Niklas Scholz, Jannik Wieland, Thomas Schäffer:
Towards a Framework for Enterprise & Platform Ecosystem Data Governance. - Maximilian Werling, Patrick Weber, Ann Tank:
Value Modeling in IoT Ecosystems with a Central Trusted Entity - Qualitative Interviews and Explorative Case Study.
LACAIS - Spanish, Portuguese and Latin America
- Víctor Wilfredo Bohórquez López, Ana Elizabeth Gómez-Burns:
Analizando artículos en Scopus sobre posverdad y noticias falsas con un algoritmo de aprendizaje no supervisado / Analyzing Scopus articles on post-truth and fake news with an unsupervised learning algorithm. - Danilo Figueiredo Oliveira, Edmir Parada Vasques Prado:
Causas e problemas de privacidade de dados em sistemas de big data analytics: uma revisão sistemática da literatura. - Nicolas Teichi Kaneko, Daielly Mantovani:
Identificação de comportamento de rede na produção de conteúdo artístico em redes sociais. - David Bergerman, Guilherme Cavalcanti de A. Simões, Leonardo Machado de Lima, Daielly Mantovani:
Modelos de Avaliação de Smart Cities: uma Análise Comparativa entre Frameworks Brasileiros e Estrangeiros. - Matthias Werner, Jasmin Isabell Feldmann, Juliana Becerra Montealegre, Jan Stockhinger:
Team Ambidexterity and its Prerequisites: An Exploratory Study of an IT Service Management Team.
SCUIDT- Strategic and Competitive Uses of Information and Digital Technologies
- João Lemos, João Barata:
A Three-Fold Perspective of Continuous IT Value Assessment. - Ali Ahmed, Ezgi Akar:
An Empirical Examination of Technology and Security Services in Sharing Economy. - Sidi Zhao, Pei Xu:
Antecedents and Consequences of Blockchain Innovations. - Parisa Aasi, Sebastian Atug, Lorenzo Cermeno, Lazar Rusu:
Digital Transformation Success Through Aligning the Organizational Structure: Case Study of Swedish Public Organizations. - Frauke Hellweg, Kevin Wesendrup, Bernd Hellingrath:
Exploring the Relevance and Maturity of Digital Supply Chain Transformations in Academia and Practice. - Maurice Meyer, Timm Fichtler, Christian Koldewey, Roman Dumitrescu:
How can Data Analytics Results be Exploited in the Early Phase of Product Development? 13 Design Principles for Data-Driven Product Planning. - Tahmina Sultana, Md Nabid Alam:
Impact of Information Sharing Gamification on Organizational Performance. - Marta Starostka-Patyk, Paulina Grunt:
Modern ICT solutions for Logistics (4.0) in manufacturing enterprises. - Till Ole Diesterhöft, Aycan Aslan, Marvin Braun:
Play Your Cards Right: Utilizing Differential Privacy as a Competitive Advantage. - Shailaja Jha, Abhishek Kathuria:
Size Matters for Cloud Capability and Performance. - Ziyi Zhao, Taha Havakhor, Munir Mandviwalla:
SME Digitization: How do Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Firms Digitize. - Magno Queiroz, Abhijith Anand:
Theorizing Agency and Temporality in IT-Enabled Competitive Actions.
SIG - Adoption and Diffusion of IT
- George Dagliyan, Nelson F. Granados, Cristel A. Russell:
Adopting AI-Enabled Technology: Taking the Bad with the Good. - Evgeniia Filippova-Karlusch, Jakob Vincent Summer:
Adoption of Smart Home Speakers: Study of User Acceptance Factors. - Reza Vaezi:
Ambivalence Reduction Effect on Technology Adoption and Use. - Maximilian Horn, Martin Missong:
An Augmented UTAUT Model for Robo-Advisor Adoption. - Tomasz Marcin Mucha, Sijia Ma, Kaveh Abhari:
Beyond MLOps: The Lifecycle of Machine Learning-based Solutions. - Nicola Schreyer, Christoph Weinert:
Breaking Out of the Social Media Prison: Identifying Strategies to Disrupt the IT- Mediated State-Tracking Habit. - Arvid Alexander Eichner, Nicholas Valentin Lingnau:
Choice or Compulsion? - A Typology of Self-Reported Smartphone Use. - Maximilian Valta, Christian Maier:
Digital Nudging to Reduce Techno Stressors: Insights from Qualitative and Quantitative Studies. - Julia Bräker, Martin Semmann:
Dividing Complexity to Conquer New Dimensions - Towards a Framework for Designing Augmented Reality Solutions. - Dominique Welt, Geneviève Bassellier:
For Better and Worst: IT Identity and Subjective Well-being. - Cevdet Bulut, Philip Wu:
IoT adoption in agriculture: a systematic review. - Ali El Samra, Azar Shahgholian, Nikolay Mehandjiev:
Linking Coping Emotions to IT Events: A Conceptual Framework. - Maximilian Valta, Yannick Hildebrandt, Christian Maier:
Reducing Technostress: The Role of the Digital Mindset. - Melissa Klase, Olivia Connors, Kaveh Abhari:
Reflectiveness: The Missing Link between Digital Mindfulness and Mindful Use of Digital Technology. - Félix Joly, Camille Grange:
Societal acceptance of mobile contact tracing applications: the moderating effect of construal level. - Ruoning Qian, Prashant Palvia:
The Impact of Mobile Payment on Consumer Behavior: A Unified Model. - Peter Haried, James Murray:
Understanding Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Purchase Motivations. - Bright Frimpong, Fatima Mohammed:
Unraveling Cyberloafing Paradox: Towards A Targeted Approach for Managing Cyberloafing. - Saeed Abooleet, Xiaowen Fang:
Value-Cost Model for Cryptocurrency Adoption.
SIG Agility - Digital Agility and Resilience
- Md Golam Kibria, Benjamin T. George:
Blockchain Applications to Mitigate the Effects of Supply Chain Disruptions.
SIG ASYS - Accounting Info Systems
- Tao Yang, Derek L. Nazareth:
Genetic Algorithm-based Feature Selection for Auditing Decisions. - Jeffrey Proudfoot, Stuart E. Madnick:
Regulatory Facilitators and Impediments Impacting Cybersecurity Maturity.
SIG CCRIS - Global, International, and Cross Cultural Research in Information Systems
- Ajay Mutreja, Gabrielle Peko, Johnny Chan, David Sundaram:
GLOBOIDS for a Seamless Cross Border Mobility Experience.
SIG CNOW - Changing Nature of Work with ICT
- Derrick Ganye, A. F. Salam:
Employee Creativity and Information Technology in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic: Effect of Large-Scale Unexpected Event on Organizational Innovation. - Florian Schwade, Alexander Richter:
Forced Adoption: A new Phenomenon of Information Systems Adoption. - Liwei Chen, Sherae Daniel, Jaime Windeler:
Multi-organizational Embeddedness: Impacts on Developers' Turnover and Career Mobility. - Aleksandre Asatiani, Vasili Mankevich:
Online discourse on remote work challenges during the pandemic - trace data study and future directions. - Jakub Swacha:
Online Teaching in the Times of COVID-19 and the Change in Work Time Distribution of Faculty Members. - Julia Theresia Zielonka, Rebecca Maria Heigl, Franz Rothlauf:
Technostress Revisited at Work-From-Home: The Impact of Technostress Creators on the Perception of Eustress Moderated by Work-Home-Conflict and Job Satisfaction. - Anna Zeuge, Andreas Weigel, Cindy Schaefer, Björn Niehaves:
The New Normal of Virtual Team Cohesion - a Qualitative Study to Investigate the Impact of COVID-19. - Sara Willermark, Karin Högberg:
Two Faces of Radical Digitalization in Education: An institutional logics Perspective.
SIG Culture - Culture in Information Systems
- Elham Rasouli Dezfouli, Mark Srite:
Investigating the Role of Cultural Factors in Developing Smartphone Addiction. - Elham Rasouli Dezfouli, Mark Srite:
Investigating the Role of Cultural Factors in Developing Smartphone Addiction.
SIG DITE - Digital Innovation, Transformation and Entrepreneurship
- Yevgen Bogodistov, Jürgen Moormann:
AI Acquisition in Question: Process Improvement and Process Innovation. - Annalena Lorson:
Building Dynamic Capabilities through Digital Innovation Units? - An analysis of their contribution and the spill-over effects to the main organization. - Ruben R. Salas, Carla Fernandez-Corrales:
Does a CDO enhance Company Inventiveness? An Empirical Study on new Managerial Positions and Innovation. - Ferdinand Mittermeier, Axel Hund, Daniel Beimborn:
Entrepreneurial Support Systems in the Digital Era: A Taxonomy of Digital Company Builders. - Duong Dang, Juho-Pekka Mäkipää, Teemu Mäenpää, Tomi A. Pasanen:
Exploration of Ideas for Sustaining Digital Innovation Management: A Case Study in the Ostrobothnia Region of Finland. - Vinod Kumar Ahuja, Nikolai Kazantsev, Ralf Plattfaut:
Open Innovation via Open Source: Collaboration of Companies to Infuse Automobiles with Digital Technologies. - Sungyong Um, Gary F. Templeton, Martin Kang:
Product Design And Success in A Platform Ecosystem. - Ricarda Schlimbach, Sören Christmann, Susanne Robra-Bissantz:
PUMA - A Java Application for Pattern-based Business Model Adaptation. - Kristian Norling, Johan Magnusson, Tomas Lindroth, Jacob Torell:
Strategic Responses to the COVID Pandemic: Empirical Evidence of Shifts in Digital Transformation Strategy. - Patrizia Orth:
The Early Stage of Digital Technology Adoption: What Are the Key Activities for Identifying Digital Innovations? - Jaroslaw Korpysa, Agnieszka Lopatka:
The role of information systems in creating technological entrepreneurship of Polish high-tech companies. - Patrick Sven Ulrich, Robert Rieg:
The Role of Sunk Costs in Digitalization - Empirical Evidence from Accounting and Finance. - Josué Kuika Watat:
Transitioning from Use to Effective Use of Digital Innovation Platforms for Development: An Evergreen Discussion. - Christian Finke, Pascal Freier, Matthias Schumann:
Using Distributed Ledger Technologies to Support Complex Supply Chains. - Timo Phillip Böttcher, Michael Weber, Jörg Weking, Andreas Hein, Helmut Krcmar:
Value Drivers of Artificial Intelligence. - Leon Özcan, Christian Koldewey, Estelle Duparc, Hendrik van der Valk, Boris Otto, Roman Dumitrescu:
Why do Digital Platforms succeed or fail? - A Literature Review on Success and Failure Factors.
SIG DSA - Data Science and Analytics for Decision Support
- Danie Smit, Sunet Eybers, Alta de Waal:
A data analytics organisation's perspective on the technical enabling factors for organisational AI adoption. - Gopika Malik, Indika Dissanayake, Lakshmi S. Iyer, Jason Jie Xiong:
An Exploratory Study of Airbnb Customer Reviews and Impact of COVID - 19. - Clifford L. Short, Gabrielle Taylor, Ashish Gupta, Xiao Qin:
Analyzing Controversial Topics within Facebook. - Anika Kloker, Jürgen Fleiß, Christoph Koeth, Thomas Kloiber, Patrick Ratheiser, Stefan Thalmann:
Caution or Trust in AI? How to design XAI in sensitive Use Cases? - Tuncay Bayrak:
Characteristics of Great Workplaces: A Text Mining Approach. - Mohammad Moinul Islam Murad, Mahyar Vaghefi, Sridhar P. Nerur, Radha K. Mahapatra:
Does Use of Twitter by Political Leaders Matter in a Health Crisis? The Perspective of COVID-19. - Xin Wei, Xi Zhang, Carol Ou, Hengshu Zhu:
Identifying Turnover Contagion in Enterprise Social Networks. - Tobias Nießner, Stefan Nießner, Matthias Schumann:
Influence of corporate industry affiliation in Financial Business Forecasting: A data analysis concerning competition. - Ali Mohammed Bazarah, Yan Li:
Information Exchange Decision Support (IEDS) Framework. - Jayashree Sreedharan, CG Franklin:
Location Intelligent IS: GIS Decision-making and GISc Innovations. - David H. Hopfe, Kiljae Lee, Chunyan Yu:
Modeling US Air Passenger Traffic Demand: Dynamic Data. - Mohammad Al-Ramahi, Izzat Alsmadi, Daniel Delgado, Young Lee:
Prediction and Analysis of Bus Adherence to Scheduled Times: San Antonio Transit System. - Damion R. Mitchell, Omar F. El-Gayar:
Privacy and Security Concerns Associated with mHealth Technologies: A Computational Social Science Approach. - Hafsa Aasi:
Spatial Accessibility of Resources and Services for the Homeless. - Katarzyna H. Tuszynska:
Spatial Processing in Cloud-Based Architectures. - David M. Goldberg, Nohel Zaman:
Text mining for classifying workplace severe injury events. - Javier Aguilar:
The Regional Data Platform: A Geospatial Solution that enhances Collaboration of Local and Regional Efforts to Tackle Pressing Issues. - Olga Levina:
Transparency as a Potential Factor for Implementation of Machine Learning-based Systems. - Jason Duke:
U.S. Department of the Interior: Sharing FAIR Data Fairly. - Anthony Corso, Nathan A. Corso:
Will the Home Team Win? On the Road to 1.5 Billion Tweets and Six Thousand Baseball Games Providing Insight!!!
SIG ED - IS in Education, IS Curriculum, Education and Teaching Cases
- David P. Darcy, Asish Satpathy:
A Hybrid Introductory Analytics Course: Lessons Learned During The COVID-19 Pandemic. - Fariba Nosrati, Yuan Gao, Cherie Ann Sherman, Timothy Burns:
A Systematic Review of the US Graduate Programs in Business Analytics. - Sachin Choubey:
AI-assisted Learning-training Environment in Education: A Multi-case Analysis. - Kathleen S. Hartzel, Pinar Öztürk, K. Bryan Menk:
Aligning Business Analytics Programs with Industry Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities. - Diane R. Murphy, Xiang Michelle Liu, Laura Vera:
Alternative Approaches to Data Architecture and Data Governance: Graduate IT/IS Curriculum Considerations. - Leif Sundberg, Jonny Holmström:
Are AI Opportunities Discovered or Created? Investigating Data Resourcing Using a No-code AI Platform in an Educational Context. - Miloslava Plachkinova, Ace Vo, Tim Smith, Thomas A. Chapman:
Building the Workforce of Tomorrow: Blockchain Curriculum in Higher Education. - Christopher Njunge:
Data Analysis and Visualization with Google Data Studio. - Benjamin Kok Siew Gan, Eng Lieh Ouh:
Designing Flipped Learning Activities for Beginner Programming Course. - Alexandre Grotta, Edmir Parada Vasques Prado:
DevOps Didactic Transposition in IS Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review. - Zixing Shen, Songxin Tan, Michael J. Pritchard:
Effects of Signaling on Learner Engagement in Informal Learning on YouTube. - Nadia Faisal, Mehmood A. Chadhar, Andrew Stranieri, Anitra Gorris-Hunter:
Effects of Simulation Games on IS students' Work-readiness: Instructors' Perspectives. - Renée M. E. Pratt, Cindi T. Smatt:
Gold Rush Antiques: A Database Management Case. - Mariusz Grabowski, Jan Madej, Adam Sagan:
Identifying Success Factors for University Study-Oriented System Implementation. - Seth J. Kinnett, Theresa A. Steinbach:
In Search of the Optimal CRM Curriculum: A Skills Framework for the Salesforce Administrator Role. - Queen Booker, Mousumi Munmun:
Industry RPA Demands and Potential Impacts for MIS and Related Higher Education Programs. - Franziska Stoeckl, Andreas Eckhardt:
Online Learning Fatigue in Schools During the COVID-19 Pandemic - An Empirical Study with High School Students. - Asish Satpathy, Riya Jignesh Brahmbhatt, Srijan Satpathy:
Opportunities and Challenges of Remote Learning in the COVID Era - A Study Based on Sentiment Analysis of Geotagged Tweets. - Zhigang Li, Xin Tian, Yi Jin:
The Effectiveness of a Hybrid Cybersecurity Summer Camp for Teachers. - Chen Zhong, J. B. (Joo Baek) Kim, Hong Liu:
The Impact of Gamification on Students' Learning Outcome and Career Interest in Cybersecurity Education. - Jack Shiels, Maureen Tanner:
The Perceived Affordances and Usage Constraints of Learning Design Authoring Tools by South African High School Teachers. - Philipp Hartmann, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Trust, but Verify! - An Empirical Investigation of Students' Initial Trust in AI-Based Essay Scoring. - Vanessa Maria Steinherr, Ramona Reinelt:
Using Hexad User Types to Identify Motivational Preferences among Learners. - Cassandra Artman Collier, Anne L. Powell:
What Really Matters? Evaluating the Importance of Skills for Data Analysts.