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2020 – today
- 2024
- [j51]Mustafa Pamuk
, Matthias Schumann, Robert C. Nickerson:
What Do the Regulators Mean? A Taxonomy of Regulatory Principles for the Use of AI in Financial Services. Mach. Learn. Knowl. Extr. 6(1): 143-155 (2024) - [j50]Mustafa Pamuk
, Matthias Schumann:
Towards AI Dashboards in Financial Services: Design and Implementation of an AI Development Dashboard for Credit Assessment. Mach. Learn. Knowl. Extr. 6(3): 1720-1761 (2024) - [c111]Philipp Hartmann, Sanoa-Amina Bialas, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Does Content Matter? - an Empirical Investigation of ChatGPT-4's Ability to Score Essay Tasks in Exams. ECIS 2024 - [c110]Lars Wilhelmi, Robert C. Nickerson, Matthias Schumann:
Insights from the Alphabet Soup: Characterizing AI-Based Methods for the Analysis of Sustainability Reports. ECIS 2024 - [c109]Christine Jokisch, Sebastian Hobert, Janina Forstmann, Matthias Schumann:
Breaking the Glass - Improving Students' White-Box Testing Competencies using Game-Design Elements. ICIS 2024 - [c108]Christine Jokisch, Maxim Strzebkowski, Haris Kurpejovic, Ricarda Schlimbach, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Lost in Code: A Digital Game-based Learning System to Enhance Programming Skills in Introductory Courses. PACIS 2024 - 2023
- [j49]Susanne Strahringer
, Thomas Hess
, Hubert Österle, Matthias Schumann:
Öffnung der Wirtschaftsinformatik für breite gesellschaftliche Themen: Chance oder Risiko? HMD Prax. Wirtsch. 60(4): 781-791 (2023) - [j48]Tobias Nießner
, Stefan Nießner, Matthias Schumann:
Is It Worth the Effort? Considerations on Text Mining in AI-Based Corporate Failure Prediction. Inf. 14(4): 215 (2023) - [j47]Matthias Schumann:
Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen - Einsparungen nur für die Krankenkassen? Wirtschaftsinformatik Manag. 15(5): 320-322 (2023) - [c107]Christian Finke, Marie Alfken, Matthias Schumann:
Why do Distributed Ledger Platforms Fail? Analyzing the Challenges of Distributed Ledger Technologies in Supply Chain Processes. ACIS 2023 - [c106]Christian Finke, Lennart Graf, Stephan Guthahn, Lukas Leidecker, Alexander Masoldt, Matthias Schumann:
Design and Implementation of a Distributed Ledger Technology Platform to Support Customs Processes within Supply Chains. ACIS 2023 - [c105]Michael Groth, Matthias Schumann:
Design of a Reference Architecture for Production Scheduling Applications based on a Problem Representation including Practical Constraints. ACIS 2023 - [c104]Christine Jokisch, Raika Gross, Matthias Schumann:
The Use of Gamification to Enhance Internal Software Quality - Structured Literature Analysis. AMCIS 2023 - [c103]Christine Jokisch, Matthias Schumann:
Bridging the Gap: An Interview Study on Challenges in Software Testing and Educational Needs. AMCIS 2023 - [c102]Michael Groth, Alexander Dippel, Matthias Schumann:
Enabling the Evaluation of Production Scheduling Algorithms in Complex Production Environments Using Individually Deployable Scheduling Services. DESRIST 2023: 18-32 - [c101]Christine Jokisch, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Increasing Students' Engagement: Designing a Gamified Peer feedback System. ECIS 2023 - [c100]Christian Finke, Michael Groth, Matthias Schumann, Paul Dewitz, Jonas Gehrke, Tamino Marahrens:
Design and Implementation of Hierarchical Digital Twins in Industrial Production Environments. HICSS 2023: 1448-1457 - [c99]Christine Jokisch, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Bringing Light into the Dark - Improving Students' Black-Box Testing Competencies using Game-Design Elements. ICIS 2023 - 2022
- [j46]Raphael Meyer von Wolff, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Designing Process-based Chatbots in Enterprises: The Case of Business Travel Organization Considering the Users' Perspective and Business Value. AIS Trans. Hum. Comput. Interact. 14(4): 578-623 (2022) - [c98]Christian Finke, Pascal Freier, Matthias Schumann:
Using Distributed Ledger Technologies to Support Complex Supply Chains. AMCIS 2022 - [c97]Philipp Hartmann, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Trust, but Verify! - An Empirical Investigation of Students' Initial Trust in AI-Based Essay Scoring. AMCIS 2022 - [c96]Tobias Nießner, Stefan Nießner, Matthias Schumann:
Influence of corporate industry affiliation in Financial Business Forecasting: A data analysis concerning competition. AMCIS 2022 - [c95]Philipp Hartmann, Nils Holthoff, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
(AI)n't Nobody Helping me? - Design and Evaluation of a Machine-Learning-based Semi-Automatic Essay Scoring System. ECIS 2022 - [c94]Julian Busse, Robin Busse, Matthias Schumann:
Does Technology Matter? How Digital Self-Efficacy Affects the Relationship between ICT Exposure and Job Dissatisfaction. HICSS 2022: 1-10 - [c93]Raphael Meyer von Wolff, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Chatbot Introduction and Operation in Enterprises - A Design Science Research-based Structured Procedure Model for Chatbot Projects. HICSS 2022: 1-10 - [c92]Tobias Nießner, Olga Wiederspan, Matthias Schumann:
Consideration of the Use of Language in Corporate Bankruptcy Prediction: A data analysis on German Companies. PACIS 2022: 122 - 2021
- [j45]Pascal Freier, Matthias Schumann:
Decision Support Systems in the Context of Cyber-Physical Systems: Influencing Factors and Challenges for the Adoption in Production Scheduling. Australas. J. Inf. Syst. 25 (2021) - [j44]Kevin Koch, Alexander Dippel, Matthias Schumann:
Does my Social Media Burn? - Identify Features for the Early Detection of Company-related Online Firestorms on Twitter. Online Soc. Networks Media 25: 100151 (2021) - [c91]Mustafa Pamuk, René Oliver Grendel, Matthias Schumann:
Towards ML-based Platforms in Finance Industry - An ML Approach to Generate Corporate Bankruptcy Probabilities based on Annual Financial Statements. ACIS 2021: 8 - [c90]Michael Groth, Pascal Freier, Matthias Schumann:
Using Self-Play within Deep Q Learning to improve real-time Production Scheduling. AMCIS 2021 - [c89]Philipp Hartmann, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
The Intention to Participate in Online Exams - The Student Perspective. AMCIS 2021 - [c88]Tobias Nießner, Robert C. Nickerson, Matthias Schumann:
Towards a taxonomy of AI-based methods in Financial Statement Analysis. AMCIS 2021 - [c87]Julian Busse, Matthias Schumann:
Towards a Pedagogical Pattern Language for Micro Learning in Enterprises. EuroPLoP 2021: 2:1-2:8 - [c86]Henrik Wesseloh, Niklas Buddensiek, Tim Pantel, Felix M. Stein, Phillip Szelat, Matthias Schumann:
The role of gameful perception as a mediator for intrinsically motivating gamification. GamiFIN 2021: 80-89 - [c85]Raphael Meyer von Wolff, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Sorry, I Can't Understand You! - Influencing Factors and Challenges of Chatbots at Digital Workplaces. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2021 - 2020
- [j43]Raphael Meyer von Wolff
, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Einsatz von Chatbots am digitalen Büroarbeitsplatz - Eine praxisorientierte Betrachtung von Einsatzbereichen, Wirkungen und Handlungsempfehlungen. HMD Prax. Wirtsch. 57(3): 413-431 (2020) - [j42]Raphael Meyer von Wolff, Sebastian Hobert, Kristin Masuch, Matthias Schumann:
Chatbots at Digital Workplaces - A Grounded-Theory Approach for Surveying Application Areas and Objectives. Pac. Asia J. Assoc. Inf. Syst. 12(2): 3 (2020) - [c84]Julian Busse, Aline Lange, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
How to Design Learning Applications that Support Learners in their Moment of Need - Didactic Requirements of Micro Learning. AMCIS 2020 - [c83]Raphael Meyer von Wolff, Tammo Heuzeroth, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
The Students' View on IT-Support Chatbots at Universities - A Case-based Pilot Study. AMCIS 2020 - [c82]Julian Busse, Aline Lange, Mona Briesemeister, Matthias Schumann:
Become Competent in 15 Minutes? - the Suitability of micro Learning for Competence Development. ECIS 2020 - [c81]Henrik Wesseloh, Felix M. Stein, Phillip Szelat, Matthias Schumann:
Boss fights in lectures! - A longitudinal study on a gamified application for testing factual knowledge. GamiFIN 2020: 31-40 - [c80]Pascal Freier, Matthias Schumann:
Design and Implementation of a Decision Support System for Production Scheduling in the Context of Cyber-Physical Systems. Wirtschaftsinformatik (Zentrale Tracks) 2020: 757-773
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [c79]Pascal Freier, Matthias Schumann:
Decision Support Systems in the Context of Cyber-Physical Systems: Influencing Factors and Challenges for the Adoption in Production Scheduling. ACIS 2019: 6 - [c78]Julian Busse, Aline Lange, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Development Approaches and Challenges of Content Design in Enterprises for Digital Learning Environments. AMCIS 2019 - [c77]Raphael Meyer von Wolff, Kristin Masuch, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
What Do You Need Today? - An Empirical Systematization of Application Areas for Chatbots at Digital Workplaces. AMCIS 2019 - [c76]Raphael Meyer von Wolff, Jonas Nörtemann, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Chatbots for the Information Acquisition at Universities - A Student's View on the Application Area. CONVERSATIONS 2019: 231-244 - [c75]Julian Busse, Aline Lange, Matthias Schumann:
Effects of Digitalization on Vocational Education and Training: First Results of a Qualitative Study. DeLFI 2019: 67-72 - [c74]Jan Moritz Anke, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
What Drives a Successful Adoption of E-Learning Modules for Sustainable Management? An Empirical Investigation of Influencing Factors and Challenges. HICSS 2019: 1-10 - [c73]Raphael Meyer von Wolff, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
How May I Help You? - State of the Art and Open Research Questions for Chatbots at the Digital Workplace. HICSS 2019: 1-10 - 2018
- [c72]Jan Moritz Anke, Matthias Schumann:
E-Learning Modules for Sustainable Management: Potentials and Challenges. AMCIS 2018 - [c71]Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice: Ten Lessons Learned about Enterprise Wearable Computer Systems. AMCIS 2018 - [c70]Sebastian Hobert, Kevin Koch, Nils Holthoff, Matthias Schumann:
Kleingruppenzuteilungs-App 2.0: Heuristische Optimierung der Tutorienplatzvergabe in Massenveranstaltungen. DeLFI 2018: 255-260 - 2017
- [j41]Sebastian Rohmann, Matthias Schumann:
Best Practices für die Mitarbeiter-Partizipation in der Produktentwicklung. HMD Prax. Wirtsch. 54(4): 575-590 (2017) - [c69]Sebastian Hobert, Almut Reiners, Pascal Freier, Matthias Schumann:
StudiDuell App - Mobiles Lernen mit interaktiven Hörsaalspielen. DeLFI 2017: 339-344 - [c68]Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Enabling the Adoption of Wearable Computers in Enterprises - Results of Analyzing Influencing Factors and Challenges in the Industrial Sector. HICSS 2017: 1-10 - 2016
- [j40]Björn Pilarski, Jasmin Decker, Marco Klein, Christian Tornack, Matthias Schumann:
IT-gestütztes Human Capital Management. HMD Prax. Wirtsch. 53(6): 755-770 (2016) - [j39]Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Application Scenarios of Smart Glasses in the Industrial Sector. i-com 15(2): 133-143 (2016) - [j38]Matthias Schumann, Aaron Mengelkamp:
Fintechs im Kreditgeschäft - wenn etablierte Akteure sich bedroht sehen. Wirtschaftsinformatik Manag. 8(3): 48-55 (2016) - [c67]Aaron Mengelkamp, Sebastian Wolf, Matthias Schumann:
Data Driven Creation of Sentiment Dictionaries for Corporate Credit Risk Analysis. AMCIS 2016 - [c66]Janne Kleinhans, Matthias Schumann:
Wie die Analyse von Entscheidungsdaten Planspielveranstaltungen verbessern kann und warum sich der Aufwand lohnt - Eine Fallstudie. MKWI 2016: 543-554 - 2015
- [j37]Björn Pilarski, Pascal Freier, Matthias Schumann:
Mobile Device Management - Eine strukturierte Marktanalyse. HMD Prax. Wirtsch. 52(3): 373-385 (2015) - [j36]Jasmin Decker, Henrik Wesseloh, Matthias Schumann:
Anforderungen an mobile Micro Learning Anwendungen mit Gamification-Elementen in Unternehmen. HMD Prax. Wirtsch. 52(6): 851-865 (2015) - [j35]Janne Kleinhans, Matthias Schumann:
Increasing testing efficiency through the development of an IT-based adaptive testing tool for competency measurement. Interact. Technol. Smart Educ. 12(4): 242-255 (2015) - [j34]Janne Kleinhans, Jasmin Decker, Matthias Schumann:
Neue Formen des E-Learnings für die berufsbegleitende Qualifizierung. Wirtschaftsinformatik Manag. 7(2): 6-17 (2015) - [c65]Shanna Appelhanz, Matthias Schumann:
An Empirical Investigation of Strategies against Procurement Uncertainties and Their IS Support at High Grade Timber Manufacturers. AMCIS 2015 - [c64]Sebastian Hobert, Björn Pilarski, Jasmin Decker, Matthias Schumann:
Supporting Learner-Content Interaction on Autodidactic Field Trips through Mobile Learning Applications. AMCIS 2015 - [c63]Sebastian Rohmann, Sara Heuschneider, Matthias Schumann:
Social Software for Product Development - Explorative Study on Influencing Factors and related Challenges. AMCIS 2015 - [c62]Christian Tornack, Björn Pilarski, Matthias Schumann:
Decision Support for Succession Management Conferences Using Mobile Applications - Results from the 3rd Iteration of a Design Science Research Project. DESRIST 2015: 421-429 - [c61]Aaron Mengelkamp, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Corporate Credit Risk Analysis Utilizing Textual User Generated Content - A Twitter Based Feasibility Study. PACIS 2015: 236 - [c60]Björn Pilarski, Christian Tornack, Matthias Schumann:
Enhancing Coordination through Mobile Applications - The Case of Mobile Recruiting. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2015: 1222-1236 - 2014
- [j33]Christian Tornack, Jasmin Decker, Matthias Schumann:
Marktanalyse von Personalinformationssystemen - IT-Unterstützung von Kompetenz- und Nachfolgemanagement. HMD Prax. Wirtsch. 51(5): 708-718 (2014) - [c59]Stefan Gröger, Jasmin Decker, Matthias Schumann:
Do Universities Get the Hang of Working Efficiently? - A Survey of the Influencing Factors on the Adoption of Electronic Document and Workflow Management in German-speaking Countries. AMCIS 2014 - [c58]Hendrik Hilpert, Björn Pilarski, Matthias Schumann:
The Quest for Environmental Information - Towards a Mobile Application for GHG Emission Tracking in Meat Production Processes. AMCIS 2014 - [c57]Sebastian Rohmann, Sara Heuschneider, Matthias Schumann:
Social Software in New Product Development - State of Research and Future Research Directions. AMCIS 2014 - [c56]Christian Tornack, Björn Pilarski, Matthias Schumann:
How to Avoid Empty Chairs in IT Divisions? IS Supported Succession Management to Control Development and Retention of IT Professionals. AMCIS 2014 - [c55]Almut Reiners, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Lernen mit Smartphones an der Georgia-Augusta - eine Zwischenbilanz. DeLFI Workshops 2014: 180-188 - [c54]Stefan Gröger, Matthias Schumann:
Managing Third-Party funding Projects at German State Universities - a Theoretical Deduction of Design Principles for Implementing an IT-Artifact. ECIS 2014 - [c53]Hendrik Hilpert, Johann Kranz, Matthias Schumann:
An Information System Design Theory for Green Information Systems for Sustainability Reporting - Integrating Theory with Evidence from Multiple Case studies. ECIS 2014 - [c52]Hendrik Hilpert, Matthias Schumann:
What constitutes EMIS for sustainability reporting? A classification approach, using a systematic literature review. EnviroInfo 2014: 397-404 - [c51]Stefan Gröger, Matthias Schumann:
Drittmittelprojekte in Hochschulen - Entwicklung eines fallstudienbasierten Referenzprozessmodells. GI-Jahrestagung 2014: 1119-1133 - [c50]Shanna Appelhanz, Sebastian Ludorf, Matthias Schumann:
CoC-Zertifizierung in der Forst- und Holzwirtschaft: Schwachstellen und Traceability-basierte Lösungsansätze. GIL Jahrestagung 2014: 17-20 - [c49]Stefan Gröger, Stefan Friedemann, Matthias Schumann:
Betriebswirtschaftliche Nutzeffekte der In-Memory-Technologie für das Cash-Management. MKWI 2014: 377-389 - [c48]Hendrik Hilpert, Hagen Kölle, Katrin Thöne, Hilke Weimeier, Matthias Schumann:
Do EMIS have the capabilities to support sustainability reporting in practice? Initial resultsfrom a latitudinal study with German companies. MKWI 2014: 1261-1273 - [c47]Matthias Schumann, Fabian Jintae Froese:
Vorwort. MKWI 2014: 1525 - [c46]Björn Pilarski, Matthias Schumann:
Mobile Applications in Human Resource Management - A Task-Technology-Fit Perspective. MKWI 2014: 1526-1538 - 2013
- [j32]Hendrik Hilpert, Johann Kranz, Matthias Schumann:
Leveraging Green IS in Logistics - Developing an Artifact for Greenhouse Gas Emission Tracking. Bus. Inf. Syst. Eng. 5(5): 315-325 (2013) - [j31]Arne Frerichs, Christian Michaelis
, Marco Wienekamp, Jens Plagge, Matthias Schumann:
Usage of Pre-Made Text-Modules and Peer-Groups for Mitigating Information Asymmetry in Social Lending: Evidence on Funding Success from German Platform Smava. Int. J. E Bus. Res. 9(3): 1-26 (2013) - [j30]Malte Schmidt, Lars Thoroe, Matthias Schumann:
RFID and Barcode in Manufacturing Logistics: Interface Concept for Concurrent Operation. Inf. Syst. Manag. 30(2): 100-115 (2013) - [j29]Hendrik Hilpert, Johann Kranz, Matthias Schumann:
Green Information Systems wirksam einsetzen - Die Entwicklung eines IT-Artefakts für die Erfassung und Analyse von Treibhausgasemissionen in der Logistik. Wirtschaftsinf. 55(5): 315-327 (2013) - [j28]Matthias Schumann, Arne Frerichs:
Masse mit Klasse - Crowdsourcing in der Praxis. Wirtschaftsinformatik Manag. 5(3): 20-28 (2013) - [c45]Hendrik Hilpert, Christoph Beckers, Lutz M. Kolbe, Matthias Schumann:
Green IS for GHG Emission Reporting on Product-Level? An Action Design Research Project in the Meat Industry. DESRIST 2013: 324-339 - [c44]Stefan Gröger, Hendrik Hilpert, Matthias Schumann:
Einsatzgebiete für Dokumenten- und Workflow-Management-Systeme im Drittmittelprozess einer Hochschule. GI-Jahrestagung 2013: 678-692 - [c43]Stefan Friedemann, Hendrik Hilpert, Matthias Schumann:
Auswirkungen der Nutzung von Daten der Lieferkette von Pflanzenfasern auf die Produktionsplanung. GIL Jahrestagung 2013: 79-82 - 2012
- [j27]Arne Frerichs, Marco Klein, Matthias Schumann:
Community-orientierte Kreditvergabe im Internet. HMD Prax. Wirtsch. 283: 102-113 (2012) - [j26]Björn Pilarski, Christian Tornack, Marco Klein, Matthias Schumann:
Mobile Anwendungen im Personalmanagement. HMD Prax. Wirtsch. 286: 63-72 (2012) - [c42]Marco Klein, Stefan Bitzer, Matthias Schumann:
Towards IT-Supported Management by Objectives - a Design Theory Based on Intra-Organizational Weblogs. ECIS 2012: 14 - [c41]Stefan Friedemann, Matthias Schumann:
How to Consider Supply Uncertainty of Renewable Resources in the Basic Data Structures of ERP-Systems. ERP Future 2012: 253-269 - [c40]Marco Klein, Sina Rosenberger, Matthias Schumann:
Social Networking Services im Internetals eRecruiting-Kanal für Unternehmen. MKWI 2012: 1747-1760 - [c39]Stefan Christmann, Fabian Renatus, Karsten Kröbel, Matthias Schumann:
Empirische Befunde des Einsatzes von mobilem Internet in Unternehmen. MMS 2012: 68-82 - 2011
- [c38]Hendrik Hilpert, Stefan Friedemann, Matthias Schumann:
Improved Emission Data Collection in Air Cargo Processes using ADS-B. ACIS 2011 - [c37]Stefan Friedemann, Christina Dehler, Tobias Friedrich, Alina Haack, Matthias Schumann:
Diffusion of IS in companies using renewable resources and its impact on uncertainty. AMCIS 2011 - [c36]Lars Thoroe, Shanna Appelhanz, Matthias Schumann:
Rfid-based individualization of extended producer responsibility and recycling for weee. ECIS 2011: 106 - [c35]Malte Schmidt, Lars Thoroe, Dierk Doerrheide, Matthias Schumann:
Managing the complexity of large-scale rfid rollout projects in logistics. ECIS 2011: 168 - [c34]Hendrik Hilpert, Lars Thoroe, Matthias Schumann:
Real-Time Data Collection for Product Carbon Footprints in Transportation Processes Based on OBD2 and Smartphones. HICSS 2011: 1-10 - [c33]Stefan Friedemann, Matthias Schumann:
Potentials and Limitations of RFID to Reduce Uncertainty in Production Planning with Renewable Resources. LISS (3) 2011: 17-26 - 2010
- [j25]Hans Ulrich Buhl, Peter Mertens, Matthias Schumann, Nils Urbach, Stefan Smolnik, Gerold Riempp:
Letter to the Editor: Statements on the Contribution by Urbach et al. from Issue 4/2009. Bus. Inf. Syst. Eng. 2(2): 109-120 (2010) - [j24]Lars Thoroe, Malte Schmidt, Matthias Schumann:
Green Ubiquitous Computing - ökologische Aspekte des RFID-Einsatzes. HMD Prax. Wirtsch. 274: 56-64 (2010) - [j23]Marco Klein, Björn Pilarski, Stefan Bitzer, Matthias Schumann:
SaaS für HR-Anwendungssysteme - Kriterien, Eignung und Implikationen. HMD Prax. Wirtsch. 275: 25-33 (2010) - [j22]Hans Ulrich Buhl, Peter Mertens, Matthias Schumann, Nils Urbach
, Stefan Smolnik, Gerold Riempp:
Leserbrief: Stellungnahme zum Beitrag von Urbach et al. aus Heft 4/2009. Wirtschaftsinf. 52(2): 109-114 (2010) - [c32]Malte Schmidt, Lars Thoroe, Matthias Schumann:
Co-existence of RFID and Barcode in Automotive Logistics. AMCIS 2010: 84 - [c31]Matthias Schumann, Stefan Bitzer:
OpenID as an Approach for User-centric Identity Management. AMCIS 2010: 232 - [c30]Stefan Bitzer, Marco Klein, Bernd Pape, Matthias Schumann:
Verbesserungspotentiale von Groupwareplattformen für Lehrende. MKWI 2010: 1495-1507 - [c29]Ole Björn Brodersen, Leif Meier, Matthias Schumann:
Optimizing the Berth Allocation Problem using a Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization. MKWI 2010: 2277-2294 - [e1]Matthias Schumann, Lutz M. Kolbe, Michael H. Breitner, Arne Frerichs:
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, MKWI 2010, Göttingen, Deutschland, 23.-25.2.2010, Proceedings. Universitätsverlag Göttingen 2010, ISBN 978-3-941875-31-9 [contents]
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j21]Lars Thoroe, Adam Melski, Matthias Schumann:
The impact of RFID on management of returnable containers. Electron. Mark. 19(2-3): 115-124 (2009) - [j20]Matthias Schumann, Otto Rienhoff:
Das Projekt Gö*: Integriertes Informationsmanagement von Universität, Medizin und Bibliothek. Prax. Inf.verarb. Kommun. 32(1): 24-28 (2009) - [c28]Stefan Bitzer, Matthias Schumann:
Mashups: An Approach to Overcoming the Business/IT Gap in Service-Oriented Architectures. AMCIS/SIGeBIZ 2009: 284-295 - [c27]Stefan Bitzer, Matthias Schumann:
Mashups: An Approach to Overcoming the Business/IT Gap in Service-Oriented Architectures. AMCIS 2009: 359 - [c26]Stefan Bitzer, Stefan Ramroth, Matthias Schumann:
Mashups as an Architecture for Knowledge Management Systems. HICSS 2009: 1-10 - [c25]Lars Thoroe, Adam Melski, Matthias Schumann:
Item-Level RFID: Curse or Blessing for Recycling and Waste Management? HICSS 2009: 1-10 - [c24]Lars Thoroe, Adam Melski, Matthias Schumann:
RFID In Reverse Logistics - Research Framework and Roadmap. Wirtschaftsinformatik (1) 2009: 781-792 - 2008
- [j19]Adam Melski, Lars Thoroe, Matthias Schumann:
RFID - Radio Frequency Identification. Inform. Spektrum 31(5): 469-473 (2008) - [c23]