ICC 2000: New Orleans, LA, USA

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Volume 1

MNC01 Communication Theory Mini-Symposium: Equalization and Sequence Estimation

MNC02 Communication Theory Mini-Symposium: Fading Channels

MNP01 Personal Communications Mini-Symposium: QoS manangement in Wireless Networks

S01 Signal Processing and Coding for Storage

S02 Satellite and Space Communications: SATCOM System Performance Improvements

S03 Computer Communications: Medium Access

S04 Communications Software: Topics in Communications Software 1

S05 Network Operations and Management: Selected Topics in Network Management and Operations

S06 Multimedia: Advances in Video Communications

S07 Radio Communications: Radio Channels and Systems

MNC03 Communication Theory Mini-Symposium: Space Time Coding and Processing

MNC04 Communication Theory Mini-Symposium: Synchronization

MNP02 Personal Communications Mini-Symposium: Channel Resource Allocation and Performance Analysis

S08 Signal Processing and Communications Electronics: Digital Signal Processing for Receivers

S09 (a) Radio Communications Committee: New Results in Multiple Access for Radio

S09 (b) Radion Communications Committee: New Results in OFDM

S10 Satellite and Space Communication: SATCOM Signal Design

S11 Computer Communications: Packet Scheduling and Discarding

S12 Network Operations and Management: Operations and Management of Packet Networks in the New Millenium

S13 Multimedia: Multimedia Wireless Communications

S13 (a) Communications Software and Computer Communications: Topics in Communications Software 2

Volume 2

MNC05 Communication Theory Mini-Symposium: Turbo Codes and Iterative Decoding

MNC06 Communication Theory Mini-Symposium: Detection and Estimation

MNP03 Personal Communications Mini-Symposium: Mobility Management

MNQ01 Quality of Service Mini-Symposium: QoS 1

MNR01 Radio Communications Mini-Symposium: Algorithms for Wireless Channels and Radio

S14 Signal Processing and Communication Electronics: Advanced Signal Processing for Communications

S15 Computer Communications: Traffic Engineering and Modeling

S16 Multimedia: Communications Infrastructure

S17 Enterprise Networking: Issues and Emerging Paradigms

MNC07 Communication Theory Mini-Symposium: Multiuser Detection and Interference Suppression

MNP04 Personal Communications Mini-Symposium: Signal Processin Techniques

MNQ02 Quality of Service Mini-Symposium: QoS 2

MNR02 Radio Communications Mini-Symposium: Advances in Multiple Antennas 1

S 18 Signal Processing and Communication Electronics Code Division Multiple Access and Optical Frequency Division Multiplexed Systems

S 19 Transmission, Access and Optical Systems: Digital Subscriber Line Technology.

S 20 Communications Sytem Integration and Modeling Performance of CDMA and Wireless ATM Networks

S 21 Communication Theory: OFDM and Multicarrier Systems

S 22 Computer Communications: Network Architecture

Volume 3

MNC08 Communication Theory Mini-Symposium: Coding and Coded Modulation

MNP05 Personal Communications Mini-Symposium: Interference Cancellation Techniques

MNQ03 Quality of Service Mini-Symposium: Approaches to Delivering QoS in Evolving Communications Networks

MNR03 Radio Communications Mini-Symposium: Advances in Multiple Antennas II

S23 Transmission Access and Optical Systems: Wave Division Multiplexed Networking

S24 Communications System Integration and Modeling: Resource Control in ATM-based Networks

S25 Computer Communications: Routing

S26 Communication Theory: Multiple Access Techniques

S27 Communications Software and Computer Communications

S28 Communications Switching: Switch Architecture and Design

MNC09 Communication Theory Mini-Symposium: CDMA

MNP06 Personal Communications Mini-Symposium: Power Control/Management

MNQ04 Quality of Service Mini-Symposium: Topics in Communication Quality and Reliability

MNR04 Radio Communications Mini-Symposium: Design and Performance of Radio Systems

S29 Communications System Integration and Modeling: Teletraffic and MPLS Networks

S30 Transmission Access and Optical Systems: Optical Networking

S31 Communication Theory: Adaptive Channel Estimation and Equalization

S32 Computer Communications: Ad Hoc Networks

S33 Communications Switching: Switch Performance

S34 (a) Computer Communications: Coding

S34 (b) Computer Communications: Wireless