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32nd INFOCOM 2013: Turin, Italy
- Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM 2013, Turin, Italy, April 14-19, 2013. IEEE 2013, ISBN 978-1-4673-5944-3
Student Poster Session
- Xuan Nam Nguyen, Damien Saucez, Thierry Turletti:
Efficient caching in content-centric networks using OpenFlow. 1-2 - Mathieu Michel, Bruno Quoitin
Impact of a sleep schedule on the AODV convergence time in WSNs. 3-4 - João Marco C. Silva
, Paulo Carvalho
, Solange Rito Lima
Enhancing traffic sampling scope and efficiency. 5-6 - Antonio Villani, Daniele Riboni, Domenico Vitali, Claudio Bettini
, Luigi V. Mancini:
Obsidian: A scalable and efficient framework for NetFlow obfuscation. 7-8 - Alessandro Cammarano, Dora Spenza
, Chiara Petrioli:
Energy-harvesting WSNs for structural health monitoring of underground train tunnels. 9-10 - Anooq Muzaffar Sheikh, Attilio Fiandrotti
, Enrico Magli:
Distributed scheduling for scalable P2P video streaming with network coding. 11-12 - Piergiuseppe Di Marco
, Carlo Fischione
, George Athanasiou
, Prodromos-Vasileios Mekikis
MAC-aware routing metrics for low power and lossy networks. 13-14 - Muhammad Saqib Ilyas, Zartash Afzal Uzmi:
Electricity cost efficient workload mapping. 15-16 - Anh Dung Nguyen, Patrick Sénac, Michel Diaz:
On the impact of disorder on dynamic network navigation. 17-18 - Adisorn Lertsinsrubtavee, Naceur Malouch, Serge Fdida:
Efficient dynamic spectrum sharing through rate compensation and spectrum handoff. 19-20 - Shahzad Ali, Gianluca Rizzo
, Balaji Rengarajan, Marco Ajmone Marsan:
A simple approximate analysis of floating content for context-aware applications. 21-22 - Kamini Garg:
Data dissemination bounds in people-centric systems. 23-24
MC - Cloud computing and networks 1
- Hongxing Li, Chuan Wu
, Zongpeng Li, Francis C. M. Lau:
Profit-maximizing virtual machine trading in a federation of selfish clouds. 25-29 - Orathai Sukwong, Hyong S. Kim:
DPack: Disk scheduler for highly consolidated cloud. 30-34 - Yaxiong Zhao, Jie Wu:
Dache: A data aware caching for big-data applications using the MapReduce framework. 35-39 - Chen Zhang, Xue Liu:
HBaseMQ: A distributed message queuing system on clouds with HBase. 40-44
MC - Social networks
- Xu Cheng, Haitao Li, Jiangchuan Liu:
Video sharing propagation in social networks: Measurement, modeling, and analysis. 45-49 - Haitao Li, Haiyang Wang, Jiangchuan Liu, Ke Xu:
Video requests from Online Social Networks: Characterization, analysis and generation. 50-54 - Thang N. Dinh
, Nam P. Nguyen, My T. Thai:
An adaptive approximation algorithm for community detection in dynamic scale-free networks. 55-59 - Joydeep Chandra, Bivas Mitra, Niloy Ganguly
Effect of constraints on superpeer topologies. 60-64
MC - Network Monitoring
- Hao Li
, Chengchen Hu:
ROOM: Rule Organized Optimal Matching for fine-grained traffic identification. 65-69 - Andrea Di Pietro, Felipe Huici, Nicola Bonelli, Brian Trammell
, Petr Kastovsky, Tristan Groleat, Sandrine Vaton, Maurizio Dusi:
Toward composable network traffic measurement. 70-74 - Brian Eriksson, Mark Crovella:
Understanding geolocation accuracy using network geometry. 75-79 - Kensuke Fukuda, Shinta Sato, Takeshi Mitamura:
A technique for counting DNSSEC validators. 80-84
MC - Content based networking
- Elisha J. Rosensweig, Jim Kurose:
A network calculus for cache networks. 85-89 - Reaz Ahmed, Md. Faizul Bari, Shihabur Rahman Chowdhury
, Md. Golam Rabbani, Raouf Boutaba, Bertrand Mathieu:
αRoute: A name based routing scheme for Information Centric Networks. 90-94 - Yi Wang, Tian Pan
, Zhian Mi, Huichen Dai, Xiaoyu Guo, Ting Zhang, Bin Liu, Qunfeng Dong:
NameFilter: Achieving fast name lookup with low memory cost via applying two-stage Bloom filters. 95-99 - Sumanta Saha, Andrey Lukyanenko, Antti Ylä-Jääski:
Cooperative caching through routing control in information-centric networks. 100-104
MC - Vehicular networks
- Francesco Malandrino
, Claudio Ettore Casetti, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini
, Marco Fiore
, Roberto Sadao Yokoyama, Carlo Borgiattino:
A-VIP: Anonymous verification and inference of positions in vehicular networks. 105-109 - Christoph Sommer
, Stefan Joerer, Michele Segata
, Ozan K. Tonguz, Renato Lo Cigno
, Falko Dressler
How shadowing hurts vehicular communications and how dynamic beaconing can help. 110-114 - Kai Xing, Tianbo Gu, Zhengang Zhao, Lei Shi, Yunhao Liu, Pengfei Hu
, Yuepeng Wang, Yi Liang, Shuo Zhang, Yang Wang, Liusheng Huang:
Approaching reliable realtime communications? A novel system design and implementation for roadway safety oriented vehicular communications. 115-119 - Evsen Yanmaz
, Robert Kuschnig, Christian Bettstetter
Achieving air-ground communications in 802.11 networks with three-dimensional aerial mobility. 120-124
MC - Wireless networks 1
- Sangki Yun, Lili Qiu, Apurv Bhartia:
Multi-point to multi-point MIMO in wireless LANs. 125-129 - Brendan Mumey
, Jian Tang, Ivan R. Judson, Richard S. Wolff:
Beam scheduling and relay assignment in wireless relay networks with smart antennas. 130-134 - Peng-Jun Wan, Lei Wang, Chao Ma, Zhu Wang, Boliu Xu, Minming Li
Maximizing wireless network capacity with linear power: Breaking the logarithmic barrier. 135-139 - Tsung-Han Lin, H. T. Kung:
Concurrent channel access and estimation for scalable multiuser MIMO networking. 140-144
MC - Sensor networks 1
- Ju Wang, Dingyi Fang
, Xiaojiang Chen, Zhe Yang, Tianzhang Xing, Lin Cai
LCS: Compressive sensing based device-free localization for multiple targets in sensor networks. 145-149 - Shaojie Tang, Jing Yuan
DAMson: On distributed sensing scheduling to achieve high Quality of Monitoring. 155-159 - Ankur Kamthe, Miguel Á. Carreira-Perpiñán, Alberto Cerpa:
Quick construction of data-driven models of the short-term behavior of wireless links. 160-164
MC - Cognitive radio networks
- Hongjuan Li
, Xiuzhen Cheng, Keqiu Li, Xiaoshuang Xing, Tao Jing:
Utility-based cooperative spectrum sensing scheduling in cognitive radio networks. 165-169 - Clement Kam, Sastry Kompella
, Gam D. Nguyen, Jeffrey E. Wieselthier, Anthony Ephremides:
Multicast throughput stability analysis for cognitive cooperative random access. 170-174 - Tao Jing, Shixiang Zhu, Hongjuan Li
, Xiuzhen Cheng, Yan Huo:
Cooperative relay selection in cognitive radio networks. 175-179 - Yanjiao Chen, Jin Zhang, Kaishun Wu
, Qian Zhang
TAMES: A Truthful Auction Mechanism for heterogeneous spectrum allocation. 180-184
MC - Cloud computing and networks 2
- Shaolei Ren
, Mihaela van der Schaar
Joint design of Dynamic Scheduling and Pricing in wireless cloud computing. 185-189 - Weiwen Zhang, Yonggang Wen, Dapeng Oliver Wu
Energy-efficient scheduling policy for collaborative execution in mobile cloud computing. 190-194 - Peng Shu, Fangming Liu, Hai Jin, Min Chen, Feng Wen, Yupeng Qu, Bo Li:
eTime: Energy-efficient transmission between cloud and mobile devices. 195-199
MC - Security, privacy, authentication 1
- Xiaofan He, Huaiyu Dai, Wenbo Shen, Peng Ning:
Is link signature dependable for wireless security? 200-204 - Roberto Di Pietro
, Stefano Guarino
Data confidentiality and availability via secret sharing and node mobility in UWSN. 205-209 - Hyungbae Park, Sejun Song, Baek-Young Choi
, Chin-Tser Huang:
PASSAGES: Preserving Anonymity of Sources and Sinks against Global Eavesdroppers. 210-214 - Shaxun Chen, Amit Pande, Kai Zeng, Prasant Mohapatra:
Video source identification in lossy wireless networks. 215-219
MC - Measurements
- Boxun Zhang, Gunnar Kreitz, Marcus Isaksson, Javier Ubillos, Guido Urdaneta, Johan A. Pouwelse
, Dick H. J. Epema:
Understanding user behavior in Spotify. 220-224 - John Mark Agosta, Jaideep Chandrashekar, Mark Crovella, Nina Taft, Daniel Ting:
Mixture models of endhost network traffic. 225-229 - Ignacio Bermudez, Stefano Traverso, Marco Mellia
, Maurizio M. Munafò:
Exploring the cloud from passive measurements: The Amazon AWS case. 230-234 - Diana Joumblatt, Jaideep Chandrashekar, Branislav Kveton, Nina Taft, Renata Teixeira:
Predicting user dissatisfaction with Internet application performance at end-hosts. 235-239
MC - Content distribution
- Haowei Yuan, Patrick Crowley:
Experimental evaluation of content distribution with NDN and HTTP. 240-244 - Jaime Llorca
, Antonia M. Tulino
, Kyle Guan, Jairo O. Esteban, Matteo Varvello, Nakjung Choi
, Daniel C. Kilper
Dynamic in-network caching for energy efficient content delivery. 245-249 - Yao Liu, Fei Li, Lei Guo, Bo Shen, Songqing Chen:
Effectively minimizing redundant Internet streaming traffic to iOS devices. 250-254 - Mohsen Sardari, Ahmad Beirami, Jun Zou, Faramarz Fekri
Content-aware network data compression using joint memorization and clustering. 255-259
MC - Network coding
- Ahmed Osama Fathy Atya, Ioannis Broustis, Shailendra Singh, Dimitris Syrivelis, Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy
, Thomas F. La Porta:
Wireless network coding: Deciding when to flip the switch. 260-264 - Wentao Huang, Tracey Ho, Hongyi Yao, Sidharth Jaggi:
Rateless resilient network coding against byzantine adversaries. 265-269 - Jin Wang, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang
, Chunming Qiao:
Untraceability of mobile devices in wireless mesh networks using linear network coding. 270-274 - Shuai Wang, Guang Tan, Yunhuai Liu, Hongbo Jiang, Tian He:
Coding Opportunity Aware Backbone metrics for broadcast in wireless networks. 275-279
MC - Wireless networks 2
- Sven Wiethölter, Andreas Ruttor, Uwe Bergemann, Manfred Opper, Adam Wolisz:
DARA: Estimating the behavior of data rate adaptation algorithms in WLAN hotspots. 280-284 - Yong Xiao, Jianwei Huang, Chau Yuen, Luiz A. DaSilva:
Fairness and efficiency tradeoffs for user cooperation in distributed wireless networks. 285-289 - Hemant Kowshik, Partha Dutta, Malolan Chetlur, Shivkumar Kalyanaraman:
A quantitative framework for guaranteeing QoE of video delivery over wireless. 290-294 - Qingjun Xiao, Bin Xiao
, Shigang Chen:
Differential estimation in dynamic RFID systems. 295-299
MC - Sensor networks 2
- Zhaoyang Zhang, Honggang Wang
, Xiaodong Lin, Hua Fang, Dong Xuan:
Effective epidemic control and source tracing through mobile social sensing over WBANs. 300-304 - Su Xia, Ning Ding, Miao Jin, Hongyi Wu, Yang Yang:
Medial axis construction and applications in 3D wireless sensor networks. 305-309 - Liwen Xu, Xiao Qi, Yuexuan Wang, Thomas Moscibroda:
Efficient data gathering using Compressed Sparse Functions. 310-314 - Wei Dong, Biyuan Mo, Chao Huang, Yunhao Liu, Chun Chen:
R3: Optimizing relocatable code for efficient reprogramming in networked embedded systems. 315-319
MC - Wireless networks 5
- Esa Hyytiä
, Jörg Ott:
Criticality of large delay tolerant networks via directed continuum percolation in space-time. 320-324 - Wei Bao
, Ben Liang
On the insensitivity of user distribution in multicell networks under general mobility and session patterns. 325-329 - Siddhant Agrawal
, Prasanna Chaporkar, Rajan Udwani:
Call admission control for real-time applications in wireless network. 330-334 - Juan José Jaramillo, Lei Ying
Distributed admission control without knowledge of the capacity region. 335-339
MC - Data center networking 1
- Jianying Luo, Lei Rao, Xue Liu:
Data center energy cost minimization: A spatio-temporal scheduling approach. 340-344 - Zeyu Zheng, Minming Li
, Xun Xiao, Jianping Wang
Coordinated resource provisioning and maintenance scheduling in cloud data centers. 345-349 - Zhiyang Guo, Yuanyuan Yang
Multicast fat-tree data center networks with bounded link oversubscription. 350-354 - Rami Cohen, Liane Lewin-Eytan, Joseph Naor, Danny Raz:
Almost optimal virtual machine placement for traffic intense data centers. 355-359
MC - Security, privacy, authentication 2
- Sookhyun Yang, Jim Kurose, Brian Neil Levine:
Disambiguation of residential wired and wireless access in a forensic setting. 360-364 - Yi Guo, Lei Yang
, Xuan Ding, Jinsong Han, Yunhao Liu:
OpenSesame: Unlocking smart phone through handshaking biometrics. 365-369 - Mohammad Abdel-Rahman
, Hanif Rahbari
, Marwan Krunz, Philippe Nain:
Fast and secure rendezvous protocols for mitigating control channel DoS attacks. 370-374 - Lingjun Li, Xinxin Zhao, Guoliang Xue:
Near field authentication for smart devices. 375-379
MC - Optical networks
- János Tapolcai
, Pin-Han Ho, Péter Babarczi
, Lajos Rónyai:
On achieving all-optical failure restoration via monitoring trails. 380-384 - Shahrzad Shirazipourazad, Chenyang Zhou, Zahra Derakhshandeh, Arunabha Sen:
On routing and spectrum allocation in spectrum-sliced optical networks. 385-389 - Xiaomin Chen, Admela Jukan, Ashwin Gumaste:
Multipath de-fragmentation: Achieving better spectral efficiency in elastic optical path networks. 390-394 - Zilong Ye, Xiaojun Cao, Xiujiao Gao, Chunming Qiao:
A predictive and incremental grooming scheme for time-varying traffic in WDM networks. 395-399
MC - Virtualization and cloud networks
- Anyu Wang
, Zhifang Zhang:
Exact cooperative regenerating codes with minimum-repair-bandwidth for distributed storage. 400-404 - Linquan Zhang, Chuan Wu
, Zongpeng Li, Chuanxiong Guo
, Minghua Chen
, Francis C. M. Lau:
Moving big data to the cloud. 405-409 - Qian Hu, Yang Wang, Xiaojun Cao:
Resolve the virtual network embedding problem: A column generation approach. 410-414 - Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid
, Gilles Trédan:
Adversarial VNet embeddings: A threat for ISPs? 415-419
MC - Cellular networks
- Xuan Bao, Yin Lin, Uichin Lee, Ivica Rimac, Romit Roy Choudhury:
DataSpotting: Exploiting naturally clustered mobile devices to offload cellular traffic. 420-424 - Shan Zhou, Jie Yang, Dahai Xu, Guangzhi Li, Yu Jin, Zihui Ge, Mario Kosseifi, Robert D. Doverspike, Yingying Chen
, Lei Ying
Proactive call drop avoidance in UMTS networks. 425-429 - Stefano Paris, Fabio Martignon, Ilario Filippini
, Lin Chen:
A bandwidth trading marketplace for mobile data offloading. 430-434 - Youngbin Im, Carlee Joe-Wong, Sangtae Ha, Soumya Sen, Ted Taekyoung Kwon, Mung Chiang:
AMUSE: Empowering users for cost-aware offloading with throughput-delay tradeoffs. 435-439 - Fei Yu, Guangtao Xue, Hongzi Zhu, Zhenxian Hu, Minglu Li, Gong Zhang:
Cutting without pain: Mitigating 3G radio tail effect on smartphones. 440-444
MC - Wireless networks 3
- Rongxing Lu, Xiaodong Lin, Zhiguo Shi, Bin Cao, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen
IPAD: An incentive and privacy-aware data dissemination scheme in opportunistic networks. 445-449 - Yong Zhou, Weihua Zhuang
Beneficial cooperation ratio in multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks. 450-454 - Chenxi Qiu, Lei Yu
, Haiying Shen, Sohraab Soltani:
Low-latency multi-flow broadcasts in fading wireless networks. 455-459 - Pedro E. Santacruz, Vaneet Aggarwal
, Ashutosh Sabharwal:
Beyond interference avoidance: Distributed sub-network scheduling in wireless networks with local views. 460-464
MC - Sensor networks 3
- Yang Yang, Miao Jin, Yao Zhao, Hongyi Wu:
Cut graph based information storage and retrieval in 3D sensor networks with general topology. 465-469 - Shibo He, Xiaowen Gong, Junshan Zhang, Jiming Chen, Youxian Sun:
Barrier coverage in wireless sensor networks: From lined-based to curve-based deployment. 470-474 - Anais Vergne, Laurent Decreusefond
, Philippe Martins:
Reduction algorithm for simplicial complexes. 475-479 - Yin Wang, Yuan He, Dapeng Cheng, Yunhao Liu, Xiang-Yang Li:
TriggerCas: Enabling wireless consrucive collisions. 480-484
MC - Localization
- Xiuyuan Zheng, Jie Yang, Yingying Chen
, Yu Gan
Adaptive device-free passive localization coping with dynamic target speed. 485-489 - Chenshu Wu, Zheng Yang, Yiyang Zhao, Yunhao Liu:
Footprints elicit the truth: Improving global positioning accuracy via local mobility. 490-494 - Kaikai Liu, Xinxin Liu, Lulu Xie, Xiaolin Li:
Towards accurate acoustic localization on a smartphone. 495-499 - Xinfeng Li, Jin Teng, Qiang Zhai, Junda Zhu, Dong Xuan, Yuan F. Zheng, Wei Zhao
EV-Human: Human localization via visual estimation of body electronic interference. 500-504 - Yu Zhao, Yunhuai Liu, Tian He, Athanasios V. Vasilakos
, Chuanping Hu:
FREDI: Robust RSS-based ranging with multipath effect and radio interference. 505-509
MC - Data center networking 2
- Amir Nahir, Ariel Orda, Danny Raz:
Schedule first, manage later: Network-aware load balancing. 510-514 - Kai Wang, Minghong Lin, Florin Ciucu, Adam Wierman, Chuang Lin:
Characterizing the impact of the workload on the value of dynamic resizing in data centers. 515-519 - Yan Gao, Zheng Zeng, Xue Liu, P. R. Kumar:
The answer is blowing in the wind: Analysis of powering Internet data centers with wind energy. 520-524
MC - Applications of game theory
- Tianrong Zhang, Fan Wu, Chunming Qiao:
SPECIAL: A strategy-proof and Efficient multi-channel Auction mechanism for wireless networks. 525-529 - Yangming Zhao, Sheng Wang, Shizhong Xu, Xiong Wang, Xiujiao Gao, Chunming Qiao:
Load balance vs energy efficiency in traffic engineering: A game Theoretical Perspective. 530-534 - Xin Luo, Hamidou Tembine
Evolutionary coalitional games for random access control. 535-539 - Chih-Yu Wang, Yan Chen, Hung-Yu Wei, K. J. Ray Liu
Optimal pricing in stochastic scalable video coding multicasting system. 540-544
MC - Router and switch design
- Yossi Kanizo, David Hay, Isaac Keslassy
Palette: Distributing tables in software-defined networks. 545-549 - Qing Li
, Mingwei Xu, Meng Chen:
NSFIB construction & aggregation with next hop of strict partial order. 550-554 - Dario G. Garao, Guido Maier, Achille Pattavina:
Modular architectures of optical multi-stage switching networks. 555-559
MC - Wireless networks 4
- Eugene Chai, Kang G. Shin, Sung-Ju Lee, Jeongkeun Lee, Raúl H. Etkin:
Defeating heterogeneity in wireless multicast networks. 560-564 - Chien-Han Chai, Yuan-Yao Shih
, Ai-Chun Pang:
A spectrum-sharing rewarding framework for co-channel hybrid access femtocell networks. 565-569