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IPDPS 2017: Orlando / Buena Vista, FL, USA - Workshops
- 2017 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPS Workshops 2017, Orlando / Buena Vista, FL, USA, May 29 - June 2, 2017. IEEE Computer Society 2017, ISBN 978-1-5386-3408-0
HCW: Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop
- Erik Saule, Emmanuel Jeannot:
Introduction to HCW Workshop. 1 - Behrooz A. Shirazi:
Message from the HCW Steering Committee Chair. 2 - Erik Saule:
Message from the HCW General Chair. 3 - Emmanuel Jeannot:
Message from the HCW Program Committee Chair. 4 - Ricky Yu-Kwong Kwok:
HCW Keynote Talk. 5
Session 1: Managing the Different Components of Heterogeneous Systems
- Oliver Jakob Arndt, Fabian David Trager, Tobias Moß, Holger Blume
Portable Implementation of Advanced Driver-Assistance Algorithms on Heterogeneous Architectures. 6-17 - Siddharth Rai
, Mainak Chaudhuri:
Improving CPU Performance Through Dynamic GPU Access Throttling in CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Processors. 18-29 - Benjamin Marks, Tia Newhall:
Transparent Heterogeneous Backing Store for File Systems. 30-41
Session 2: Scheduling and Resource Allocation
- Sonia López, Stavan Satish Karia:
Alternative Processor Within Threshold: Flexible Scheduling on Heterogeneous Systems. 42-53 - Dylan Machovec, Sudeep Pasricha, Anthony A. Maciejewski
, Howard Jay Siegel, Gregory A. Koenig, Michael Wright, Marcia Hilton, Rajendra Rambharos, Thomas J. Naughton, Neena Imam:
Preemptive Resource Management for Dynamically Arriving Tasks in an Oversubscribed Heterogeneous Computing System. 54-64 - Lilia Zaourar, Massinissa Ait Aba, David Briand, Jean-Marc Philippe:
Modeling of Applications and Hardware to Explore Task Mapping and Scheduling Strategies on a Heterogeneous Micro-Server System. 65-76 - Thibaud Ecarot
, Djamal Zeghlache
, Cedric Brandily:
Consumer-and-Provider-Oriented Efficient IaaS Resource Allocation. 77-85
RAW: Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop
- Marco D. Santambrogio, Ramachandran Vaidyanathan:
Introduction to RAW Workshop. 86-87 - Ronald F. DeMara
, Georgi Gaydadjiev:
RAW Keynote Speakers. 88-89
Session 1: Architectures for Convolutional Neural Networks and Sliding Window
- Marco Bacis, Giuseppe Natale, Emanuele Del Sozzo
, Marco Domenico Santambrogio:
A Pipelined and Scalable Dataflow Implementation of Convolutional Neural Networks on FPGA. 90-97 - Haruyoshi Yonekawa, Hiroki Nakahara:
On-Chip Memory Based Binarized Convolutional Deep Neural Network Applying Batch Normalization Free Technique on an FPGA. 98-105 - Murad Qasaimeh
, Joseph Zambreno, Phillip H. Jones:
A Modified Sliding Window Architecture for Efficient BRAM Resource Utilization. 106-114
Session 2: Design and Programming Methods
- Gary Gréwal, Shawki Areibi, Matthew Westrik, Ziad Abuowaimer, Betty Zhao:
Automatic Flow Selection and Quality-of-Result Estimation for FPGA Placement. 115-123 - Javier Alejandro Varela, Norbert Wehn
, Qian Liang, Songyin Tang:
Exploiting Decoupled OpenCL Work-Items with Data Dependencies on FPGAs: A Case Study. 124-131 - Luca Stornaiuolo, Alberto Parravicini, Gianluca Durelli, Marco D. Santambrogio:
Exploiting FPGAs from Higher Level Languages A Signal Analysis Case Study. 132-140 - Philip Gottschling, Christian Hochberger:
ReEP: A Toolset for Generation and Programming of Reconfigurable Datapaths for Event Processing. 141-149
Session 3: Acceleration of Curran's Approximation and Elliptic Curve Crypto
- Anna Maria Nestorov, Enrico Reggiani, Hristina Palikareva, Pavel Burovskiy, Tobias Becker
, Marco D. Santambrogio:
A Scalable Dataflow Implementation of Curran's Approximation Algorithm. 150-157 - Rabia Shahid, Ted Winograd, Kris Gaj:
A Generic Approach to the Development of Coprocessors for Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems. 158-167
Session 4: Acceleration of Biological Signal Processing
- Luca Cerina
, Pierandrea Cancian
, Giuseppe Franco, Marco Domenico Santambrogio:
A Hardware Acceleration for Surface EMG Non-Negative Matrix Factorization. 168-174 - Giovanni Pietro Seu
, Gian Nicola Angotzi, Giuseppe Tuveri, Luigi Raffo
, Luca Berdondini, Alessandro Maccione
, Paolo Meloni:
On-FPGA Real-Time Processing of Biological Signals From High-Density MEAs: a Design Space Exploration. 175-183
Session 5: Design Methods
- Yosi Ben-Asher, Esti Stein, Ramachandran Vaidyanathan:
Combining Boolean Gates and Branching Programs in One Model can Lead to Faster Circuits. 184-191 - Utsav Agarwal, Ramachandran Vaidyanathan:
Efficient Totally-Ordered Subset Generation, with Application in Partial Reconfiguration. 192-201
Short Papers
- Godwin Enemali
, Adewale Adetomi, Tughrul Arslan:
FAReP: Fragmentation-Aware Replacement Policy for Task Reuse on Reconfigurable FPGAs. 202-206 - Tejaswini Ananthanarayana, Sonia López, Marcin Lukowiak:
Power Analysis of HLS-Designed Customized Instruction Set Architectures. 207-212 - Tajas Ruschke, Lukas Johannes Jung, Christian Hochberger:
A Near Optimal Integrated Solution for Resource Constrained Scheduling, Binding and Routing on CGRAs. 213-218 - Adewale Adetomi, Godwin Enemali
, Tughrul Arslan:
Clock Buffers, Nets, and Trees for On-Chip Communication: A Novel Network Access Technique in FPGAs. 219-222 - Enrico Reggiani, Eleonora D'Arnese
, Andrea Purgato, Marco D. Santambrogio:
Pearson Correlation Coefficient Acceleration for Modeling and Mapping of Neural Interconnections. 223-228 - Tripti Jain, Klaus Schneider
, Frederik Walk:
Out-of-Order Execution of Buffered Function Units in Exposed Data Path Architectures. 229-234 - Andres Jacoby, Daniel Llamocca
Dynamic Dual Fixed-Point CORDIC Implementation. 235-240 - Emanuele Del Sozzo
, Lorenzo Di Tucci, Marco D. Santambrogio:
A Highly Scalable and Efficient Parallel Design of N-Body Simulation on FPGA. 241-246 - Francesca Palumbo
, Carlo Sau
, Danilo Pani
, Paolo Meloni, Luigi Raffo
Feasibility Study of Real-Time Spiking Neural Network Simulations on a Swarm Intelligence Based Digital Architecture. 247-250
HiCOMB: 16th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology
- Alex Pothen
, Ananth Grama:
Introduction to HiCOMB Workshop. 251 - Radu Marculescu:
HiCOMB Keynote. 252
Session 1
- Cyrus Cousins, Christopher M. Pietras, Donna K. Slonim:
Scalable FRaC Variants: Anomaly Detection for Precision Medicine. 253-262 - Jae-Seung Yeom, Tanya Kostova-Vassilevska, Peter D. Barnes Jr., David R. Jefferson, Tomas Oppelstrup:
Exploratory Modeling and Simulation of the Evolutionary Dynamics of Single-Stranded RNA Virus Populations. 263-272
Session 2
- Julia D. Warnke-Sommer, Hesham H. Ali:
Parallel NGS Assembly Using Distributed Assembly Graphs Enriched with Biological Knowledge. 273-282 - Vasudevan Rengasamy, Paul Medvedev, Kamesh Madduri:
Parallel and Memory-Efficient Preprocessing for Metagenome Assembly. 283-292
Session 3
- Philip E. Davis, Adam M. Terwilliger, David Zeitler, Gregory Wolffe:
Scalable Parallelization of a Markov Coalescent Genealogy Sampler. 293-302 - Mücahid Kutlu
, Gagan Agrawal, James S. Blachly:
Par-eXpress: A Tool for Analysis of Sequencing Experiments With Ambiguous Assignment of Fragments in Parallel. 303-310
EduPar: NSF/TCPP Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Education
- Sheikh K. Ghafoor, Sushil K. Prasad
, Satish Puri
Introduction to EduPar Workshop. 311-313 - Jack J. Dongarra:
EduPar Keynote. 314
Session 1: Tools and Programming Environment
- Abdul Dakkak, Carl Pearson
, Cheng Li, Wen-mei W. Hwu:
RAI: A Scalable Project Submission System for Parallel Programming Courses. 315-322 - Brian Broll
, Ákos Lédeczi, Péter Völgyesi, János Sallai, Miklós Maróti, Chris Vanags
Introducing Parallel and Distributed Computing to K12. 323-330 - Tianyi Bao, William B. Gardner:
Log Visualization Tool for Message-Passing Programming in Pilot. 331-338 - David A. Richie, James A. Ross:
I Can Has Supercomputer? A Novel Approach to Teaching Parallel and Distributed Computing Concepts Using a Meme-Based Programming Language. 339-345
Session 2: Pedagogy and Experience
- Joshua Eckroth:
Teaching Future Big Data Analysts: Curriculum and Experience Report. 346-351 - Jane Wyngaard
, Heather J. Lynch, Jaroslaw Nabrzyski, Allen Pope
, Shantenu Jha
Hacking at the Divide Between Polar Science and HPC: Using Hackathons as Training Tools. 352-359 - Vivek Sarkar, Max Grossman, Zoran Budimlic, Shams Imam:
Preparing an Online Java Parallel Computing Course. 360-366 - Jawwad Ahmed Shamsi:
A Laboratory Based Course on GPU Programming: Methods, Practices, and Lessons. 367-374
ParLearning: The 6th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing for Large Scale Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics
- Anand Panangadan:
Introduction to ParLearning Workshop. 375-376 - John Feo, Wei Tan:
ParLearning Keynotes. 377-378
Session 1
- Azalia Mirhoseini, Bita Darvish Rouhani, Ebrahim M. Songhori, Farinaz Koushanfar
ExtDict: Extensible Dictionaries for Data- and Platform-Aware Large-Scale Learning. 379-388 - Songze Li, Sucha Supittayapornpong, Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali, Salman Avestimehr:
Coded TeraSort. 389-398 - Nitin A. Gawande, Joshua B. Landwehr, Jeff A. Daily, Nathan R. Tallent, Abhinav Vishnu, Darren J. Kerbyson:
Scaling Deep Learning Workloads: NVIDIA DGX-1/Pascal and Intel Knights Landing. 399-408 - Jing Chen, Jianbin Fang
, Weifeng Liu
, Tao Tang, Xuhao Chen, Canqun Yang:
Efficient and Portable ALS Matrix Factorization for Recommender Systems. 409-418
Session 2
- Thomas P. Parnell, Celestine Dünner, Kubilay Atasu
, Manolis Sifalakis
, Haris Pozidis:
Large-Scale Stochastic Learning Using GPUs. 419-428 - Amaury Durand, Yanik Ngoko, Christophe Cérin:
Distributed and in-Situ Machine Learning for Smart-Homes and Buildings: Application to Alarm Sounds Detection. 429-432 - DeJiao Niu, Rui Xue, Tao Cai, Hai Li
, Kingsley Effah, Hang Zhang:
The New Large-Scale RNNLM System Based on Distributed Neuron. 433-436 - Yuchen Qiao, Kazuma Hashimoto, Akiko Eriguchi, Haixia Wang, Dongsheng Wang, Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
, Kenjiro Taura
Cache Friendly Parallelization of Neural Encoder-Decoder Models Without Padding on Multi-core Architecture. 437-440
PDCO: 7th IEEE Workshop Parallel / Distributed Computing and Optimization
- Grégoire Danoy
, Didier El Baz
Introduction to PDCO Workshop. 441
Session 1: Scheduling I
- Laleh Ghalami, Daniel Grosu:
A Parallel Approximation Algorithm for Scheduling Parallel Identical Machines. 442-451 - Hadrien Croubois, Eddy Caron:
Communication Aware task Placement for Workflow Scheduling on DaaS-Based Cloud. 452-461 - Muhammad Qasim, Touseef Iqbal, Ehsan Ullah Munir, Nikos Tziritas, Samee U. Khan
, Laurence T. Yang:
Dynamic Mapping of Application Workflows in Heterogeneous Computing Environments. 462-471
Session 2: Scheduling II
- Jorge M. Cortés-Mendoza
, Andrei Tchernykh
, Igor V. Bychkov
, Alexander G. Feoktistov
, Pascal Bouvry
, Loic Didelot:
Load-Aware Strategies for Cloud-Based VoIP Optimization with VM Startup Prediction. 472-481 - David Pena
, Andrei Tchernykh
, Sergio Nesmachnow, Renzo Massobrio
, Alexander G. Feoktistov
, Igor V. Bychkov
Multiobjective Vehicle-type Scheduling in Urban Public Transport. 482-491
Session 3: Parallel Metaheuristics and Machine Learning
- Emmanuel Kieffer
, Grégoire Danoy
, Pascal Bouvry
, Anass Nagih
A new Co-evolutionary Algorithm Based on Constraint Decomposition. 492-500 - Javier A. Cruz-Lopez, Vincent Boyer, Didier El Baz
Training Many Neural Networks in Parallel via Back-Propagation. 501-509 - Amir Nakib
, Mohamed Hilia, Frederic Heliodore, El-Ghazali Talbi:
Design of Metaheuristic Based on Machine Learning: A Unified Approach. 510-518
Session 4: Graphs, Networks and Algorithms
- Raphael Kimmig, Henning Meyerhenke
, Darren Strash
Shared Memory Parallel Subgraph Enumeration. 519-529 - Julien Collet, Tanguy Sassolas, Yves Lhuillier, Renaud Sirdey
, Jacques Carlier:
Exploration of de Bruijn Graph Filtering for de novo Assembly Using GraphLab. 530-539 - He Li, Robson Eduardo De Grande, Azzedine Boukerche:
An Efficient CPP Solution for Resilience-Oriented SDN Controller Deployment. 540-549
Session 5: Parallel Algorithms
- Chris Rohlfs
, Mohamed Zahran
Optimal Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Regression Using a Fast Grid Search and a GPU. 550-556 - Numair Khan
, Mohamed Zahran
Space-Efficient Pointwise Computation of the Distance Transform on GPUs. 557-566 - Christian Herold, Olaf Krzikalla, Andreas Knüpfer:
Optimizing One-Sided Communication of Parallel Applications Using Critical Path Methods. 567-576
GABB: Graph Algorithms Building Blocks
- Aydin Buluç
, Tim Mattson:
Introduction to GABB Workshop. 577 - Ümit V. Çatalyürek:
GABB Keynote. 578
Session 1
- Maryia Belova, Ming Ouyang:
Breadth-First Search with A Multi-Core Computer. 579-587 - George M. Slota, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Kamesh Madduri:
Order or Shuffle: Empirically Evaluating Vertex Order Impact on Parallel Graph Computations. 588-597 - Sayyad Nayyaroddeen, Mahak Gambhir, Kishore Kothapalli:
A Study of Graph Decomposition Algorithms for Parallel Symmetry Breaking. 598-607
Session 2
- Hayden Jananthan, Karia Dibert, Jeremy Kepner:
Constructing Adjacency Arrays from Incidence Arrays. 608-615 - Yangzihao Wang, Sean Baxter, John D. Owens:
Mini-Gunrock: A Lightweight Graph Analytics Framework on the GPU. 616-626 - Charles Colley, Junyuan Lin
, Xiaozhe Hu, Shuchin Aeron:
Algebraic Multigrid for Least Squares Problems on Graphs with Applications to HodgeRank. 627-636
Session 3
- David Ediger, James P. Fairbanks:
Deriving Streaming Graph Algorithms from Static Definitions. 637-642
Session 4
- Aydin Buluç
, Tim Mattson, Scott McMillan, José E. Moreira, Carl Yang:
Design of the GraphBLAS API for C. 643-652 - William Horn, Gabriel Tanase, Hao Yu, Pratap Pattnaik:
A Linear Algebra-Based Programming Interface for Graph Computations in Scala and Spark. 653-659
AsHES: The Seventh International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems
- Sunita Chandrasekaran:
Introduction to AsHES Workshop. 660 - Tim Mattson:
AsHES Keynote. 661
Session 1: Programming Models and Runtime Systems
- Michael Wolfe, Seyong Lee
, Jungwon Kim
, Xiaonan Tian, Rengan Xu, Sunita Chandrasekaran, Barbara M. Chapman:
Implementing the OpenACC Data Model. 662-672 - Sergio Pino, Lori L. Pollock, Sunita Chandrasekaran:
Exploring Translation of OpenMP to OpenACC 2.5: Lessons Learned. 673-682 - Ivy Bo Peng
, Roberto Gioiosa, Gokcen Kestor
, Pietro Cicotti, Erwin Laure, Stefano Markidis:
Exploring the Performance Benefit of Hybrid Memory System on HPC Environments. 683-692
Session 2: Algorithms
- Mehmet Deveci, Christian Trott, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam:
Performance-Portable Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication for Many-Core Architectures. 693-702 - Antonio Gómez-Iglesias
, Miguel Cárdenas-Montes
Time and Energy to Solution Evaluation for the Three-Point Angular Correlation Function. 703-712 - Kaixi Hou, Wu-chun Feng, Shuai Che:
Auto-Tuning Strategies for Parallelizing Sparse Matrix-Vector (SpMV) Multiplication on Multi- and Many-Core Processors. 713-722
Session 3: Scheduling and Architectures
- Max Grossman, Vivek Kumar, Nick Vrvilo, Zoran Budimlic, Vivek Sarkar:
A Pluggable Framework for Composable HPC Scheduling Libraries. 723-732 - Sandra Catalán
, Rafael Rodríguez-Sánchez
, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí
, José R. Herrero:
Static Versus Dynamic Task Scheduling of the Lu Factorization on ARM big. LITTLE Architectures. 733-742 - Zhigeng Xu, James Lin, Satoshi Matsuoka:
Benchmarking SW26010 Many-Core Processor. 743-752
HIPS: 22nd International Workshop on High Level Programming Models and Supportive Environments
- Bo Wu, Andreas Knüpfer:
Introduction to HIPS Workshop. 753-754 - Zizhong Chen:
HIPS Keynote. 755
Session 1
- Dana Akhmetova, Roman Iakymchuk
, Örjan Ekeberg, Erwin Laure:
Performance Study of Multithreaded MPI and OpenMP Tasking in a Large Scientific Code. 756-765 - Solmaz Salehian, Jiawen Liu, Yonghong Yan:
Comparison of Threading Programming Models. 766-774 - Mostafa Mehrabi, Nasser Giacaman, Oliver Sinnen
Annotation-Based Parallelization of Java Code. 775-784
Session 2
- Alexis Engelke
, Josef Weidendorfer:
Using LLVM for Optimized Lightweight Binary Re-Writing at Runtime. 785-794 - Nathan Zhang, Michael B. Driscoll, Charles Markley, Samuel Williams
, Protonu Basu, Armando Fox:
Snowflake: A Lightweight Portable Stencil DSL. 795-804 - Pavel Shamis, M. Graham Lopez
, Gilad Shainer:
Enabling One-Sided Communication Semantics on ARM. 805-813
Session 3
- Jari-Matti Mäkelä
, Martti Forsell, Ville Leppänen
Towards a Language Framework for Thick Control Flows. 814-823 - Benjamin J. L. Wang, Uwe R. Zimmer:
Pure Concurrent Programming. 824-831
APDCM: 19th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models
- Oscar H. Ibarra, Koji Nakano:
Introduction to APDCM Workshop. 832 - Hong Shen:
APDCM Keynote. 833
Session 1: Distributed Computing
- Aisha Aljohani, Gokarna Sharma:
Complete Visibility for Mobile Agents with Lights Tolerating a Faulty Agent. 834-843 - Yonghwan Kim
, Haruka Ohno, Yoshiaki Katayama, Toshimitsu Masuzawa:
A Self-Stabilizing Algorithm for Constructing (1, 1)-Maximal Directed Acyclic Graph. 844-853 - Jonas Posner, Claudia Fohry:
Fault Tolerance for Cooperative Lifeline-Based Global Load Balancing in Java with APGAS and Hazelcast. 854-863 - Debarshi Dutta, Meher Chaitanya, Kishore Kothapalli, Debajyoti Bera:
Applications of Ear Decomposition to Efficient Heterogeneous Algorithms for Shortest Path/Cycle Problems. 864-873
Session 2: Scheduling and Hardware Models
- Guillaume Aupy, Anne Benoit
, Loïc Pottier
, Padma Raghavan, Yves Robert
, Manu Shantharam:
Co-Scheduling Algorithms for Cache-Partitioned Systems. 874-883 - Loris Marchal
, Samuel McCauley, Bertrand Simon, Frédéric Vivien
Minimizing I/Os in Out-of-Core Task Tree Scheduling. 884-893 - Basem Assiri, Costas Busch:
Approximate Count and Queue Objects in Transactional Memory. 894-903 - Max Plauth
, Christoph Sterz, Felix Eberhardt, Frank Feinbube, Andreas Polze:
Assessing NUMA Performance Based on Hardware Event Counters. 904-913