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Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Volume 16
Volume 16, Number 1, January / February 2009
- Milton Corn:
Viewpoint Paper: Archiving the Phenome: Clinical Records Deserve Long-term Preservation. 1-6 - Bengisu Tulu, Thomas A. Horan:
Viewpoint Paper: The Electronic Disability Record: Purpose, Parameters, and Model Use Case. 7-13 - Shane R. Reti, Henry J. Feldman, Charles Safran:
Viewpoint Paper: Governance for Personal Health Records. 14-17 - Ross Lazarus, Michael Klompas, Francis X. Campion, Scott J. N. McNabb, Xuanlin Hou, James Daniel, Gillian Haney, Alfred DeMaria, Leslie Lenert, Richard Platt:
Viewpoint Paper: Electronic Support for Public Health: Validated Case Finding and Reporting for Notifiable Diseases Using Electronic Medical Data. 18-24 - Halil Kilicoglu, Dina Demner-Fushman, Thomas C. Rindflesch, Nancy L. Wilczynski, R. Brian Haynes:
Viewpoint Paper: Towards Automatic Recognition of Scientifically Rigorous Clinical Research Evidence. 25-31 - Zhiyong Lu, Won Kim, W. John Wilbur:
Viewpoint Paper: Evaluating Relevance Ranking Strategies for MEDLINE Retrieval. 32-36 - Frances P. Morrison, Li Li, Albert M. Lai, George Hripcsak:
Viewpoint Paper: Repurposing the Clinical Record: Can an Existing Natural Language Processing System De-identify Clinical Notes? 37-39 - Marilyn D. Paterno, Saverio M. Maviglia, Paul N. Gorman, Diane L. Seger, Eileen Yoshida, Andrew C. Seger, David W. Bates, Tejal K. Gandhi:
Viewpoint Paper: Tiering Drug-Drug Interaction Alerts by Severity Increases Compliance Rates. 40-46
- William R. Vincent, Craig A. Martin, P. Shane Winstead, Kelly M. Smith, Jennifer Gatz, Daniel A. Lewis:
Research Paper: Effects of a Pharmacist-to-Dose Computerized Request on Promptness of Antimicrobial Therapy. 47-53 - Annie Y. S. Lau, Enrico W. Coiera:
Research Paper: Can Cognitive Biases during Consumer Health Information Searches Be Reduced to Improve Decision Making? 54-65 - Helen G. Lo, Michael E. Matheny, Diane L. Seger, David W. Bates, Tejal K. Gandhi:
Research Paper: Impact of Non-interruptive Medication Laboratory Monitoring Alerts in Ambulatory Care. 66-71 - Thomas Neumuth, Pierre Jannin, Gero Strauß, Jürgen Meixensberger, Oliver Burgert:
Research Paper: Validation of Knowledge Acquisition for Surgical Process Models. 72-80 - S. Trent Rosenbloom, Steven H. Brown, David Froehling, Brent A. Bauer, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, William M. Gregg, Peter L. Elkin:
Research Paper: Using SNOMED CT to Represent Two Interface Terminologies. 81-88 - Guoqian Jiang, Christopher G. Chute:
Viewpoint Paper: Auditing the Semantic Completeness of SNOMED CT Using Formal Concept Analysis. 89-102 - Hua Xu, Peter D. Stetson, Carol Friedman:
Research Paper: Methods for Building Sense Inventories of Abbreviations in Clinical Notes. 103-108 - Özlem Uzuner, Xiaoran Zhang, Tawanda C. Sibanda:
Research Paper: Machine Learning and Rule-based Approaches to Assertion Classification. 109-115 - Ling Chen, C. Paul Morrey, Huanying Gu, Michael Halper, Yehoshua Perl:
Research Paper: Modeling Multi-typed Structurally Viewed Chemicals with the UMLS Refined Semantic Network. 116-131 - Allan H. Goroll, Steven R. Simon, Micky Tripathi, Carl Ascenzo, David W. Bates:
Case Report: Community-wide Implementation of Health Information Technology: The Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative Experience. 132-139 - Sarah A. Collins, Leanne M. Currie, Suzanne Bakken, James J. Cimino:
Case Report: Information Needs, Infobutton Manager Use, and Satisfaction by Clinician Type: A Case Study. 140-142
- Lucila Ohno-Machado, Randolph A. Miller:
Editorial: Outstanding Submissions to the AMIA Annual Symposium Now Featured in JAMIA. 143-144
Volume 16, Number 2, March / April 2009
- Reed M. Gardner, J. Marc Overhage, Elaine B. Steen, Benson S. Munger, John H. Holmes, Jeffrey J. Williamson, Don E. Detmer:
AMIA Board White Paper: Core Content for the Subspecialty of Clinical Informatics. 153-157
- Charles Safran, M. Michael Shabot, Benson S. Munger, John H. Holmes, Elaine B. Steen, John R. Lumpkin, Don E. Detmer:
AMIA Board White Paper: Program Requirements for Fellowship Education in the Subspecialty of Clinical Informatics. 158-166
- Don E. Detmer, John R. Lumpkin, Jeffrey J. Williamson:
Editorial Comments: Defining the Medical Subspecialty of Clinical Informatics. 167-168
- Charles P. Friedman:
Viewpoint Paper: A "Fundamental Theorem" of Biomedical Informatics. 169-170 - Samir Chatterjee, Alan Price:
Viewpoint Paper: Healthy Living with Persuasive Technologies: Framework, Issues, and Challenges. 171-178 - Helaine E. Resnick, Barbara B. Manard, Robyn I. Stone, Majd Alwan:
Research Paper: Use of Electronic Information Systems in Nursing Homes: United States, 2004. 179-186
- William T. Lester, Jeffrey M. Ashburner, Richard W. Grant, Henry C. Chueh, Michael J. Barry, Steven J. Atlas:
Application of Information Technology: Mammography FastTrack: An Intervention to Facilitate Reminders for Breast Cancer Screening across a Heterogeneous Multi-clinic Primary Care Network. 187-195
- Martin Chieng Were, Greg Abernathy, Siu L. Hui, Carol Kempf, Michael Weiner:
Research Paper: Using Computerized Provider Order Entry and Clinical Decision Support to Improve Referring Physicians' Implementation of Consultants' Medical Recommendations. 196-202 - Elodie Sellier, Isabelle Colombet, Brigitte Sabatier, Gaelle Breton, Julie Niès, Eric Zapletal, Jean-Benoit Arlet, Dominique Somme, Pierre Durieux:
Research Paper: Effect of Alerts for Drug Dosage Adjustment in Inpatients with Renal Insufficiency. 203-210 - Gunther Schadow:
Research Paper: Structured Product Labeling Improves Detection of Drug-intolerance Issues. 211-219 - George Hripcsak, Noemie Elhadad, Yueh-Hsia Chen, Li Zhou, Frances P. Morrison:
Research Paper: Using Empiric Semantic Correlation to Interpret Temporal Assertions in Clinical Texts. 220-227 - Kai Zheng, Rema Padman, Michael P. Johnson, Herbert S. Diamond:
Research Article: An Interface-driven Analysis of User Interactions with an Electronic Health Records System. 228-237 - Patricia C. Dykes, Hyeoneui Kim, Denise Goldsmith, Jeeyae Choi, Kumiko Esumi, Howard Goldberg:
Research Paper: The Adequacy of ICNP Version 1.0 as a Representational Model for Electronic Nursing Assessment Documentation. 238-246 - Manabu Torii, Zhang-Zhi Hu, Cathy H. Wu, Hongfang Liu:
Research Paper: BioTagger-GM: A Gene/Protein Name Recognition System. 247-255 - Khaled El Emam, Ann Brown, Philip AbdelMalik:
Model Formulation: Evaluating Predictors of Geographic Area Population Size Cut-offs to Manage Re-identification Risk. 256-266 - John M. Byrne, Shane Elliott, Anthony Firek:
Case Report: Initial Experience with Patient-Clinician Secure Messaging at a VA Medical Center. 267-270
Volume 16, Number 3, May / June 2009
- Enrico W. Coiera:
Research Paper: Building a National Health IT System from the Middle Out. 271-273 - Eric W. Ford, Nir Menachemi, Lori T. Peterson, Timothy R. Huerta:
Research Paper: Resistance Is Futile: But It Is Slowing the Pace of EHR Adoption Nonetheless. 274-281 - Donald W. Simborg:
Viewpoint Paper: The Limits of Free Speech: The PHR Problem. 282-283 - Walter V. Sujansky, J. Marc Overhage, Sophia Chang, Jonah Frohlich, Samuel A. Faus:
Case Report: The Development of a Highly Constrained Health Level 7 Implementation Guide to Facilitate Electronic Laboratory Reporting to Ambulatory Electronic Health Record Systems. 285-290 - Bonnie Kaplan, Kimberly D. Harris-Salamone:
White Paper: Health IT Success and Failure: Recommendations from Literature and an AMIA Workshop. 291-299
- Blake J. Lesselroth, Robert S. Felder, Shawn M. Adams, Phillip D. Cauthers, David A. Dorr, Gordon J. Wong, David M. Douglas:
Implementation Brief: Design and Implementation of a Medication Reconciliation Kiosk: the Automated Patient History Intake Device (APHID). 300-304 - Jyotishman Pathak, Harold R. Solbrig, James D. Buntrock, Thomas M. Johnson, Christopher G. Chute:
Implementation Brief: LexGrid: A Framework for Representing, Storing, and Querying Biomedical Terminologies from Simple to Sublime. 305-315
- Peter J. Embí, Philip R. O. Payne:
Research Paper: Clinical Research Informatics: Challenges, Opportunities and Definition for an Emerging Domain. 316-327 - Xiaoyan Wang, George Hripcsak, Marianthi Markatou, Carol Friedman:
Research Paper: Active Computerized Pharmacovigilance Using Natural Language Processing, Statistics, and Electronic Health Records: A Feasibility Study. 328-337 - Nathan R. Hoot, Larry J. LeBlanc, Ian Jones, Scott R. Levin, Chuan Zhou, Cynthia S. Gadd, Dominik Aronsky:
Research Paper: Forecasting Emergency Department Crowding: A Prospective, Real-time Evaluation. 338-345 - Chintan Patel, James J. Cimino:
Research Paper: Using Semantic and Structural Properties of the Unified Medical Language System to Discover Potential Terminological Relationships. 346-353 - George Hripcsak, Nicholas D. Soulakis, Li Li, Frances P. Morrison, Albert M. Lai, Carol Friedman, Neil S. Calman, Farzad Mostashari:
Research Paper: Syndromic Surveillance Using Ambulatory Electronic Health Records. 354-361 - Alexander Turchin, Maria Shubina, Eugene Breydo, Merri L. Pendergrass, Jonathan S. Einbinder:
Research Paper: Comparison of Information Content of Structured and Narrative Text Data Sources on the Example of Medication Intensification. 362-370 - Blanca E. Himes, Yi Dai, Isaac S. Kohane, Scott T. Weiss, Marco Ramoni:
Research Paper: Prediction of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Asthma Patients Using Electronic Medical Records. 371-379 - Charles E. Kahn Jr., Daniel L. Rubin:
Research Paper: Automated Semantic Indexing of Figure Captions to Improve Radiology Image Retrieval. 380-386 - Herbert S. Chase, David R. Kaufman, Stephen B. Johnson, Eneida A. Mendonça:
Research Paper: Voice Capture of Medical Residents' Clinical Information Needs During an Inpatient Rotation. 387-394 - Sookyung Hyun, Jason S. Shapiro, Genevieve B. Melton, Cara Schlegel, Peter D. Stetson, Stephen B. Johnson, Suzanne Bakken:
Case Report: Iterative Evaluation of the Health Level 7 - Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes Clinical Document Ontology for Representing Clinical Document Names: A Case Report. 395-399 - Martin Dugas, Sylvia Thun, Thomas Frankewitsch, Kai U. Heitmann:
Case Report: LOINC® Codes for Hospital Information Systems Documents: A Case Study. 400-403 - Bogdan Ene-Iordache, Sergio Carminati, Luca Antiga, Nadia Rubis, Piero Ruggenenti, Giuseppe Remuzzi, Andrea Remuzzi:
Case Report: Developing Regulatory-compliant Electronic Case Report Forms for Clinical Trials: Experience with The Demand Trial. 404-408 - Jian Hu, Hao Yu, En Luo, Enmin Song, Xiangyang Xu, Hongbao Tan, Yining Wang:
Case Report: Are Chinese Dentists Ready for the Computerization of Dentistry? A Population Investigation of China's Metropolises. 409-412
- Lucila Ohno-Machado, Donald Ellison, Edward H. Shortliffe:
Special Features: Presentation of the 2008 Morris F. Collen Award to Robert A. Greenes. 413-418
- Daniel R. Masys:
American College of Medical Informatics Fellows and International Associates: American College of Medical Informatics Fellows and International Associates, 2008. 419-424 - Alexis N. Broussard, Randolph A. Miller:
Editorial Comments: Convenient JAMIA Online Features. 425-427
Volume 16, Number 4, July / August 2009
- Edward H. Shortliffe, David W. Bates, Meryl Bloomrosen, Karen Greenwood, Charles Safran, Elaine B. Steen, Paul C. Tang, Jeffrey J. Williamson:
Viewpoint Paper: Don E. Detmer and the American Medical Informatics Association: An Appreciation. 429-438 - Judith A. Effken, Patricia A. Abbott:
Viewpoint Paper: Health IT-enabled Care for Underserved Rural Populations: The Role of Nursing. 439-445
- Steven Shea, Ruth S. Weinstock, Jeanne A. Teresi, Walter Palmas, Justin Starren, James J. Cimino, Albert M. Lai, Lesley Fields, Philip C. Morin, Robin Goland, Roberto E. Izquierdo, Susana Ebner, Stephanie Silver, Eva Petkova, Jian Kong, Joseph P. Eimicke:
Research Paper: A Randomized Trial Comparing Telemedicine Case Management with Usual Care in Older, Ethnically Diverse, Medically Underserved Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: 5 Year Results of the IDEATel Study. 446-456 - Li Zhou, Christine S. Soran, Chelsea A. Jenter, Lynn A. Volk, E. John Orav, David W. Bates, Steven R. Simon:
Research Paper: The Relationship between Electronic Health Record Use and Quality of Care over Time. 457-464 - Steven R. Simon, Christine S. Soran, Rainu Kaushal, Chelsea A. Jenter, Lynn A. Volk, Elisabeth Burdick, Paul D. Cleary, E. John Orav, Eric G. Poon, David W. Bates:
Research Paper: Physicians' Use of Key Functions in Electronic Health Records from 2005 to 2007: A Statewide Survey. 465-470 - Michaël Laurent, Tim J. Vickers:
Research Paper: Seeking Health Information Online: Does Wikipedia Matter? 471-479 - Terry S. Field, Paula Rochon, Monica Lee, Linda Gavendo, Joann L. Baril, Jerry H. Gurwitz:
Research Paper: Computerized Clinical Decision Support During Medication Ordering for Long-term Care Residents with Renal Insufficiency. 480-485 - Patricia M. L. A. van den Bemt, Jetske C. Idzinga, Hans Robertz, Dennis Groot Kormelink, Neske Pels:
Research Paper: Medication Administration Errors in Nursing Homes Using an Automated Medication Dispensing System. 486-492 - C. Jason Wang, Mihir H. Patel, Anthony J. Schueth, Melissa Bradley, Shinyi Wu, Jesse C. Crosson, Peter A. Glassman, Douglas S. Bell:
Research Paper: Perceptions of Standards-based Electronic Prescribing Systems as Implemented in Outpatient Primary Care: A Physician Survey. 493-502 - Helen C. Azzam, Satjeet S. Khalsa, Richard Urbani, Chirag V. Shah, Jason D. Christie, Paul N. Lanken, Barry D. Fuchs:
Research Paper: Validation Study of an Automated Electronic Acute Lung Injury Screening Tool. 503-508 - Mindy E. Flanagan, Emily S. Patterson, Richard M. Frankel, Bradley N. Doebbeling:
Research Paper: Evaluation of a Physician Informatics Tool to Improve Patient Handoffs. 509-515 - Adrian H. Zai, Kit M. Farr, Richard W. Grant, Elizabeth Mort, Timothy G. Ferris, Henry C. Chueh:
Research Paper: Queuing Theory to Guide the Implementation of a Heart Failure Inpatient Registry Program. 516-523
- Kathryn J. Hannah, Peggy A. White, Lynn M. Nagle, Dorothy M. Pringle:
Application of Information Technology: Standardizing Nursing Information in Canada for Inclusion in Electronic Health Records: C-HOBIC. 524-530 - Angela Schedlbauer, Vibhore Prasad, Caroline Mulvaney, Shobha Phansalkar, Wendy Stanton, David W. Bates, Anthony J. Avery:
Review Paper: What Evidence Supports the Use of Computerized Alerts and Prompts to Improve Clinicians' Prescribing Behavior? 531-538 - Zahra Niazkhani, Habibollah Pirnejad, Marc Berg, Jos Aarts:
Review Paper: The Impact of Computerized Provider Order Entry Systems on Inpatient Clinical Workflow: A Literature Review. 539-549 - Calvin K. L. Or, Ben-Tzion Karsh:
Review Paper: A Systematic Review of Patient Acceptance of Consumer Health Information Technology. 550-560
- Özlem Uzuner:
Viewpoint Paper: Recognizing Obesity and Comorbidities in Sparse Data. 561-570 - Lois C. Childs, Robert Enelow, Lone Simonsen, Norris H. Heintzelman, Kimberly M. Kowalski, Robert J. Taylor:
Implementation Brief: Description of a Rule-based System for the i2b2 Challenge in Natural Language Processing for Clinical Data. 571-575 - Ninad K. Mishra, David M. Cummo, James J. Arnzen, Jason Bonander:
Research Paper: A Rule-based Approach for Identifying Obesity and Its Comorbidities in Medical Discharge Summaries. 576-579 - Illés Solt, Domonkos Tikk, Viktor Gál, Zsolt Tivadar Kardkovács:
Research Paper: Semantic Classification of Diseases in Discharge Summaries Using a Context-aware Rule-based Classifier. 580-584 - Henry Ware, Charles J. Mullett, Vasudevan Jagannathan:
Research Paper: Natural Language Processing Framework to Assess Clinical Conditions. 585-589 - Kyle H. Ambert, Aaron M. Cohen:
Research Paper: A System for Classifying Disease Comorbidity Status from Medical Discharge Summaries Using Automated Hotspot and Negated Concept Detection. 590-595 - Hui Yang, Irena Spasic, John A. Keane, Goran Nenadic:
Research Paper: A Text Mining Approach to the Prediction of Disease Status from Clinical Discharge Summaries. 596-600 - Richárd Farkas, György Szarvas, István Hegedüs, Attila Almási, Veronika Vincze, Róbert Ormándi, Róbert Busa-Fekete:
Research Paper: Semi-automated Construction of Decision Rules to Predict Morbidities from Clinical Texts. 601-605
Volume 16, Number 5, September / October 2009
- Peter M. Kilbridge, Laura A. Noirot, Richard M. Reichley, Kathleen M. Berchelmann, Cortney Schneider, Kevin M. Heard, Miranda Nelson, Thomas C. Bailey:
Application of Information Technology: Computerized Surveillance for Adverse Drug Events in a Pediatric Hospital. 607-612 - Margaret H. Reckmann, Johanna I. Westbrook, Yvonne Koh, Connie Lo, Richard O. Day:
Review Paper: Does Computerized Provider Order Entry Reduce Prescribing Errors for Hospital Inpatients? A Systematic Review. 613-623 - Griffin M. Weber, Shawn N. Murphy, Andrew J. McMurry, Douglas MacFadden, Daniel J. Nigrin, Susanne E. Churchill, Isaac S. Kohane:
Application of Information Technology: The Shared Health Research Information Network (SHRINE): A Prototype Federated Query Tool for Clinical Data Repositories. 624-630
- Eric G. Poon, Caitlin M. Cusack, Julie J. McGowan:
Viewpoint Paper: Evaluating Healthcare Information Technology Outside of Academia: Observations from the National Resource Center for Healthcare Information Technology at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. 631-636
- Adam Wright, Dean F. Sittig, Joan S. Ash, Sapna Sharma, Justine E. Pang, Blackford Middleton:
Research Paper: Clinical Decision Support Capabilities of Commercially-available Clinical Information Systems. 637-644 - Karen C. Nanji, Jennifer L. Cina, Nirali Patel, William W. Churchill, Tejal K. Gandhi, Eric G. Poon:
Case Report: Overcoming Barriers to the Implementation of a Pharmacy Bar Code Scanning System for Medication Dispensing: A Case Study. 645-650 - Guy H. Haller, Dagmar M. Haller, Delphine Courvoisier, Christian Lovis:
Research Paper: Handheld vs. Laptop Computers for Electronic Data Collection in Clinical Research: A Crossover Randomized Trial. 651-659 - Maria T. Britto, Holly B. Jimison, Jennifer Knopf Munafo, Jennifer Wissman, Michelle L. Rogers, William R. Hersh:
Research Paper: Usability Testing Finds Problems for Novice Users of Pediatric Portals. 660-669 - Khaled El Emam, Fida Kamal Dankar, Romeo Issa, Elizabeth Jonker, Daniel Amyot, Elise Cogo, Jean-Pierre Corriveau, Mark Walker, Sadrul Chowdhury, Regis Vaillancourt, Tyson Roffey, Jim Bottomley:
Research Paper: A Globally Optimal k-Anonymity Method for the De-Identification of Health Data. 670-682 - Douglas W. Roblin, Thomas K. Houston, Jeroan J. Allison, Peter J. Joski, Edmund R. Becker:
Research Paper: Disparities in Use of a Personal Health Record in a Managed Care Organization. 683-689 - Aaron M. Cohen, Kyle H. Ambert, Marian McDonagh:
Research Paper: Cross-Topic Learning for Work Prioritization in Systematic Review Creation and Update. 690-704 - Chris O'Connor, Jan O. Friedrich, Damon C. Scales, Neill K. J. Adhikari:
Research Paper: The Use of Wireless E-Mail to Improve Healthcare Team Communication. 705-713 - James B. Weaver III, Darren Mays, Gregg Lindner, Dogan Eroglu, Frederick Fridinger, Jay M. Bernhardt:
Research Paper: Profiling Characteristics of Internet Medical Information Users. 714-722 - Luis N. Marenco, Rixin Wang, Prakash M. Nadkarni:
Model Formulation: Automated Database Mediation Using Ontological Metadata Mappings. 723-737 - Vivienne J. Zhu, J. Marc Overhage, James Egg, Stephen M. Downs, Shaun J. Grannis:
Research Paper: An Empiric Modification to the Probabilistic Record Linkage Algorithm Using Frequency-Based Weight Scaling. 738-745 - Yan Chen, Huanying Gu, Yehoshua Perl, Michael Halper, Junchuan Xu:
Research Paper: Expanding the Extent of a UMLS Semantic Type via Group Neighborhood Auditing. 746-757
Volume 16, Number 6, November / December 2009
- Anshu Sinha, George Hripcsak, Marianthi Markatou:
Viewpoint Paper: Large Datasets in Biomedicine: A Discussion of Salient Analytic Issues. 759-767 - Guy Tsafnat, Enrico W. Coiera:
Viewpoint Paper: Computational Reasoning across Multiple Models. 768-774
- Lisa I. Backus, Sergey Gavrilov, Timothy P. Loomis, James P. Halloran, Barbara R. Phillips, Pamela S. Belperio, Larry A. Mole:
Application of Information Technology: Clinical Case Registries: Simultaneous Local and National Disease Registries for Population Quality Management. 775-783 - Andrew D. Boyd, Paul R. Saxman, Dale A. Hunscher, Kevin A. Smith, Timothy D. Morris, Michelle Kaston, Frederick Bayoff, Bruce Rogers, Pamela Hayes, Namrata Rajeev, Eva Kline-Rogers, Kim Eagle, Daniel J. Clauw, John F. Greden, Lee A. Green, Brian D. Athey:
Application of Information Technology: The University of Michigan Honest Broker: A Web-based Service for Clinical and Translational Research and Practice. 784-791 - Mirela Prgomet, Andrew Georgiou, Johanna I. Westbrook:
Review Paper: The Impact of Mobile Handheld Technology on Hospital Physicians' Work Practices and Patient Care: A Systematic Review. 792-801 - Maria Skouroliakou, Christina Kakavelaki, Konstantinos Diamantopoulos, Maria Stathopoulou, Ekaterini Vourvouhaki, Kyriakos Souliotis:
Implementation Brief: The Development and Implementation of a Software Tool and its Effect on the Quality of Provided Clinical Nutritional Therapy in Hospitalized Patients. 802-805
- Joshua C. Denny, Anderson Spickard III, Kevin B. Johnson, Neeraja B. Peterson, Josh F. Peterson, Randolph A. Miller:
Research Paper: Evaluation of a Method to Identify and Categorize Section Headers in Clinical Documents. 806-815 - Jasperien E. van Doormaal, Patricia M. L. A. van den Bemt, Rianne J. Zaal, Antoine C. G. Egberts, Bertil W. Lenderink, Jos G. W. Kosterink, Flora M. Haaijer-Ruskamp, Peter G. M. Mol:
Research Paper: The Influence that Electronic Prescribing Has on Medication Errors and Preventable Adverse Drug Events: an Interrupted Time-series Study. 816-825 - Kim M. Unertl, Matthew B. Weinger, Kevin B. Johnson, Nancy M. Lorenzi:
Research Paper: Describing and Modeling Workflow and Information Flow in Chronic Disease Care. 826-836 - Irmgard Willcockson, Craig W. Johnson, William R. Hersh, Elmer V. Bernstam:
Research Paper: Predictors of Student Success in Graduate Biomedical Informatics Training: Introductory Course and Program Success. 837-846 - Caroline Jeffery, Al Ozonoff, Laura Forsberg White, Miriam Nuño, Marcello Pagano:
Research Paper: Power to Detect Spatial Disturbances under Different Levels of Geographic Aggregation. 847-854 - Zaruhi R. Mnatsakanyan, Howard S. Burkom, Jacqueline S. Coberly, Joseph S. Lombardo:
Methods Paper: Bayesian Information Fusion Networks for Biosurveillance Applications. 855-863