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J.UCS, Volume 16
Volume 16, Number 1, 2010
- Luis Martínez-López, Jun Liu, Yang Xu:
Information Fusion and Logic-based Reasoning Approaches for Decision Making under Uncertainty. 1-2 - Yang Xu, Jun Liu, Luis Martínez-López, Da Ruan:
Some Views on Information Fusion and Logic Based Approaches in Decision Making under Uncertainty. 3-19 - Alberto Salguero, Francisco Araque:
Integration of Similar Evolving Data Sources for Supporting Decision Making Tasks. 22-36 - Mourad Oussalah, Zahir Messaoudi, Abdelaziz Ouldali:
Track-To-Track Measurement Fusion Architectures and Correlation Analysis. 37-61 - Francisco Javier Cabrerizo, Ruben Heradio, Ignacio Javier Pérez, Enrique Herrera-Viedma:
A Selection Process Based on Additive Consistency to Deal with Incomplete Fuzzy Linguistic Information. 62-81 - Cengiz Kahraman, Selçuk Çebi, Ihsan Kaya:
Selection among Renewable Energy Alternatives Using Fuzzy Axiomatic Design: The Case of Turkey. 82-102 - Da Ruan, Jie Lu, Erik Laes, Guangquan Zhang, Jun Ma, Gaston Meskens:
Multi-criteria Group Decision Support with Linguistic Variables in Long-term Scenarios for Belgian Energy Policy. 103-120 - Özgür Kabak, Füsun Ülengin:
A Demand Forecasting Methodology for Fuzzy Environments. 121-139 - Mingyi Zhang, Danning Li, Ying Zhang:
An Approach to Generation of Decision Rules. 140-158 - Li Yang, Yang Xu:
Decision Making with Uncertainty Information Based on Lattice-Valued Fuzzy Concept Lattice. 159-177 - Grzegorz Kolaczek, Krzysztof Juszczyszyn:
Deontic Logic-based Framework for Ontology Aligment in Agent Communities. 178-197 - Pierre Châtel, Isis Truck, Jacques Malenfant:
LCP-Nets: A Linguistic Approach for Non-functional Preferences in a Semantic SOA Environment. 198-217
Volume 16, Number 2, 2010
- António Menezes Leitão:
Lisp: Research and Experience. 218-220 - Charlotte Herzeel, Pascal Costanza, Theo D'Hondt:
An Extensible Interpreter Framework for Software Transactional Memory. 221-245 - Didier Verna:
Revisiting the Visitor: the "Just Do It" Pattern. 246-270 - Pascal Costanza, Theo D'Hondt:
Embedding Hygiene-Compatible Macros in an Unhygienic Macro System. 271-295 - Kurt Nørmark:
Systematic Unit Testing in a Read-eval-print Loop. 296-314 - Christophe Rhodes:
Using Lisp Implementation Internals Unportable but Fun. 315-339
Volume 16, Number 3, 2010
- Hermann A. Maurer:
Managing Editor's Column. 340 - Susana Alcalde Bagüés, Andreas Zeidler, Ignacio R. Matías, Cornel Klein, Carlos Fernández-Valdivielso:
Enabling Personal Privacy for Pervasive Computing Environments. 341-371 - Eduardo Camponogara, Ricardo Boveto Shima:
Mobile Agent Routing with Time Constraints: A Resource Constrained Longest-Path Approach. 372-401 - Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi, Paul H. Lewis:
Block-based Against Segmentation-based Texture Image Retrieval. 402-423 - Brian Henderson-Sellers, Jolita Ralyté:
Situational Method Engineering: State-of-the-Art Review. 424-478 - Gerardo Matturro, Andrés Silva:
A Model for Capturing and Managing Software Engineering Knowledge and Experience. 479-505
Volume 16, Number 4, 2010
- Peter Lipp:
Trusted Computing. 506 - Kurt Dietrich:
On Reliable Platform Configuration Change Reporting Mechanisms for Trusted Computing Enabled Platforms. 507-518 - Kurt Dietrich, Franz Röck:
Performance Optimizations for DAA Signatures on Java enabled Platforms. 519-529 - Martin Pirker, Ronald Toegl:
Towards a Virtual Trusted Platform. 531-542 - Armand Puccetti:
Static Analysis of the XEN Kernel using Frama-C. 543-553 - Chun Hui Suen:
VIMM: Runtime Integrity Measurement of a Virtualized Operating System. 554-576
Volume 16, Number 5, 2010
- Helmut Jürgensen, Hermann A. Maurer, Arto Salomaa, Sheng Yu:
Seventy Years Derick Wood. 577-585 - Jürgen Albert, German Tischler:
On Succinct Representations of Textured Surfaces by Weighted Finite Automata. 586-603 - Johannes Aßfalg, Jing Gong, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Alexey Pryakhin, Tiandi Wei, Arthur Zimek
Investigating a Correlation between Subcellular Localization and Fold of Proteins. 604-621 - Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Apichat Heednacram, Francis Suraweera:
NP-completeness and FPT Results for Rectilinear Covering Problems. 622-652 - Mark Daley, Michael Domaratzki, Kai Salomaa:
Orthogonal Concatenation: Language Equations and State Complexity. 653-675 - Rudolf Fleischer, Tom Kamphans, Rolf Klein, Elmar Langetepe, Gerhard Trippen:
The Tourist in the Shopping Arcade. 676-685 - Philip Ginzboorg, Valtteri Niemi:
Reachability in Restricted Walk on Integers. 686-714 - Yo-Sub Han:
On the Linear Number of Matching Substrings. 715-728 - Michael Johnson, Robert D. Rosebrugh, Richard J. Wood:
Algebras and Update Strategies. 729-748 - Helmut Jürgensen, David E. Matthews:
Entropy and Higher Moments of Information. 749-794 - Klaus-Jörn Lange:
A Note on the P-completeness of Deterministic One-way Stack Language. 795-799 - Lei Li, Vijay K. Vaishnavi, Art Vandenberg:
SOM Clustering to Promote Interoperability of Directory Metadata: A Grid-Enabled Genetic Algorithm Approach. 800-820 - Arto Salomaa:
Ordered Catenation Closures and Decompositions of Languages Related to a Language of Derick Wood. 821-832 - Panu Silvasti, Seppo Sippu, Eljas Soisalon-Soininen:
Evaluating Linear XPath Expressions by Pattern-Matching Automata. 833-851 - Jessie Wenhui Zou, Xiaotie Deng, Ming Li:
Detecting Market Trends by Ignoring It, Some Days. 852-861 - Helmut Jürgensen:
Derick Wood's Publications. 862-888
Volume 16, Number 6, 2010
- Osvaldo Gervasi, Kenneth Tan, Marina L. Gavrilova, David Taniar:
Computational Science and its Applications. 889-890 - Wensheng Shen, Changjiang Zhang, Jun Zhang, Xiaoqian Ma:
Newton Method for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems with Adaptive Time Stepping. 891-902 - Lucas D. Terissi, Juan Carlos Gómez:
3D Head Pose and Facial Expression Tracking using a Single Camera. 903-920 - Ahmed Ali, Kenji Terada:
A General Framework for Multi-Human Tracking using Kalman Filter and Fast Mean Shift Algorithms. 921-937 - Gamgarn Somprasertsri, Pattarachai Lalitrojwong:
Mining Feature-Opinion in Online Customer Reviews for Opinion Summarization. 938-955 - Behrang Zadjabbari, Pornpit Wongthongtham, Farookh Khadeer Hussain:
Ontology based Approach in Knowledge Sharing Measurement. 956-982 - Maytham Safar, Nosayba El-Sayed, Khaled Mahdi, David Taniar:
Entropy Optimization of Social Networks Using an Evolutionary Algorithm. 983-1003
Volume 16, Number 7, 2010
- Jason J. Jung:
Collective Intelligence with Visualization and Multimedia. 1004-1005 - Grzegorz J. Nalepa
Collective Knowledge Engineering with Semantic Wikis. 1006-1023 - Dosam Hwang, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Jason J. Jung, Abolghasem Sadeghi-Niaraki, Kwang-Hyun Baek, Youngshin Han:
A Semantic Wiki Framework for Reconciling Conflict Collaborations Based on Selecting Consensus Choice. 1024-1035 - Monika Lanzenberger, Jennifer Sampson, Markus Rester:
Ontology Visualization: Tools and Techniques for Visual Representation of Semi-Structured Meta-Data. 1036-1054
Volume 16, Number 8, 2010
- Luis E. Anido-Rifón, Flavio Corradini:
Methodologies, Technologies and Tools Enabling e-Government. 1055 - Manuel J. Fernández-Iglesias, Luis Álvarez Sabucedo:
From Analog to Digital Television; Strategies to Promote Rapid Adaptation and Awareness. 1056-1074 - Jeroen Stragier, Pieter Verdegem, Gino Verleye:
How is e-Government Progressing? A Data Driven Approach to E-government Monitoring. 1075-1088 - Katri-Liis Lepik, Merle Krigul, Erik Terk:
Introducing Living Lab's Method as Knowledge Transfer from one Socio-Institutional Context to another: Evidence from Helsinki-Tallinn Cross-Border Region. 1089-1101 - Melpomeni Hatzikou, Iraklis-Panagiotis Agiovlasitis:
Leveraging ICT Deployment and Integration in a Public Organization Aged 176 Years A Greek Case Study. 1102-1116 - Luis Álvarez Sabucedo, Luis E. Anido-Rifón
Locating and Crawling eGovernment Services A Light-weight Semantic Approach. 1117-1137
Volume 16, Number 9, 2010
- Hermann A. Maurer:
Managing Editor's Column. 1138 - Peter Danner, Daniel M. Hein:
A Trusted Computing Identity Collation Protocol to Simplify Deployment of New Disaster Response Devices. 1139-1151 - James Decraene, Thomas Hinze:
A Multidisciplinary Survey of Computational Techniques for the Modelling, Simulation and Analysis of Biochemical Networks. 1152-1175 - Jens Hellmers, Thomas Wriedt:
Classification of Software for the Simulation of Light Scattering and Realization within an Internet Information Portal. 1176-1189 - Matjaz Jursic, Igor Mozetic
, Tomaz Erjavec, Nada Lavrac:
LemmaGen: Multilingual Lemmatisation with Induced Ripple-Down Rules. 1190-1214 - Sajjad Ahmad Madani, Daniel Weber, Stefan Mahlknecht:
Position-based Routing Protocol for Low Power Wireless Sensor Networks. 1215-1233 - Andrés Muñoz, José M. Alcaraz Calero, Juan A. Botía Blaya, Gregorio Martínez Pérez, Félix J. García Clemente:
Knowledge Authoring with ORE: Testing, Debugging and Validating Knowledge Rules in a Semantic Web Framework. 1234-1266
Volume 16, Number 10, 2010
- Sajid Hussain, Geyong Min, Jianhua Ma, Jong Hyuk Park:
Multimedia Services and Applications. 1267-1268 - Karsten Scheibe, Fay Huang, Reinhard Klette:
Pose Estimation of Rotating Sensors in the Context of Accurate 3D Scene Modeling. 1269-1290 - Zhiwen Yu, Changde Li, Xingshe Zhou, Haipeng Wang:
A Service-Oriented Platform for Ubiquitous Personalized Multimedia Provisioning. 1291-1310 - Frode Eika Sandnes, Yo-Ping Huang, Yueh-Min Huang:
Near Eyes-Free Chauffeur Computer Interaction with Chording and Visual Text Mnemonics. 1311-1326 - Wei-Ming Chen, Chi-Hsiang Lo, Han-Chieh Chao, Chun-Cheng Chang:
Gabor Filter Aided 3D Ultra-Sonography Diagnosis System with WLAN Transmission Consideration. 1327-1343 - Lei Shu, Manfred Hauswirth, Yan Zhang, Jianhua Ma, Geyong Min, Yu Wang:
Cross Layer Optimization for Data Gathering in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks within Expected Network Lifetime. 1343-1367 - Farag Azzedin:
Classifying and Tracking Free Riders in Multimedia-Based Systems. 1368-1387
Volume 16, Number 11, 2010
- Hans W. Guesgen, Mehul Bhatt:
Advances in Spatial and Temporal Reasoning. 1388-1389 - Marco Falda:
Spatial Reasoning with Integrated Qualitative-Metric Fuzzy Constraint Networks. 1390-1409 - Lledó Museros Cabedo, Luis González Abril, Francisco Velasco Morente, Zoe Falomir:
A Pragmatic Qualitative Approach for Juxtaposing Shapes. 1410-1424 - André Trudel:
Finding a Consistent Scenario to an Interval Algebra Network Containing Possibly Infinite Intervals. 1425-1438 - Dragan Doder, Zoran Ognjanovic, Zoran Markovic:
An Axiomatization of a First-order Branching Time Temporal Logic. 1439-1451 - Géraldine Del Mondo, John G. Stell, Christophe Claramunt, Rémy Thibaud:
A Graph Model for Spatio-temporal Evolution. 1452-1477
Volume 16, Number 12, 2010
- José Bravo, Diego López-de-Ipiña:
Ambient Intelligence Vision: A Perspective. 1478-1479 - Rui José, Helena Rodrigues, Nuno Otero:
Ambient Intelligence: Beyond the Inspiring Vision. 1480-1499 - Juan-Pablo García-Vázquez
, Marcela D. Rodríguez, Monica Tentori, Diana Saldaña-Jimenez, Ángel G. Andrade, Adán-Noé Espinoza:
An Agent-based Architecture for Developing Activity-Aware Systems for Assisting Elderly. 1500-1520 - Diego López-de-Ipiña, Ignacio Díaz-de-Sarralde, Javier García-Zubía:
An Ambient Assisted Living Platform Integrating RFID Data-on-Tag Care Annotations and Twitter. 1521-1538 - Ramón Hervás, José Bravo, Jesús Fontecha:
A Context Model based on Ontological Languages: a Proposal for Information Visualization. 1539-1555 - Roc Messeguer, Leandro Navarro
, Pedro Damián-Reyes, Jesús Favela:
Context Awareness for Collaborative Learning with Uncertainty Management. 1556-1576 - Gabriel Chavira, José Bravo, Salvador Wilfrido Nava Díaz, Julio C. Rolón:
PICTAC: A Model for Perceiving Touch Interaction through Tagging Context. 1577-1591 - Lidia Fuentes, Nadia Gámez:
Configuration Process of a Software Product Line for AmI Middleware. 1592-1611 - Luis A. Guerrero, Hector Horta, Sergio F. Ochoa:
Developing Augmented Objects: A Process Perspective. 1612-1632 - Manuel García-Herranz, Pablo A. Haya, Xavier Alamán:
Towards a Ubiquitous End-User Programming System for Smart Spaces. 1633-1649 - Yang Cai:
Mobile Intelligence. 1650-1665
Volume 16, Number 13, 2010
- Jason J. Jung, Chulmo Koo:
Recent Trends in Service Science. 1666-1667 - Olha Danylevych, Dimka Karastoyanova, Frank Leymann:
Service Networks Modelling: An SOA & BPM Standpoint. 1668-1693 - Carlos Pedrinaci, John Domingue
Toward the Next Wave of Services: Linked Services for the Web of Data. 1694-1719 - Lei Li, Yan Wang, Ee-Peng Lim:
Trust-Oriented Composite Service Selection with QoS Constraints. 1720-1744 - Jason J. Jung:
On Sustainability of Context-Aware Services Among Heterogeneous Smart Spaces. 1745-1760 - Kichan Nam, Nam Hee Lee:
Typology of Service Innovation from Service-Dominant Logic Perspective. 1761-1775 - Heiko Thimm, Karsten Boye Rasmussen
Information Support Services for Intermediation Tasks of Collaborative Networks. 1776-1800 - Chulmo Koo, Yulia Wati:
Toward an Understanding of the Mediating Role of "Trust" in Mobile Banking Service: An Empirical Test of Indonesia Case. 1801-1824
Volume 16, Number 14, 2010
- Hermann A. Maurer:
Managing Editor's Column. 1825 - Václav Dvorák, Petr Mikusek:
Design of Arbiters and Allocators Based on Multi-Terminal BDDs. 1826-1852 - Dong Won Kim, Jingtao Yao:
A Treasure Hunt Model for Inquiry-Based Learning in the Development of a Web-based Learning Support System. 1853-1881 - Pablo Rabanal, Ismael Rodríguez, Fernando Rubio:
Applying RFD to Construct Optimal Quality-Investment Trees. 1882-1901 - Esko Ukkonen:
Geometric Point Pattern Matching in the Knuth-Morris-Pratt Way. 1902-1911 - Ming Xu, Chuandong Mu, Zhenbing Zeng, Zhi-bin Li:
A Heuristic Approach to Positive Root Isolation for Multiple Power Sums. 1912-1926
Volume 16, Number 15, 2010
- María Dolores Lozano, José A. Gallud, Philippe A. Palanque:
Mobile Context-Aware Applications for Ubiquitous Computing. 1927-1928 - Ichiro Satoh:
Mobile Agent-based Context-aware Services. 1929-1952 - Yung Bok Kim:
Real-time Analysis of Time-based Usability and Accessibility for Human Mobile-Web Interactions in the Ubiquitous Internet. 1953-1972 - Carlos Baladrón Zorita, Alejandro Cadenas, Javier M. Aguiar, Belén Carro, Antonio Sánchez-Esguevillas:
Multi-Level Context Management and Inference Framework for Smart Telecommunication Services. 1973-1991 - Kris McGlinn, Eleanor O'Neill, Alan Gibney, Declan O'Sullivan, David Lewis:
SimCon: A Tool to Support Rapid Evaluation of Smart Building Application Design using Context Simulation and Virtual Reality. 1992-2018 - Giuseppe Ghiani, Fabio Paternò
Supporting Mobile Users in Selecting Target Devices. 2019-2037 - Marino Linaje Trigueros, Juan Carlos Preciado, Fernando Sánchez-Figueroa:
Multi-Device Context-Aware RIAs Using a Model-Driven Approach. 2038-2059 - Sina Zulkernain, Praveen Madiraju, Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed:
A Mobile Intelligent Interruption Management System. 2060-2080 - Juan Miguel López
, Montserrat Sendín:
Multi-Purpose Infrastructure for Delivering and Supporting Mobile Context-Aware Applications. 2081-2098 - Jason J. Jung:
Integrating Social Networks for Context Fusion in Mobile Service Platforms. 2099-2110 - Ricardo Tesoriero, José A. Gallud, María Dolores Lozano, Victor M. Ruiz Penichet
CAUCE: Model-driven Development of Context-aware Applications for Ubiquitous Computing Environments. 2111-2138 - Youna Jung, Minsoo Kim:
Situation-Aware Community Computing Model for Developing Dynamic Ubiquitous Computing Systems. 2139-2174
Volume 16, Number 16, 2010
- Katrien Verbert, Erik Duval, Stefanie N. Lindstaedt, Denis Gillet:
enisontext-aware Recommender Systems. 2175-2178 - Sandy El Helou, Christophe Salzmann, Denis Gillet:
The 3A Personalized, Contextual and Relation-based Recommender System. 2179-2195 - Rafael Schirru, Stephan Baumann, Martin Memmel, Andreas Dengel:
Extraction of Contextualized User Interest Profiles in Social Sharing Platforms. 2196-2213 - Hermann Stern, Rene Kaiser, Philip Hofmair, Peter Kraker
, Stefanie N. Lindstaedt:
Content Recommendation in APOSDLE using the Associative Network. 2214-2231 - Jinhyuk Choi, Geehyuk Lee, Junghoon Moon:
Web Context Classification Based on Information Quality Factors. 2232-2251 - Valentin Butoianu, Philippe Vidal, Katrien Verbert, Erik Duval, Julien Broisin:
User Context and Personalized Learning: a Federation of Contextualized Attention Metadata. 2252-2271 - Katja Niemann, Maren Scheffel, Martin Friedrich, Uwe Kirschenmann, Hans-Christian Schmitz, Martin Wolpers:
Usage-based Object Similarity. 2272-2290
Volume 16, Number 17, 2010
- Dae-Kyoo Kim, Juan Trujillo:
Foundations and Practices of Unified Modeling Language. 2291-2292 - Duc-Hanh Dang, Anh-Hoang Truong, Martin Gogolla:
Checking the Conformance between Models Based on Scenario Synchronization. 2293-2312 - Miguel A. Laguna, José M. Marqués:
UML Support for Designing Software Product Lines: The Package Merge Mechanism. 2313-2332 - David Garcia Rosado
, Eduardo Fernández-Medina, Javier López, Mario Piattini:
Developing a Secure Mobile Grid System through a UML Extension. 2333-2352