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25th AMCIS 2019: Cancún, Mexico
- 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2019, Cancún, Mexico, August 15-17, 2019. Association for Information Systems 2019
Accounting Information Systems (SIGASYS)
- Camila de Oliveira, Ariel Behr, Antônio Carlos Gastaud Maçada:
Establishing the Main Mechanisms for the Accounting Information Governance: a Delphi study with Accountants. - Ahmad H. Juma'h, Yazan Alnsour:
Exploring the Characteristics of Financial Reports of Companies Adopting Blockchain: Text Analytics Approach. - Abdullah Albizri, Yazan Alnsour:
Impact of Knowledge Creation on Financial Performance: An Exploratory Study. - Ravi Chandra Seethamraju, Rodney Coyte:
Technology frames, Accountants and ERP systems use.
Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (SIGADIT)
- Davinia Rodríguez Cardona, Oliver Werth, Svenja Schönborn, Michael H. Breitner:
A Mixed Methods Analysis of the Adoption and Diffusion of Chatbot Technology in the German Insurance Sector. - Jens Mattke:
Advertising-Funded IS: A Literature Review on Factors Influencing Users Clicking Behavior for In-App Ads. - Jasmin Manseau:
AI in the Workplace: The Case of Intelligent Employee Assistants. - Mehmet Akgul, Ali Reza Montazemi:
Ambivalence and Electronic Word of Mouth. - Dicle Berfin Köse, Juho Hamari:
Dual Information Systems: A Review Of Factors Affecting Their Use. - Babita Gupta, Subhasish Dasgupta, Mini Purushothaman:
Examining Organizational Culture Values and Acceptance of Biometric Identity Authentication Systems. - Vasilka Chergarova, Jeronimo Bezerra, Julio Ibarra, Heidi Morgan:
Factors influencing the adoption of Software Defined Networking by Research and Educational Networks. - Sulaiman Abdallah Alsheibani, Yen Cheung, Chris H. Messom:
Factors Inhibiting the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence at organizational-level: A Preliminary Investigation. - Minwoo Lee, Kiljae K. Lee, Kyung Young Lee, Agnes DeFranco:
Heuristic, Systematic, and Affective Components of Online Service Reviews : Impact on Intra-Organizational Adoption and Sharing. - Mayur P. Joshi, Nuruddin Ahmed, Jean-Philippe Vergne, Ning Su:
In Code We Trust! India's Demonetization, Trust Ambivalence & Electronic Currencies. - Pouyan Esmaeilzadeh, Hemang Subramanian, Karlene Cousins:
Individuals' Cryptocurrency Adoption: A Proposed Moderated-Mediation Model. - Farid Shirazi, Abbas Keramati:
Intelligent Digital Mesh Adoption for Big Data. - Victoria Alexandra Reibenspiess:
It is Hard Being Innovative from a Safe Distance - Theoretical Conceptualization about Innovation Awareness and Psychological Distance. - Katharina Pflügner, Christian Maier:
Mitigating Technostress: An Empirical Study of Mindfulness and Techno-Stressors. - Yafang Li, Robert E. Crossler, Deborah Compeau:
Regulatory Focus in the Context of Wearable Continuance. - Jean-Francois De Moya, Jessie Pallud, Eusebio Scornavacca Jr.:
Self-Tracking Technologies Adoption and Utilization: A Literature Analysis. - Abdolrasoul Habibipour, Ali Mohammad Padyab, Anna Ståhlbröst:
Social, Ethical and Ecological Issues in Wearable Technologies. - Murad A. Moqbel, Lauren Pulino:
The double-edged sword of smartphones: the moderating role of utilitarian app use. - Yaa Amponsah Twumasi, Richard Boateng, Eric Afful-Dadzie:
The Role of IT on Counterfeiting and Piracy in the Fashion and Beauty Industry: The Case of a Developing Country. - HanByeol Stella Choi, Minhyung Lee, Heeseok Lee:
Two Faces of Car Sharing: An Exploration on the Effect of Car Sharing on Car Accident. - Stanislav Mamonov, Raquel Benbunan-Fich:
Unlocking the Smart Home: An Examination of Factors Influencing Smart Lock Adoption Intention. - Sven Laumer, Fabian Tobias Gubler, Ana Racheva, Christian Maier:
Use Cases for Conversational Agents: An Interview-based Study. - Antje Henriette Annette Janssen, Jens Passlick, Michael H. Breitner:
Using Web Analytics Data: a participatory Design Model for Individual Web Traffic Report Development. - Kai Spindeldreher, Emre Ak, Jonas Fröhlich, Daniel Schlagwein:
Why Won't You Share? Barriers to Participation in the Sharing Economy.
Advances in Information Systems Research
- Gary F. Templeton, Laurie L. Burney, Martin Kang:
A Methodology for Developing Normalized Formative Indices Using Messy Data. - Anne Faber, Maximilian Riemhofer, Sven-Volker Rehm, Gloria Bondel:
A Systematic Mapping Study on Business Ecosystem Types. - Milkyas Bogale, Lemma Lessa, Solomon Negash:
Building an Information Security Awareness Program for a Bank: Case from Ethiopia. - Dissa Riandaso Chandra, Jos van Hillegersberg:
Creating Competitive Advantage for Air Freight Communities Using Cargo Community System: A Case Study in Schiphol Airport. - Carlos Bento, Paulo Rupino da Cunha, João Barata:
Cultivating Sociomaterial Transformations in Agriculture 4.0: The Case of Precision Viticulture. - Laszlo Sajtos, Yean Shan Beh, Gabrielle Peko, David Sundaram:
Developing an Affordance-based Conceptualization of Social Media Interactions. - Qin Weng, Wendy Wang, Jignya Patel:
Exploring the Formation of IT Identity: A Technology-Value Fit Model. - Abiy Woretaw, Lemma Lessa, Solomon Negash:
Factors Hindering Full-Fledged Information Security in Banking Sector in Ethiopia: Emphasis on Information Security Culture. - Saurabh Gupta, Clay Williams:
Five levels of Computer Self-Efficacy. - Ning Su, Mayur P. Joshi, Saeed Khanagha:
From Hierarchies to Markets: Transformation of Corporate Innovation at Ericsson. - Egidio Morsch, Pietro Cunha Dolci:
Governança de TI em Cooperativas de Crédito - uma proposta de framework. - Amy J. Connolly, Daniel Rush:
How Emotional Self-Control Relates to IT Mindfulness and Technostress in Students. - Carlos Ivan Torres, Robert E. Crossler:
Information Security Compliance: A Complete Values View. - Tsedale Yohannes, Lemma Lessa, Solomon Negash:
Information Security Incident Response Management in an Ethiopian Bank: A Gap Analysis. - Michael Meighu, John Alver Dobson:
Innovating in IS: a Pharmaceutical Case Study into Modelling Creative Climate. - Sarah Hönigsberg, Barbara Dinter:
Network Value Co-Creation Goes Digital - a Case Study. - Valeria Aleksandra Sadovykh, David Sundaram:
Online Social Networks Decision Support Architecture: Spaces for Modelling and Conversations. - Christian Betz, Marc Burkhalter, Reinhard Jung:
Prerequisites for Value Co-Creation in Business Ecosystems. - Khushbu Tilvawala, David Sundaram, Michael David Myers:
Serious Games for Sustainable Development: A Decision-driven Transformative Approach. - Carol Lee, Pratyush Bharati:
Social Media Platform and Green IS Awareness: An Empirical Investigation. - Gloria Bondel, Duc Huy Bui, Anne Faber, Dennis Seidel, Matheus Hauder:
Towards a Process and Tool Support for Collaborative API Proposal Management. - Sarbottam Bhagat, Kevin Kim:
Towards Integrating Blockchain and Digital Governance Structure in Supply Chain Collaboration (SCC). - Yao Shi, Mark Lee Gillenson, Xihui Zhang:
Value Estimation of Software Functional Test Cases. - Joseph Sebastian, Robert E. Crossler:
Why social media users share private images: Ignorance or Social Reward.
AI and Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Information Systems (SIGODIS)
- Xiaocong Cui, Jung Min Lee, JJ Po-An Hsieh:
An Integrative 3C evaluation framework for Explainable Artificial Intelligence. - Diego Saqui, José Hiroki Saito, Daniel Caio de Lima, Lúcio Abdré de Castro Jorge, Steve Ataky:
Approach based on SPEA2-band selection and Random Forest classifier to generate thematic maps from hyperspectral images. - Ransome Epie Bawack, Samuel Fosso Wamba, Kevin Carillo:
Artificial Intelligence in Practice: Implications for IS Research. - Anuja Kamat, Amit V. Deokar:
Computational Intelligence for Engineering Design Applications: A Case Study in Structural Engineering. - Kai Heinrich, Patrick Zschech, Tarek Skouti, Jakob Griebenow, Sebastian Riechert:
Demystifying the Black Box: A Classification Scheme for Interpretation and Visualization of Deep Intelligent Systems. - Frederico Araújo Durão, João Paulo Dias de Almeida, Daniel Santos Peixoto, Paulo Roberto de Souza, Carsten Schjønning, René Bech Rasmussen:
Exploiting Web Features for Relevance Feedback. - Al F. Salam, Shabnam Nahar, Sabbir Pervez:
Integrating Machine Learning and Grounded Theory Research. - Neda Mesbah, Christoph Tauchert, Christian Michael Olt, Peter Buxmann:
Promoting Trust in AI-based Expert Systems. - Samaa Elnagar, Manoj A. Thomas:
Real Estate Image-Based Appraisal Using Mask Region Based Convolutional Networks. - Patrick Zschech, Kai Heinrich, Richard Horn, Daniel Höschele:
Towards a Text-based Recommender System for Data Mining Method Selection. - Raphael Meyer von Wolff, Kristin Masuch, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
What Do You Need Today? - An Empirical Systematization of Application Areas for Chatbots at Digital Workplaces.
Cognitive Research in IS (SIGCORE)
- Samaa Elnagar, Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson:
A Cognitive Ideation Support Framework using IBM Watson Services. - Sarang Hashemi, Frada Burstein:
A Framework for Managing Cognitive Load in Electronic Medical Record Systems Training. - Xusen Cheng, Ying Bao, Alex Zarifis, Jian Mou:
A Model of Customer Trust in Sharing Economy-Driven Ride-Sharing Platforms Involving Psychological Contract Violation and Recovery. - Alexander Rühr, Benedikt Berger, Thomas Hess:
Can I Control My Robo-Advisor? Trade-Offs in Automation and User Control in (Digital) Investment Management. - Kevin Wang, Sumantra Sarkar:
Nudging Young People Towards Safe Internet Behavior. - Daniel Tozadore, João Pedro Hannauer Valentini, Victor Henrique Rodrigues, Julia Pazzini, Roseli A. F. Romero:
When Social Adaptive Robots meet School Environments.
Data Agility
- Fanny-Ève Bordeleau, Carsten Felden:
After the Plan: An Exploration of the Digitalization Application Barriers. - James Wairimu, Qinyu Liao:
Digital Business Intensity and Entrepreneurial Alertness in Organizational Learning. - Ömer Uludag, Sascha Nägele, Matheus Hauder:
Establishing Architecture Guidelines in Large-Scale Agile Development Through Institutional Pressures: A Single-Case Study. - Markus Philipp Zimmer:
Improvising Digital Transformation: Strategy Unfolding in Acts of Organizational Improvisation. - Dulce Gonçalves, Magnus Bergquist, Richard Bunk, Sverker Alänge:
The Influence of Cultural Values on Organizational Agility.
Data Science and Analytics for Decision Support (SIGDSA)
- Yanqing Duan, Ramakrishnan Ramanathan, Guangming Cao:
A Systematic Literature Review on the Applications of Big Data Analytics - Identifying Influential Factors and Impact. - Adam R. Albina:
Assessing the Impact of a GIS for Improving Novice Crisis Decision-Making. - Oluwafemi Akanfe, Myung Ko:
Big Data Analytics: Predicting Obesity Epidemic through Socioeconomic Data Analysis. - Abdulkareem Alsudais, Hovig Tchalian:
Clustering Prominent Named Entities in Topic-Specific Text Corpora. - Rachael Ruizhu Xiong, Charles Zhechao Liu, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Anthony Rios:
Complex contagions of information diffusion across social networking platforms. - Weidong Guo:
Credit Scoring in Peer-to-peer Lending with Macro Variables and Machine Learning as Feature Selection Methods. - Alton L. Bodley, Gunjan Mansingh, Kweku-Muata A. Osei-Bryson:
Data Mining in Cricket Team Selection. - Jeroen Baijens, Remko W. Helms:
Developments in knowledge discovery processes and methodologies: anything new? - Zhipeng Chen, YongCheng Zhan:
Distributed Representations of Users and Locations for Friendship Recommendation on Location-Based Social Network. - Khadija Ali Vakeel, Vijay Viswanathan, Mototaka Sakashita:
Effectiveness of Real-Time Mobile Messaging: A Natural Field Experiment. - Wangcheng Yan, Wenjun Zhou, Chang Tan, Lei Fan:
Employee Ridesharing: Reinforcement Learning and Choice Modeling. - Lakshmi S. Iyer, Miguel Sebastián de la Mata:
"EmPowering Change": An Energy Analytics Dashboard Intervention Study. - Minjung Choi:
Feature Generation Using Machine Learning from Large Sparse Financial Data. - Wagner Signoretti, Isabel Harb Manssour, Milene Silveira:
GeoMultiVis: helping decision-making through Interactive Visualizations from Geospatial Multivariate Data. - Hamid Khobzi:
Hashtagivism: Making Online News Great Again? - Carina Andrade, José Correia, Carlos Costa, Maribel Yasmina Santos:
Intelligent Event Broker: A Complex Event Processing System in Big Data Contexts. - Abdulkareem Alsudais, Timm Teubner:
Large-Scale Sentiment Analysis on Airbnb Reviews from 15 Cities. - Julia Petra Köhlke:
Learning vs. Bridging of Big Data for innovation development in the Smart Grid. - Jesse Roberts, Matthias Volk, Robert Neumann, Klaus Turowski:
Machine Learning Techniques for Annotations of Large Financial Text Datasets. - David M. Goldberg, Patricia Garvey, Long Xia, Sukhwa Hong:
Modeling Local Ambulance Resource Scheduling. - Imad Bani Hani, Olgerta Tona, Sven A. Carlsson:
Modes of Engagement in Self- Service Business Analytics: a Service Dominant Logic Perspective. - Yong Seog Kim:
Peeking Into Minds of iGeneration via Lyrics of Most Popular Songs over 50 Years. - Han-Min Kim, Gee-Woo Bock, Gunwoong Lee:
Predicting Ethereum Prices using Machine Learning and Block Chain Information. - Chunxiao Li, Hongchang Wang, Wei Min, Zhengyang Tang, Bin Gu:
Predicting Financial Risk Using Non-Financial Data: Design and Evaluation of a Predictive Analytics Framework. - Alok Dand, Khawaja A. Saeed, Mehmet Bayram Yildirim:
Prediction of Airline Delays based on Machine Learning Algorithms. - Erica Ivarsson, Roland M. Müller:
Racing Bib Number Recognition Using Deep Learning. - Wingyan Chung, Mehul Vora, Jinwei Liu, Yifan Huang, Elizabeth Mustaine, Vincent S. Lai:
Simulating Temporal Dynamics in Cryptocurrency Software Social Networks. - Patrick Felka:
Smart Communication Infrastructures: A Probabilistic and Context-Aware System Design for Efficient and Dynamic Cloudlet-Management. - Yong Seog Kim, Clay Moffitt:
Substitution Effect in Sport Event Attendance. - Manuela Frieß, Karin Hartl, Olaf Jacob:
Success Factors for Analytical Customer Relationship Management in B2B Companies. - Aaron M. French, Gabriel Baduqui:
The Digital Divide 2.0: Fintech versus traditional financial services. - Jaebong Son, Arash Negahban, Dalen Chiang:
Topic Diversity of Online Consumer Reviews and Its Effect on Review Helpfulness. - Ryan C. LaBrie, Gerhard Steinke:
Towards a Framework for Ethical Audits of AI Algorithms. - Long Xia, David M. Goldberg, Sukhwa Hong, Patricia Garvey:
Transfer Learning in Knowledge-Intensive Tasks: A Test in Healthcare Text Analytics. - Tareq Nasralah, Omar F. El-Gayar, Yong Wang:
What Social Media Can Tell Us About Opioid Addicts: Twitter Data Case Analysis. - Russell Torres, Natalie Gerhart:
When is Enough, Enough? The Critical Decision to Stop Building Business Analytics Models. - Andre Coelho Vaz Henriques, Maria Alexandra Cunha, Fernando de Souza Meirelles:
Where Are You Going Big Data?
Digital Government
- Yoshimasa Y. M. Masuda, Donald S. Shepard, Shuichiro Yamamoto:
Adaptive Governance on Electronic Health Record in a Digital IT era. - Keman Huang, Samuel Chinnery, Stuart E. Madnick:
Analysis of Cross-border Data Trade Restrictions using Mixture-based Clustering. - Edson Correa Tavares, Fernando de Souza Meirelles, Eduardo Correa Tavares, Maria Alexandra Cunha, Leandro Marcilio Schunk:
Blockchain in the Green Treasure: Different Investment Objectives. - Akemi Takeoka Chatfield, Christopher G. Reddick:
Blockchain Investment Decision Making in Central Banks: A Status Quo Bias Theory Perspective. - Urbano Cerqueira Matos, Jacqueline Corbett:
Creating Knowledge for Value Creation in Open Government Data Ecosystems. - Johan Magnusson, Andreas Nilsson, Michael Kizito:
Enacting Digital Ambidexterity: The Case of the Swedish Public Sector. - Timothy A. Pritchard, Santos M. Galvez, Indira R. Guzman, Xuefei (Nancy) Deng:
Government employees and their use of Digital Government. - Hadi Karimikia, Brian Donnellan:
The Impact of IT Boundary Spanners' Activities on Citizens' Perception of Smart IT Services and Smart IT Projects Success. - Anthony Simonofski, Ulf Melin, Ida Lindgren, Benoît Vanderose, Monique Snoeck:
Towards a Decision Support Guide for User Participation in Public e-Service Development. - Mateus Guimarães Belizario, Rita Cristina Galarraga Berardi:
Use of Smart and Open Data in Smart Cities. - Gerrit C. Küstermann, Eva A. C. Bittner, Navid Tavanapour:
Workshop-based E-participation: Guidelines and Requirements for Informed Design.
eBusiness and eCommerce Digital Commerce (SIGeBIZ)
- Pin-Rui Hwang:
A Study of Social Media Driven Value-transformation: Case of Home Planting Service. - Oliver Werth, Davinia Rodríguez Cardona, Jan Nowatschin, Matthias Werner, Nadine Guhr, Michael H. Breitner:
Challenges of the Financial Industry - An Analysis of Critical Success Factors for FinTechs. - Savanid Vatanasakdakul, Chadi Aoun, Yuniarti Hidayah Suyoso Putra:
Connecting the Dots through Social Media: A Lifeline for Micro Enterprises. - Tiina Nokkala, Hannu Salmela, Jouko Toivonen:
Data Governance in Digital Platforms. - Mengfan Cao, Lauren Rhue:
Disposed of Bitcoin? Using the Disposition Effect to Understand Financial News Sentiment and Bitcoin Returns.