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27th ECIS 2019: Stockholm and Uppsala, Sweden
- Jan vom Brocke, Shirley Gregor, Oliver Müller:
27th European Conference on Information Systems - Information Systems for a Sharing Society, ECIS 2019, Stockholm and Uppsala, Sweden, June 8-14, 2019. 2019
Research Papers
- Christian Peukert, Jella Pfeiffer, Martin Meißner, Thies Pfeiffer, Christof Weinhardt:
Acceptance of imagined versus experienced Virtual Reality Shopping Environments: Insights from two Experiments. - Moufida Sadok, Christine E. Welch:
Achieving Sustainable Business Systems through Sociotechnical Perspectives. - Jochen Wulf, Tobias Mettler, Stephan Ludwig, Dennis Herhausen:
A Computational Visual Analysis of Image Design in Social Media Car Model Communities. - Kristoffer Fossum, Selamawit Molla Fossum, Ole Hanseth, Terje Aksel Sanner:
Adaptive Networked Governance of E-Health Standards: the Case of a Regional Health Information Infrastructure in Norway. - Robert M. Davison, Louie H. M. Wong, Steven Alter, Carol Ou:
Adopted Globally but unusable Locally: What Workarounds Reveal about Adoption, Resistance, Compliance and non-Compliance. - Anna Schwarze, Henrik Freude, Björn Niehaves:
Advantages and Propositions of Learning Emotion Recognition in Virtual Reality for People with Autism. - Hemin Jiang, Mikko T. Siponen, Aggeliki Tsohou:
A field Experiment for Understanding the Unintended Impact of Internet Monitoring on Employees: Policy Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship behaviour and Work Motivation. - John Mingers, Craig Standing:
A Framework for Validating Information Systems Research based on a Pluralist Account of Truth and Correctness. - Bettina Horlach, Ingrid Schirmer, Paul Drews:
Agile portfolio Management: Design Goals and Principles. - Hadi Karimikia, Harminder Singh:
A Meta-Analysis of the Negative Outcomes of ICT Use at Work, incorporating the Role of Job Autonomy. - Alexander Herwix, Christoph Rosenkranz:
A Multi-Perspective Framework for the Investigation of Tool Support for Design Science Research. - Luisa Pumplun, Christoph Tauchert, Margareta Heidt:
A New Organizational Chassis for Artificial Intelligence - Exploring Organizational Readiness Factors. - Michael Könning, Kai Heinrich, Christian Leyh, Markus Westner:
A Quantitative Analysis of Culture-induced differences in Pivotal IT Outsourcing Contract Features. - Frederik Möller, Henrik Bauhaus, Christina Hoffmann, Constanze Niess, Boris Otto:
Archetypes of Digital Business Models in Logistics Start-UPS. - Hugo Hedlund:
Architecting Structural Flexibility in Design Processes - a Case Study of Public Sector Digital Innovation. - Danilo Ong, Mohammad Jabbari:
A Review of Problems and Challenges of using Multiple Conceptual Models. - Etienne Thenoz, Solène Juteau, Frantz Rowe:
A Risk-based Perspective on Work and Organizational Transformation in E-Commerce: a Review for Understanding. - João Barata, Paulo Rupino da Cunha:
A Strategic View on intertwining Digital and Physical Materialities across Lifecycles of Products and Services. - Chin Eang Ong, David Teh:
A Study of Customer Resolution Management: the Influence of Effective Complaint-Handling Procedures on Consumer Decisions to shop Online. - Ute Paukstadt, Torsten Gollhardt, Maria Blarr, Friedrich Chasin, Jörg Becker:
A Taxonomy of Consumer-Oriented Smart Energy Business Models. - Oana Balan, Gabriela Moise, Alin Moldoveanu, Florica Moldoveanu, Marius Leordeanu:
Automatic Adaptation of Exposure Intensity in VR Acrophobia Therapy, based on Deep Neural Networks. - Jan-Paul Huttner, Ziwei Qian, Susanne Robra-Bissantz:
A Virtual Memory Palace and the User's Awareness of the method of loci. - Victoria Alexandra Reibenspiess, Katharina Drechsler, Andreas Eckhardt:
A Work Model for Employee-Driven Innovation in Public Organizations. - Nwakego Ugochi Isika, Antonette Mendoza, Rachelle Bosua:
"Because People can See me": Appropriation of YouTube for Chronic Illness Management. - Daniel Szopinski, Thorsten Schoormann, Dennis Kundisch:
Because Your Taxonomy is Worth IT: towards a Framework for Taxonomy Evaluation. - Alexander Michael Schmid:
Beyond Resistance: towards a Multi-Level Perspective on Socio-Technical inertia in Organizational Transformation. - Anar Bazarhanova, Johan Magnusson, Juho Lindman, Eric Chou, Andreas Nilsson:
Blockchain-based Electronic identification: Cross-Country Comparison of Six Design Choices. - Clemens Wickboldt, Natalia Kliewer:
Blockchain for Workshop Event Certificates - a Proof of Concept in the Aviation Industry. - Stefan Seebacher, Ronny Schüritz:
Blockchain - Just Another IT Implementation? A Comparison of Blockchain and Interorganizational Information Systems. - Jesper Holgersson, Eva Söderström:
Bridging the Gap - Exploring Elderly Citizens' Perceptions of Digital Exclusion. - Roser Pujadas, Mark Thompson, Will Venters, Simon Wardley:
Building Situational Awareness in the Age of Service Ecosystems. - Henri Knoesen, Lisa F. Seymour:
Building the Business Case for Mobile Enterprise Applications in the Insurance Industry. - Agnes Koschmider, Ralf Laue, Michael Fellmann:
Business Process Model anti-Patterns: a Bibliography and Taxonomy of published Work. - Christine Shongwe, Lisa F. Seymour:
Challenges in Embracing Customer-Centricity: the Case of Outside-in in a South African Financial Institution. - Lucas Baier, Fabian Jöhren, Stefan Seebacher:
Challenges in the Deployment and Operation of Machine Learning in Practice. - Sven Laumer, Christian Maier, Fabian Tobias Gubler:
Chatbot Acceptance in Healthcare: Explaining User Adoption of Conversational Agents for disease Diagnosis. - Kevin Rehring, Tim Brée, Jens Gulden, Laurenz Bredenfeld:
Conceptualizing EA Cities: towards Visualizing Enterprise Architectures as Cities. - Roel Faber, Mark de Reuver:
Consumer studies on Digital Platforms Adoption and continuance: a Structured literature Review. - Daniel Franzmann, Lukas Wiewiorra, Roland Holten:
Continuous Improvements: How Users perceive Updates. - Ulrich Remus, Michael Pregenzer, Martin Wiener:
Control Style Matters: Improving control Agreement and Transmission in Internal Information Systems Development Projects. - Tobias Baumgärtner:
Conzeptualizing a Mobile App Framework for the Museum Application Domain. - Jani Koskinen:
Could non-Use be a Reasonable Decision regard-ing Modern Information and Communication Technology? - Julian Prester, Daniel Schlagwein, Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic:
Crowdsourcing for Education: literature Review, Conceptual Framework, and Research Agenda. - Elham Shafiei Gol, Michel Avital, Mari-Klara Stein:
Crowdwork Platforms: Juxtaposing Centralized and Decentralized Governance. - Christian Lennerholt, Joeri van Laere:
Data Access and Data Quality Challenges of Self-Service Business Intelligence. - Babett Kühne, Tilo Böhmann:
Data-Driven Business Models - Building the Bridge between Data and Value. - Christian Engel, Philipp Ebel:
Data-Driven Service Innovation: a Systematic literature Review and Development of a Research Agenda. - Robert Keller, Philipp Ollig, Gilbert Fridgen:
Decoupling, Information Technology, and the Tradeoff between Organizational reliability and Organizational Agility. - Steffen Zenker, Sebastian Hobert:
Design and Implementation of a Collaborative Smartwatch Application Supporting Employees in Industrial Workflows. - Stephan Diederich, Alfred Benedikt Brendel, Sascha Lichtenberg, Lutz M. Kolbe:
Design for Fast Request Fulfillment or Natural Interaction? Insights from an Experiment with a Conversational Agent. - Xuanhui Liu, Simin He, Alexander Maedche:
Designing an AI-based Advisory Platform for Design Techniques. - Jeremy Rose, Jesper Holgersson, Eva Söderström:
Designing Innovative Digital Services for Government: a Business Model Canvas Adaptation. - Michael Vössing, Felix Potthoff, Niklas Kühl, Gerhard Satzger:
Designing Useful Transparency to Improve Process Performance - Evidence from an Automated production Line. - Peyman Toreini, Moritz Langner:
Designing User-adaptive Information Dashboards: considering Limited Attention and Working Memory. - Banu Aysolmaz, Deniz Iren, Hajo A. Reijers:
Detecting Role Inconsistencies in Process Models. - Fanny-Ève Bordeleau, Carsten Felden:
Digitally Transforming Organisations: a Review of Change Models of Industry 4.0. - Philipp Terres, Johannes Klumpe, Dominik Jung, Oliver Francis Koch:
Digital Nudges for User Onboarding: turning Visitors into Users. - Taline Jadaan:
Digital Strategy formation: Fostering New Institutional Work Practices. - Christian Meske:
Digital Workplace Transformation - on the Role of Self-determination in the Context of Transforming Work Environments. - Christine Hufnagl, Eileen Doctor, Laura Behrens, Christoph Buck, Torsten Eymann:
Digitisation along the Patient pathway in Hospitals. - Robert Rockmann:
Don't Hurt me... no More? An Empirical Study on the positive and Adverse Motivational effects in Fitness Apps. - Katharina Baum, Stefan Meißner, Olga Abramova, Hanna Krasnova:
Do they Really Care about Targeted Political Ads? Investigation of User Privacy Concerns and Preferences. - Tahir Abbas Syed, Constantin Blome, Thanos Papadopoulos:
Driving NPD Performance in High-Tech SMEs through IT Ambidexterity: Unveiling the Influence of Leadership Decision-Making Styles. - Robert Lorenz Törmer, Stefan Henningsson:
Dynamic Capability Building in the LEGO Group - Prospective Activities vs. Reflective Learning in preparation for a turbulent Digital Future. - Lennard Alexander Kropp, Jakob J. Korbel, Max-Marcel Theilig, Rüdiger Zarnekow:
Dynamic Pricing of Product Clusters: a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Approach. - Tomas Gustavsson:
Dynamics of Inter-Team Coordination Routines in Large-Scale Agile Software Development. - Maryam Roshan Kokabha, Riitta Hekkala, Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen:
Dynamics of Success for Mobile Games: the Case of Early-stage Startups. - Lukas Fabri, Björn Häckel, Anna Maria Oberländer, Jannick Töppel, Patrick Zanker:
Economic Perspective on Algorithm Selection for predictive Maintenance. - Anne Falkenberg, Benjamin Buchwitz:
Enhancing Price Alert Recommendation Services - a Comparative Study. - Nik Rushdi Hassan, Lars Mathiassen, Paul Benjamin Lowry:
Enhancing Theoretical Contribution in is Research: the Case of Technology Adoption. - Ferry Nolte, Nadine Guhr, Michael H. Breitner, Larissa Badtke, Katharina Göing:
Enterprise Social Media moderation and User Generated Content Quality: a Critical Discussion and New Insights. - Mikko Vermanen, Minna M. Rantanen, Ville Harkke:
Ethical Challenges of IoT Utilization in SMEs from an Individual Employee's Perspective. - Kai Heinrich, Andreas Roth, Patrick Zschech:
Everything counts: a Taxonomy of Deep Learning Approaches for Object Counting. - Anar Bazarhanova, Kari Smolander, Ilkka Lähteenmäki:
Explaining an E-identification Framework Implementation using Dialectics. - Koen Weterings, Stefano Bromuri, Marko C. J. D. van Eekelen:
Explaining Customer activation with Deep Attention Models. - Markus Binder, Bernd Heinrich, Mathias Klier, Andreas Alexander Obermeier, Alexander Schiller:
Explaining the Stars: Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis of Online Customer Reviews. - Truth Lumor:
Factors that Influence Information Technology Use during Post-Implementation: a literature Review. - Sana Ansari, Sumeet Gupta:
Fake Reviews and manipulation: do Customer Reviews Matter? - Hissu Hyvärinen, Roman Beck:
Fear and Loathing in Boston: the Roles of Different Emotions in Information Sharing on Social Media following a Terror Attack. - Egil Øvrelid, Alexander Moltubakk Kempton:
From Recombination to Reconfiguration: affording Process Innovation in Digital Infrastructures. - Mahei Manhai Li, Christoph Peters:
From Service Systems Engineering to Service in-Novation - a Modeling Approach. - Fanny Vainionpää, Marianne Kinnula, Netta Iivari, Tonja Molin-Juustila:
Girls' Choice - Why Won't they pick IT? - Julian Huber, Dominik Jung, Elisabeth Schaule, Christof Weinhardt:
Goal Framing in Smart Charging - Increasing BEV Users' Charging Flexibility with Digital Nudges. - Sophia Bettina Maier, Ekaterina Jussupow, Armin Heinzl:
Good, Bad, or both? Measurement of Physician's Ambivalent Attitudes towards AI. - Arto Lanamäki, Amir Haj-Bolouri:
Grounded Theory Methodology as a Resource for Pluralist Information Systems Research. - Annamina Rieder, Christiane Lehrer, Reinhard Jung:
How Behavior Change Support Systems Influence Self-Efficacy: a Qualitative Study using Wearables. - Esther Nagel, Johann Kranz, Philipp G. Sandner, Stefan Hopf:
How Blockchain facilitates Smart City Applications- Development of a Multi-Layer Taxonomy. - Hannes Rothe, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa, Anna Auguste Penninger:
How do Entrepreneurial Firms Appropriate Value in Bio Data Infrastructures: an Exploratory Qualitative Study. - Thomas Kremser, Sven Radszuwill, André Schweizer, Bernhard Steffek:
How do Large Stakes Influence Bitcoin Performance? Evidence from the MT.Gox Liquidation Case. - Riccardo Reith, Christoph Buck, Dennis Walther, Bettina Lis, Torsten Eymann:
How Privacy Affects the Acceptance of Mobile Payment solutions. - Michael Prilla, Marc Janßen, Timo Kunzendorff:
How to Interact with AR Head mounted Devices in Care Work? A Study Comparing handheld touch (hands-on) and Gesture (hands-Free) Interaction. - Christopher Henkel, Anna-Raissa Seidler, Johann Kranz, Marina Fiedler:
How to Nudge Pro-Environmental behaviour: an Experimental Study. - Cristina R. Ghita:
In Defence of Subjectivity. Autoethnography and Studying Technology non-Use. - Roman Zeiss:
Information flows in circular Economy Practices. - Nathan Newton, Craig Anslow, Andreas Drechsler:
Information Security in Agile Software Development Projects: a Critical Success factor Perspective. - Florian Wiesböck:
Innovating in a Digital World - the Role of Digital Product Innovation Capabilities. - Kalina S. Staykova, Jonas Hedman:
In the Search of New Perspective on Electronic Marketplaces. - Martin Adam, Jonas Toutaoui, Nicolas Pfeuffer, Oliver Hinz:
Investment Decisions with Robo-Advisors: the Role of anthropomorphism and Personalized Anchors in Recommendations. - Arto Lanamäki, Karin Väyrynen, Netta Iivari, Marianne Kinnula, Leena Ventä-Olkkonen, Sari Laari-Salmela:
Is a Taximeter a Guarantee of Honesty or a Barrier to Entry? Exploring Technology Discourses as Consequences of Policy Ambiguity. - David Kong, Daniel Schlagwein, Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic:
Issues in Digital Nomad-Corporate Work: an Institutional Theory Perspective. - Giovanni Maccani, Niall Connolly, Brian Donnellan:
It Governance in Smart Cities: an Exploratory Case Study of an European City Authority. - Eva Hartl, Thomas Hess:
It Projects in Digital Transformation: a Socio-Technical Journey towards Technochange. - Jan Jöhnk, Severin Oesterle, Till J. Winkler, Jacob Nørbjerg, Nils Urbach:
Juggling the Paradoxes - Governance Mechanisms in Bimodal IT Organizations. - Axel Hund, Friedrich Holotiuk, Heinz-Theo Wagner, Daniel Beimborn:
Knowledge Management in the Digital Era: How digtial Innovation Labs Facilitate Knowledge Recombination. - Mozhdeh Dehghani:
Knowledge-Sharing Mechanisms in a Socio-Technical Collaborative Project in IT-Related faculties: Preliminary Findings. - Kristina Rosenthal, Benjamin Ternes, Stefan Strecker:
Learning Conceptual Modeling: Structuring Overview, Research Themes and Paths for Future Research. - Pascal Vogel, Christian Grotherr, Martin Semmann:
Leveraging the Internal Crowd for continuous Requirements Engineering - Lessons Learned from a Design Science Research Project. - Friedemann Kammler, Simon Hagen, Jonas Brinker, Oliver Thomas:
Leveraging the Value of Data-Driven Service Systems in manufacturing: a Graph-based Approach. - Henner Gimpel, Christian Regal, Marco Schmidt:
Life-Integrated stress Assessment. - Nuno Miguel Carvalho da Silva, Paloma Andrade Gonçalves, Inês Leite, Pedro Manuel Antunes Sousa, Miguel Mira da Silva:
Lm2f: a Life-Cycle Model Maintenance Framework for Co-Evolving Enterprise Architecture Meta-Models and Models. - Ruth Lechler, Emanuel Stoeckli, Roman Rietsche, Falk Uebernickel:
Looking beneath the tip of the Iceberg: the two-Sided Nature of Chatbots and their Roles for Digital feedback Exchange. - Peter Hofmann, Severin Oesterle, Paul Rust, Nils Urbach:
Machine Learning Approaches along the Radiology Value Chain - Rethinking Value Propositions. - Maria Hoffmann Jensen, Peter Axel Nielsen, John Stouby Persson:
Managing Big Data Analytics Projects: the Challenges of Realizing Value. - Andreas Hedrén, Fan Yang-Wallentin, James E. Sallis:
Managing Mandated Adoption: pre-Deployment Attitudes and Beliefs in the Context of Critical Care. - Philipp Staudt, Sven Köpke, Christof Weinhardt:
Market Mechanisms for neighbourhood electricity Grids: Design and Agent-based Evaluation. - Lennart Hofeditz, Christian Ehnis, Deborah Bunker, Florian Brachten, Stefan Stieglitz:
Meaningful Use of Social Bots? Possible Applications in Crisis Communication during Disasters. - Ana Lucia de Queiroz Tourinho, Otávio P. Sanchez, Susan A. Brown:
Measuring the Organizational analytical Competence: Development of a Scale. - Francisco Barros Leite, Pedro Antunes, Nuno Guimarães, José A. Pino:
Method Supporting the Adoption of Visual Stories in Judicial Systems. - Michael Leyer, Sabrina Schneider:
Me, You or AI? How do we Feel about Delegation. - Stephan Berger, Maximilian Bogenreuther, Björn Häckel, Oliver Niesel:
Modelling Availability Risks of IT Threats in Smart Factory Networks - a Modular Petri Net Approach. - Jocelyn Cranefield, Jan Pries-Heje:
Moving beyond Showcasing. The Five Faces of Leadership in Smart City Transformation. - Bertil Lindenfalk, Özgün Imre:
Narratives of Value Co-Creation: Elderly's Understanding of their Own Role in the Value Creation Process. - Roman Rietsche, Daniel Frei, Emanuel Stoeckli, Matthias Söllner:
Not All Reviews are Equal - a literature Review on Online Review Helpfulness. - Carina Benz, Naim Zierau, Gerhard Satzger:
Not All Tasks are alike: Exploring the effect of Task Representation on User Engagement in Crowd-based Idea Evaluation. - Maxim van Oldenbeek, Till J. Winkler, Julie Buhl-Wiggers, Daniel Hardt:
Nudging in Blended Learning: Evaluation of Email-based progress feedback in a Flipped-Classroom Information Systems Course. - Saggi Nevo, Dorit Nevo, Alain Pinsonneault:
Nurturing the Creativity potential of organisational IT. - Martin Adam, Johannes Klumpe:
Onboarding with a Chat - the effects of Message Interactivity and Platform Self-Disclosure on User Disclosure propensity. - Annette Felgenhauer, Maximilian Förster, Katharina Kaufmann, Julia Klier, Mathias Klier:
Online Peer Groups - a Design-Oriented Approach to Addressing the unemployment of People with Complex Barriers. - Martin Poniatowski, Jürgen Neumann, Thomas Görzen, Dennis Kundisch:
Organizing their Thoughts - How Online Review Templates Affect the Review Text. - Dinh Duong Dang, Tero Vartiainen, Samuli Pekkola:
Patterns of Enterprise Architecture Adoption in the Public Sector: a Resource-based Perspective. - Maike Bruckes, Jan-Gerrit Grotenhermen, Felix Cramer, Gerhard Schewe:
Paving the Way for the Adoption of Autonomous driving: Institution-based Trust as a Critical Success factor. - Johannes Schneider, Joshua Peter Handali:
Personalized Explanation for Machine Learning: a Conceptualization. - Markus Esswein, Jörg H. Mayer, Sebastian Stoffel, Reiner Quick:
Predictive Analytics - a Modern crystal ball? Answers from a Cash Flow Case Study. - Marco Alexandre Terlizzi, Laura Brandimarte, Susan A. Brown, Otávio P. Sanchez:
Privacy Concerns and Protection Motivation Theory in the Context of Mobile Banking.