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HICSS 2006: Kauai, Hawaii, USA
- 39th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-39 2006), CD-ROM / Abstracts Proceedings, 4-7 January 2006, Kauai, HI, USA. IEEE Computer Society 2006, ISBN 0-7695-2507-5
Track 1
- Preface.
- Proceedings Overview.
- Conference Administration.
- Reviewers.
Collaboration Systems and Technology Track
- Jay F. Nunamaker Jr., Robert O. Briggs:
Track Introduction.
Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies
- Eric L. Santanen, David H. Spencer:
Minitrack Introduction. - Timothy J. Ellis, William Hafner:
ACLE: A Communication Environment for Asynchronous Collaborative Learning. - Daniel D. Suthers, Ravikiran Vatrapu, Samuel R. H. Joseph, Nathan Dwyer, Richard Medina:
Representational Effects in Asynchronous Collaboration: A Research Paradigm and Initial Analysis. - Robert Heckman, Qing Li, Xue Xiao:
How Voluntary Online Learning Communities Emerge in Blended Courses. - Abhijit Gopal, Deborah Compeau, Teresa Marcon, Fernando Olivera:
Learning with Laptops: Information Technology and the Transformation of an MBA Program. - Ming Lin, Jinwei Cao, Christopher B. R. Diller, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.:
Learning by Browsing: A Web-Based Multimedia Browsing System for Learning. - Paul Benjamin Lowry, Nicholas C. Romano Jr., Randy W. Guthrie:
Explaining and Predicting Outcomes of Large Classrooms Using Audience Response Systems. - Jen-Her Wu, Yi-Cheng Chen, Jack Chang:
IS Knowledge Gaps: An Industrial Perspective. - Alan R. Dennis, Hasan Çakir, Ali Korkmaz, Thomas M. Duffy, Barbara A. Bichelmeyer, JoAnne Bunnage:
Student Achievement in the Cisco Networking Academy: Performance in the CCNA1 Course. - Paul J. Fortier, Theophano Mitsa:
Teaching Engineering through Design: A Novel Approach for a Department Level Reform Project.
Collaboration Issues in Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT
- Nicholas C. Romano Jr., James B. Pick, Narcyz Roztocki:
Minitrack Introduction. - Barbara Edington, Namchul Shin:
An Integrative Framework for Contextual Factors Affecting IT Implementation. - Subrata Chakrabarty:
A Conceptual Model for Bidirectional Service, Information and Product Quality in an IS Outsourcing Collaboration Environment. - Eric T. G. Wang, Jeffrey C. F. Tai, Hsiao-Lan Wei:
IT-Enabled Virtual Integration as a Mechanism for Mediating the Impact of Environmental Uncertainty on Supply Chain Performance. - Ákos Nagy:
Collaboration and Conflict in the Electronic Integration of Supply Networks. - Élisabeth Lefebvre, Louis A. Lefebvre, Gaël Le Hen, Ralf Mendgen:
Cross-Border E-Collaboration for New Product Development in the Automotive Industry.
Collaboration Support for Integrated Modeling and Simulation
- Jaco H. Appelman, Mariëlle den Hengst, Vlatka Hlupic, Alan Serrano:
Minitrack Introduction. - Oliver Thomas, August-Wilhelm Scheer:
Tool Support for the Collaborative Design of Reference Models - A Business Engineering Perspective. - Sergio de Cesare, Alan Serrano:
Collaborative Modeling Using UML and Business Process Simulation. - Chaitali Patel, Mark Lycett, Robert D. Macredie, Sergio de Cesare:
Perceptions of Agility and Collaboration in Software Development Practice. - Inas E. Ezz, Anastasia Papazafeiropoulou:
Inter-Organisational Collaboration towards Process Integration in the Public Sector. E-Government Collaboration in Egypt.
Cross-Cultural Issues in Collaboration Technology
- Dongsong Zhang, Doug Vogel, Paul Benjamin Lowry:
Minitrack Introduction. - Dongsong Zhang, Paul Benjamin Lowry, Xiaolan Fu:
Culture and Media Effects on Group Decision Making under Majority Influence. - Zixiu Guo, Tim Turner, Felix B. Tan:
The Effect of Normative Social Influence and Cultural Diversity on Group Interactions. - Minghui Yuan, Doug Vogel:
Cultural Impact on Intergroup Coordination in Software Development in China: A Qualitative Analysis.
Designing Collaboration Processes and Systems
- Gert-Jan de Vreede, Robert O. Briggs, Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten:
Minitrack Introduction. - Christopher Paul Middup, Peter Johnson:
Towards Using Technological Support of Group Memory in Problem-Solving Situations to Improve Self- and Collective Efficacy. - Francisco Antunes, João Paulo Costa, Paulo Maçãs:
Managing Divergent Information: Enhancing Document Expressiveness. - Baldo Faieta, Bernardo A. Huberman, Paul Verhaeghe:
Scalable Online Discussions as Listening Technology. - Douglas L. Dean, Amit V. Deokar, Ruth F. Ter Bush:
Making the Collaboration Engineering Investment Decision. - Mariëlle den Hengst, Douglas L. Dean, Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Anita Chakrapani:
Assessing the Quality of Collaborative Processes. - Eric L. Santanen, Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Kasturi Golla:
The Collaboration Engineering Maturity Model. - Douglas P. Twitchell, David P. Biros, Mark Adkins, Nicole Forsgren, Judee K. Burgoon, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.:
Automated Determination of the Veracity of Interview Statements from People of Interest to an Operational Security Force. - Ruth F. Ter Bush:
Silence, Attribution Accuracy and Virtual Environments: Implications for Developers and Facilitators. - Fang Chen, Robert O. Briggs, Gail Corbitt, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr., James Sager, Stanley C. Gardiner:
Project Progress Tracking Template - Using a Repeatable GSS Process to Facilitate Project Process Management.
Measuring the Effectiveness of Collaboration Technologies
- Donald L. Amoroso, Bruce A. Reinig:
Minitrack Introduction. - Anne-Françoise Rutkowski, Bartel A. Van de Walle, Gerd Van Den Eede:
The Effect of Group Support Systems on the Emergence of Unique Information in a Risk Management Process: A Field Study. - Yu-Ting Caisy Hung, Wei-Chang Kong, Ai-Ling Chua, Clyde Eirikur Hull:
Reexamining Media Capacity Theories Using Workplace Instant Messaging. - Tom L. Roberts, Paul Benjamin Lowry, Paul H. Cheney, Ross T. Hightower:
Improving Group Communication Outcomes with Collaborative Software: The Impact of Group Size, Media Richness, and Social Presence. - Bruce A. Reinig, Robert O. Briggs:
Measuring the Quality of Ideation Technology and Techniques.
Mobile Technologies and Collaboration
- Joseph S. Valacich, Clayton A. Looney:
Minitrack Introduction. - Zixing Shen, Youngjin Yoo, Kalle Lyytinen:
Temporal Implications of Information Technology for Work Practices: Organizing in and for Time in an Emergency Department. - Upkar Varshney:
A Framework for Managing Transactions in Group-Oriented Mobile Commerce Services. - Frank A. Biocca, Arthur Tang, Charles B. Owen, Fan Xiao:
The Omnidirectional Attention Funnel: A Dynamic 3D Cursor for Mobile Augmented Reality Systems. - Astrid Dickinger, Mitra Arami, David Meyer:
Reconsidering the Adoption Process: Enjoyment and Social Norms - Antecedents of Hedonic Mobile Technology Use. - Anna Sell, Pirkko Walden:
Mobile Digital Calendars: An Interview Study. - Rui Zhang, Carolyn R. Watters, Jack Duffy:
Lookahead Cascade for Table Access on Small Devices.
Virtual Work, Teams, and Organizations
- Manju Ahuja, France Bélanger, Robert M. Davison, Mary Beth Watson-Manheim:
Minitrack Introduction. - Sajda Qureshi, Arthur de Leeuw:
Mobilizing Intellectual Bandwidth in a Distributed Virtual Organization: The Missing Links. - J. Alberto Espinosa, Cynthia Pickering:
The Effect of Time Separation on Coordination Processes and Outcomes: A Case Study. - Karen Sobel Lojeski, Richard Reilly, Peter Dominick:
The Role of Virtual Distance in Innovation and Success. - Halbana Tarmizi, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Ilze Zigurs:
Identifying Challenges for Facilitation in Communities of Practice. - Sheng Wu, Cathy S. Lin, Tung-Ching Lin:
Exploring Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Teams: A Social Exchange Theory Perspective. - Kimberly A. Furumo, John Michael Pearson:
An Empirical Investigation of How Trust, Cohesion, and Performance Vary in Virtual and Face-to-Face Teams. - Julie Rennecker, Alan R. Dennis, Sean Hansen:
Reconstructing the Stage: The Use of Instant Messaging to Restructure Meeting Boundaries. - Yulin Fang, Derrick J. Neufeld:
Should I Stay or Should I Go? Worker Commitment to Virtual Organizations.
Track 2
Decision Technologies for Management Track
- Daniel R. Dolk:
Track Introduction.
Agent Technology, Intelligent Systems and Software Computing in Management Support
- Christer Carlsson, Pirkko Walden, Masoud Nikravesh:
Minitrack Introduction. - Eleanna Kafeza, Dickson K. W. Chiu, Kamalakar Karlapalem:
Improving the Response Time of Business Processes: An Alert-Based Analytical Approach. - Andreas Bortfeldt, Hermann Gehring:
New Large Benchmark Instances for the Two-Dimensional Strip Packing Problem with Rectangular Pieces. - Chin-Chia Hsu, Chih-Hung Wu, Shih-Chien Chen, Kang-Lin Peng:
Dynamically Optimizing Parameters in Support Vector Regression: An Application of Electricity Load Forecasting. - Dina Neiger, Leonid Churilov:
Intelligent Decision Support through Synchronized Decomposition of Process and Objectives Structures. - Kent Marett, Garry Adams:
The Role of Decision Support in Alleviating the Familiarity Bias. - C. Gustav Lundberg:
Generating Early Favorites in Decision Making. Are Simple Heuristics Involved?. - Shijia Gao, Huaiqing Wang, Dongming Xu, Yingfeng Wang, Wenqi Shen, Siubun Yeung:
Intelligent Decision Support for Family Financial Planning. - Jon Blue, Francis Kofi Andoh-Baidoo, John W. Sutherland:
Prospects for the Employment of Directive Decision Devices in Financial Applications. - Sethuraman Janardhanan, Ambuj Mahanti, Debashis Saha, Samir K. Sadhukhan:
A Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) Technique to Minimize the Number of SONET ADMs in WDM Rings.
Contract Management and Decision Support in Services Science
- Dickson K. W. Chiu, Patrick C. K. Hung:
Minitrack Introduction. - Claus-Peter Präg, Ulrich Schnabel:
IT-Service Cachet - Managing IT-Service Performance and IT-Service Quality. - Zijiang Yang, Joseph C. Paradi:
Cross Firm Bank Branch Benchmarking Using "Handicapped" Data Envelopment Analysis to Adjust for Corporate Strategic Effects. - Gordon K. T. Lau, Dickson K. W. Chiu, Patrick C. K. Hung:
Web-Service Based Information Integration for e-Mortgage Contract Matchmaking Decision Support: A Case Study in Hong Kong.
Emergency Preparedness Information Systems
- Murray Turoff, Michael J. Chumer, Bartel A. Van de Walle:
Minitrack Introduction. - Ann L. Fruhling, Anthony R. Sambol, Steven H. Hinrichs, Gert-Jan de Vreede:
Designing an Emergency Response System for Electronic Laboratory Diagnostics Consultation. - Murali Raman, Terry Ryan, Lorne Olfman:
Knowledge Management System for Emergency Preparedness: An Action Research Study. - Gerd Van Den Eede, Bartel A. Van de Walle, Anne-Françoise Rutkowski:
Dealing with Risk in Incident Management: An Application of High Reliability Theory. - Murray Turoff, Michael J. Chumer, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Art Hendela, Joseph A. Konopka, Xiang Yao:
Gaming Emergency Preparedness.
Intelligent Decision Support for E-Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Andreas Fink, Hans-Jürgen Sebastian, Stefan Voß:
Minitrack Introduction. - Roland Zimmermann, Stefan Winkler, Freimut Bodendorf:
Agent-Based Supply Chain Event Management - Concept and Assessment. - Rajanish Dass, Ambuj Mahanti:
An Efficient Heuristic Search for Real-Time Frequent Pattern Mining. - David L. Woodruff, Stefan Voß:
Planning for a Big Bang in a Supply Chain: Fast Hedging for Production Indicators.
Mobile Value Services: Mobile Technology Applications and Value-Adding Products and Services
- Christer Carlsson, Pirkko Walden:
Minitrack Introduction. - Jan Ondrus, Yves Pigneur:
A Multi-Stakeholder Multi-Criteria Assessment Framework of Mobile Payments: An Illustration with the Swiss Public Transportation Industry. - Niina Mallat, Matti Rossi, Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen, Anssi Öörni:
The Impact of Use Situation and Mobility on the Acceptance of Mobile Ticketing Services. - Ai-Mei Chang, P. K. Kannan:
Employee Technology Readiness and Adoption of Wireless Technology and Services. - Harry Bouwman, Ian MacInnes:
Dynamic Business Model Framework for Value Webs.
Modeling Knowledge Intensive Processes
- Balasubramaniam Ramesh, Peng Xu:
Minitrack Introduction. - Mohan Baruwal Chhetri, Rosanne Price, Shonali Krishnaswamy, Seng Wai Loke:
Ontology-Based Agent Mobility Modelling. - Viswanathan Kodaganallur:
Missing the Forest for the Trees - Object Technology's Second Hiatus. - Shin'ichi Kobayashi, Fumihiro Kumeno, Yasuyuki Shirai, Shin-ya Sano, Satoshi Nishiyama, Naoki Asai, Akio Sato, Hiroshi Inujima:
A Methodology for Planning R&D Topics in IT Field. - Noushin Ashrafi, Peng Xu, Jean-Pierre Kuilboer, William Koehler:
Boosting Enterprise Agility via IT Knowledge Management Capabilities. - Viswanathan Kodaganallur, Rob R. Weitz, David Rosenthal:
Tools for Building Intelligent Tutoring Systems. - Andrzej P. Wierzbicki, Yoshiteru Nakamori:
Towards Creative Environments: Conclusions from Creative Space. - Jong Woo Kim, Stephen M. Du:
Design for an Interactive Television Advertising System.
Track 3
Digital Media: Content and Communication Track
- Michael A. Shepherd:
Track Introduction.
Genres of Digital Documents
- Barbara H. Kwasnik, Natalia Levina, Dmitri Roussinov:
Minitrack Introduction. - Carsten S. Østerlund:
Combining Genres: How Practice Matters. - Jade Goldstein, Roberta Evans Sabin:
Using Speech Acts to Categorize Email and Identify Email Genres. - Gheorghe Muresan, Catherine L. Smith, Michael J. Cole, Lu Liu, Nicholas J. Belkin:
Detecting Document Genre for Personalization of Information Retrieval. - Wendy L. Cukier, Susan Cody, Eva J. Nesselroth:
Genres of Spam: Expectations and Deceptions. - David G. Hendry, Allyson Carlyle:
Hotlist or Bibliography? A Case of Genre on the Web. - Irene Pollach:
Electronic Word of Mouth: A Genre Analysis of Product Reviews on Consumer Opinion Web Sites.
Information Retrieval and Digital Library Applications
- Ray R. Larson, Fredric C. Gey:
Minitrack Introduction. - Dmitri Roussinov, Weiguo Fan:
Learning Ranking vs. Modeling Relevance. - Qiang Ye, Wen Shi, Yijun Li:
Sentiment Classification for Movie Reviews in Chinese by Improved Semantic Oriented Approach. - Gheorghe Muresan, Michael J. Cole, Catherine L. Smith, Lu Liu, Nicholas J. Belkin:
Does Familiarity Breed Content? Taking Account of Familiarity with a Topic in Personalizing Information Retrieval. - Noriko Kando, Teruhito Kanazawa, Akira Miyazawa:
Retrieval of Web Resources Using a Fusion of Ontology-Based and Content-Based Retrieval with the RS Vector Space Model on a Portal for Japanese Universities and Academic Institutes. - Anett Kralisch, Thomas Mandl:
Barriers to Information Access across Languages on the Internet: Network and Language Effects. - Yong Wang, Julia E. Hodges:
Document Clustering with Semantic Analysis. - Daniel M. Russell, Malcolm Slaney, Yan Qu, Mave Houston:
Being Literate with Large Document Collections: Observational Studies and Cost Structure Tradeoffs.
Persistent Conversation: Design and Analysis of CMC Systems
- Thomas Erickson, Susan C. Herring:
Minitrack Introduction. - Jonathan Grudin:
Enterprise Knowledge Management and Emerging Technologies. - Gunnvald B. Svendsen, Bente Evjemo, Jan-Are K. Johnsen:
Use of SMS in Office Environments. - Jesper Kjeldskov, Jan Stage:
Making Conversations Persistent through Computer Mediation: Coordination in a Safety-Critical Domain. - John M. Linebarger, Andrew J. Scholand, Mark A. Ehlen:
Representations and Metaphors for the Structure of Synchronous Multimedia Collaboration within Task-Oriented, Time-Constrained Distributed Teams. - Gustav Verhulsdonck, Clinton Jeffery:
Remembrance of Things Past: Using Maps and Routes to Navigate through Virtual Environment Experiences. - Annie Tat, Sheelagh Carpendale:
CrystalChat: Visualizing Personal Chat History. - Shelly Farnham, Pedram Keyani:
Swarm: Hyper Awareness, Micro Coordination, and Smart Convergence through Mobile Group Text Messaging. - Danyel Fisher, Marc A. Smith, Howard T. Welser:
You Are Who You Talk To: Detecting Roles in Usenet Newsgroups. - danah boyd, Jeffrey Heer:
Profiles as Conversation: Networked Identity Performance on Friendster. - Jonathan Schull, Mike Axelrod,