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GLOBECOM 2004: Dallas, Texas, USA
- Proceedings of the Global Telecommunications Conference, 2004. GLOBECOM '04, Dallas, Texas, USA, 29 November - 3 December 2004. IEEE 2004, ISBN 0-7803-8794-5
- Stéphane Y. Le Goff, Bayan S. Sharif, Shihab A. Jimaa:
A new bit-interleaved coded modulation scheme using shaping coding. 1-4 - Yuan Li, Patrick Ho Wang Fung, Yan Wu, Sumei Sun:
Bit-interleaved coded modulation in linear dispersion coded MIMO system over spatially correlated Rician fading channel. 5-9 - Deva K. Borah:
Smooth phase interpolated modulations for nonlinear channels. 10-14 - Panayiotis D. Papadimitriou, Costas N. Georghiades
Block code design based on metric-spectrum. 15-20 - Zinan Lin, Elza Erkip, Andrej Stefanov:
Cooperative regions for coded cooperative systems [mobile radio systems]. 21-25 - Anders Høst-Madsen, Junshan Zhang
Ergodic capacity and power allocation in wireless relay channels [ad hoc networks]. 26-30 - Deqiang Chen, J. Nicholas Laneman:
Noncoherent demodulation for cooperative diversity in wireless systems. 31-35 - George K. Karagiannidis, Dimitris A. Zogas, Nikos C. Sagias
, Theodoros A. Tsiftsis, P. Takis Mathiopoulos:
Multihop communications with fixed-gain relays over generalized fading channels. 36-40 - David Yuheng Zhao, W. Bastiaan Kleijn
Multiple-description vector quantization using translated lattices with local optimization [joint source/channel coding]. 41-45 - Zhenyu Tu, Jing Li, Rick S. Blum:
Compression of a binary source with side information using parallelly concatenated convolutional codes. 46-50 - Ruiyuan Hu, Ramesh Viswanathan, Jing Li:
A new coding scheme for the noisy-channel Slepian-Wolf problem: separate design and joint decoding. 51-55 - Pradeepa Yahampath, Mirek Pawlak:
Joint source-channel decoding in vector quantization over finite-state Markov channels and wireless channels. 56-60 - Cecilia Carbonelli, Umberto Mengali:
Timing recovery for UWB signals. 61-65 - Yi-Ling Chao, Robert A. Scholtz:
Weighted correlation receivers for ultra-wideband transmitted reference systems. 66-70 - Jin Tang, Zhengyuan Xu:
Statistical performance of correlation-matching based channel estimators for aperiodic time hopping UWB systems. 71-75 - Leif W. Hanlen
, Minyue Fu:
On point-wise models for MIMO wireless systems. 76-80 - Yik-Chung Wu, Erchin Serpedin:
Training sequences design for symbol timing estimation in MIMO correlated fading channels. 81-85 - Beomjin Park, Tan F. Wong:
Optimal training sequence in MIMO systems with multiple interference sources. 86-90 - Mehdi Ansari Sadrabadi, Amir K. Khandani, Farshad Lahouti:
A new method of channel feedback quantization for high data rate MIMO systems. 91-95 - Taesang Yoo, Eunchul Yoon, Andrea Goldsmith:
MIMO capacity with channel uncertainty: does feedback help? 96-100 - Chiung-Jang Chen, Li-Chun Wang:
Coverage and capacity enhancement in multiuser MIMO systems with scheduling. 101-105 - David James Love, Robert W. Heath Jr.
Grassmannian beamforming on correlated MIMO channels. 106-110 - Are Hjørungnes, David Gesbert:
Minimum exact SER precoding of orthogonal space-time block codes for correlated MIMO channels. 111-115 - Rohit Negi, Satashu Goel:
An information-theoretic approach to queuing in wireless channels with large delay bounds. 116-122 - Jinjun Xiao, Zhi-Quan Luo:
Decentralized detection in a bandwidth constrained sensor network. 123-128 - Pei-Kai Liao, Min-Kuan Chang, C.-C. Jay Kuo:
Distributed edge detection with composite hypothesis test in wireless sensor networks. 129-133 - Boon Loong Ng, Jamie S. Evans, Stephen V. Hanly
Distributed linear multiuser detection in cellular networks based on Kalman smoothing. 134-138 - Rohit Negi, Arjunan Rajeswaran:
Scheduling and power adaptation for networks in the ultra wide band regime. 139-145 - Issam Toufik, Raymond Knopp:
Multiuser channel allocation algorithms achieving hard fairness. 146-150 - Shuguang Cui, Andrea Goldsmith, Ahmad Bahai:
Joint modulation and multiple access optimization under energy constraints. 151-155 - Ian David Holland, Hans-Jürgen Zepernick, Manora Caldera:
Performance of an adaptive QAM scheme over correlated Rayleigh fading with non-zero delay. 156-161 - Takashi Yokokawa, Yuji Shinohara, Toshiyuki Miyauchi, Yasuhiro Iida, Robert J. McEliece:
An optimization method for designing high rate and high performance SCTCM systems with in-line interleavers. 162-166 - Fulvio Babich, Guido Montorsi, Francesca Vatta:
Performance enhancement of partially systematic rate-compatible SCCCs through puncturing design. 167-171 - Youssouf Ould-Cheikh-Mouhamedou, Stewart Crozier, Peter Kabal:
Distance measurement method for double binary turbo codes and a new interleaver design for DVB-RCS. 172-178 - Ming Xiao
, Tor M. Aulin:
Serially concatenated continuous phase modulation with symbol interleavers: performance, properties and design principles. 179-183 - Mohamed F. Mansour, Ahmed H. Tewfik:
Turbo decoding for generalized channels. 184-188 - Chuan Xiu Huang, Ali Ghrayeb:
Improved SOVA and APP decoding algorithms for serial concatenated codes. 189-193 - Daisuke Umehara, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Yoshiteru Morihiro:
Turbo decoding in impulsive noise environment. 194-198 - Geert Van Meerbergen, Marc Moonen, Hugo De Man:
Turbo-like soft-decision decoding of Reed-Solomon codes. 199-203 - D. R. V. Jagannadha Rao, Vummintala Shashidhar, Md. Zafar Ali Khan, B. Sundar Rajan:
Low-complexity, full-diversity space-time-frequency block codes for MIMO-OFDM. 204-208 - Wei Zhang, Xiang-Gen Xia, Pak-Chung Ching:
A design of high-rate space-frequency codes for MIMO-OFDM systems. 209-213 - Jihoon Choi, Robert W. Heath Jr.
Interpolation based unitary precoding for spatial multiplexing MIMO-OFDM with limited feedback. 214-218 - Hlaing Minn, Naofal Al-Dhahir:
Optimal training signals for MIMO OFDM channel estimation. 219-224 - Wei Yu, R. Lui, Raphael Cendrillon:
Dual optimization methods for multiuser orthogonal frequency division multiplex systems. 225-229 - Peng Tan, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Improved BER performance in OFDM systems with frequency offset by novel pulse-shaping. 230-236 - Benjamin K. Ng, David D. Falconer:
A novel frequency domain equalization method for single-carrier wireless transmissions over doubly-selective fading channels. 237-241 - Joon Ho Cho, Qu Zhang:
Jointly optimum power and bandwidth allocation for multi-rate FDM and FDMA over overloaded channels. 242-246 - Claudio R. C. M. da Silva, Laurence B. Milstein:
Performance of DS/CDMA UWB communication systems in the presence of narrow-band interference and imperfect channel estimation. 247-251 - Ashish Khisti, Mitchell D. Trott:
On the coding-spreading tradeoff and intra-cell frequency planning in uplink CDMA systems. 252-256 - James Edward Hicks, Allen B. MacKenzie, James O. Neel, Jeffrey H. Reed:
A game theory perspective on interference avoidance. 257-261 - Satya Prakash Ponnaluri, Tommy Guess:
Effect of spreading and training on sum-capacity in overloaded synchronous CDMA. 262-266 - Jie Luo, Sennur Ulukus, Anthony Ephremides:
Optimal sequences that maximize the information theoretic sum capacity of symbol asynchronous CDMA systems. 267-271 - Yi-Chen Chen, Kwang-Cheng Chen:
FFH-BFSK multiuser detection in uncoordinated narrow-band FH systems. 272-276 - Jia Liu, Alexandra Duel-Hallen:
Nonlinear multiuser precoding for downlink DS-CDMA systems over multipath fading channels. 277-281 - Marvin K. Simon, Sam Dolinar:
Signal-to-noise ratio estimation for autonomous receiver operation. 282-287 - Graciela Corral-Briones, Mario Rafael Hueda, Carmen E. Rodríguez:
Performance of joint reduced-state multiuser detection and group decoding. 288-293 - Krishnakamal Sayana, Saul B. Gelfand:
On performance evaluation of BICM with non-ideal bit interleaving. 294-298 - Mario Rafael Hueda, Diego E. Crivelli, Hugo S. Carrer:
Performance of MLSE-based receivers in lightwave systems with nonlinear dispersion and amplified spontaneous emission noise. 299-303 - Marvin K. Simon, Kamran Kiasaleh:
Performance of computationally efficient multiple-symbol differential detection scheme in the presence of phase noise. 304-307 - Jingxian Wu, Chengshan Xiao:
On the error performance of linearly modulated systems with doubly selective Rayleigh fading channels. 308-312 - Nils Holte:
An analytical model for the probability distributions of crosstalk power sum for a subset of pairs in a twisted pair cable. 313-317 - Baris I. Erkmen, Jeffrey H. Shapiro:
Performance analysis for near-field atmospheric optical communications. 318-324 - Zhenning Shi, Haidong Zhu, Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny
Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques in iterative detectors: a novel approach based on Monte Carlo integration. 325-329 - Christian Kuhn, Joachim Hagenauer:
Iterative list-sequential (LISS) detector for fading multiple-access channels. 330-335 - Chen Xia, Lance C. Pérez:
A CFSK system with iterative detection. 336-340 - Thorsten Clevorn, Susanne Godtmann, Peter Vary:
PSK versus QAM for iterative decoding of bit-interleaved coded modulation. 341-345 - Jingxian Wu, Jyhchau Henry Horng, Jinyun Zhang, Jan C. Olivier, Chengshan Xiao:
Combining orthogonal space time block codes with adaptive sub-group antenna encoding. 346-350 - Antonio S. Gallo, Giorgio Matteo Vitetta:
A novel soft-in soft-out detection algorithm for space-time coded OFDM over multipath fading channels. 351-355 - Saied Hemati, Amir H. Banihashemi:
Comparison between continuous-time asynchronous and discrete-time synchronous iterative decoding. 356-360 - Vijay Nagarajan, Nikhil Jayakumar, Sunil P. Khatri, Olgica Milenkovic:
High-throughput VLSI implementations of iterative decoders and related code construction problems. 361-365 - Vummintala Shashidhar, B. Sundar Rajan, P. Vijay Kumar:
Asymptotic-information-lossless designs and diversity-multiplexing tradeoff. 366-370 - Sana Sfar, Lin Dai, Khaled Ben Letaief:
Optimal rate allocation for group zero forcing. 371-375 - Matthew R. McKay
, Iain B. Collings:
Performance bounds for MIMO bit-interleaved coded modulation with zero-forcing receivers. 376-380 - T. Kiran, B. Sundar Rajan:
High-rate information-lossless linear dispersion STBCs from group algebra. 381-385 - Erik G. Larsson:
Constellation randomization (CoRa) for outage performance improvement on MIMO channels. 386-390 - Cenk Köse, Richard D. Wesel:
Universal space-time codes from two-dimensional trellis codes. 391-395 - Stephan Pfletschinger
, Mònica Navarro:
A low-complexity MIMO system with soft interference mitigation. 396-400 - Wen Jiang, Xingxing Yu, Geoffrey Ye Li:
Bi-truncation for simplified MIMO signal detection. 401-405 - Sriram Vishwanath:
Duality relationships for rate-distortion problems. 406-409 - Zarko B. Krusevac, Predrag B. Rapajic, Rodney A. Kennedy:
On channel uncertainty modeling - an information theoretic approach. 410-414 - Nan Liu, Sennur Ulukus:
On the capacity region of the Gaussian Z-channel. 415-419 - Tian Lan, Wei Yu:
Input optimization for multi-antenna broadcast channels with per-antenna power constraints. 420-424 - Jan Sykora:
Symmetric capacity of nonlinearly modulated finite alphabet signals in MIMO random channel with waveform and memory constraints. 425-430 - Zukang Shen, Robert W. Heath Jr.
, Jeffrey G. Andrews, Brian L. Evans:
Comparison of space-time water-filling and spatial water-filling for MIMO fading channels. 431-435 - Eunchul Yoon, Jan Hansen
, Arogyaswami Paulraj:
Space-frequency precoding for an OFDM based system exploiting spatial and path correlation. 436-440 - Mustafa Cenk Gursoy, H. Vincent Poor, Sergio Verdú:
The capacity and power efficiency of OOFSK signaling over wideband fading channels. 441-445 - Lingzhi Cao, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Bit error rate analysis of hybrid selection/maximal-ratio diversity combining with channel estimation error. 446-451 - Vaibhav Mittal, Yashaswi Gautam, Ranjan K. Mallik, Shiv Dutt Joshi:
Analysis of wavelet modulation in frequency-selective fading. 452-456 - Wesley M. Gifford, Moe Z. Win, Marco Chiani:
Realistic diversity systems in correlated fading. 457-461 - Xiaodi Zhang, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Threshold-based hybrid selection/maximal-ratio combining over generalized fading channels. 462-468 - Kyung Kyoon Bae, Annamalai Annamalai, William H. Tranter:
Multi-branch predetection equal gain combiner in equally correlated Nakagami-m fading channels. 469-473 - Yunfei Chen, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Optimum diversity receiver structures for combining with estimation errors. 474-478 - Hong-Chuan Yang, Mohamed-Slim Alouini:
Improving the performance of switched diversity with post-examining selection. 479-483 - Wan Choi, Jeffrey G. Andrews:
Improved bit error probability analysis for maximal ratio combining in asynchronous CDMA channels. 484-488 - Hua Xiao, Amir H. Banihashemi:
Improved progressive-edge-growth (PEG) construction of irregular LDPC codes. 489-492 - Vidya Kumar, Olgica Milenkovic:
On unequal error protection LDPC codes based on Plotkin-type constructions. 493-497 - Hanqing Lou, Javier Garcia-Frías:
Low-density generator matrix codes for indoor and Markov channels. 498-502 - Fei Peng, Michael Yang, William E. Ryan:
Design and analysis of eIRA codes on correlated fading channels. 503-508 - Aliazam Abbasfar, Dariush Divsalar, Kung Yao:
Accumulate repeat accumulate codes. 509-513 - Aliazam Abbasfar, Dariush Divsalar, Kung Yao:
Maximum likelihood decoding analysis of accumulate-repeat-accumulate codes. 514-519 - Telex Magloire Nkouatchah Ngatched, Fambirai Takawira:
A low-weight trellis based decoding algorithm for binary linear block codes with application to generalized irregular low-density codes. 520-524 - Henk Wymeersch
, Heidi Steendam, Marc Moeneclaey:
Interleaved coded modulation for non-binary codes: a factor graph approach. 525-529 - Jun Shi, Richard D. Wesel:
Channel-eigenvector invariant space time constellations. 530-534 - Rahul Vaze, B. Sundar Rajan:
High-rate STBC-MTCM schemes for quasi-static and block-fading channels. 535-539 - Mahmoud Taherzadeh, Amir K. Khandani:
Spectrally-efficient differential-space-time coding using non-full-diverse constellations. 540-544 - Chau Yuen, Yong Liang Guan
, Tjeng Thiang Tjhung:
Differential transmit diversity based on quasi-orthogonal space-time block code. 545-549 - Chau Yuen, Yong Liang Guan
, Tjeng Thiang Tjhung:
Optimizing quasi-orthogonal STBC through group-constrained linear transformation. 550-554 - Marvin K. Simon, Hamid Jafarkhani:
Error probability performance evaluation of super-quasi-orthogonal space-time trellis codes. 555-560 - David James Love, Robert W. Heath Jr.
Limited feedback precoding for orthogonal space-time block codes. 561-565 - Udupi Sripati, B. Sundar Rajan, Vummintala Shashidhar:
Full-diversity STBCs for block-fading channels from cyclic codes. 566-570 - Hong Zhao, K. J. Ray Liu:
A secure multicast scheme for anti-collusion fingerprinted video. 571-575 - Michael Roeder, Bill Lin:
Maintaining exact statistics counters with a multi-level counter memory. 576-581 - Sang-Yoon Yi, Minsu Shin, Junsung Kim, Sachin Lal Shrestha, Song Chong:
MAX-MIN resource allocation in a network processor. 582-588 - Zhiliang Wang, Jianping Wu, Xia Yin:
Towards interoperability test generation of time dependent protocols: a case study. 589-594 - Yoshikazu Yokotani, Soontorn Oraintara, Ralf Geiger, Gerald Schuller, K. R. Rao:
Approximation error analysis for transform-based lossless audio coding. 595-599 - Vikas Chauhan, Ari Trachtenberg:
Reconciliation puzzles [separately hosted strings reconciliation]. 600-604 - Damianos Gavalas:
Mobile agent platform design optimisations for minimising network overhead and latency in agent migrations. 605-609 - Antonio Magnaghi, Jingsha He, Takafumi Chujo, Tsuneo Katsuyama:
Active misconfiguration detection in Ethernet networks based on analysis of end-to-end anomalies. 610-616 - Jerry D. Gibson, Bo Wei:
Tandem voice communications: digital cellular, VoIP, and voice over Wi-Fi. 617-621 - Xiao Su, Tao Wang:
Sequence of linear programming for fine-scalable coded image transmission with delay bound. 622-626 - Dimitrios Miras, Graham Knight:
Smooth quality streaming of live Internet video. 627-633 - Lopamudra Roychoudhuri, Ehab S. Al-Shaer:
Adaptive rate control for real-time packet audio based on loss prediction. 634-638 - Mihaela van der Schaar, Yiannis Andreopoulos, Qiong Li:
Real-time ubiquitous multimedia streaming using rate-distortion-complexity models. 639-643 - Nidal Nasser, Hossam S. Hassanein:
Dynamic threshold-based call admission framework for prioritized multimedia traffic in wireless cellular networks. 644-649 - Guan-Ming Su, Zhu Han, Min Wu, K. J. Ray Liu:
Dynamic distortion control for 3-D embedded wavelet video over multiuser OFDM networks. 650-654