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Communications of the ACM (CACM), Volume 52, 2009
Volume 52, Number 1, January 2009 (EE)
- Moshe Y. Vardi:
How are we doing? 5
- True seeds of open source software. 6
- David Roman:
Communications preps web-enhanced articles. 8
- David Lindley:
Calculating the future. 9-11 - Jeff Kanipe:
The universe in your computer. 12-14 - Alex Wright:
Get smart. 15-16 - Michael Ross:
A pioneer woman. 17
- Jonathan Zittrain:
Law and technology: The end of the generative internet. 18-20 - Alex E. Bell:
From the front lines: Ground control to Architect Tom…. 21-22 - Phillip G. Armour:
The business of software: The ontology of paper. 23-24 - Michael A. Cusumano:
Technology strategy and management: The legacy of Bill Gates. 25-26 - Jon Crowcroft, Srinivasan Keshav, Nick McKeown:
Viewpoint: Scaling the academic publication process to internet scale. 27-30
- Stuart I. Feldman:
ACM's annual report. 33-37
- Werner Vogels:
Eventually consistent. 40-44 - John R. Mashey:
The long road to 64 bits. 45-53
- Tapan S. Parikh:
Engineering rural development. 54-63 - Dawn N. Jutla, Dimitri Kanevsky:
wisePad services for vision-, hearing-, and speech-impaired users. 64-69
- Joan Feigenbaum, David C. Parkes, David M. Pennock:
Computational challenges in e-commerce. 70-74
- Harry Shum:
Technical perspective: Customizing media to displays. 76 - Ariel Shamir, Shai Avidan:
Seam carving for media retargeting. 77-85 - Jeffrey Heer, Fernanda B. Viégas, Martin Wattenberg:
Voyagers and voyeurs: Supporting asynchronous collaborative visualization. 87-97
- Erik T. Mueller:
Automating commonsense reasoning using the event calculus. 113-117 - Nanda Kumar, Roumen Vragov:
Active citizen participation using ICT tools. 118-121 - Yogesh Kumar Dwivedi, Zahir Irani:
Understanding the adopters and non-adopters of broadband. 122-125 - Allen C. Johnston, Ron Hale:
Improved security through information security governance. 126-129 - Judith Gebauer, Mark Ginsburg:
Exploring the black box of task-technology fit. 130-135 - Hillol Bala, Viswanath Venkatesh, Srinivasan Venkatraman, Jack Bates, Steven H. Brown:
Disaster response in health care: A design extension for enterprise data warehouse. 136-140 - Parag C. Pendharkar, James A. Rodger:
The relationship between software development team size and software development cost. 141-144 - Carol Xiaojuan Ou, Robert M. Davison:
Technical opinion: Why eBay lost to TaoBao in China: the global advantage. 145-148
Volume 52, Number 2, February 2009 (EE)
- Eugene H. Spafford:
USACM's policy role. 5
- Seven principles for secure e-voting. 8-9
- David Roman:
The dot-org difference. 10
- Kirk L. Kroeker:
Photography's bright future. 11-13 - Alex Wright:
Making sense of sensors. 14-15 - Samuel Greengard:
The first internet president. 16-18 - Kirk L. Kroeker:
SIGGRAPH debuts in Asia. 19
- Ashish Arora, Matej Drev, Chris Forman:
Economic and business dimensions - The extent of globalization of software innovation. 20-22 - George H. L. Fletcher, James J. Lu:
Education - Human computing skills: rethinking the K-12 experience. 23-25 - Kristina Irion:
Privacy and security - International communications surveillance. 26-28 - Peter G. Neumann:
Inside risks - U.S. election after-math. 29 - Barbara van Schewick, David Farber:
Point/Counterpoint - Network neutrality nuances. 31-37
- Ulrich Drepper:
Parallel programming with transactional memory. 38-43 - Tom Leighton:
Improving performance on the internet. 44-51
- T. V. Raman:
Toward 2W, beyond web 2.0. 52-59 - Mary W. Hall, David A. Padua, Keshav Pingali:
Compiler research: the next 50 years. 60-67
- Maria M. Klawe, Telle Whitney, Caroline Simard:
Women in computing - take 2. 68-76
- Dan S. Wallach:
Technical perspective - Tools for information to flow securely and Swift-ly. 78 - Stephen Chong, Jed Liu, Andrew C. Myers, Xin Qi, K. Vikram, Lantian Zheng, Xin Zheng:
Building secure web applications with automatic partitioning. 79-87 - Ehud Kalai:
Technical perspective - The complexity of computing Nash equilibrium. 88 - Constantinos Daskalakis, Paul W. Goldberg, Christos H. Papadimitriou:
The complexity of computing a Nash equilibrium. 89-97
- Peter Winkler:
Puzzled - Will my algorithm terminate? 104
- Pamela E. Carter, Gina Green:
Networks of contextualized data: a framework for cyberinfrastructure data management. 105-109 - Xiao-Bai Li, Luvai F. Motiwalla:
For sale by owner online: who gets the saved commission? 110-114 - Ergin Elmacioglu, Dongwon Lee:
Oracle, where shall I submit my papers? 115-118 - Shlomo Argamon, Moshe Koppel, James W. Pennebaker, Jonathan Schler:
Automatically profiling the author of an anonymous text. 119-123 - Sandy Behrens:
Shadow systems: the good, the bad and the ugly. 124-129 - Arik Ragowsky, David Gefen:
Why IS management is in trouble and how to save it: lessons learned in the automotive industry. 130-133 - M. Eric Johnson, Dan McGuire, Nicholas D. Willey:
Why file sharing networks are dangerous? 134-138 - Raquel Benbunan-Fich, Gregory E. Truman:
Technical opinion - Multitasking with laptops during meetings. 139-141
Volume 52, Number 3, March 2009 (EE)
- Moshe Y. Vardi:
"Yes, it can be done". 5
- Scott E. Delman:
Communications' web site to launch in March. 7
- Children's magic won't deliver the semantic web. 8-9
- David Roman:
Prepare for launch. 12
- Gregory Goth:
Betting on ideas. 13-15 - Leah Hoffmann:
Crowd control. 16-17 - Kirk L. Kroeker:
The evolution of virtualization. 18-20 - Karen A. Frenkel:
A difficult, unforgettable idea. 21 - ACM Fellows honored. 22
- Peter J. Denning, Richard D. Riehle:
The profession of IT - Is software engineering engineering? 24-26 - Pamela Samuelson:
Legally speaking - When is a "license" really a sale? 27-29 - David A. Patterson:
Viewpoint - Your students are your legacy. 30-33 - Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Viewpoint - Advising students for success. 34-37 - Len Shustek:
Interview - An interview with C.A.R. Hoare. 38-41
- Walker M. White, Christoph Koch, Johannes Gehrke, Alan J. Demers:
Better scripts, better games. 42-47 - Jim Larson:
Erlang for concurrent programming. 48-56
- Abigail Sellen, Yvonne Rogers, Richard H. R. Harper, Tom Rodden:
Reflecting human values in the digital age. 58-66 - David Harel:
Statecharts in the making: a personal account. 67-75
- Madhu Sudan:
Probabilistically checkable proofs. 76-84
- Daniel A. Spielman:
Technical perspective - The beauty of error-correcting codes. 86 - Venkatesan Guruswami, Atri Rudra:
Error correction up to the information-theoretic limit. 87-95 - Bud Mishra:
Technical perspective - Where biology meets computing. 96 - Radu Grosu, Scott A. Smolka, Flavio Corradini, Anita Wasilewska, Emilia Entcheva, Ezio Bartocci:
Learning and detecting emergent behavior in networks of cardiac myocytes. 97-105
- Peter Winkler:
Puzzled - Solutions and sources. 111 - Joel Garreau:
Future tense - Radical evolution. 112-
- Alexandre Sacchi, Emerson Giannini, Regiane Bochic, Nicolau Reinhard, Alexandre B. Lopes:
Digital inclusion with the McInternet: would you like fries with that? 113-116 - Clyde W. Holsapple:
A new map for knowledge dissemination channels. 117-125 - Mary J. Culnan, Thomas J. Carlin:
Online privacy practices in higher education: making the grade? 126-130 - Kenneth R. Fleischmann, William A. Wallace:
Ensuring transparency in computational modeling. 131-134 - Florian Mann, Benedikt von Walter, Thomas Hess, Rolf T. Wigand:
Open access publishing in science. 135-139 - Greg Linden, Kenneth L. Kraemer, Jason L. Dedrick:
Who captures value in a global innovation network?: the case of Apple's iPod. 140-144 - Anna Formica:
Concept similarity by evaluating information contents and feature vectors: a combined approach. 145-149 - Alfred Loo:
Technical opinion - Security threats of smart phones and Bluetooth. 150-152
Volume 52, Number 4, April 2009 (EE)
- Andrew D. McGettrick:
Computing education matters. 5
- What role for computer science in the war on terror? 9
- David Roman:
An ongoing study in usability. 10
- Graeme Stemp-Morlock:
Learning more about active learning. 11-13 - Alex Wright:
Our sentiments, exactly. 14-15 - David Essex:
Did somebody say virtual colonoscopy? 16-18 - Bob Violino:
Time to reboot. 19 - Alan Joch:
IT ecosystem in peril. 20
- Richard Heeks:
Emerging markets - IT and the world's "bottom billion". 22-24 - George V. Neville-Neil:
Kode vicious - System changes and side effects. 25-26 - Michael A. Cusumano:
Technology strategy and management - Strategies for difficult (and Darwinian) economic times. 27-28 - Michael Buckley:
Viewpoint - Computing as social science. 29-30 - Bertrand Meyer, Christine Choppy, Jørgen Staunstrup, Jan van Leeuwen:
Viewpoint - Research evaluation for computer science. 31-34
- Mike Shapiro:
Purpose-built languages. 36-41 - Niels Provos, Moheeb Abu Rajab, Panayiotis Mavrommatis:
Cybercrime 2.0: when the cloud turns dark. 42-47 - Chris Richardson:
ORM in dynamic languages. 48-55
- Gerhard Weikum, Gjergji Kasneci, Maya Ramanath, Fabian M. Suchanek:
Database and information-retrieval methods for knowledge discovery. 56-64 - Samuel Williams, Andrew Waterman, David A. Patterson:
Roofline: an insightful visual performance model for multicore architectures. 65-76
- Daniel Jackson:
A direct path to dependable software. 78-88
- Arif Merchant:
Technical perspective - Disk array models for automating storage management. 90 - Michael P. Mesnier, Matthew Wachs, Raja R. Sambasivan, Alice X. Zheng, Gregory R. Ganger:
Relative fitness modeling. 91-96 - Goetz Graefe:
Technical perspective - Integrating flash devices. 97 - David Roberts, Taeho Kgil, Trevor N. Mudge:
Integrating NAND flash devices onto servers. 98-103
- Leah Hofmann:
Q&A - Our dame commander. 112-
- Jay F. Nunamaker Jr., Bruce A. Reinig, Robert O. Briggs:
Principles for effective virtual teamwork. 113-117 - Maris G. Martinsons, Robert M. Davison, Valdis Martinsons:
How culture influences IT-enabled organizational change and information systems. 118-123 - Gee-Woo Bock, Swee Ling Ho:
Non-work related computing (NWRC). 124-128 - Kevin P. Scheibe, James C. McElroy, Paula C. Morrow:
Object language and impression management. 129-131 - France Bélanger, Lemuria D. Carter:
The impact of the digital divide on e-government use. 132-135 - Zeinab Karake Shalhoub:
Analysis of industry-specific concentration of CPOs in Fortune 500 companies. 136-141 - Paulo B. Góes, Yanbin Tu, Y. Alex Tung:
Technical opinion - Online auctions hidden metrics. 147-149
Volume 52, Number 5, May 2009 (EE)
- Moshe Y. Vardi:
Conferences vs. journals in computing research. 5
- Logic of lemmings in compiler innovation. 7-9
- Recommendation algorithms, online privacy, and more. 10-11
- David Roman:
The print-web partnership turns the page. 12
- Kirk L. Kroeker:
Rethinking signal processing. 13-15 - David Essex:
Matchmaker, matchmaker. 16-17 - Samuel Greengard:
Learning goes global. 18-19 - Liskov wins Turing award. 21
- Pierre Larouche:
Law and technology - The network neutrality debate hits Europe. 22-24 - LeAnne Coder, Joshua L. Rosenbloom, Ronald A. Ash, Brandon R. Dupont:
Economic and business dimensions - Increasing gender diversity in the IT work force. 25-27 - Martin Campbell-Kelly:
Historical reflections - The rise, fall, and resurrection of software as a service. 28-30 - Mark Guzdial:
Education - Teaching computing to everyone. 31-33