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Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Volume 100
Volume 100, Number 1, October 2020
- Kimon P. Valavanis:
From the Editor-in-Chief. 1 - Kevin Dufour, Wael Suleiman
On Maximizing Manipulability Index while Solving a Kinematics Task. 3-13 - Cem Karakadioglu, Mohammad Askari
, Onur Özcan
The Effect of Large Deflections of Joints on Foldable Miniature Robot Dynamics. 15-28 - Zhong Liu, Didier Theilliol
, Liying Yang, Yuqing He, Jianda Han:
Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity-Based Control Design Under Loss of Actuator Effectiveness. 29-45 - Mohammad Reza Soltanpour, Saeed Zaare
, Mahyar Haghgoo
, Mazda Moattari
Free-Chattering Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators with Joints Flexibility in Presence of Matched and Mismatched Uncertainties in Model Dynamic and Actuators. 47-69 - Masoud Rabbani, Seyedeh Zeinab Beladian Behbahan, Hamed Farrokhi-asl
The Collaboration of Human-Robot in Mixed-Model Four-Sided Assembly Line Balancing Problem. 71-81 - Qiang Zhu, Kexin Wang, Zhijiang Shao, Lorenz T. Biegler
Receding Horizon Optimization Method for Solving the Cops and Robbers Problems in a Complex Environment with Obstacles. 83-112 - Asif Iqbal
, Nicholas R. Gans
Data Association and Localization of Classified Objects in Visual SLAM. 113-130 - Suat Karakaya, Hasan Ocak:
Low Cost Easy-to-Install Indoor Positioning System. 131-144 - Kun Qian
, Xingshuo Jing
, Yanhui Duan, Bo Zhou, Fang Fang, Jing Xia, Xudong Ma:
Grasp Pose Detection with Affordance-based Task Constraint Learning in Single-view Point Clouds. 145-163 - Hsieh-Yu Li
, Audelia Gumarus Dharmawan, Ishara Paranawithana
, Liangjing Yang, U-Xuan Tan
A Control Scheme for Physical Human-Robot Interaction Coupled with an Environment of Unknown Stiffness. 165-182 - Abdel-Nasser Sharkawy
, Charalampos Papakonstantinou
, Vassilis Papakostopoulos, Vassilis C. Moulianitis
, Nikos A. Aspragathos:
Task Location for High Performance Human-Robot Collaboration. 183-202 - Noel Maalouf
, Imad H. Elhajj
, Elie A. Shammas, Daniel C. Asmar
Biomimetic Energy-Based Humanoid Gait Design. 203-221 - Daniele Cafolla
, Matteo Russo
, Marco Ceccarelli:
Experimental Validation of HeritageBot III, a Robotic Platform for Cultural Heritage. 223-237 - Martina Mammarella
, Elisa Capello:
Tube-Based Robust MPC Processor-in-the-Loop Validation for Fixed-Wing UAVs. 239-258 - Péter Bauer
, Lysandros Anastasopoulos
, Franz-Michael Sendner, Mirko Hornung, Bálint Vanek:
Identification and Modeling of the Airbrake of an Experimental Unmanned Aircraft. 259-287 - Jun Mao, Xiaoping Hu, Lilian Zhang, Xiaofeng He, Michael Milford
A Bio-Inspired Goal-Directed Visual Navigation Model for Aerial Mobile Robots. 289-310 - João Paulo Lima Silva de Almeida
, Renan Taizo Nakashima, Flávio Neves Jr.
, Lúcia Valéria Ramos de Arruda:
A Global/Local Path Planner for Multi-Robot Systems with Uncertain Robot Localization. 311-333 - Meysam Effati
, Jean-Sebastien Fiset, Krzysztof Skonieczny:
Considering Slip-Track for Energy-Efficient Paths of Skid-Steer Rovers. 335-348 - Mingwei Lin, Canjun Yang:
AUV Docking Method in a Confined Reservoir with Good Visibility. 349-361 - Tomasz Praczyk
Using Neuro-Evolutionary Techniques to Tune Odometric Navigational System of Small Biomimetic Autonomous Underwater Vehicle - Preliminary Report. 363-376
Volume 100, Number 2, November 2020
- Kimon P. Valavanis:
From the Editor-in-Chief. 377 - Kuu-young Young, Shu-Ling Cheng
, Chun-Hsu Ko, Hao-Wei Tsou:
Development of a Comfort-Based Motion Guidance System for a Robot Walking Helper. 379-388 - Guangkui Song, Rui Huang, Jing Qiu, Hong Cheng, Shuai Fan
Model-based Control with Interaction Predicting for Human-coupled Lower Exoskeleton Systems. 389-400 - Zhongbo Sun
, Bangcheng Zhang, Yingyi Sun, Zaixiang Pang, Chao Cheng:
A Novel Superlinearly Convergent Trust Region-Sequential Quadratic Programming Approach for Optimal Gait of Bipedal Robots Via Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. 401-416 - Loris Roveda
, Jeyhoon Maskani
, Paolo Franceschi
, Arash Abdi, Francesco Braghin
, Lorenzo Molinari Tosatti
, Nicola Pedrocchi
Model-Based Reinforcement Learning Variable Impedance Control for Human-Robot Collaboration. 417-433 - Changsheng Li, Yusheng Yan, Hongliang Ren:
Compliant Finger Exoskeleton with Telescoping Super-elastic Transmissions. 435-444 - Feng Jiang, Zhenyuan Zhang, Xiaodong Wang, Guanggui Cheng, Zhongqiang Zhang
, Jianning Ding:
Pneumatically Actuated Self-Healing Bionic Crawling Soft Robot. 445-454 - Min Yue
, Guangyuan Fu, Ming Wu, Hongqiao Wang:
Semi-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation Based on Semantic Supervision. 455-463 - Diego Pittol
, Mathias Mantelli
, Renan Maffei
, Mariana Luderitz Kolberg
, Edson Prestes
Monocular 3D Exploration using Lines-of-Sight and Local Maps. 465-481 - Anna Konert
, Piotr Kasprzyk
Drones Are Flying outside of Segregated Airspace in Poland. 483-491 - Eleonora Bassi:
From Here to 2023: Civil Drones Operations and the Setting of New Legal Rules for the European Single Sky. 493-503 - Francisco G. Rossomando
, Claudio Rosales
, Javier Gimenez
, Lucio Rafael Salinas
, Carlos Soria, Mário Sarcinelli Filho
, Ricardo O. Carelli:
Aerial Load Transportation with Multiple Quadrotors Based on a Kinematic Controller and a Neural SMC Dynamic Compensation. 519-530 - José Luis Sánchez-López
, Manuel Castillo-López
, Miguel A. Olivares-Méndez
, Holger Voos
Trajectory Tracking for Aerial Robots: an Optimization-Based Planning and Control Approach. 531-574 - Esen Yel
, Tony X. Lin, Nicola Bezzo:
Computation-Aware Adaptive Planning and Scheduling for Safe Unmanned Airborne Operations. 575-596 - Yasser Bouzid
, Mehdi Zareb
, Houria Siguerdidjane, Mohamed Guiatni:
Boosting a Reference Model-Based Controller Using Active Disturbance Rejection Principle for 3D Trajectory Tracking of Quadrotors: Experimental Validation. 597-614 - Fang Ye, Jie Chen, Yuan Tian, Tao Jiang:
Cooperative Multiple Task Assignment of Heterogeneous UAVs Using a Modified Genetic Algorithm with Multi-type-gene Chromosome Encoding Strategy. 615-627 - Jun Guo
, Wei Xia, Huawei Ma, Xiaoxuan Hu:
A Data-Driven Model for Evaluating the Survivability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Routes. 629-646 - Abigail M. E. Ramírez-Mendoza, Roberto Covarrubias-Fabela
, Luis Antonio Amezquita-Brooks, Octavio Garcia-Salazar
, Wen Yu
Fuzzy Adaptive Neurons Applied to the Identification of Parameters and Trajectory Tracking Control of a Multi-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on Experimental Aerodynamic Data. 647-665 - Chun Liu
, Akram Akbar
, Hangbin Wu, Yuan Zhou, Shuhang Zhang
Mission Capability Estimation of Multicopter UAV for Low-Altitude Remote Sensing. 667-688 - Garen Haddeler
, Abdulbaki Aybakan, Mehmet Caner Akay, Hakan Temeltas
Evaluation of 3D LiDAR Sensor Setup for Heterogeneous Robot Team. 689-709 - Giovanna G. Basilio, Ana Cristina B. Kochem Vendramin
, Hermes Irineu Del Monego
, Anelise Munaretto
LoPoFly: Location and Positioning Optimization for Flying Networks. 711-728 - Faezeh Mirzaei, Ali Akbar Pouyan, Mohsen Biglari:
Automatic Controller Code Generation for Swarm Robotics Using Probabilistic Timed Supervisory Control Theory (ptSCT). 729-750
Volume 100, Number 3, December 2020
- Kimon P. Valavanis:
From the Editor-in-Chief. 751 - Md. Nazmul Huda
, Pengcheng Liu, Chitta Saha
, Hongnian Yu
Modelling and Motion Analysis of a Pill-Sized Hybrid Capsule Robot. 753-764 - Shikuan Yu, Fei Yan
, Yan Zhuang, Dongbing Gu:
A Deep-Learning-based Strategy for Kidnapped Robot Problem in Similar Indoor Environment. 765-775 - Marios Xanthidis, Joel M. Esposito, Ioannis M. Rekleitis
, Jason M. O'Kane
Motion Planning by Sampling in Subspaces of Progressively Increasing Dimension. 777-789 - Wenhai Liu
, Jie Hu, Weiming Wang:
A Novel Camera Fusion Method Based on Switching Scheme and Occlusion-Aware Object Detection for Real-Time Robotic Grasping. 791-808 - Masoud Goharimanesh
, Ali Mehrkish
, Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi
A Fuzzy Reinforcement Learning Approach for Continuum Robot Control. 809-826 - Jonatan Martín Escorcia-Hernández
, Hipólito Aguilar-Sierra
, Omar Aguilar-Mejía
, Ahmed Chemori
, José Humbérto Arroyo-Núñez:
A New Adaptive RISE Feedforward Approach based on Associative Memory Neural Networks for the Control of PKMs. 827-847 - Meng Yin
, Zhigang Xu, Zhiliang Zhao, Haoting Wu:
Mechanism and Position Tracking Control of a Robotic Manipulator Actuated by the Tendon-Sheath. 849-862 - Ewa Kristiansen
, Emil Krabbe Nielsen, Lasse Hansen, David A. Bourne:
A Novel Strategy for Automatic Error Classification and Error Recovery for Robotic Assembly in Flexible Production. 863-877 - Haiyu Gu, Cheng Wei
, Zeming Zhang, Yang Zhao:
Experimental Study on Motion Control of Rope-Driven Snake Manipulator Using Velocity Mapping Method. 879-897 - Lihui Wang
, Mingjie Liu:
Path Tracking Control for Autonomous Harvesting Robots Based on Improved Double Arc Path Planning Algorithm. 899-909 - Tao Shen
, Md Rayhan Afsar, He Zhang, Cang Ye, Xiangrong Shen:
A 3D Computer Vision-Guided Robotic Companion for Non-Contact Human Assistance and Rehabilitation. 911-923 - Alexandros Filotheou
, Emmanouil G. Tsardoulias
, Antonis G. Dimitriou
, Andreas L. Symeonidis, Loukas Petrou:
Pose Selection and Feedback Methods in Tandem Combinations of Particle Filters with Scan-Matching for 2D Mobile Robot Localisation. 925-944 - Cumhur Baspinar
Robust Position/Force Control of Constrained Flexible Joint Robots with Constraint Uncertainties. 945-954 - Yosuke Kawasaki
, Ayanori Yorozu, Masaki Takahashi, Enrico Pagello
A Multimodal Path Planning Approach to Human Robot Interaction Based on Integrating Action Modeling. 955-972 - Zhongqiu Zhao, Xueyong Li
, Changhou Lu, Ming Zhang, Yonghui Wang
Compliant Manipulation Method for a Nursing Robot Based on Physical Structure of Human Limb. 973-986 - Suat Karakaya
, Hasan Ocak:
A Novel Local Motion Planner: Navibug. 987-1003 - Aye Aye Maw, Maxim Tyan
, Jae-Woo Lee:
iADA*: Improved Anytime Path Planning and Replanning Algorithm for Autonomous Vehicle. 1005-1013 - Mingjie Dong, Guodong Yao, Jianfeng Li
, Leiyu Zhang:
Calibration of Low Cost IMU's Inertial Sensors for Improved Attitude Estimation. 1015-1029 - Vesna Dimitrievska
, Nevena Ackovska
Behavior Models of Emotion-Featured Robots: A Survey. 1031-1053 - Sheng Zhu
, Bilin Aksun Güvenç:
Trajectory Planning of Autonomous Vehicles Based on Parameterized Control Optimization in Dynamic on-Road Environments. 1055-1067 - Zahra Yaghoubi
, Heidar Ali Talebi:
Cluster Consensus for Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems. 1069-1084 - Kazuki Umemoto
, Takahiro Endo, Fumitoshi Matsuno
Dynamic Cooperative Transportation Control Using Friction Forces of n Multi-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. 1085-1095 - Domen Soberl
, Ivan Bratko, Jure Zabkar:
Learning to Control a Quadcopter Qualitatively. 1097-1110 - Aaron Ma
, Jorge Cortés:
Distributed Multi-agent Deployment for Full Visibility of 1.5D and 2.5D Polyhedral Terrains. 1111-1127 - Juan Castorena
, Gintaras V. Puskorius, Gaurav Pandey:
Motion Guided LiDAR-Camera Self-calibration and Accelerated Depth Upsampling for Autonomous Vehicles. 1129-1138 - Tianpei Lin, Xuanyin Wang:
Hierarchical Clustering Matching for Features with Repetitive Patterns in Visual Odometry. 1139-1155 - Antoni Burguera, Francisco Bonin-Font
An Unsupervised Neural Network for Loop Detection in Underwater Visual SLAM. 1157-1177 - Guangqiang Li, Lei Yu
, Shumin Fei:
A Binocular MSCKF-Based Visual Inertial Odometry System Using LK Optical Flow. 1179-1194 - Seungho Back, Gangik Cho, Jinwoo Oh, Xuan-Toa Tran, Hyondong Oh
Autonomous UAV Trail Navigation with Obstacle Avoidance Using Deep Neural Networks. 1195-1211 - Davide Bicego
, Jacopo Mazzetto, Ruggero Carli, Marcello Farina, Antonio Franchi
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Enhanced Actuator Model for Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles with Generic Designs. 1213-1247 - Julio Betancourt, Pedro Castillo
, Rogelio Lozano:
Stabilization and Tracking Control Algorithms for VTOL Aircraft: Theoretical and Practical Overview. 1249-1263 - Robert B. Anderson, Julius A. Marshall, Andrea L'Afflitto
, James Dotterweich:
Model Reference Adaptive Control of Switched Dynamical Systems with Applications to Aerial Robotics. 1265-1281 - Malte Wirkus
, Sascha Arnold, Elmar Berghöfer:
Online Reconfiguration of Distributed Robot Control Systems for Modular Robot Behavior Implementation. 1283-1308 - Jesse Callanan
, Payam Ghassemi
, James DiMartino, Maulikkumar Dhameliya, Christina Stocking, Mostafa Nouh
, Souma Chowdhury
Ergonomic Impact of Multi-rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Noise in Warehouse Environments. 1309-1323 - Zhiling Tang, Bowei Chen
, Rushi Lan, Simin Li:
Vector Field Guided RRT* Based on Motion Primitives for Quadrotor Kinodynamic Planning. 1325-1339 - Hailong Huang
, Andrey V. Savkin, Chao Huang
A New Parcel Delivery System with Drones and a Public Train. 1341-1354 - Seon Jin Kim
, Gino J. Lim:
A Real-Time Rerouting Method for Drone Flights Under Uncertain Flight Time. 1355-1368 - Danial Hashemi, Hamidreza Heidari
Trajectory Planning of Quadrotor UAV with Maximum Payload and Minimum Oscillation of Suspended Load Using Optimal Control. 1369-1381 - Chen Xia, Yongtai Liu
, Liyuan Yin, Lijie Qi:
Cooperative Task Assignment and Track Planning For Multi-UAV Attack Mobile Targets. 1383-1400 - Iman Hosseini
, Mojtaba Mirzaei
, Mohammad Hassan Asemani:
Nonlinear Output Feedback for HL-20 Flight Control Using Back-Stepping Observer. 1401-1416 - Jonghoek Kim
Distributed Rendezvous of Heterogeneous Robots with Motion-Based Power Level Estimation. 1417-1427 - Moussa Labbadi
, Yassine Boukal, Mohamed Cherkaoui:
Path Following Control of Quadrotor UAV With Continuous Fractional-Order Super Twisting Sliding Mode. 1429-1451 - Alessandro Renzaglia
, Jilles Dibangoye, Vincent Le Doze, Olivier Simonin:
A Common Optimization Framework for Multi-Robot Exploration and Coverage in 3D Environments. 1453-1468 - Weibin Gu
, Kimon P. Valavanis, Matthew J. Rutherford
, Alessandro Rizzo:
UAV Model-based Flight Control with Artificial Neural Networks: A Survey. 1469-1491 - Zhiwei Liang, Songhao Zhu, Fang Fang, Xin Jin:
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in a Hybrid Robot and Camera Network System. 1493-1508 - Manuel Arturo Rendón
, Felipe F. Martins, Luis Gustavo Ganimi:
A Visual Interface Tool for Development of Quadrotor Control Strategies. 1509-1526 - Vojtech Vonásek
, Robert Penicka
, Barbora Kozlíková:
Searching Multiple Approximate Solutions in Configuration Space to Guide Sampling-Based Motion Planning. 1527-1543 - Christoforos Kanellakis
, George Nikolakopoulos:
Guidance for Autonomous Aerial Manipulator Using Stereo Vision. 1545-1557 - Rahul Kottath
, Shashi Poddar
, Raghav Sardana, Amol P. Bhondekar, Vinod Karar:
Mutual Information Based Feature Selection for Stereo Visual Odometry. 1559-1568 - Shulong Zhao, Xiangke Wang, Hao Chen, Yajing Wang:
Cooperative Path Following Control of Fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Collision Avoidance. 1569-1581 - Evan Kawamura
, Dilmurat Azimov:
Integrated Extremal Control and Explicit Guidance for Quadcopters. 1583-1613 - Evan Kawamura
, Dilmurat Azimov:
Correction to: Integrated Extremal Control and Explicit Guidance for Quadcopters. 1615 - Paul L. Myers, Dothang Truong:
A New Research Model for Higher Risk ACTIVITES Applied to the Use of Small Unmanned Aircraft for Data Gathering Operations. 1617-1634 - Francesco Pierri
, Michelangelo Nigro
, Giuseppe Muscio, Fabrizio Caccavale:
Cooperative Manipulation of an Unknown Object via Omnidirectional Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. 1635-1649

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