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38th CogSci 2016: Philadelphia, PA, USA
- Anna Papafragou, Daniel Grodner, Daniel Mirman, John C. Trueswell:
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Recognizing and Representing Events, CogSci 2016, Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 10-13, 2016. cognitivesciencesociety.org 2016, ISBN 978-0-9911967-3-9
- Elizabeth Bonawitz, Fei Xu:
Active learning: Cognitive development, education, and computational models. - Eva Wittenberg, Melissa Kline, Joshua K. Hartshorne:
Learning to Talk about Events: Grounding Language Acquisition in Intuitive Theories and Event Cognition. - Tao Gao, Chenfanfu Jiang, Yixin Zhu, Yibiao Zhao, Lap-Fai Craig Yu:
Proposal of the Second Workshop on Physical and Social Scene Understanding. - James L. McClelland, Steven Stenberg Hansen, Andrew M. Saxe:
Tutorial Workshop on Contemporary Deep Neural Network Models. - Elika Bergelson:
Workshop on Corpus Collection, (Semi)-Automated Analysis, and Modeling of Large-Scale Naturalistic Language Acquisition Data. - Sangeet Khemlani, J. Greg Trafton:
Interactive spatiotemporal cognition: Data, theories, architectures, and autonomy.
- Jennifer Trueblood, James M. Yearsley, Peter D. Kvam, Zheng Wang, Jerome R. Busemeyer:
Full Day Tutorial on Quantum Models of Cognition and Decision. - Jordan W. Suchow, Thomas J. H. Morgan, Jessica B. Hamrick, Michael D. Pacer, Stephan C. Meylan, Thomas L. Griffiths:
Wallace: Automating Cultural Evolution Experiments Through Crowdsourcing. - Thora Tenbrink:
Analysing discourse relations in natural language: The case of space and time. - Niels Taatgen:
Cognitive models of transfer of cognitive skills. - Sho Tsuji, Molly Lewis, Christina Bergmann, Mike Frank, Alejandrina Cristià:
Tutorial: Meta-Analytic Methods for Cognitive Science.
- Justine T. Kao, Noah D. Goodman:
Empirical and Computational Approaches to Metaphor and Figurative Meaning. - Neil Cohn, Emily Coderre, L. n. Kendall, Joe Magliano:
Comics and cognitive systems: The processing of visual narratives. - Micah B. Goldwater, Zachary Horne, Jeffrey Loewenstein, Robert L. Goldstone:
Effecting re-representation: revising false beliefs and fostering creativity. - Robert X. D. Hawkins, Noah D. Goodman, Olga Feher, Kenny Smith, Robert L. Goldstone, Tom Griffiths:
The Emergence of Conventions. - Sieghard Beller, Andrea Bender, Christine A. Caldwell, Morten H. Christiansen, Karenleigh A. Overmann, Kenny Smith:
The cultural evolution of cognition. - Ray S. Perez, Danielle S. McNamara, Gregg Solomon, Wayne D. Gray:
Brain Science and Education: Is it Still a Bridge Too Far? - Laura R. Novick, Mary Hegarty, Richard Catrambone, John R. Pani, Thomas F. Shipley:
Research at the Interface of Cognition, Education, and Disciplinary Science. - Katharine Tillman, Katie Wagner, Junyi Chu, Mutsumi Imai, Barbara Malt, Sherri Widen, Marilyn Shatz:
Beyond the language explosion: What gradual word learning tells us about conceptual development. - Patrick Rebuschat, Padraic Monaghan, Rebecca Gomez, Gary S. Dell, Nathaniel Anderson, Christopher Conway:
Aligning implicit learning and statistical learning: Two approaches, one phenomenon. - Michelle L. Eisenberg, Jeffrey M. Zacks, Shaney Flores, Lauren Howard, Amanda Woodward, Jeff Loucks, Andrew N. Meltzoff, Rick Cooper:
Higher-Level Goals in the Processing of Human Action Events. - Alexis Wellwood, Jeremy Kuhn, Philippe Schlenker, Carlo Geraci, Brent Strickland, Susan J. Hespos, Lance J. Rips, E. Matthew Husband, Alexander Williams:
Concepts from Event Semantics in Cognition.
- Mehrgol Tiv, Evelyn Milburn, Tessa C. Warren:
Investigating the Effects of Transparency and Ambiguity on Idiom Learning. - Samuel Johnson:
Explaining December 4, 2015: Cognitive Science Ripped from the Headlines. - Charlotte Edmunds, Andy J. Wills:
Modeling category learning using a dual-system approach: A simulation of Shepard, Hovalnd and Jenkins (1961) by COVIS. - Michael G. Collins, Kevin A. Gluck, Matthew M. Walsh, Michael Krusmark, Glenn Gunzelmann:
Using Prior Data to Inform Model Parameters in the Predictive Performance Equation. - Rebecca Frost, Padraic Monaghan, Morten H. Christiansen:
Using Statistics to Learn Words and Grammatical Categories: How High Frequency Words Assist Language Acquisition. - Michael Vinos, Angeliki Andrikopoulou, Christina F. Papaeliou, Athanassios Protopapas:
Modeling Impairments in Lexical Development. - Sarah Fairchild, Anna Papafragou:
Monolinguals' and Bilinguals' Use of Language in Forming Novel Object Categories. - Janneke van der Loo, Eefje Frissen, Emiel Krahmer:
Learning How To Throw Darts: The Effect Of Modeling Type And Reflection On Dart-Throwing Skills. - Momme von Sydow, Niels Braus:
On the Tragedy of Personnel Evaluation. - Nathan George, Junko Kanero, Dorothee J. Chwilla, Daniel Weiss:
Are we ON the same page? Monolingual and bilingual acquisition of familiar and novel relational language. - Angelo Pirrone, Qi Zhang, Sheng Li:
Dissociable effects of cue validity on bias formation and reversal. - Ya-Ning Chang, Padraic Monaghan, Stephen R. Welbourne:
Effects of experience in a developmental model of reading. - Anja Klichowicz, Agnes Scholz, Sascha Strehlau, Josef F. Krems:
Differentiating between Encoding and Processing during Sequential Diagnostic Reasoning: An Eye tracking study. - Desmond C. Ong, Mika Asaba, Hyowon Gweon:
Young children and adults integrate past expectations and current outcomes to reason about others' emotions. - Ilja Croijmans, Asifa Majid:
Language does not explain the wine-specific memory advantage of wine experts. - Jordan R. Schoenherr, Robert Thomson:
Sub-Categorical Properties of Stimuli Determine the Category-Order Effect. - Kevin Soo, Benjamin M. Rottman:
Causal Learning With Continuous Variables Over Time. - Ruud Koolen, Albert Gatt, Roger P. G. van Gompel, Emiel Krahmer, Kees van Deemter:
Viewing time affects overspecification: Evidence for two strategies of attribute selection during reference production. - Jens Koed Madsen:
Trump supported it?! A Bayesian source credibility model applied to appeals to specific American presidential candidates' opinions. - Martina Lorenzino, Giorgio Gronchi, Corrado Caudek:
Expressive faces are remembered with less pictorial fidelity than neutral faces. - Miki Matsumuro, Kazuhisa Miwa:
Three barriers to effective thought experiments, as revealed by a system that externalizes students' thinking. - Tim Chuk, Antoni B. Chan, Shinsuke Shimojo, Janet H. Hsiao:
Mind reading: Discovering individual preferences from eye movements using switching hidden Markov models. - Layla Unger, Anna V. Fisher:
Semantic Contamination of Visual Similarity Judgments. - George Kachergis, Floris Berends, Roy De Kleijn, Bernhard Hommel:
Human Reinforcement Learning of Sequential Action. - Layla Unger, Jaeah Kim, Theodore J. Huppert, Julia Badger, Anna V. Fisher:
The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex in Inductive Reasoning: An fNIRS Study. - Christina Behme:
The Emergence of Linguistic Consciousness and the "hard problem". - Percy Mistry, Michael D. Lee, Ben R. Newell:
An Empirical Evaluation of Models for How People Learn Cue Search Orders. - Sanjeev Jagannatha Rao, Yufei Wang, Garrison W. Cottrell:
A Deep Siamese Neural Network Learns the Human-Perceived Similarity Structure of Facial Expressions Without Explicit Categories. - Hidehito Honda, Toshihiko Matsuka, Kazuhiro Ueda:
On the adaptive nature of memory-based false belief. - Yujia Peng, Steven M. Thurman, Hongjing Lu:
Causal Action: A Fundamental Constraint on Perception of Bodily Movements. - Maithilee Kunda, Mohamed El Banani, James M. Rehg:
A Computational Exploration of Problem-Solving Strategies and Gaze Behaviors on the Block Design Task. - Ashley J. Thomas, Meline Abramyan, Angela Lukowski, Lotte Thomsen, Barbara W. Sarnecka:
Preferring the Mighty to the Meek: Toddlers prefer Superior to Subordinate Individuals. - Kazuhisa Miwa, Yugo Hayashi, Hitoshi Terai:
Unifying Conflicting Perspectives in Group Activities: Roles of Minority Individuals. - Stephanie Huette, Ariel Mathis, Art Graesser:
Blink durations reflect mind wandering during reading. - Haleh Yazdi, David Barner, Gail D. Heyman:
The Influence of Reputation Concerns and Social Biases on Children's Sharing Behavior. - Min Kyung Hong, Darren J. Yeo, Bethany Rittle-Johnson, Lisa K. Fazio:
Are There Hidden Costs to Teaching Mathematics with Incorrect Examples? - Laura May Schaeffer, Lauren E. Margulieux, Richard Catrambone:
Interaction of Instructional Material Order and Subgoal Labels on Learning in Programming. - Fotis A. Fotiadis, Athanassios Protopapas:
No Effect of Verbal Labels for the Shapes on Type II Categorization Tasks. - Miho Fuyama, Shohei Hidaka:
Context-dependent Processes and Engagement in Reading Literature. - Gregory Colflesh, Valerie Karuzis, Polly O'Rourke:
Effects of Working Memory Training on L2 Proficiency and Working Memory Capacity. - Nancy Salay:
Representation: Problems and Solutions. - David Sivén, Thomas Strandberg, Lars Hall, Petter Johansson, Philip Pärnamets:
Lasting Political Attitude Change Induced by False Feedback About Own Survey Responses. - Derek Powell, Patricia W. Cheng, Michael R. Waldmann:
How should autonomous vehicles behave in moral dilemmas? Human judgments reflect abstract moral principles. - Yoed N. Kenett, Joseph L. Austerweil:
Examining Search Processes in Low and High Creative Individuals with Random Walks. - Benjamin N. Peloquin, Mike Frank:
Determining the alternatives for scalar implicature. - Georgi Petkov, Margarita Pavlova:
The Role of Similarity in Constructive Memory: Evidence from Tasks with Children and Adults. - Giorgio Gronchi, Stefania Righi, Giacomo Parrini, Lapo Pierguidi, Maria Pia Viggiano:
Dual process theory of reasoning and recognition memory errors: Individual differences in a memory prose task. - Arthur Capelier-Mourguy, Katherine Twomey, Gert Westermann:
A neurocomputational model of the effect of learned labels on infants' object representations. - Chris Gorman, Alistair Knott:
A neural network model of hierarchical category development. - Scott R. Schroeder, Viorica Marian:
Improving Visual Memory with Auditory Input. - Emily Hembacher, Michael C. Frank:
Measuring lay theories of parenting and child development. - Desmond C. Ong, Jamil Zaki, Noah D. Goodman:
Emotions in lay explanations of behavior. - Fatemeh Torabi Asr, Vera Demberg:
But vs. Although under the microscope. - Kristen Johannes, Jacklyn Powers, Lisa Couper, Matt Silberglitt, Jodi L. Davenport:
Tangible models and haptic representations aid learning of molecular biology concepts. - Till Poppels, Roger Levy:
Structure-sensitive Noise Inference: Comprehenders Expect Exchange Errors. - Tom Stafford:
No stereotype threat effect in international chess. - Sarah Jenkins, Adam Harris, Murray Lark:
'Unlikely' Outcomes Might Never Occur, But What About 'Unlikely (20% Chance)' Outcomes? - Sonia Singh, Anne Walk, Christopher Conway:
Visual Statistical Learning Deficits in Children with Developmental Dyslexia: an Event Related Potential Study. - Hongbin Wang, Yanlong Sun, Jack W. Smith:
The St. Petersburg Paradox: A Subjective Probability Solution. - Fintan J. Costello, Paul Watts:
A test of two models of probability judgment: quantum versus noisy probability. - Akihiro Maehigashi, Kazuhisa Miwa, Masahiro Oda, Yoshihiko Nakamura, Kensaku Mori, Tsuyoshi Igami:
Influence of 3D images and 3D-printed objects on spatial reasoning. - Ethan Jost, Nicole M. Brennan, Kyung K. Peck, Andrei I. Holodny, Morten H. Christiansen:
Making it Right: Can the Right-Hemisphere Compensate for Language Function in Patients with Left-Frontal Brain Tumors? - Cesar Riano, Florencia Reali:
Spatial Meaning is Retained in Emotion Metaphors: Some Evidence from Spanish. - Matteo Colombo, Marie Nilsenová, Jan Sprenger:
Explanatory Value, Probability, and Abductive Inference. - Rui Cao, Robert M. Nosofsky, Richard M. Shiffrin:
Item Learning vs. High-Level Categorization in Consistent-Mapping Memory Search. - Doug Markant:
The impact of biased hypothesis generation on self-directed learning. - Amy Rae Fox, Martin van den Berg, Erica de Vries:
Representing Sequence: The Influence of Timeline Axis and Direction on Causal Reasoning in Litigation Law. - Paul D. Thorn, Gerhard Schurz:
Attractivity Weighting: Take-the-Best's Foolproof Sibling. - Banafsheh Azari, Sven Bertel, Charles Albert Wüthrich:
A Perception-Based Threshold for Bidirectional Texture Functions. - Nicholas Shipp, Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau, Susan Anthony:
Influencing Categorical Choices through Physical Object Interaction. - Stephanie Petrusz, Theo Rhodes, Joshua Shields, Abisha Munroe:
Dynamics of Strategy Adaptation in a Temporally Extended Monty Hall Dilemma. - Jian-ping Ye, Jessica M. Walker, Patricia W. Cheng:
Causal Contrasts Promote Algebra Problem Solving. - Moinuddin M. Haque, Paul Vogt, Afra Alishahi, Emiel Krahmer:
A connectionist model for automatic generation of child-adult interaction patterns. - Cvetomir Dimov:
Connections between ACT-R's declarative memory system and Minerva2. - Katherine D. Lippa, Valerie L. Shalin:
Distributed Cognition in the Past Progressive: Narratives as Representational Tools for Clinical Reasoning. - Matthew Kaesler, Matthew Welsh, Carolyn Semmler:
Predicting Overprecision in Range Estimation. - Gavin W. Jenkins, Paul F. Tupper:
A Dynamic Neural Field Model of Speech Cue Compensation. - Jonathan Vitale, Mary-Anne Williams, Benjamin Johnston:
The face-space duality hypothesis: a computational model. - Zara Harmon, Vsevolod Kapatsinski:
Fuse to be used: A weak cue's guide to attracting attention. - Eugen Fischer, Paul E. Engelhardt:
Stereotype-Based Intuitions: A Psycholinguistic Approach to Experimental Philosophy's 'Sources Project'. - Martin Takác, Alistair Knott:
Mechanisms for storing and accessing event representations in episodic memory, and their expression in language: a neural network model. - Jessie Chin, Elizabeth A. L. Stine-Morrow:
What Makes You Feel You Are Learning: Cues to Self-Regulated Learning. - Matthew Welsh, Sandy Steacy, Steve Begg, Daniel J. Navarro:
A Tale of Two Disasters: Biases in Risk Communication. - Kaidi Lõo, Jacolien van Rij, Juhani Järvikivi, Harald Baayen:
Individual Differences in Pupil Dilation during Naming Task. - Joseph A. Blass, Kenneth D. Forbus:
Modeling Commonsense Reasoning via Analogical Chaining: A Preliminary Report. - Kara Hawthorne, Anja Arnhold, Emily Sullivan, Juhani Järvikivi:
Social Cues Modulate Cognitive Status of Discourse Referents. - Marieke van Rooij, Harald Atmanspacher, Jürgen Kornmeier:
Hysteresis in Processing of Perceptual Ambiguity on Three Different Timescales. - Tianmin Shu, Steven M. Thurman, Dawn Chen, Song-Chun Zhu, Hongjing Lu:
Critical Features of Joint Actions that Signal Human Interaction. - Alba Rodriguez, Michele Burigo, Pia Knoeferle:
Visual constraints modulate stereotypical predictability of agents during situated language comprehension. - Michelle Hurst, Charlotta Relander, Sara Cordes:
Biases and Benefits of Number Lines and Pie Charts in Proportion Representation. - Natalie Corbett, Julie L. Booth, Christina Barbieri, Laura K. Young:
Exploring the Relationship between Adolescents' Interest in Algebra and Procedural Declines. - Sujith Thomas, Harish Karnick:
Factors Influencing Categorization Strategy in Visual Category Learning. - Daniel Freudenthal, Julian M. Pine, Gary Jones, Fernand Gobet:
Simulating Developmental Changes in Noun Richness through Performance-limited Distributional Analysis. - Zhiying Qian:
The comprehension of English Garden-path sentences by Mandarin and Korean learners of English as a second language. - Samuel J. Cheyette, Emmanouil Konstantinidis, Jason L. Harman, Cleotilde Gonzalez:
Choice adaptation to increasing and decreasing event probabilities. - David H. Ménager, Dongkyu Choi:
A Robust Implementation of Episodic Memory for a Cognitive Architecture. - Saoirse Connor Desai, Stian Reimers, David A. Lagnado:
Consistency and credibility in legal reasoning: A Bayesian network approach. - Tracey Miser, Vladimir M. Sloutsky:
Attention and the Development of Inductive Generalization: Evidence from Recognition Memory. - Eunkyung Kim, Sarah I. Gimbel, Aleksandra Litvinova, Jonas Kaplan, Morteza Dehghani:
Predicting Decision in Human-Agent Negotiation using functional MRI. - Alexander Cohen, Brenden M. Lake:
Searching large hypothesis spaces by asking questions. - Inge Doesburg, Niels Taatgen:
Using a smartphone game to promote transfer of skills in a real world environment. - Shawn Tan, Kasia Muldner, Jo-Anne LeFevre:
Solution of division by access to multiplication: Evidence from eye tracking. - Abdellah Fourtassi, Emmanuel Dupoux:
The role of word-word co-occurrence in word learning. - Marc Destefano, Wayne D. Gray:
Where Should Researchers Look for Strategy Discoveries during the Acquisition of Complex Task Performance? The Case of Space Fortress.