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39th EMBC 2017: Jeju Island, South Korea
- 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Jeju Island, South Korea, July 11-15, 2017. IEEE 2017, ISBN 978-1-5090-2809-2
- Shovan Maity, Debayan Das
, Shreyas Sen:
Wearable health monitoring using capacitive voltage-mode Human Body Communication. 1-4 - Tanmay Kulkarni
, Gymama Slaughter:
A self-powered glucose biosensor based on pyrolloquinoline quinone glucose dehydrogenase and bilirubin oxidase operating under physiological conditions. 5-8 - Havard Kalvoy, Christian Tronstad, Kyrre Ullensvang, Thorsten Steinfeldt, Axel R. Sauter
Detection of needle to nerve contact based on electric bioimpedance and machine learning methods. 9-12 - Hugo F. Posada-Quintero
, Ryan Rood, Xiang Ye, Matthew Pias, Ken Burnham, John Pennace, Ki H. Chon:
Testing the need for carbon in salt/adhesive electrodes for surface electromyography measurements: Preliminary results. 13-16 - Juntao Liu, Zhuang Kong, Yang Wang, Yan Fan, Jinping Luo, Shengwei Xu, Hongyan Jin, Xinxia Cai
A rapid quantitative determination method of Luteinizing hormone with gold immunochromatographic strip. 17-20 - You Jeong Jeong, Tong In Oh, Eung Je Woo, Kap Jin Kim
Integration of piezo-capacitive and piezo-electric nanoweb based pressure sensors for imaging of static and dynamic pressure distribution. 21-24 - Dinesh K. Kumar
, Peter J. Radcliffe:
Problem Based Learning for engineering. 25-29 - Bryan J. Ranger, Aikaterini Mantzavinou:
A course in prosthetics for the developing world: Merging education, research, and industry to teach biomedical design for social impact. 30-33 - Jiehui Jiang, Yuting Zhang, Mi Zhou, Xiaosong Zheng, Zhuangzhi Yan:
The role of a creative "joint assignment" project in biomedical engineering bachelor degree education. 34-37 - Jiehui Jiang, Tingwei Liu, Yuting Zhang, Yu Song
, Mi Zhou, Xiaosong Zheng, Zhuangzhi Yan:
Design and development of an intelligent nursing bed - a pilot project of "joint assignment". 38-41 - Benjamin Esterer, Stefan Gabauer, Robert Pichler, Daniela Wirthl, Michael Drack, Marianne Hollensteiner
, Gerald Kettlgruber, Martin Kaltenbrunner, Siegfried Bauer, David Fuerst, Robert Merwa, Jens Meier, Peter Augat
, Andreas Schrempf:
A hybrid, low-cost tissue-like epidural needle insertion simulator. 42-45 - Marianne Hollensteiner
, Peter Augat
, David Fuerst, Benjamin Esterer, Stefan Gabauer, Klaus Puschel, Falk Schrodl
, Andreas Schrempf:
Novel synthetic vertebrae provide realistic haptics for pedicle screw placement. 46-49 - Sungwoo Park, James M. Finley:
Characterizing dynamic balance during adaptive locomotor learning. 50-53 - Philipp Koch, Huy Phan, Marco Maaß
, Fabrice Katzberg, Alfred Mertins:
Early prediction of future hand movements using sEMG data. 54-57 - Samanta Rosati
, Cristina Castagneri, Valentina Agostini
, Marco Knaflitz, Gabriella Balestra
Muscle contractions in cyclic movements: Optimization of CIMAP algorithm. 58-61 - Ian M. Donovan, Juris Puchin, Kazunori Okada, Xiaorong Zhang:
Simple space-domain features for low-resolution sEMG pattern recognition. 62-65 - Geoffrey Brown, Mengnan Mary Wu, Felix C. Huang, Keith E. Gordon
Movement augmentation to evaluate human control of locomotor stability. 66-69 - Pouya Amiri, Robert E. Kearney
Ankle intrinsic stiffness is modulated by postural sway. 70-73 - Dennis Medved
, Pierre Nugues
, Johan Nilsson
Predicting the outcome for patients in a heart transplantation queue using deep learning. 74-77 - Maryam Parsa, Priyadarshini Panda, Shreyas Sen, Kaushik Roy:
Staged Inference using Conditional Deep Learning for energy efficient real-time smart diagnosis. 78-81 - Zhi Li, S. M. Reza Soroushmehr, Yingqi Hua, Min Mao, Yunping Qiu
, Kayvan Najarian:
Classifying osteosarcoma patients using machine learning approaches. 82-85 - Joseph D. Butner
, Vittorio Cristini
, Zhihui Wang:
Development of a three dimensional, multiscale agent-based model of ductal carcinoma in situ. 86-89 - Gladimir V. G. Baranoski, Spencer R. Van Leeuwen, Tenn F. Chen:
Elucidating the biophysical processes responsible for the chromatic attributes of peripheral cyanosis. 90-95 - Antonis I. Sakellarios, George Rigas
, Vassiliki Kigka, Panagiotis K. Siogkas, Panagiota Tsompou, Georgia S. Karanasiou
, Themis P. Exarchos, Ioannis O. Andrikos, Nikolaos S. Tachos
, Gualtiero Pelosi, Oberdan Parodi, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis:
SMARTool: A tool for clinical decision support for the management of patients with coronary artery disease based on modeling of atherosclerotic plaque process. 96-99 - Neeraj Paradkar, Shubhajit Roy Chowdhury:
Coronary artery disease detection using photoplethysmography. 100-103 - Tim Schäck, Yosef Safi Harb, Michael Muma, Abdelhak M. Zoubir:
Computationally efficient algorithm for photoplethysmography-based atrial fibrillation detection using smartphones. 104-108 - Tanmoy Bhowmik
, Jishnu Dey, Vijay Narayan Tiwari:
A novel method for accurate estimation of HRV from smartwatch PPG signals. 109-112 - Neeraj Paradkar, Shubhajit Roy Chowdhury:
Cardiac arrhythmia detection using photoplethysmography. 113-116 - Gabriele B. Papini
, Pedro Fonseca
, Xavier L. Aubert, Sebastiaan Overeem
, Jan W. M. Bergmans, Rik Vullings
Photoplethysmography beat detection and pulse morphology quality assessment for signal reliability estimation. 117-120 - Madhuka Jayawardhana, Philip de Chazal
Enhanced detection of sleep apnoea using heart-rate, respiration effort and oxygen saturation derived from a photoplethysmography sensor. 121-124 - Prayook Jatesiktat, Wei Tech Ang:
An elderly fall detection using a wrist-worn accelerometer and barometer. 125-130 - Ilias Thomas
, Filip Bergquist, Radu Constantinescu, Dag Nyholm
, Marina Senek, Mevludin Memedi
Using measurements from wearable sensors for automatic scoring of Parkinson's disease motor states: Results from 7 patients. 131-134 - Bernardo Silva, Jens Muehlsteff, Ricardo Couceiro
, Jorge Henriques
, Paulo Carvalho:
Artifact detection in accelerometer signals acquired from the carotid. 135-138 - Rawnak Hamid, Suharshani Wijesundara, Lachlan McMillan
, David Scott
, Jean-Michel Redoute
, Peter R. Ebeling
, Mehmet Rasit Yuce
Development of a wearable plantar force measurement device for gait analysis in remote conditions. 139-142 - Ada Zhang
, Alexander Cebulla, Stanislav Panev
, Jessica K. Hodgins, Fernando De la Torre:
Weakly-supervised learning for Parkinson's Disease tremor detection. 143-147 - Ricard Delgado-Gonzalo
, Jeremy Hubbard, Philippe Renevey, Alia Lemkaddem, Quinn Vellinga, Darren Ashby, Jared Willardson, Mattia Bertschi:
Real-time gait analysis with accelerometer-based smart shoes. 148 - Antonio Albanese, Francesco Vicario, Roberto Buizza
End-inspiratory occlusion in the presence of intrinsic PEEP. 149-152 - Francesco Vicario, Samiya Alkhairy, Roberto Buizza
, William A. Truschel:
Two-parameter leak estimation in non-invasive ventilation. 153-156 - Vinicius G. Sirtoli
, Kaue Morcelles
, Pedro Bertemes-Filho
Electrical properties of phantoms for mimicking breast tissue. 157-160 - Niharika Gajawelli, Sean C. L. Deoni, Holly Dirks, Douglas C. Dean III, Jonathan O'Muircheartaigh
, Yalin Wang
, Marvin D. Nelson, Olivier Coulon, Natasha Leporé:
Central sulcus development in early childhood. 161-164 - Tania K. Morimoto, Juan J. Cerrolaza, Michael H. Hsieh, Kevin Cleary, Allison M. Okamura, Marius George Linguraru:
Design of patient-specific concentric tube robots using path planning from 3-D ultrasound. 165-168 - Pooneh R. Tabrizi, Rawad Obeid, Awais Mansoor, Scott Ensel, Juan J. Cerrolaza, Anna A. Penn, Marius George Linguraru:
Cranial ultrasound-based prediction of post hemorrhagic hydrocephalus outcome in premature neonates with intraventricular hemorrhage. 169-172 - Lijuan Xia, Nabeel Fattah, Ahmed Soltan
, Andrew Jackson
, Graeme Chester, Patrick Degenaar:
A low power flash-FPGA based brain implant micro-system of PID control. 173-176 - Wei Li, Chenglu Sun, Wei Yuan, Weibing Gu, Zheng Cui, Wei Chen:
Smart mat system with pressure sensor array for unobtrusive sleep monitoring. 177-180 - Adriana C. Couto, Tao Dong:
Design of a microfluidic paper-based device for analysis of biomarkers from urine samples on diapers. 181-184 - Ana Raquel Bertao, Tao Dong:
Stability of colorimetric results in the detection of urine biomarkers using a paper-based analytical device. 185-188 - Khalid B. Mirza
, Claudio Zuliani, Benjamin Hou, Fu Siong Ng
, Nicholas S. Peters, Christofer Toumazou:
Injection moulded microneedle sensor for real-time wireless pH monitoring. 189-192 - Aysha S. Shanta, Khandaker A. Al Mamun, Dale K. Hensley
, Nickolay V. Lavrik
, Syed K. Islam, Nicole McFarlane:
Carbon nanospikes for biosensing applications. 193-196 - Han-Lin Hsieh
, Yan Tat Wong
, Bijan Pesaran, Maryam Modir Shanechi:
Multiscale decoding for reliable brain-machine interface performance over time. 197-200 - Hamidreza Abbaspourazad, Maryam Modir Shanechi:
An unsupervised learning algorithm for multiscale neural activity. 201-204 - Yu-Xuan Zhou, Hai-Peng Wang, Xiao-Peng Cao, Zhengyang Bi, Yu-Jie Gao, Xiao-Bin Chen, Xiao-Ying Lü, Zhi-Gong Wang:
Electromyographic Bridge - a multi-movement volitional control method for functional electrical stimulation: prototype system design and experimental validation. 205-208 - Sungjin Oh, Dong Hwee Kim
, Inchan Youn:
Low-intensity focused ultrasound stimulator using focal depth controller for improved targeting in neuromuscular rehabilitation. 209-212 - Martin K. Burns, Katie Van Orden, Vrajeshri Patel, Ramana Vinjamuri:
Towards a wearable hand exoskeleton with embedded synergies. 213-216 - Tao Tang, Wang Ling Goh, Lei Yao, Jia Hao Cheong, Yuan Gao
An integrated multichannel neural recording analog front-end ASIC with area-efficient driven right leg circuit. 217-220 - David K. Piech, Joshua E. Kay, Bernhard E. Boser, Michel M. Maharbiz:
Rodent wearable ultrasound system for wireless neural recording. 221-225 - Sehyuk Yim, Donghyun Hwang, Yong Seok Ihn, Jinwoo Jeong, Sang-Rok Oh
, Keehoon Kim:
A handheld device for magnetically inserting a neural interface into a peripheral nervous system. 226-229 - Miguel Capllonch-Juan, Florian Kölbl
, Francisco Sepulveda:
Unidirectional ephaptic stimulation between two myelinated axons. 230-233 - Adam Khalifa, Yasha Karimi, Milutin Stanacevic, Ralph Etienne-Cummings:
Novel integration and packaging concepts of highly miniaturized inductively powered neural implants. 234-237 - Julia Koch, Martin Schuettler, Thomas Stieglitz
Design of contact zone topography for implantable high-channel electrical connectors. 238-241 - Naoki Hagiwara, Yasuhiro Omiya, Shuji Shinohara
, Mitsuteru Nakamura, Masakazu Higuchi, Shunji Mitsuyoshi, Shinichi Tokuno
Difference in voice analysis result by pre- and post- processing of telephone line. 242-245 - Nils Beckmann, Reinhard Viga
, Aysegül Dogangün, Anton Grabmaier
Reproducibility of photoplethysmography-based local pulse transit time measurement. 246-249 - Satu Rajala, Teemu Ahmaniemi, Harri Lindholm, Tapio Taipalus:
Pulse arrival time (PAT) measurement based on arm ECG and finger PPG signals - comparison of PPG feature detection methods for PAT calculation. 250-253 - Teemu Ahmaniemi, Satu Rajala, Harri Lindholm, Tapio Taipalus:
Pulse arrival time measurement with coffee provocation. 254-257 - Yimin Yao, Cara M. Hildreth
, Sheran Li
, Rochelle Boyd, Zahra Kouchaki, Mark Butlin
, Alberto P. Avolio
, Paul M. Pilowsky, Jacqueline K. Phillips
Increased arterial stiffness does not respond to renal denervation in an animal model of secondary hypertension. 258-261 - Raj Kiran V., P. M. Nabeel
, Jayaraj Joseph
, Mohanasankar Sivaprakasam
Brachial artery stiffness estimation using ARTSENS. 262-265 - Leandro J. Cymberknop, Ignacio Farro Ventura, Claudia R. Arbeitman
, Juan Cardelino, Ricardo L. Armentano
Modeling young and adult patients with cirrhosis through a three element windkessel (WK3e). 266-269 - Shereen Afifi, Hamid Gholamhosseini
, Roopak Sinha:
SVM classifier on chip for melanoma detection. 270-274 - Cheok Lek Hee, Chong Tune Hau, Darwin Gouwanda
, Alpha Agape Gopalai, Cheng Yee Low
, Fazah Akhtar binti Hanapiah:
Developing interactive and simple electromyogram PONG game for foot dorsiflexion and plantarflexion rehabilitation exercise. 275-278 - Cheol-Hong Min:
Automatic detection and labeling of self-stimulatory behavioral patterns in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 279-282 - Kei Hata, Koichi Fujiwara
, Manabu Kano
, Takao Inoue
, Sadahiro Nomura, Hirochika Imoto, Michiyasu Suzuki:
Design of focal brain cooling system for suppressing epileptic seizures. 283-286 - Tjeerd W. Boonstra, Aliza Werner-Seidler
, Bridianne O'Dea
, Mark E. Larsen, Helen Christensen:
Smartphone app to investigate the relationship between social connectivity and mental health. 287-290 - Jun Wang
Spatial targeting of tumor-associated macrophage and tumor cells with a designer nanocarrier for cancer chemo-immunotherapy. 291 - Aoyu Zhang, N. Catherine Hogan, Ian W. Hunter:
Needle-free small-volume liquid injection system powered by a rotary actuator. 292-295 - James W. Mckeage, Kieran A. Brennan, Geehoon Park, N. Catherine Hogan, Ian W. Hunter, Bryan P. Ruddy
, Poul M. F. Nielsen, Andrew J. Taberner
High-speed X-ray analysis of liquid delivery during jet injection. 296-299 - Hyun Kim, Pyojin Kim, Jong-Mo Seo:
Nonlithographic fabrication of inflatable and deflatable polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) micro-channels for magnetic actuation. 300-303 - John Liu, N. Catherine Hogan, Ian W. Hunter:
Ampoule and nozzle development for needle-free injections. 304-308 - You Jung Kang, Chung-Fan Kuo, Sheereen Majd:
Nanoparticle-based delivery of an anti-proliferative metal chelator to tumor cells. 309-312 - Weimin Huang, Chen Ling, Su Huang, Zhongkang Lu, Zhiping Lin:
Rodent brain extraction using B-spline based deformable model. 313-316 - Augustin Ogier, Michaël Sdika, Alexandre Foure
, Arnaud Le Troter, David Bendahan:
Individual muscle segmentation in MR images: A 3D propagation through 2D non-linear registration approaches. 317-320 - Sayan Ghosal, Soumava Banerjee, Natascia Tiso
, Enrico Grisan
, Ananda S. Chowdhury
A novel non-rigid registration algorithm for zebrafish larval images. 321-324 - Nazanin Tahmasebi, Pierre Boulanger, Kumaradevan Punithakumar
Parallel implementation of a nonrigid image registration algorithm for lung tumor boundary tracking in quasi real-time MRI. 325-328 - Heng Li, Zhiwen Liu, Fengqian Pang, Yonggang Shi:
Characterization of single cell dynamic morphology by local deformation pattern modeling. 329-332 - Brian Ingasia Lugadilu, Craig Richards, Corius Reyneke, Tinashe E. M. Mutsvangwa
, Tania S. Douglas
A statistical shape model of the skull developed from a South African population. 333-336 - Marianna Laviola
, Anup Das, Marc Chikhani, Declan G. Bates, Jonathan G. Hardman
Investigating the effect of cardiac oscillations and deadspace gas mixing during apnea using computer simulation. 337-340 - Daniel Garcia-Castellote, Abel Torres
, Luis Estrada
, Leonardo Sarlabous
, Raimon Jané
Evaluation of indirect measures of neural inspiratory time from invasive and noninvasive recordings of respiratory activity. 341-344 - Rebecca J. Mieloszyk, Baruch S. Krauss, Diana Montagu, Gary Andolfatto, Egidio Barbi
, George C. Verghese, Thomas Heldt:
Statistical analysis of the age dependence of the normal capnogram. 345-348 - Geuk Young Jang
, Young-Bok Kim, Hun Wi, Tong In Oh, Chi Ryang Chung, Gee Young Suh, Eung Je Woo:
Imaging of regional air distributions in porcine lungs using high-performance electrical impedance tomography system. 349-351 - Nadine Hochhausen, Henriette Dohmeier, Rolf Rossaint, Michael Czaplik:
Monitoring of cardiac output and lung ventilation by Electrical Impedance Tomography in a porcine model of acute lung injury. 352-355 - Aqsa Ajaz, Behzad Aliahmad, Dinesh K. Kumar
A novel method for segmentation of Infrared Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (IR-SLO) images of retina. 356-359 - Francesco Calivá, Andrew Hunter, Piotr Chudzik, Giovanni Ometto, Luca Antiga, Bashir Al-Diri:
A fluid-dynamic based approach to reconnect the retinal vessels in fundus photography. 360-364 - Aziah Ali
, Aini Hussain, Wan Mimi Diyana Wan Zaki:
Vessel extraction in retinal images using automatic thresholding and Gabor Wavelet. 365-368 - Dhimas Arief Dharmawan
, Boon Poh Ng:
A new two-dimensional matched filter based on the modified Chebyshev type I function for retinal vessels detection. 369-372 - Yuji Hatanaka, Mikiya Tajima, Ryo Kawasaki
, Koko Saito, Kazunori Ogohara
, Chisako Muramatsu, Wataru Sunayama, Hiroshi Fujita:
Retinal biometrics based on Iterative Closest Point algorithm. 373-376 - Carlos Hernandez-Matas
, Xenophon Zabulis
, Antonis A. Argyros
An experimental evaluation of the accuracy of keypoints-based retinal image registration. 377-381 - Xiao-Bin Chen, Yu-Xuan Zhou, Hai-Peng Wang, Xiao-Ying Lü, Zhi-Gong Wang:
Design of sEMG-detecting circuit for EMG-Bridge. 382-385 - Yosra Saidane, Sofia Ben Jebara:
The effect of the preparation instruction on the functional connectivity between forearm muscles during movement's initiation. 386-389 - Maurício Cagliari Tosin, Mariano Majolo, Raissan Chedid, Vinicius H. Cene
, Alexandre Balbinot
sEMG feature selection and classification using SVM-RFE. 390-393 - Roozbeh Atri, J. Sebastian Marquez, Douglas Murphy, Ashraf Gorgey
, Ding-Yu Fei, John Fox, William Lovegreen, Ou Bai
EMG-based energy expenditure optimization for active prosthetic leg tuning. 394-397 - Alberto Greco
, Andrea Guidi, Federica Felici, Andrea Leo, Emiliano Ricciardi
, Matteo Bianchi
, Antonio Bicchi, Luca Citi
, Gaetano Valenza
, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo:
Muscle fatigue assessment through electrodermal activity analysis during isometric contraction. 398-401 - Carlos Rodrigues
, Miguel Correia
, Joao M. C. S. Abrantes, Jurandir Nadal
, Marco Aurelio Benedetti Rodrigues
Consistency of surface electromyography assessment at lower limb selected muscles during vertical countermovement. 402-405 - Xiangxin Li, Peng Fang
, Lan Tian, Guanglin Li
Increasing the robustness against force variation in EMG motion classification by common spatial patterns. 406-409 - Theresa Roland, Werner Baumgartner
, Sebastian Amsuess, Michael Friedrich Russold:
Capacitively coupled EMG detection via ultra-low-power microcontroller STFT. 410-413 - Fatemeh Fahimi, Cuntai Guan
, Wooi Boon Goh, Kai Keng Ang
, Choon Guan Lim, Tih Shih Lee:
Personalized features for attention detection in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. 414-417 - Filip Kesner, Lukás Sekanina, Milan Brazdil
Modular framework for detection of inter-ictal spikes in iEEG. 418-421 - Carlos Gómez
, Fernando Vaquerizo-Villar
, Jesús Poza
, Saúl J. Ruiz-Gómez
, Miguel Ángel Tola-Arribas
, Mónica Cano
, Roberto Hornero
Bispectral analysis of spontaneous EEG activity from patients with moderate dementia due to Alzheimer's disease. 422-425 - Antonio Diaz-Parra
, Santiago Canals
, David Moratal
A fully automated method for segmentation and classification of local field potential recordings. Preliminary results. 426-429 - Vojko Glaser, Ales Holobar:
On the impact of spike segmentation on motor unit identification in dynamic surface electromyograms. 430-433 - Usha Desai, Chempi Gurudas Nayak, G. Seshikala
, Roshan Joy Martis:
Automated diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease using pattern recognition approach. 434-437 - Martijn Bousse
, Griet Goovaerts
, Nico Vervliet, Otto Debals, Sabine Van Huffel, Lieven De Lathauwer:
Irregular heartbeat classification using Kronecker Product Equations. 438-441 - Heather M. O'Leary, Juan Manuel Mayor, Chi-Sang Poon, Walter E. Kaufmann, Mustafa Sahin
Classification of respiratory disturbances in Rett Syndrome patients using Restricted Boltzmann Machine. 442-445 - Dongsuk Sung
, Jeehoon Kim, Myung Jun Koh, Kwang Suk Park:
ECG authentication in post-exercise situation. 446-449 - Hany Ferdinando, Tapio Seppänen, Esko Alasaarela:
Bivariate empirical mode decomposition for ECG-based biometric identification with emotional data. 450-453 - Hanvit Kim, Minh Phuong Nguyen, Se Young Chun:
Cancelable ECG biometrics using GLRT and performance improvement using guided filter with irreversible guide signal. 454-457 - Fabian Schrumpf
, Gerold Bausch, Matthias Sturm, Mirco Fuchs
Similarity based hierarchical clustering of physiological parameters for the identification of health states - a feasibility study. 458-462 - Henry Candra
, Mitchell Yuwono, Rifai Chai
, Hung T. Nguyen
, Steven W. Su:
EEG emotion recognition using reduced channel wavelet entropy and average wavelet coefficient features with normal Mutual Information method. 463-466 - Tadanori Fukami, Takamasa Shimada, Bunnoshin Ishikawa:
Fast spike detection in EEG using eigenvalue analysis and clustering of spatial amplitude distribution. 467-470 - Mario Michael Krell
, Su Kyoung Kim
Rotational data augmentation for electroencephalographic data. 471-474 - Jean-Eudes Le Douget, Amal Fouad, Mohamed Maskani Filali, Jan Pyrzowski, Michel Le Van Quyen:
Surface and intracranial EEG spike detection based on discrete wavelet decomposition and random forest classification. 475-478