SMC 2009: San Antonio, TX, USA

Refine list

showing all ?? records

Human-Computer Interaction I

Assistive Technology I

Systems Safety and Security

Human-Computer Symbiosis for Information Retrieval

Soft Computing I

Image Processing/Pattern Recognition I

Discrete Event Systems

Computational Intelligence I

Human Centered Transportation System I

Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems and Control I

Manufacturing Systems and Automation I

Smart Sensor Networks I

Environmental Decision Support and Visualization Systems

Intelligent Learning in Control Systems I

Human-Computer Interaction II

Assistive Technology II

User Interface Design

Biometric systems and Bioinformatics I

Soft Computing II

Image Processing/Pattern Recognition II

Evolutionary Computation I

Computational Intelligence II

Human Centered Transportation System II

Fuzzy Logic Systems and Control II

Manufacturing Systems and Automation II

Smart Sensor Networks II